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Showing posts with label criminal enterprise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label criminal enterprise. Show all posts

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Neil Oliver on the Great Betrayal


Neil Oliver’s weekly monologue is always a must-hear / must-read.  In this installment, “Betrayal of Britain,” he’s talking about Britain, but every single one of his points applies to American and Americans.  It’s scary but at the same time inspiring.  Here’s the beginning of the transcript (at Conservative Treehouse):

I keep waiting for the betrayal too far – that action by the State against Britain that finally pushes every last citizen of the country that used to be Britain into the grim realization that those illegitimates are out to get us.

The Green Agenda that guarantees the impoverishment of the peoples of the West by pursuing the lie that wind and solar can take the place of gas, oil and coal? The Green Agenda that pushes the palpable nonsense those of us with petrol and diesel cars today are meant to have electric cars tomorrow – when all the evidence makes plain that you and I are meant to be going nowhere while our self-appointed masters go anywhere and everywhere?

The Green Agenda that invites us to think that Net Zero and the rest are about anything more than stealing our rights and freedoms while further enriching the already rich?

The delegates for COP27 flying in private jets to luxury accommodation in Egypt, where they sat down to meals of 100 pound a time cuts of prime Aberdeen Angus beef, foie gras – which is the liver of force-fed geese – salmon and sea bass and cream sauces – while pausing between burps to lecture us proles about carbon emissions and the need to eat bugs and genetically modified grass?

Those delegates discussing plans to eviscerate the farming industry – to cut farming around the world by anything up to a half in a time of food insecurity for millions?

The blindingly obvious realization that these schemes are nothing to do with saving the planet but merely the means to bankrupt the farmers and drive them off the land so it may be acquired by trans-national corporations?

The realization that governments and physicians together oversaw the most disastrous medical intervention in history – that by setting aside “First do no harm” and “informed consent” and opting instead for ruinous lockdowns and coercion they took a bad situation and made it much worse?

The revelation that those so-called vaccines were never even tested to see if they would stop transmission of Covid – which they absolutely do not do – thereby revealing that all the government and media driven propaganda demanding submission to the needle to save granny was a blatant lie?

And Mr Oliver concludes:

What will it take, I ask, before the rest of this country awakens to the realization that we are being had, being played, taken for fools? What will it take before those citizens see that we have put ourselves at the mercy of a criminal enterprise shaped only to rob us blind, hobble all ambition and see to it that we are cowed and submissive with our hands held out for a few shekels from our self-proclaimed lords and masters.

Here’s the thing: all of it stops when we say it stops.

It doesn’t require every one of us – just enough of us – simply to realize that no cavalry is coming, no help is at hand.

It is up to us to see these charlatans for what they are, to disregard them – red, blue and every color in between – to turn our backs on them, and work together to make something else, something decent, something that is ours.

Read the rest here.  Recommended.

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