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Showing posts with label Observer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Observer. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2018

#WalkAway with Brandon Straka

The #WalkAway march is scheduled for Saturday, October 27. Many speakers are confirmed, including Dinesh D’Souza and Wayne Dupree (and by remote, Herman Cain and Diamond & Silk).

You may or may not have heard of Brandon Straka. The Heavy.com blog reported that

Brandon Straka is a New York hairstylist who gained fame as the face of a new #WalkAway movement urging people to leave liberalism, which he says has become too intolerant.

Straka gained fans among conservatives when he appeared in a video denouncing the left and saying that he was switching political allegiance. In the wake of that attention, he says he has been denied service while trying to buy a camera and other equipment. Conservative celebrities like Sarah Palin and websites then highlighted Straka’s effort, which has turned into the hashtag #WalkAway.

Breitbart reported on the #WalkAway movement last July – see here. In September, Davis Richardson at Observer reported on Straka’s temporary suspension from Facebook.

The #WalkAway march in Washington DC will take place on Saturday, October 27 (time and location not yet posted on the website). The website is here. I could not find any buses scheduled for this event from the northern Ohio area. I’ll update if I find any details.
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