Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tea Party smack down!!

Tea Party Patriots have been uniting around this country to give ObamaCare the smack down. At Senator Claire "Acorn" McCaskill's recent Town Hall Meeting in St.Louis, over 1200 people showed up to a meeting that typically gets 150. Two weeks prior, her staff called the police on the St.Louis TPP who were protesting outside her office.

Listen for the crowds reaction.

But even better is the soldier who gives Mccaskill's staffer some much needed constitutional instruction.

Americans want affordable healthcare, NOT socialized healthcare. Why have they been so desperate to force a vote on this before the recess? One reason, they don't want to come home to crowds like this. Make no doubt that NE Ohio will give our non-representing representatives a tea party welcome.

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