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Showing posts with label Babylon Bee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Babylon Bee. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Just fun: Babylon Bee on Baking A Cake


Babylon Bee on Baking A Cake ~ the headline:

Democrat Baker Sued For Refusing To Write
‘TRUMP WON’ Message On Cake

And the “report” is likewise great satire.  Click here. 

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Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Babylon Bee does it again

Babylon Bee, the paper/blog of record, just won in court against the New York Times.  And today, here's the headline that shows why Babylon Bee is cutting edge satire:

Trump Announces He Is Building 1,954-Mile Long
Trump Hotel Along Southern Border

The BB "reports":

RIO GRANDE CITY, TX—Trump flew to America's southern border this week to announce a brand-new Trump hotel unlike anything the world has ever seen. The planned hotel will be almost 2,000 miles long and will be situated right on the southern border.

"Yes folks, I'm proud to announce we are building a big, beautiful, golden Trump hotel on the southern border," said Trump to reporters. "Land just happens to be really cheap down here, what can I say? The border just looks terrible ever since Sleepy Joe 'Loserface' Biden stole the presidency from me. Just a disgrace. I'll bet he can't even build a wall as fast and cheap as I can build my new Trump hotel. Watch!"

The luxurious hotel will also include an 800-mile golf course and a 1,000-mile lazy tubing river. The southern wall will be a gleaming and impenetrable barrier with Trump's name emblazoned on it every couple of miles.

. . .

More here.  

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Thursday, May 6, 2021

Babylon Bee Fun

 From the newspaper of record, er, satire at the Babylon Bee:

CIA Replaces Waterboarding With 12-Hour Lectures On Intersectional Feminism

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Monday, April 12, 2021

Fun with Anthony Fauci

 Is this image photo-shopped?  (Image via Liberty Daily):

And from Babylon Bee:

'It Is Still Not Safe To Go Outside,'
Says Fauci's Head In A Jar In Year 2739

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Thursday, February 11, 2021

The Lie That Was COVID


Robert Zimmerman blogs at BehindTheBlack.  Yesterday, he posted “The Lie That Was COVID” (h/t Instapundit), and he highlights the government's perpetually moving goal posts. Since there was a “share” option and it's short, I am posting the entire thing:

The lie that was COVID

This humor story at the Babylon Bee on February 8th is sadly 100% accurate and illustrates the utter lie that is at the foundation of everything we have been told about COVID-19:

Nation Prepares To Celebrate 1st Anniversary Of Two Weeks To Flatten The Curve

“This time of year we like to come together to remember the historic day one year ago when we put on masks and locked ourselves down, trusting that the lockdown would be over in just two weeks,” said local man Paul Christof as he stared out his window longingly, his three masks securely in place. “This year, I’m going all out with a Zoom party with no more than five of my closest friends — I mean, closest, figuratively speaking, of course. We’ll be literally far apart, because I want to stay home and stay safe, and I don’t want grandma to die.”

From day one, nothing we have been told by government health officials has been reliable or trustworthy. First we were only to lock-down for two weeks in order to slow the spread of the virus slightly so that hospitals would not be overwhelmed. We were also told that we shouldn’t wear masks, because a century of research clearly showed them useless and possibly counter-productive if used improperly, and proper use was unlikely if used all the time.

Then we were told we needed to lockdown for months, because we wanted to stop the spread, a goal that was utterly impossible to meet. At that same time, suddenly health officials decided that the previous half century of research about masks was all wrong, and that we must wear them all the time.

These new rules were only going to be necessary until a vaccine was available.

Now, a year later, a vaccine is suddenly not enough to allow us to be free humans again. We must wear masks, with two masks being even better, and normal activities such as attending parties, sports events, shows, and concerts must still be forbidden.

Along the way, a lot of evidence raised legitimate questions about the way coronavirus deaths and cases were tracked, with much of it suggesting the numbers were being manipulated for political purposes.

The result today is that a very very large percentage of the population no longer trusts anything said by these health officials. And for good reason. They have lied, repeatedly, and liars should never be trusted, ever.

Not that it makes much different. These liars are firmly ensconced in power, and can say and do anything, including fines and punishments for not obeying their commands.

America is no longer a nation dedicated to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” It is now a place of lies, edicts, petty dictators, blacklists, and increasing oppression. All largely prompted by an irrational over-reaction to a virus that is really nothing more than a variation of the flu.

Our household is split; one will get the vaccine, the other won’t.  And Mr. Zimmerman’s blog is here.

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Saturday, May 2, 2020

Is this about Gov DeWine?

Governor Unveils Innovative 37-Step Plan
To Reopen State Over The Next 10 Years

Satire – or is it?
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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Yesterday’s Democrat debate on CNN

The line-up looked so yawn-inducing that I didn’t even post the link to Stephen Green’s Drunkblogging at Vodkapundit.  Today, Mr. Green summarized the . . .

SNOOZEFEST: In Iowa Debate, Mild Feuding and No Fireworks. “Defying expectations, however, the gloves largely stayed on as the contenders appeared reluctant to take forceful shots and risk alienating some of their opponents’ supporters — voters they will need in the long run to have a shot of defeating President Trump.”

Or as I put it in last night’s drunkblog:

Here’s the big close, where each candidate promises that they’re the one who can take on Donald Trump on a debate stage.

But they can’t even take on each other. They can’t even get their energy up when thrown softballs by Wolf Blitzer. These folks couldn’t get it up with a hot tub, a platter of chilled raw oysters, some Barry White on Spotify, and a handful of little blue pills.

Limp debate, limp candidates, limp chances.


I don’t know what my Democrat friends would say, if they were unguarded long enough to give an honest assessment. But I can’t imagine they would express much excitement.

Because how can you get excited about a bunch of contenders seemingly content with nothing more than a participation trophy?

The still-standing (D) candidates are in good company. When Cory Booker dropped out of the race the other day, he also got a trophy, as Babylon Bee reported :

Cory Booker Moved To Tears 
During Participation Trophy Acceptance Speech
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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Our President's letter to Speaker Pelosi

image credit: Babylon Bee

Link of the day to: the report on Breitbart by Charlie Spiering, "Read Donald Trump’s Historic Impeachment Takedown Letter to Nancy Pelosi". Click here and scroll down to the bottom for the scribd download of the 6-pg letter.  
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