The War of 1812 was the first declared war in the history of the United States of America, and it established the U. S Navy as a force to be reckoned with. The Navy is commemorating the bicentennial of the war with Navy Week in Cleveland, August 27 through September 4.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Navy Week in Cleveland
Saturday, August 25, 2012
"Why this Fat Cat Likes Obama's Tax Plan"
This letter appeared in a full-page ad in the New York Times the other day. It is making the rounds; the text below is from the Countervailing Truths blog:
(Full Page ad in the New York Times, August 20, 2012)
I certainly don't qualify for the Forbes 400 Richest Americans list, but it surely feels that way. With my income averaging close to eight figures annually for the past seven years and with personal expenditures comprising about 2% of such income (thereby qualifying me for a potential Forbes list of America's wealthiest tightwads), I have built a net worth far above anything to which I ever aspired. I simply don't know how to spend money (nor do I enjoy doing so), having purchased only one residence (a condo) in the past 40 years, one used car in 25 years, and detest wasting my time shopping. My one passion, travel, accounts for about half my expenditures.
I find my work as a sole, private equity investor challenging and intellectually stimulating and especially enjoy mentoring and interacting with my small staff of trusted employees. My father long ago taught me that individuals are nothing more than custodians of their funds, ultimately to be passed down to future generations, especially the less fortunate. I have taken this to heart and have aspired to a legacy goal of ultimately leaving $50 million to various charities. And with continued good fortune, perhaps higher.
My one significant regret (profoundly shared by my fiancee, Rachel Martin) is that my diligent and compulsive pursuit of my goals does not leave enough time to smell the rose. She wishes to travel more and she may very well achieve her wish! Assuming Barack Obama wins reelection and successfully achieves his redistributionist tax agenda ( with 39%+ marginal rates plus a 3.8% tax on investment income plus substantially high dividend and capital gains rates), I will find myself, when my high California taxes are added in, at a marginal rate of taxation well over 50%. This represents the crossing of an inviolate threshold to me and is entirely unacceptable. I realize paying taxes is a form of charitable giving in a sense, but if I'm the one that's doing the work and tendering the money, then I want to be the one who chooses the charity.
Consequently, should these tax laws go into effect, I probably will simply shutter my business and say my sweet farewells to half a dozen great employees (who are unlikely to equal their current remuneration elsewhere... if they are fortunate enough to get new jobs in this economy). I will then take my money and instead of productively employing it in venture capital, will stick it in short-term U.S. Treasuries, providing me with a moderately safe, extremely low-yielding investment on which the high tax rates are moot since there's virtually no income to tax.
And Rachel will get her dream come true, since I will finally be free of my compulsive financial pursuits, and health permitting we will live the luxurious lifestyle we both feel we deserve.
To the many charities which ultimately will have to settle for about half of what they could have received... my profound and deepest apologies. For the medical innovations which may be years delayed, the music which may never be performed, the shelter that might not be offered, I grieve. To Barack Obama, I say thank you... for freeing me from the yoke and bondage of my current endeavors and providing a new found freedom. I just hope, however, that there are not thousands and thousands of others in the same position as I am in... the multiplier effect on jobs, the economy and charitable giving could be devastating!
Norman Lizt
PO Box 1423
La Jolla, CA
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Occupy the Truth Roundup
We as citizens and patriots need to hold our media accountable. I watched in awe yesterday as Fox 8 reported on the theft of a candy jar by a drunk patron from a Cleveland restaurant. Yet, Occupy the Truth, with more than 1000 attendants did not even rate a ten second blurb. They interviewed the owner of the restaurant and showed video of the patron stealing the oversize jar of candy, etc. This is our media! Our politicians are robbing this country and this city blind. The bureaucrats are driving The United States, Ohio and Cleveland into the ground and they are reporting on candy theft! Emperor Obama fiddles while Rome burns and the lapdog media dances to the tune.
So what can we do about it? If we learned anything from the speakers yesterday it is that we are all citizen journalists. We need to take control of the narrative, the narrative of the truth. I'm going to list some sources below to get you started. Keep hammering on our local news outlets, demand they cover the trial of the Occupy terrorists. Demand that they treat the Tea Parties fairly, let's have an honest dialogue about what this administration is doing to this country.
Contact and Follow your Media:
NBC Affiliate WKYC
WKYC on Twitter
WKYC on Facebook
ABC Affiliate WEWS
WEWS on Twitter
WEWS on Facebook
CBS Affiliate WOIO Channel 19
WOIO on Twitter
WOIO on Facebook
Fox Affiliate WJW Fox8
Fox8 on Twitter
Fox8 on Facebook
Why we marched in the first place: A document describing the reason we rallied for Occupy the Truth
Post by Dana Loesch about Occupy the Truth
Check out Jim Hoft's blog The gateway Pundit for a great selections of articles on Occupy the Truth
It is very important that we as patriots stay informed. I have found one of the best ways of doing this is via Twitter and following other patriots. When news breaks it usually hits Twitter first then branches out from there. Facebook is good as well but we need to make sure we source our information. Make sure you have your facts correct and that you are on the side of truth. The truth always wins out in the end.
Follow us on twitter
Follow us on Facebook
Cleveland Tea Party Patriots on Flickr
Sonnie Johnson at Occupy The Truth
Tony Katz on Fox : talks about Occupy The Truth
Dana Loesch Pumps up "Occupy The Truth Rally"
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012
Gateway Pundit previews Occupy the Truth
In the Spirit of Andrew Breitbart Conservatives Will Confront Corrupt Media at “Occupy the Truth” March and Rally
Gateway Pundit previews the Saturday, Aug. 18 Occupy the Truth rally and march here. Highlights on WHY WE ARE MARCHING:
On May 1st, 2012, the FBI announced that members of Occupy Cleveland were arrested for attempting several acts of terrorism, including the detonation of what they thought was an explosive device in an effort to destroy a local bridge, as well as an attack on the Federal Reserve Bank. The FBI arrested 5 #Occupy Cleveland protesters for plotting to blow up the Cuyahoga Valley National Park Bridge The alleged terrorists repeatedly tried to blow up the bridge using C4 and cellphones.
Photos provided by the FBI show five men arrested Monday, April 30, 2012, and accused of plotting to blow up a bridge near Cleveland, Ohio, the FBI announced Tuesday, May 1, 2012. . . . There was no danger to the public because the explosives were inoperable and were controlled by an undercover FBI employee, the agency said Tuesday in announcing the men’s arrests. The target of the plot was a bridge that carries a four-lane state highway over part of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park in the Brecksville area, about 15 miles south of downtown Cleveland, the FBI said. (AP /FBI)
And yet later when the Democrat-media complex reported on this planned act of domestic terrorism, they whitewashed both the severity of the charges and the open links to Occupy, a movement endorsed by many in the Democrat party. This planned act of violence was parsed by the media for the sake of politics. in fact the main story that came from the AP went out of its way to hide the truth about the motivations and blatant connections of these alleged terrorists. This false narrative was spread to a myriad of publications.
Enough is Enough.
Americans should be able to trust that when their lives are at stake, safety trumps politics. This is yet another example of the media’s shocking politicization and malpractice. This is too important to be pushed aside. We’re not going to let them get away with it any more.
Join us.
On Saturday August 18th conservatives from across the Midwest will converge on Cleveland, Ohio and demand that the media report the truth on the #Occupy terrorists.
Join Michelle Malkin, Big Journalism’s Dana Loesch, Sonnie Johnson, Tony Katz,Jenny Beth Martin, Hating Breitbart director Andrew Marcus and Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit) in Cleveland.
More info here.
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Thursday, August 16, 2012
Occupy the Truth More Important than Ever
We are being told that the hundreds of thousands of people that gathered at Tea Party rallies across the country peacefully are violent radicals and extremists. We are being told that the Occupy Wall Street crowd, with thousands of arrests including rape, destruction of property and drug use, are to be admired and held up as examples of what America is all about. We are being told that if you want a responsible government that doesn't waste money and works within a budget (like every human being on the planet is expected to do) we are evil and soulless. Then in the next breath, we are told that it is necessary to spend trillions of dollars we don't even have, so that we can take care of those that refuse to lift a finger to help themselves. We are also told we need to give a free ride to people that are not even citizens of The United States.
How is it that we are called racists when we don't agree with our president, but a white vice president can tell a crowd of people in African-American vernacular that the banks and the GOP are going to put black people back in chains, with no repercussion whatsoever? Why is it The Tea Party is the go-to boogie man whenever a high profile crime occurs with a gun? And yet a leftist activist walks into a conservative non-profit screaming he "does not like their politics", opens fire and hardly a word is uttered on the evening news.
The media is guilty of malpractice can be the only sane conclusion. It is time for this to stop! That is why we are hosting Occupy the Truth. Please join us on August 18th, 2012 at the FREE stamp in Cleveland, Ohio. The truth must win out.
Speakers will include: Michelle Malkin | Dana Loesch | Jim Hoft | Tony Katz | Sonnie Johnson | Jenny Beth Martin and more!
Action Alert
If you are interested in helping out please message us on Facebook or email us
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Michelle Malkin blogs on Occupy The Truth
Monday, August 13, 2012
Dana Loesch to speak at Occupy The Truth
“Occupy the Truth” Tea Party Organizers Announce Addition of Conservative Rock Star DANA LOESCH to All-Star Lineup
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, August 13, 2012, 12:09 AM
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Occupy Cleveland #FAIL : Patriots "Occupy The Truth"!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Malkin on DHS, Tea Parties, and media bias
As you read my column below, bear in mind this new report that the Obama administration ordered that the the General Services Administration give special treatment to law-breaking Occupy protesters and dwell on the media whitewashing of the Occupy Cleveland terror plotters.
If you are in the Ohio area next week, we will be calling attention to the double standards and Occupy coddling of the MSM smear merchants. I’ll join my longtime friend and blogger extraordinaire Jim Hoft and Hating Breitbart director/documentarian Andrew Marcus at Occupy the Truth, Cleveland OH, August 18th, Willard Park/Freestamp Plaza, 11am-1pm. COME JOIN US!
Her column, "Revisiting the DHS Smear of the Tea Party Movement," is here.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Michelle Malkin to keynote Occupy The Truth
August 9, 2012, 8:00 a.m. CST
‘Occupy The Truth For Peace and Justice’ Tea Party Organizers Announce Keynote Speaker Michelle Malkin
—–Director of Hating Breitbart, Andrew Marcus, and Blogger Powerhouse Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit announce Michelle Malkin as Keynote Speaker for Tea Party Protest “Occupy The Truth” set for August 18th in Cleveland, Ohio—–
Cleveland, Ohio August 9, 2012 / — This morning, Filmmaker Andrew Marcus, Director of the upcoming documentary Hating Breitbart and Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit announce that media powerhouse Michelle Malkin will be the Keynote Speaker at “Occupy the Truth”. This Tea Party protest will shine the light on the dishonest coverage of the media of the attempted violent bombing planned by members of Occupy Cleveland. The event will be held at Willard Park/Freestamp Plaza in Cleveland, Ohio near the site of the planned bombing on August 18th.
Malkin is a widely read conservative blogger with one of the largest digital footprints in politics on the web. She is a Fox News contributor, syndicated writer and highly successful New York Times best selling author of multiple books on politics and culture and is the founder of Hot Air News Site and Her keen understanding of the rapidly expanding social media arena, and its impact on shaping the political narrative, has resulted in her recent launch of Twitchy, a ground-breaking entrant in the Twitter curation/aggregation space.
Malkin will join speakers Marcus, Hoft, and additional speakers to be announced in the coming week.
Hoft opines, “I have known Michelle for years. She has been, and continues to be, one of the most powerful voices in American politics. She has consistently been willing to hold the mainstream media accountable for their continued, chronic media malpractice. She is, without question, one of the most fearless voices of truth in the American political dialogue. Her willingness to come to Cleveland, the scene of the almost crime, and call attention to the embarrassing, willful collaboration of the media with the Occupy movement, is an indication of just how important it is that all of us, whenever possible, force the media to Occupy the Truth.”
Marcus elaborates, “The media would be happy if their lack of intellectual and professional vigor was swept under the carpet. Indeed, it happens so regularly. They don’t want to see everyday Americans questioning them. And in another era, at another time, that might have happened. But because of people like Andrew Breitbart and Michelle Malkin, the playing field has undergone a dramatic change. The mainstream media no longer not only owns the narrative, they no longer even own the news cycle. THEY might want this important story to go away, but the American people deserve to know the truth. If they won’t cover it, we will. We are grateful and excited that Michelle will be a part of this important event.”
It’s time for our voices to be heard. Join us on August 18th in Cleveland.
For more information or to schedule interviews, contact Jim Hoft (@GatewayPundit) at & Andrew Marcus (@HatingBreitbart)
SOURCE Hating Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, Cleveland Tea Party Patriots
SAT. AUGUST 18 * 11am-1pm
Willard Park at the Free Stamp
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Occupy movement and Sen. Sherrod Brown
Occupy movement that Sherrod Brown praises tried to blow up NE Ohio bridge
by Nick (aka Bytor) @ 12:59 PMIt was only a matter of time. We've watched with disgust as our Senator Sherrod Brown heaps praise on the the nakedly communist movement known as Occupy Wall Street. He has even co-opted their language on his own website. Now, the Occupy vermin are actively engaging in terrorism.
Five people have been arrested for trying to blow up a bridge here in Northeast Ohio.The final plan allegedly named the Route 82 Brecksville-Northfield High Level Bridge, which crosses from Brecksville to Sagamore Hills, as the designated target. The IED drop location was reportedly under the bridge on the Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail near the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad Brecksville Station.So who are these guys?
The suspects were identified Tuesday as Brandon Baxter, 20; Anthony Hayne, 35; Joshua Stafford, 23; Connor Stevens, 20; and Douglas Wright, 26, Fox affiliate WJW-TV reported.
Brandon Baxter is a member of Occupy Cleveland and was previously arrested at an Occupy Cleveland demonstration. Here is a picture of him at the Occupy Cleveland encampment. He also talked about plans to derail a passenger train off of a railroad bridge. Another target was the Valley View bridge, which any Northeast Ohioan will tell you would have caused massive loss of life. If blown up during rush hour, there would have been hundreds dead. Below is a capture of his Facebook page. (Down the page, he lists Sherrod Brown as one of his interests.)
Several of the others also list Occupy Cleveland as their "occupation". The Occupy movement has been warning of massive May Day protests, but most people have been focused on New York City. It hits a little too close to home when you find out that they could have blown up a bridge and killed people right here in Ohio.
We have denounced these scumbag Occupiers and their crime-ridden demonstrations from the very beginning. But not Sherrod Brown. He embraced the movement, even though they have been involved in thousands of arrests, including rape. But he scolded the people who demonstrate peacefully at Tea Party protests, where not a single arrest has ever been required. When it comes between the freedom-loving patriots on the right, and the America-hating, terrorist communists on the left, Sherrod Brown has made it clear who he stands with.
Update: As of now, May 1st, 2012, Brown's own website still makes it clear that Sherrod stands with Occupy Wall Street. Click here for a screen capture that Jason archived.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
“Occupy The Truth” August 18
(Sun., Aug, 5, 2012) From the Rep. Gabby Giffords shooting to the latest tragedy in Colorado, before the blood has even dried, with wall to wall coverage -- the mainstream media (MSM), the progressive pundits and talking heads on the left have been quick to assign blame for these tragedies on Tea Party influences or Tea Party supporters.
This inaccurate, irresponsible, biased and agenda-driven avalanche of media coverage is done in the so-called name of serving the public with the news & the truth. In fact, it has been proven as the TRUTH, there were never any "Tea Party" connections to any of these senseless tragedies.
In a stark but telling contrast, as they step up to serve as the Democrat & liberals’ "grassroots" answer to the peaceful and patriotic Tea Party movement, the "Occupy" movements’ continued campaign of civil unrest, catastrophe and chaos on the American public, still go unreported by the MSM.
Giving more coverage to Olympic swimwear, the Mainstream Media has all but whitewashed the attempted death and destruction caused in May of this year, when members of the "Occupy Cleveland", to affect the political landscape, tried blowing up two targets: the Cuyahoga Valley National Bridge, which carries nearly 14,000 vehicles a day, and the Federal Reserve Bank in busy downtown Cleveland, Ohio.
Patriots - It is time to "OCCUPY the Truth"
On August 18th at the Free Stamp Plaza (Willard Park) in downtown Cleveland, OH, Filmmaker Andrew Marcus, Director of the upcoming documentary Hating Breitbart, Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit and the Cleveland Tea Party Patriots will be holding an "Occupy the Truth" Tea Party protest against the dishonest coverage and cover-up by the media of the attempted terrorist bombings planned by members of Occupy Cleveland.
As Andrew Breitbart said, “The media class is the wall we need to climb over in order for our voices to be heard. Once our voices are heard then democracy will happen.”
It’s time for our voices to be heard. Join us on August 18th in Cleveland (time to be announced). We will have a special guest --- so stay tuned for more details!
For more information or to schedule interviews, contact Jim Hoft (@GatewayPundit) at, Andrew Marcus (@HatingBreitbart) at or Ralph King at
The event will be held on August 18th at Willard Park / Freestamp Plaza in Cleveland, Ohio near the site of one of the planned bombings.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
From Gateway Pundit: Occupy The Truth August 18 * In Cleveland
August 4, 2012, 1 p.m. EDT
Tea Party Protest Announced:
Occupy The Truth * August 18th, Cleveland, OH
— Director of Hating Breitbart, Andrew Marcus, and Blogger Powerhouse Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit announce a Tea Party Protest “Occupy The Truth” set for August 18thin Cleveland, Ohio—
Washington, D.C., August 4, 2012 / — Today, Filmmaker Andrew Marcus, Director of the upcoming documentary Hating Breitbart and Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit announced a Tea Party protest against the dishonest coverage and cover-up by the media of the attempted terrorist bombings planned by members of Occupy Cleveland. The event will be held on August 18th at Willard Park / Freestamp Plaza in Cleveland, Ohio near the site of the planned bombings. A march for truth and justice is planned.
Marcus explains, “On May 1st, 2012, the FBI announced that members of Occupy Cleveland were arrested for attempting several acts of terrorism, including the detonation of what they thought was an explosive device in an effort to destroy the Cuyahoga Valley bridge, as well as an attack on the Federal Reserve Bank. And yet when the Mainstream Media reported on this planned act of domestic terrorism, they whitewashed both the severity of the charges and the open links to Occupy, a movement endorsed by many in the Democrat party. This planned act of violence should not be parsed by the media for the sake of politics. Americans should be able to trust that when their lives are at stake, safety trumps politics. This is yet another example of the media’s shocking politicization and malpractice. This is too important to be pushed aside. We’re not going to let them get away with it any more.”
Hoft expands, “ Because the main story came from the AP, and that version went out of its way to hide the truth about the motivations and blatant connections of these alleged terrorists, the false narrative was spread to a myriad of publications. This is an injustice to the truth and an insult. How many people must die before they report the truth about this dangerous far left group.”
The announcement came, by no accident, at the Americans for Prosperity’s 6th Annual Defending the American Dream Summit panel, led by Marcus, Hoft and radio host Tony Katz, entitled “Being Breitbart.”
As Andrew Breitbart said, “The media class is the wall we need to climb over in order for our voices to be heard. Once our voices are heard then democracy will happen.”
It’s time for our voices to be heard. Join us on August 18th in Cleveland. We have a special guest who will be there.
For more information or to schedule interviews, contact Jim Hoft (@GatewayPundit) at & Andrew Marcus (@HatingBreitbart)
SOURCE Hating Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, Cleveland Tea Party Patriots
Friday, August 3, 2012
Gateway Pundit to announce grassroots event
August 2, 2012, 3:00 p.m. EDT
Major Announcement to Come Saturday at Americans For Prosperity Event Saturday August 4, 2012
Director of Hating Breitbart, Andrew Marcus, and Blogger Powerhouse Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit plan a major announcement to grassroots activists this Saturday in Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C., August 2, 2012 / — Filmmaker Andrew Marcus, Director of the upcoming documentary Hating Breitbart and Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit today revealed that they will be making a major announcement this Saturday at the Americans for Prosperity’s 6th AnnualDefending the American Dream Summit.
The event will be held in Washington, D.C. and will feature leaders in the grassroots movement and will be attended by more than 1000 grassroots activists from across the Nation. Marcus and Hoft will be featured on the panel “Being Breitbart” along with radio host Tony Katz.
Asked for a hint of the announcement, Marcus said, “It’s time to hold the mainstream media to account and that’s what we’re going to do.” Hoft followed with, “Enough is enough. We will be silent no more.”
As Andrew Breitbart said, “The media class is the wall we need to climb over in order for our voices to be heard. Once our voices are heard then democracy will happen.”
On Saturday, our voices will be heard.
For more information or to schedule interviews, contact Jim Hoft or Andrew Marcus.
SOURCE Hating Breitbart, Gateway Pundit