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Showing posts with label Bell Curve. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bell Curve. Show all posts

Thursday, September 22, 2022

The Incredible Shrinking Middle Class


Edward Ring asks “Why the Middle Class Is Being Destroyed.”  Toward the end of his column, he explores various reasons for the collapse of societal values and priorities that those of us -- of a certain age -- grew up with.  He concludes:

. . . Meanwhile, the ongoing expansion of the custodial state is concurrent with the average IQ of Americans shifting into decline. This shouldn’t be surprising. The so-called Flynn Effect, the theory that social and economic progress caused IQ scores to rise in the early 20th century, has now been thrown into reverse. Many factors could explain this reversal, but because it is happening universally, we might start by implicating a degraded system of public education, a dumbed-down media, the diversions of mindless, endless online rubbish, the collapse of meritocracy, and the replacement of the pursuit of excellence with the quest to acquire status and rewards by defining oneself as a victim.

The controversy over one chapter in [Richard] Herrnstein and [Charles] Murray’s book [The Bell Curve] should not diminish the fact that, way back in 1994, their work anticipated two of the most decisive trends in the world today: The emergence of a cognitive elite, and, for the first time in history, the almost total convergence of intellectuals with the financial elite. The consequence, an apparent consensus among the two groups to destroy the middle class to protect their own interests while claiming they’re saving the planet and promoting “equity,” should surprise nobody.

It’s the easy path. But it’s the wrong path.

Full article at American Greatness is here.

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