Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

All you need to do is vote.

Is it going to be Biden landslide?  A Trump landslide?  Who believes any of the polls?  Kurt Schlichter has encouraging words in the final days before Election Day. His article at TownHall about the propaganda psy-ops begins:

The next few days will be a Cat 5 hurricane of mainstream media spin and Democrat bullSchiff designed to make you think that you’ve already lost this election. They want your morale shattered, your spirit broken, and you to put a lid on your participation in saving your country from leftist tyranny.

It’s all a lie.

It’s a psychological operation designed to keep you on the sidelines.

We got this.

All you need to do is vote.

And his full article is here. 

For what it is worth, we cased out the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections today, and the line to vote in person stretched most of the way down East 30 St.  Probably a two-hour wait.  And that was on Thursday afternoon.  There were campaign signs everywhere, extra police and sheriff presences, and I expect it will be much the same on Election Day.

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Journalism: RIP. Again.

 Instapundit published this today:


Or click here.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Big Tech Election Interference


The headline is scary enough: “Election interference: YouTube is suppressing videos about Joe, Hunter, and Ukraine.”  Michio Hasai provides ugly details in his posting at The NOQReport:

Good luck finding a video on YouTube that details ANYTHING other than positive spin and fake debunking of the Hunter Biden laptop story.

This news will be shocking to none of our readers. If you’ve followed us for a while, you know that we’ve documented dozens of cases of censorship and suppression on Big Tech publishers like Facebook, Twitter, Google, and their video giant YouTube, among others. We’ve also shown how they’ve all placed various “fact-check warnings” on content, including ours, even when the facts detailed in the content are beyond reproach.

The latest as well as one of the most consequential moves by YouTube as it pertains to the election is their suppression and fact-checking of videos searched for through keywords like “Hunter Biden Ukraine” and “Joe Biden Ukraine.” As far as YouTube and its unsuspecting visitors know, there’s nothing afoul with the Bidens’ suspicious and likely treacherous dealings with Burisma and the Ukrainian government. . . .

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YouTube has gone to great lengths to “fact-check” and often suppress content that runs counter to their accepted political agenda. If it could possibly hurt Democrats, they suppress. If it can hurt President Trump or Republicans, they amplify. That’s their modus operandi.

The full report is here.  We all know people who are blissfully unaware that the information they see or read is censored.  So spread the word.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Trump flies the flag; Trump fan flies a sign

One of the fun stories I read about Trump during the 2016 election cycle was about his run-in with the city fathers in Palm Beach over his flagpole at Mar-A-Lago.  I don’t remember the exact details, but there was a zoning ordinance restricting flagpole heights to, say, 30 feet.  Trump’s flagpole flying the American flag was maybe 20 feet over the zoning maximum.  City council kept levying fines for the violation, he kept flying the flag, and eventually, he proposed that he pay the accumulated fines, but only if the city council contributed the money to a veteran’s organization.  They agreed, he paid the fine, and the money went to his designated organizational recipient.  Then he had his staff bring in 20 feet high worth of dirt, shoved the dirt under the flagpole, remounted the same flagpole, so it was still 50 feet high.  There was nothing the city council could do, since the height of the flagpole met their regulations, and he merely out-foxed them with the 20-foot high pitcher’s mound.  My recollection of the details may be a bit off, but the gist of the story is correct.  He got his high-flying American flag while outwitting the Palm Beach Council. 

And in the spirit of that story, here’s a photo from social media showing a Trump fan tearing a page from the same playbook:

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The March of The Deplorables


Some good news over at Conservative Treehouse. Sundance begins his report titled “The March of The Deplorables – President Trump’s Army Has Chased Biden Off Campaign Trail”:

In early October a large number of Latino supporters for Trump in Miami-Dade county Florida surprised the Biden-Harris campaign by swarming a local Kamala Harris event.

It happened again… and then again… And then by mid-October the organically occurring approach started to catch fire.

The Deplorables are on the march, and their assembled visibility, the political optics, have destroyed the media narrative.

The downstream impact on the messaging of the Biden-Harris campaign, their surrogates and the DNC club writ large, is devastating.  That’s almost certainly the real reason Joe Biden has abandoned his in-person campaigning.

Read the rest here. It’s a pick-me-up in the face of all the relentlessly bad headlines.

And in other fun news, the other day, Joe Biden referred to the Trump supporters showing up at his rally as “chumps.”  Actor James Woods immediately tweeted that he was “Proud to be a #ChumpForTrump.  I’m waiting for the t-shirts and mugs.

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Monday, October 26, 2020

Harvesting Granny


George Parry’s columns appear at his own website, knowledgeisgood.net, and also at The American Spectator.  His column today looks at ballot harvesting today through his own first-hand perspective.  Here’s an excerpt:

In the latest creative political use of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Democrats are warning that we will be risking infection if we vote in person at the polls. So it is that the Democrats are promoting yet another new public health protocol: voting by mail instead of risking death at the polls. Apparently, while it is safe enough to socially distance at the supermarket, the pharmacy, or big box stores, polling places will be COVID-19 death traps. So, to save lives, the ever-thoughtful Democrats insist that, in the upcoming presidential election, we stay safe by using the mail-in ballots being sent to every registered voter — living or dead — on a massive scale never before attempted in American history.

President Trump and others have raised the warning of potential voter fraud posed by the widespread use of universal, unrequested mail-in ballots. In response, the Democrats insist that there is no evidence supporting Trump’s claim. But, if history and common sense are any guides, mail-in ballots will make it easier for Democrats to “harvest the votes” of those living or dead who will have no role in casting them.

The term of political art for this practice when used in nursing homes is “granny harvesting.” The confused or mentally disabled residents need only sign their names to the ballots, and others will fill in the rest. As illegal, outrageous, and damaging to democracy as this scam may be, the use of mail-in ballots will be a far more humane and efficient way to steal the election than transporting busloads of enfeebled and confused senior citizens from nursing homes to polling places and escorting them into the voting booth to make sure they vote the right way. It also eliminates the need to abandon the occasional old-timer who won’t play ball. After all, as I can tell you from personal experience, an abandoned, desperate, and sobbing white-haired granny in a wheelchair is a bad look for the Party of Compassion.

So will the Democrats try to steal the 2020 election by harvesting mail-in ballots? Why wouldn’t they? If indeed the past is prologue, then we should not expect the party whose operatives corrupted our intelligence agencies to spy on candidate Donald Trump, attempted to frame President Trump for nonexistent collusion with Russia, and impeached him without a scintilla of justification, to hesitate for a nanosecond to use universal mail-in ballots to harvest the “votes” of grannies, convicts, and dead people to defeat the one man who stands between them and their dream of total control of our lives.

Read the rest here. Our household will be voting in person on Election Day. 

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