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Showing posts with label Secretary Tom Price. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secretary Tom Price. Show all posts

Friday, June 23, 2017

Trumpcare: Senate version -- is Portman against it

photo credit: Pat J Dooley Photography

Update: The photographer points out that the flying banner may be a message TO Senator Portman, not sponsored BY Sen. Portman. If so, apologies to the Senator, and here's hoping he considers it.

[Apparently] Senator Rob Portman hired an advertising plane this afternoon to circle the downtown Cleveland area. He is coming out of the gate opposed to the newly-revealed/leaked Senate version of President Trump and Secretary Tom Price’s healthcare bill. If Portman is opposed to the bill, it is probably a pretty good start to the process of repealing Obamacare.
Conservative Treehouse jogs everyone’s memory: 
The original (’09/’10) ObamaCare bill was 2,700 pages and most of the toxic takeover construct was intentionally and ambiguously deferred to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius where she added an initial 74,000 pages of regulatory and compliance rules and procedures. [Those HHS regulations now total 673,448+ pages and growing.]
Conservative Treehouse also has a fascinating analysis of the Trump healthcare plan. His blog post is worth reading in full, but here’s the very short précis:

Under Trump’s long-term (3 step) approach – the non-government healthcare market, the majority of the population, will break free from almost all of the ObamaCare government regulations; and the insurance market will be empowered to provide an insurance product that fits the individual needs of the person purchasing the insurance.

Dual System Approaches – Much like Secretary Mnuchin is proposing leaving government (via Dodd-Frank) attached to the “too-big-to-fail” group of banks and cutting all else loose from the regulations, so too is Secretary Price proposing to leave government attached to the “at risk population” (Medicare and Medicaid), the group 99% of all political talking points are structured around, and cut everyone else loose from the regulations.

•Step #1 establishes the ability (decouples ObamaCare).   •Step #2 allows HHS to frame the parallel system (deregulation). •Step #3 establishes the broader parameters for the non-government health insurance market.

The full pdf file of the Senate bill is here
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