Cleveland Tea Party Patriots
For Immediate Release
June 27, 2009
Contact: Cleveland Tea Party Patriots
Saddle Up Tea Party Patriots we are taking a road trip! That's right - we are taking it to our legislators and going to Columbus to sit in on the House vote of HB 1 freshly out of conference committee.
After having only 2 last-minute public conference committee meetings, (the last one being tomorrow) and MANY private meetings to work out over 960 differences in the House & Senate version of HB 1 -- the House & Senate are preparing to vote on our budget.
This includes the latest gambling proposal by Gov. Strickland & an extensive lobbying effort to increase funding with money our state does not have!
We smell another Crap & Trade type passing of a bill!
Not only will we try to sit in on the vote, we will demand that the bill in its' entirety be read aloud. While we wait, we will go to the office of each member of the House & Senate asking if they read the whole bill and any amendments from the conference committee.
We will let every member of the House & Senate know that, if there are ANY earmarks in the bill, we demand that they vote NO!
- Place: State House
- Date: Monday June 29, 2009
- Time: 9:00am
- Directions: South on I-71 until you smell the stench! (Or click here) There is public parking under the State House and many public lots in the immediate area.