The Cleveland Tea Party Patriots salute all our veterans & soldiers. Please take time today & remember our fallen warriors & those currently serving...
Without their sacrifice - we would have no Nation for God to Bless!
The Cleveland Tea Party Patriots salute all our veterans & soldiers. Please take time today & remember our fallen warriors & those currently serving...
Without their sacrifice - we would have no Nation for God to Bless!
Now is your chance to fight back for Arizona!
Under the pressure of pro-amnesty groups more and more cities are coming out against AZ's new Immigration -- we need to help them fight back against these full-frontal assaults on their rights as a sovereign state of this great nation.
With the City of Cleveland being just one of the area cities jumping on the band wagon against AZ, you can be sure with a new County Council being seated in Cuyahoga County, this will soon follow at a county level. We cannot allow that to happen and must be proactive in stopping it.
Below you will find a template for a Resolution supporting the AZ Immigration Bill. We are encouraging everyone to copy & paste it for presentation to your City Council's for passage.
On May 17, 2010 Cleveland City Council passed Resolution 675, which opposes Arizona's Senate Bill 1070 and supports Comprehensive Immigration Reform. It has been said that Columbus, Cincinnati, Dayton, Lorain and Toledo will be asked to pass similar resolutions.
The Grassroots Rally Team of Ohio has a Resolution which supports Arizona. The resolution was drafted with the help of Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI). We will be taking this resolution to our townships, villages and cities asking they pass this resolution to support Arizona.
This is a grassroots effort to combat the anti-Arizona resolutions that are being passed in cities. We're asking you to stand with us in supporting Arizona, by asking your community to pass this resolution.
In January, he broke the Democrats’ lock on the Senate.
On Thursday, he gave it back.
Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) effectively became the 60th vote to cut off debate on Wall Street reform Thursday – a far cry from when Republicans were hailing him as the 41st GOPer who was going to stand up to the Democrats’ agenda. Brown also voted "yes" on final passage.
Brown’s vote allowed Democrats to move swiftly toward final passage of one of President Barack Obama’s top legislative priorities, a day after he was accused of breaking his word by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who said Brown had promised to vote yes Wednesday.
By Thursday, though, Brown switched from no to yes, after a talk with Reid and a full-on sales-pitch from Democrats in the Massachusetts delegation, including Sen. John Kerry, who made the pitch that the bill is good for the state. Brown met Kerry at the Democrat's Georgetown home at 6 a.m. Thursday for a bike ride where they discussed the pending bill extensively, Brown said.
“I spoke at length over a 40 mile bike-ride with Senator Kerry about it,” Brown said exiting the floor after casting his vote Thursday. “It was this morning, and he’s a very good athlete.”
Kerry, who had hip replacement surgery in January, rode with Brown all the way to Great Falls, Md., an aide to the Democrat confirmed to POLITICO.
House Financial Service Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) also talked to Brown – telling him that his concerns about the impact on home-state financial firms such as Fidelity and State Street would be addressed.
It wasn’t simply home-state pride. Democrats needed Brown when it became clear that the ‘no’ votes of Democratic senators Maria Cantwell of Washington and Russ Feingold of Wisconsin couldn’t be flipped.
The vote – and perhaps even his long conversation with Kerry – seem sure to give Brown trouble with the government-wary Tea Party movement that backed his candidacy to take Sen. Ted Kennedy’s seat. Grassroots supporters who once heralded Brown responded to the senator's vote immediately on social media such as Facebook and Twitter, accusing him of being a "liar" and "Republican in name only." Read more....
History of PCCOH
Ever since the August 1, 2009 Liber-Tea Party in Columbus, which was the first call to rally support around an Ohio Sovereignty Amendment, Al Wilson/PCCOH has been working closely with Ohio Senator Tim Grendell, in order to ensure that the language in the amendment and the language in the Senate bill(s) were consistent, and that the Senate efforts and PCCOH efforts strengthened each other to enhance the chances of passage. Sen. Grendell has formally endorsed the PCCOH Ohio Sovereignty Amendment.
Substance of PCCOH
The PCCOH amendment is a comprehensive sovereignty amendment, intended to protect Ohio residents from intrusive federal legislation, regulation, and mandates. The language has been drafted to protect Ohioans from healthcare mandates, Cap and Trade, amnesty for illegals, card check, and so on - all bills that are either already enacted by Congress or are coming down the pike. If the PCCOH amendment gets enough signatures to get on the ballot, there will be no need to gather signatures for any other sovereignty amendment.
In addition, because its protection extends to so many areas of de facto or potential federal encroachment, the OH Tea Party groupsPatriot will be able to look to other organizations concerned with particular issues (e.g., groups opposing amnesty or gun control ) to join in the signature-gathering, thus increasing the likelihood of success. The text of the draft as approved is on the PCCOH website at .
Signatures Needed:
To get on the election ballot, the petition needs 400,000 registered Ohio voter signatures + 200,000 additional registered Ohio voter signatures to cover the inevitable disqualification of signatures. PCCOH recommends 700,000 signatures to absolutely guarantee success.
In order to get this amendment onto the November 2010 ballot, volunteers would need to collect at least 600,000 signatures by June 20, since 10 days are needed to process the petitions prior to the official June 30 deadline. But that leaves only about 30 days for canvassing, which translates into collecting 20,000 signatures per day.
A more realistic timeframe is to aim to get this amendment on the ballot for the May 2011 election, which means we have a mid-December 2010 deadline for submission. Every signature that we collect prior to June 20, 2010 remains valid if we submit in December 2010.
Seven northern Ohio groups have already signed on to work with the PCCOH on signature-gathering. They will be looking for team captains to take on specific geographic areas. The first priority will be to identify participating organizations and groups in Ohio , and then team captains from those groups. Specific plans will follow from each participating group.
About The Ohio Tea Party Patriots
The Ohio Tea Party Patriots & affiliate groups consists of conservative minded organizitions in the great state of Ohio. Cleveland 9.12 Project/ Medina Tea Party Patriots / Mansfield Tea Party Patriots / Geauga - Lake County Tea Party Patriots / Buckeye Lake Tea Party Patriots / Bowling Green Ohio Tea Party Patriots / Cleveland Tea Party Patriots / Geauga 9-12 Patriots
About The Tea Party Patriots (
The Tea Party Patriots is a non-partisan, national organization whose core principles are Limited Government, Fiscal Responsibility, and a Free Market Society.
According to the Columbus Dispatch, Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman has banned work-related travel to Arizona. He wants to send a message to Arizona that the new immigration law is not the American way. Click here to read the entire article.It’s time to stand with Arizona and to voice our support for Arizona Senate Bill 1070. We ask you to contact the Mayor's office and politely, respectfully express your concerns about his recent decision to boycott Arizona.
Mayor Coleman’s Office
Phone: 614-645-7671
Fax: 614-645-5818
Email: mac@columbus.govJoin us in thanking Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer
Since the signing of SB 1070, Governor Jan Brewer and her state have been scorned and mocked for upholding the law. As Tea Party Patriots, we need to show our support for Gov. Brewer’s actions. Please contact the Arizona Governor’s office and thank her for standing up for America’s laws. Tell her that Ohio stands with Arizona in this fight to protect our country, its boarders and our citizens.
Governor Jan Brewer’s Office
T: 602-542-4331 / 1-(800) 253-0883
F: 602-542-1381
Here is a very compelling video put out by the Governor’s office:
President Obama on Wednesday took another shot at Arizona's new immigration law, saying even last-minute changes leave open the "possibility" of racial profiling, and urged Congress to pass an immigration legalization proposal drafted by Senate Democrats.
In a joint appearance in the Rose Garden, Mr. Obama and Mexican President Felipe Calderon offered little in the way of specific solutions to several thorny topics of discussion that ranged from the Arizona law to the violent smuggling of drugs and weapons across the border to ongoing trade disputes.
But in pointed remarks, Mr. Obama said he sympathized with Arizona's frustration over federal inaction on immigration but agreed with Mr. Calderon the state's new law could lead to discrimination. He also said Republicans are holding up efforts to reform immigration policies.
"I think a fair reading of the language of the statute indicates that it gives the possibility of individuals who are deemed suspicious of being illegal immigrants from being harassed or arrested. And the judgments that are going to be made in applying this law are troublesome," Mr. Obama told reporters.
For his part Mr. Calderon, speaking at an earlier arrival ceremony with Mr. Obama, said the law shows that Mexican migrants "face discrimination" in Arizona. More...
From the Ohio Valley Tea Party --
Barack Obama will be in Youngstown on Tuesday at V&M Star Steel according to a Business Journal article.
According to the article, he will be speaking at approximately 1:30pm. So if you are available, it would be great to give him a Tea Party welcome. Bring plenty of signs and please remember to keep them clean and civil. I have also been informed that the workers at the plant have been encouraged to stay home from work that day. (For whatever that is worth)
Please remember this is intended to be a peaceful demonstration / protest of agenda, policy and performance not the person.
“Love the sinner, hate the sin” if you will. News crews will be on hand so please be careful what you say or do.
Here is a link to a Yahoo Map to help you find the place. Hope to see you there!
Amazing! It appears Holder would rather draw his looney legal conclusions from the liberal fish wraps and the MSM instead of reading the actual Bill itself!
Despite a favorable electoral climate for Republicans and former Rep. Rob Portman's huge funding advantage over his Democratic opponent in the contest for Ohio's U.S. Senate seat, polls show the race in a dead heat.
Conservatives and "tea party" activists say Mr. Portman's record as a moderate Republican has failed to fire up not only core GOP voters but also what may prove just as important to victory - the "tea party" movement. Complicating the picture is the failure of that movement to meet expectations in some of the May 4 Ohio GOP primary elections.
Mr. Portman's resume, though extensive, has elements that raise red flags for conservatives - his service in the White House of President George H.W. Bush, who raised taxes and enlarged government; his election to six terms in the U.S. House, where he voted for the kind of spending that tea party supporters oppose; and his service as U.S. trade representative and then budget director in the big-spending George W. Bush administration.
"The tea party sees Portman as the establishment's guy, so the GOP establishment now is saying, 'Don't dismiss him just because he's a party guy,' " Ralph King, a coordinator for the Ohio Tea Party Patriots, told The Washington Times. "But that's asking us to look past his record - giving money to the United Nations and opposing [Colorado Republican] Tom Tancredo's try for a border measure in Congress."
That resume may explain why Mr. Portman, 54, is in a close race with the Democratic candidate, Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher, 58, to fill the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Republican Sen. George V. Voinovich, offering Democrats one of their few chances nationwide to "pick up" a Senate seat.
Real Clear Politics lists the race as a tossup, and its average of the four latest polls in Ohio shows Mr. Fisher leading Mr. Portman by 0.7 percentage point. The Democrat also holds a modest lead in all three of the most recent polls, with Mr. Portman favored only in a Public Policy Polling survey taken March 20-21. None of the polls has given a big edge to either man, but they are surprising for an election year not particularly congenial to Democrats. More....
After a week of preemptive attacks on a possible IMF bailout of Greece, Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) introduces the European Bailout Protection Act, aimed at preventing taxpayer dollars from going to a rescue plan.
"This legislation would require that countries like Greece cut spending and put their own fiscal house in order," says Pence, backed up by other members of the House GOP, "instead of looking to the United States for a bailout. We face record unemployment and a debt crisis of our own, and American taxpayers should not be forced to bear the risk for nations that have avoided making tough choices."
The full release is below the fold, with the detail that the bill "does not permanently prohibit the IMF from lending" to the troubled counties. Nevertheless, Ezra Klein is not a fan of this proposal.(Thanks to my colleague Ben Pershing.)
U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, joined Conference Vice-Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Committee Rep. Jerry Lewis, Rep. Jeb Hensarling, and Rep. Kay Granger in introducing legislation today to stop U.S. tax dollars from being used by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for bailouts for European countries. Rep. Pence released the following statement today as the European Bailout Protection Act was introduced:
“The American people are fed up with taxpayer-funded bailouts and deserve to know we are bailing out Greece and possibly other European countries. If the Obama Administration has its way, the U.S. will contribute to a nearly trillion dollar bailout of European countries with economic crises that are a direct result of wasteful government spending.
“This legislation would require that countries like Greece cut spending and put their own fiscal house in order, instead of looking to the United States for a bailout. We face record unemployment and a debt crisis of our own, and American taxpayers should not be forced to bear the risk for nations that have avoided making tough choices.
The European Bailout Protection Act would:
1) Prohibit any funds that have yet to be drawn by the IMF from being used to provide financing to any EU countries until all EU nations are in compliance with the debt to GDP ratio requirement in their own collective growth pact.
2) Require the Treasury Secretary to oppose any IMF loans to EU nations until all EU countries are in compliance with their debt to GDP ratio requirement.
The bill does not permanently prohibit the IMF from lending to these nations; it simply prohibits the U.S. from participating in the proposed European bailout.
The federal budget deficit hit an all-time high for the month of April as government revenue fell sharply.
The Treasury Department said Wednesday the April deficit soared to $82.7 billion, the largest imbalance for that month on record. That was significantly higher than last year's April deficit of $20 billion and above the $30 billion deficit private economists had anticipated.
The government normally runs surpluses in April as millions of taxpayers file their income tax returns. However, income tax payments were down this April, reflecting the impact of the recession which has pushed millions of people out of work.
Total revenues for April were down 7.9 percent from a year ago, dipping to $245.3 billion.
The Obama administration forecast in February that the deficit for this year will hit an all-time high of $1.56 trillion, surpassing the current record of $1.4 trillion set last year. Many private economists believe this year's imbalance will be closer to the $1.4 trillion set last year and that deficits will remain high for years to come.
The trillion-dollar-plus deficits are being driven by the impact of the recession, which has cut government tax revenue while driving up spending.
Analysts estimate that roughly one-third of the increase in the deficits over the past two years came from lost revenue — the result of fewer people working and lower corporate profits. Another third is from increased government spending that normally occurs in a downturn, such as higher payments for unemployment benefits and food stamps. The final third reflects the added government spending on the $787 billion stimulus bill and the $700 billion financial bailout. (More....)
We must not allow the hard work you have done in the fight against government run health care go to waste -- we must continue this fight, but now it needs to be at the state level. Our efforts must be channeled into areas where we can have a reasonable expectation of success. In the the same way we did in D.C., we now need to fill up the phones, faxes and emails in Columbus.
One of the avenues in which we can achieve this reasonable expectation of success comes from reconcentrating our efforts in supporting Senate Bill 244 sponsored by OH State Senator Shannon Jones & OH State Senator Tim Grendell. As introduced, SB 244 would prohibit requiring an individual to maintain a policy of health insurance in the State of Ohio.
Being introduced when the OH House goes back into session on 5/11/2010, OH Rep. Barbara Sears will be introducing OH House Bill 489 (HB 489) which would also prohibit requiring an individual to maintain a policy of health insurance in the State of Ohio and will be a companion bill to SB 244.
Here is the text of HB 489 as it will be introduced on 5/11/2010....As Introduced
128th General Assembly
Regular Session 2009-2010H. B. No. 489
Representatives Boose, Sears
Cosponsors: Representatives Adams, J., Adams, R., Amstutz, Bacon, Baker, Blair, Bubp, Burke, Coley, Combs, Derickson, Evans, Goodwin, Grossman, Hite, Hottinger, Huffman, Jordan, Lehner, Maag, Martin, McGregor, Mecklenborg, Morgan, Ruhl, Stautberg, Stebelton, Wachtmann
To enact section 3901.711 of the Revised Code to prohibit requiring an individual to obtain or maintain a policy of health insurance.
Section 1. That section 3901.711 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:
Sec. 3901.711. (A)(1) No individual who is a resident of this state, regardless of whether the individual has or is eligible for health insurance coverage under any policy or program provided by or through the individual's employer, or a plan sponsored by this state or the federal government, shall be required to obtain or
maintain a policy of individual health insurance coverage.
(2) No provision of Chapter 1751. or Title XXXIX of the Revised Code shall render an individual who is a resident of this state liable for any penalty, assessment, fee, or fine as a result of the individual's failure to procure or obtain health insurance coverage.
(3) No public official, employee, or agent of this state or any political subdivision shall impose, collect, enforce, or effectuate any penalty as a result of the failure of an individual who is a resident of this state to procure or obtain health insurance coverage.
(B) The attorney general shall seek injunctive or any other appropriate relief as expeditiously as possible to preserve the rights and property of the residents of this state, and to defend as necessary this state, its officials, employees and agents in the event that any government, subdivision, or government agency enacts or adopts any law, rule, or regulation that violates division (A) of this section.
(C) This section shall not apply to individuals voluntarily applying for coverage under the medicaid program established under Chapter 5111. of the Revised Code or the children's health insurance program established under sections 5101.50 to 5101.529 of the Revised Code.
Contact OH House Speaker Armond Budish. Please inform Speaker Budish that as an OH resident you support this proposed legislation and ask that he do the same.
Speaker Armond Budish
77 S. High St 14th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Phone: (614) 466-5441 Fax: (614) 719-0008
Email: district08@ohr.state.oh.usContact your OH House Rep and ask that they publicly declare their support for HB 489. To find your OH House member click here for their contact information.
If you have not yet done so, please consider signing the online petition supporting State Senator Shannon Jones. You can read & sign the on-line petition in support of SB 244 by clicking here.
The LARGE majority of people in greater Cleveland want the traffic cams in Cleveland to go away.
We need your help in gathering signatures on the petitions to have this issue put on the ballot for November's election.
We were at the West Side Market on May 1st and it is a tremendously productive place to gather signatures.
If you can help out for an hour or more, that would be incredibly helpful.
We will be on the parking lot side of the market, right where you enter the market. If you go to the link below, we will meet at the intersection where it shows Market St. and W. 24th.
- Date: Saturday, May 8, 2010
- Time: 9:00am - 2:00pm
- Location: West Side Market - 1979 West 25th Street, Cleveland, OH
Here's a map of where the market is:,+OH&cid=0,0,12372574425359174750&ei=gd7cS6aBN5TSNb-c_NMH&ved=0CAcQnwIwAA&ll=41.48664,-81.702983&spn=0.007008,0.01354&z=16
No candidates will be speaking!
The initial law, signed by Gov. Jan Brewer last week, required police to determine a person's immigration status if officers formed a reasonable suspicion about their legality during any "lawful contact." That led to suggestions by some legal experts that police would be obligated to scrutinize even people who asked for directions.
Lawmakers on Thursday night changed the language to require scrutiny only of people who police stop, detain or arrest. They also changed a section of the bill that barred officers from "solely" using race as grounds for suspecting someone is in the country illegally; opponents had argued that that would allow race to be a factor. The legislators removed the word "solely" to bar race from being used by officers enforcing the law.
"It absolutely clarifies what the intent was," said Paul Senseman, a spokesman for Brewer, who supported the changes and is expected to sign them into law. "It's undeniable now that this bill will not lead to racial profiling." More....
Arizona's immigration law has been an immediate hit with the Republican base, but some of the party's top strategists and rising stars worry that the harsh crackdown may do long-term damage to the GOP in the eyes of America's Hispanic population.
And the party's long-term thinkers worry that the Arizona law is merely a quick political fix which may create a permanent rift with the fastest growing segment of the U.S. electorate.
"It's like a virus that you get and you don't feel like you're unhealthy for the first few days, but after that you have a fever and you're really sick," says Matthew Dowd, former President George W. Bush's chief strategist in 2004. "You can't win a national election and you can't win certain states without the Latino vote. And Republicans already had a problem."
"I think there is going to be some constitutional problems with the bill," top Bush strategist Karl Rove said during a stop on his book tour. "I wished they hadn't passed it, in a way." (AZ Central)
Even Sal Russo, the longtime California Republican political operative who helps fund the Tea Party Express, acknowledges that the Arizona law creates problems for the party.
"I think Republicans do a poor job of communicating to non-traditional Republican voters," Russo said. "We've done a poor job in reaching out beyond the Republican base, and I think that's been part of the problem. (AZ Central)