Rally to Pull the Plug on Obamacare
Defund Obamacare Rally in Troy, Ohio Next Tuesday!
August 20, 2013 – For Immediate Release
With unprecedented unity, the pro-family movement, Tea Party groups, and freedom-loving Ohioans are joining together outside Speaker John Boehner’s district office (12 South Plum Street in Troy, Ohio) to stand against the funding of Obamacare with a “Pull the Plug” Rally next Tuesday, August 27, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Among those speaking are former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of Tea Party Patriots, Brent Bozell, founder of ForAmerica, Doc Thompson from The Blaze, Ted Stevenot of Ohio Liberty Council, Janet Porter of Faith2Action and many more.
“Symbolic votes against Obamacare are great, but now it’s time to pull the plug on funding the monstrosity that threatens our lives and livelihoods.” said Ken Blackwell, “Join us next Tuesday to encourage the Speaker to pull the plug on Obamacare before it’s too late!”
“If the President can delay Obamacare for Big Business, Big Government and Big Labor, Speaker Boehner can do it for the American people, and we are calling on him to do it,” stated Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots.
“Why would we give the keys to our healthcare to the same branch of government that continues to target Tea Party and Conservative groups, denying them the right to assemble?” asked Janet (Folger) Porter, president of Faith2Action, who is organizing the event. “We must pull the plug on Obamacare before he pulls the plug on us!”
“The citizens of Ohio have spoken loudly and clearly by passing the Healthcare Amendment: Keep Obamacare out of Ohio!” added Beth Cox of the Preble County Liberty Group. “Speaker Boehner: Please defund Obamacare and save lives.”