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Showing posts with label Fox10 Phoenix. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fox10 Phoenix. Show all posts

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Salute to America : networks boycott

image credit: talkingpointsmemo.com

Sundance at Conservative Treehouse has posted the Livestream links to today's Salute to America parade and festivities in DC -- and guess what? No mainstream television coverage. And I just checked C-SPAN, which lists coverage of President Trump's speech at 6pm, re-broadcast at 9pm, but not showing all the other events. So, here's Sundance:

ABC, CBS, NBC and MSNBC have all announced their refusal -and broadcast boycott- of any July 4th celebrations.  Yes, the U.S. media have fallen so far, they are now openly proclaiming their alignment with the anti-American political resistance. 

However, RSBN [already broadcasting as of 2pm]Fox10 Phoenix and OANN will all broadcast the patriotic events from Washington DC to celebrate Independence Day, including President Trump’s participation in the 2019 Salute to America.  Schedule of Events Here  – for Livestream Links click here and scroll down to one of the livestream screens.

Happy Independence Day!