Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label tyranny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tyranny. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Censorship on steroids at YouTube


This blog has linked many times to JD Rucker at NOQ and at Liberty Daily.  We’ve included commentary by Dr Joseph Mercola on controversial claims concerning vaccines.  Now Mr. Rucker reports that “YouTube Goes Full Vaxx-Nanny, Bans Huge Accounts that Posted the Truth About the Jabs,” and Dr Mercola is one of the censored accounts:

YouTube, the video site owned by Google parent company Alphabet, changed their terms of service this morning to go after “disinformation” regarding the Covid-19 injections. They removed countless videos and banned several prominent accounts.

Dr. Joseph Mercola and Robert F. Kennedy Jr were among the account owners who learned this morning that they are no longer welcome on the “platform.” Their accounts are gone.

After an extract from the corrupt Washington Post deploring medical sources of “misinformation,"

Dr. Mercola responded to the move:

The world is becoming increasingly aware of the rampant corruption in the media, and are rising up against tyrannical government and the pharmaceutical industry that are coordinating this assault on our freedom and civil rights. Anyone who asks question or challenges the hard sell is immediately censored on social media. State government and employees, health care workers and emergency responders, face loss of their jobs for refusing the vaccine.

In other words, here we are in the Police States of America. Mr. Rucker has more to say here. 

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Friday, September 10, 2021

Delingpole: features of the New World Order


image credit: veteranstoday.com

Breitbart contributor James Delingpole is a favorite of mine.  Although he specializes in coverage of climate hysteria, yesterday at Breitbart, he reported on the draconian measures taking place right now in the formerly free country of Australia. 

As readers of Cleveland Tea Party blog know, I have posted frequently on developments with the COVID virus and the flip-flopping restrictions and mandates issued by Fauci et al at the CDC.  In recent weeks, as I have been following these developments, another word popped into my mind -- and that word is “sinister.”  Mr. Delingpole chose the same word.  I am posting part of his report below, because what is happening in the Antipodes is viewed by a few other analysts, incl. Sundance at Treehouse, as a beta test for the New World Order (also known as The Great Reset, previously billed as Agenda 21). [In 1992, a Senator named Joseph R Biden Jr wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal headlined ‘How I Learned to Love the New World Order’. So, is this a conspiracy theory?  Or is it actually coming to a theater near you? 

Here’s part of Mr. Delingpole’s “Creepy Australian Officials Start Using “New World Order” as a Talking Point”:

Two senior medical officers have, shockingly, said out loud what a lot of ordinary people already noticed: Australia is sliding inexorably towards a ‘New World Order.’

New South Wales (NSW) Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant (pictured) used the sinister phrase during a Thursday press conference, in response to a question about reopening after the interminable lockdowns imposed by various Australian states.

. . .

Australia has some of the most draconian lockdown policies anywhere in the world right now. Indeed, as this Twitter thread from Maajid Nawaz suggests, the land they once called ‘the Lucky Country’ is now starting to look like a very unlucky totalitarian tyranny.

Among the scary features it has introduced in the last 18 months are:

    • Quarantine camps
    • CCP style surveillance in the form of “Forced” facial recognition & geolocation scanning sent to the government within 15 mins of a text
    • Legally accessing your data & taking control of your online accounts
    • Putting quarantine signs on people’s doors as if they were Medieval plague victims
    • Denying [healthcare] services & “locking out” the unvaccinated to “protect the health service”
    • And, the final insult, deciding how much beer you are allowed to drink in your home prison…

This is really happening.  Now.  Full report with video and screen shots of Twitter threads is here.  Exit question:  Is last month's Afghanistan catastrophe part of the New World Order strategy? 

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Monday, August 23, 2021

The collapse of the FDA and Tyranny-by-vaccine


Image via Sundance from protest in Australia (see link below)

A few headlines --  from the hundreds crowding the internet today -- shows the corruption, the censorship, and the growing tyranny in the western world:

From American Greatness: FDA Approves Pfizer Vaccine Even Though Multiple Safety Studies Won’t Be Completed For Years

From Freedom First Network: Vaccine-Pimping Us Surgeon General Proclaims Americans Have No Right To Spread Disinformation Which Means Anything The Regime Doesn’t Like

From Conservative PlaylistPandemic Panic Theater: Why All 14 ‘Gold Standard’ Randomized Controlled Trials of Face Masks have been Suppressed 

From Epoch Times via Citizen Free Press: Connecticut Goes Full Vaccine Nazi

From InfoWars via Liberty DailyMilitary & Blue States Announce Vaccine Mandates MINUTES After FDA Approves Injection

And for a preview of how bad this will get, here’s Sundance on the tyranny now on full display in Australia and New Zealand:

Australian Police Beating More People in the Streets Than the Taliban

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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Sen. Rand Paul says NO to more mandates and lockdowns


Brodigan at LouderWithCrowder is encouraged by Sen. Rand Paul’s call-to-arms to just say no to more mandates, lockdowns, and other harmful policies; there’s a video by Sen. Paul with excerpts from Paul's video (in italics) and commentary:

. . . You know Joe Biden is going to push more lockdowns, no matter how many times the White House clarifies or denies him saying so. Senator [Rand] Paul has a simple message for the American people when the government tries locking down again: Nope.

. . .

They can't arrest all of us. They can't keep all of your kids home from school. We don't have to accept the mandates, lockdowns, and harmful policies of the petty tyrants and bureaucrats. We can simply say no, not again.

. . .

Children are falling behind in school, and are being harmed physically and psychologically by the tactics that you have used to keep them from the classroom during the last year. We won't allow it again. If a school system attempts to keep the children from full-time, in-person school, I will hold up every bill with two amendments. One to defund them, and another to allow parents the choice of where the money goes for their child's education.

This would be interesting. Because the pandemic has done wonders for exposing parents to what public schools really are. Here's the common ground. You get your mask mandates in public schools. We get a voucher that's equal to what we pay in school taxes to send our kids elsewhere. Conservatives would take that deal in a heartbeat.

I think the tide is turning as more and more people are willing to stand up. We are at a moment of truth and a crossroads. Will we allow these people to use fear and propaganda to do further harm to our society, economy, and children? Or will we stand together and say, absolutely not? Not this time. I choose freedom.

Click here for the full report plus video. Sundance weighs in on this one also;  click here.  Lara Logan has it figured out:

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Monday, May 4, 2020

The Unnecessary Lockdown

art credit: clipart

"Salons And Barbershops Across America Are About To Show How Unnecessary This Lockdown Was" --  Scott Morefield at Townhall :

In the eyes of many, Dallas salon owner Shelley Luther has become the latest face of justified resistance against governmental tyranny for her steadfast refusal to back down on keeping her business open despite the prospect of going to jail.

Luther’s Salon a la Mode opened for business last Friday, then promptly got slapped with a court order to close because of coronavirus restrictions. Instead of meekly complying, as most others doubtless would have, Luther stood outside her salon and literally ripped the thing to shreds. Indeed, it was a moment that would have made Patrick Henry proud. (I’m also pretty sure it would have made another person with the surname “Luther” proud too.) The salon owner told media she has “had enough” of stupid, nonsensical restrictions on her livelihood and that of her employees, and is more than willing to go to jail to make her point.

“Essential, non-essential,” Luther said. “That’s ridiculous what has been deemed essential and non-essential because right now the pet groomer next door has been essential this whole time. So pets can get their hair done but someone can’t walk in my salon and get their hair cut? So why is a pet getting essentials?”

Good on her. The continued enforced closure of hairdressers, barbershops, salons, and the like are one of the most ridiculous in a sea of ridiculous aspects of the current coronavirus lockdown insanity. Turns out, while the generally solid GOP Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has finally signed off on allowing some types of businesses to open, salons and barbershops inexplicably aren’t yet among them. They are “nonessential,” don’t you know, and the people who work in them apparently don’t deserve the same chance to feed their families that others do.

Insisting that salons are still not “safe,” Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins ripped Luther and other like-minded business owners as supposedly “putting their own need to make money ahead of public health.”

But Luther disagrees: “It’s pretty ridiculous to think that our place would be unsafe. The second part of that is we’re all grown adults. We decide where we want to go and if someone does not want to come in the salon, I respect that decision.”

Truly, is there any logical reason to think salons and barbershops are any less safe than most any other public place, particularly if owners and employees utilize masks, gloves, and regularly sanitize between customers? 
. . .

The full article is here.  It’s frightening to think that going to work or getting your hair cut is now civil disobedience.

RELATED:  Tyler O'Neil at PJ Media:

Early estimates of the COVID-19 death rate, cited to justify the lockdowns, have proven far too pessimistic. In March, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated a 3.4 percent fatality rate and Dr. Anthony Fauci estimated that the fatality rate of the coronavirus was about 2 percent. As PJ Media’s Matt Margolis reported, at least five studies have placed the death rate below 1 percent, confirming President Donald Trump’s hunch.

Recent studies have found that far more people than expected have COVID-19 antibodies — meaning the virus has spread faster than previously thought, but also proving that it is far less deadly than previously thought.

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