Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Yesterday at Speaker Boehner's Office: Defund Obamacare

33 Days to Obamacare : If you have not yet signed the online petition Don’tFundIt, click here. You will receive an email to confirm that you intended to sign the petition. As of 5 pm on Weds., Aug. 28, there were over 791,900 signatures, and counting. Let’s get that number over a million.

Our friends at the Ohio Liberty Coalition shared some photographs of hundreds who attended the "Pull the Plug on Obamacare" rally in Troy, OH.  

and there was apparently a counter-rally of supporters of Obamacare:

More photos are here. Hat tip: Ted Stevenot.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Immigration Reform: Life or Death?

34 Days to Obamacare : If you have not yet signed the online petition Don’tFundIt, go here. You will receive an email to confirm that you intended to sign the petition. As of 3 pm on Tues., Aug. 27, there were over 670,000 signatures, and counting. Let’s get that number over a million.

John McCain is on the wrong side. Again.

From The Hill today:
McCain: Next few weeks a 'critical time 
in the life or death' of immigration reform

Once the House of Representatives returns after Labor Day, immigration will likely top members' legislative agenda, Arizona's senators said at a town-hall meeting on Tuesday. 
“It will be a critical time in the life or death of this legislation,” Sen. John McCain, (R) said about the immigration reform bill the Senate passed in June.McCain discussed the bill with his junior colleague, Sen. Jeff Flake, (R) in their home state at a roundtable focused on the issue, hosted by The Arizona Republic, 12 News, and azcentral.com. 
McCain and Flake are both members of the bipartisan “Gang of Eight,” which also includes Sens. Michael Bennet, (D-Colo.), Dick Durbin, (D-Ill.), Lindsey Graham, (R-S.C.), Robert Menendez, (D-N.J.), Marco Rubio, (R-Fla.), and Charles Schumer, (D-N.Y.). The group wrote and championed the immigration reform bill through the upper chamber in June. The final vote was 68-32. 
Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has said he won’t take it up in the House.  
“I remain guardedly optimistic,” McCain said about the House advancing immigration reform. The senator said he hopes the House will pass legislation so the two chambers can go to conference and compromise on a single bill that will eventually go to the president. 
. . . 
Enhanced border security, an E-Verify system for employers and a pathway to citizenship for immigrants already living illegally in the United States are some of the notable provisions of the comprehensive bill, which is more than 1,000 pages.

Memo to the Gang of Eight: There already ARE pathways to citizenship in this "comprehensive" bill. And as Mark Steyn, pointed out in a recent NRO column,
“Comprehensive” today is a euphemism for interminably long, poorly drafted, and entirely unread — not just by the people’s representatives but by our robed rulers, too (how many of those Supreme Court justices actually plowed through every page of Obamacare when its “constitutionality” came before them?). 
Mr. Speaker, do not pass ANY immigration bill. Any bill that differs from the Senate bill will go to conference and get “fixed” behind closed doors. Just. Say. No.  Here are Boehner’s details again.
Butler County Office  PH (513) 779-5400
Miami County Office PH (937) 339-1524
Clark County Office   PH (937) 322-1120

D.C. Office
PH  (202) 225-6205
FAX (202) 225-0704

And his mailbox (send postcards):
Speaker John Boehner
7969 Cincinnati-Dayton Road, Suite B
West Chester, OH 45069

 # # #

Sunday, August 25, 2013

How to delay Obamacare: “Stand up and win the argument.”

36 Days to Obamacare : If you have not yet signed the online petition Don’tFundIt, go here. You will receive an email to confirm that you intended to sign the petition. As of 5 pm on Sun., Aug. 25, there were over 551,500 signatures, and counting. (And scroll down on the petition website for status updates on which senators are for, against, or uncommitted; phone numbers there also!)

Photo source: Policymik website

Good news:

Ted Cruz doubles down on threat to defund Obamacare, proposes alternatives

Those of us who joined the tele-town hall a few weeks ago learned that Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Bridenstine (R-OK) had a plan to defund and delay Obamacare. It’s a long shot, but it’s a plan. And Tea Party Patriots are part of that plan. The Obamacare exchanges kick in on October 1, so it’s now or never. We can continue to pressure the Speaker of the House and his fellow foot-draggers by calling them, sending postcards, faxing them and pointing out the looming deadline and the urgency of defunding. Don’t be misled by reports that Cruz and Co. want to defund the government and Obamacare by failing to pass a Continuing Resolution on Oct. 1. No, what they are proposing is that the GOP–majority House pass a Continuing Resolution that funds everything (including stuff patriots would otherwise not want included) EXCEPT Obamacare.

Sen. Ted Cruz on Sunday doubled down on his call to arms in “defunding Obamacare,” even if Senate Democrats are highly unlikely to approve any short-term spending deal this September that impugns President Obama’s signature domestic achievement. 
Mr. Cruz, Texas Republican, said that if the GOP-controlled House could pass a continuing resolution that strips the Affordable Care Act of funding this September, a “grass-roots tsunami” of opposition to the health care law could force the Senate to relent.
The GOP, he told CNN, has to do something it hasn’t done in a long time: “Stand up and win the argument.” 
. . .On health care, Mr. Cruz said Mr. Obama’s law is a “job killer” that has forced businesses to drop coverage or shift workers to part-time status. He said these changes have an outsized effect on the most vulnerable, including minorities and single moms.
Rising to an oft-repeated challenge, Mr. Cruz offered three health care reforms that Republican[s] may support in lieu of Mr. Obama’ plan. 
He said that Americans should be allowed to build up health savings accounts in a tax-advantaged way, that health coverage should be “personal and portable” and divorced from employment, and that consumers should be allowed to purchase health insurance across state lines instead of quarantining policy options to the individual states.

Speaker Boehner’s details again:

Butler County Office  PH (513) 779-5400
Miami County Office PH (937) 339-1524
Clark County Office   PH (937) 322-1120

D.C. Office
PH  (202) 225-6205
FAX (202) 225-0704

And his mailbox (send postcards):
Speaker John Boehner
7969 Cincinnati-Dayton Road, Suite B
West Chester, OH 45069

* * *

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Pull the Plug on Obamacare Rally (Ohio)

Rally to Pull the Plug on Obamacare

Defund Obamacare Rally in Troy, Ohio Next Tuesday! 

August 20, 2013 – For Immediate Release

With unprecedented unity, the pro-family movement, Tea Party groups, and freedom-loving Ohioans are joining together outside Speaker John Boehner’s district office (12 South Plum Street in Troy, Ohio) to stand against the funding of Obamacare with a “Pull the Plug” Rally next Tuesday, August 27, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.

Among those speaking are former Ohio Secretary of State Ken BlackwellJenny Beth Martin, co-founder of Tea Party Patriots, Brent Bozell, founder of ForAmerica, Doc Thompson from The Blaze, Ted Stevenot of Ohio Liberty Council,  Janet Porter of Faith2Action and many more.

“Symbolic votes against Obamacare are great, but now it’s time to pull the plug on funding the monstrosity that threatens our lives and livelihoods.” said Ken Blackwell, “Join us next Tuesday to encourage the Speaker to pull the plug on Obamacare before it’s too late!”

“If the President can delay Obamacare for Big Business, Big Government and Big Labor, Speaker Boehner can do it for the American people, and we are calling on him to do it,” stated Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots.

“Why would we give the keys to our healthcare to the same branch of government that continues to target Tea Party and Conservative groups, denying them the right to assemble?” asked Janet (Folger) Porter, president of Faith2Action, who is organizing the event. “We must pull the plug on Obamacare before he pulls the plug on us!”

“The citizens of Ohio have spoken loudly and clearly by passing the Healthcare Amendment: Keep Obamacare out of Ohio!” added Beth Cox of the Preble County Liberty Group. “Speaker Boehner: Please defund Obamacare and save lives.”

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

GOP "scared" to Defund Obamacare; Amnesty pressure still on

40 Days to Obamacare : If you have not yet signed the online petition Don’tFundIt, go hereYou will receive an email to confirm that you intended to sign the petition. As of 2 pm on Weds., Aug. 21, there were over 439,500 signatures, and counting (and closing in on a half million).

Defund Obamacare Update

From Pete Kasperowicz’s report in The Hill:

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) said Tuesday that the Republican leadership is "scared to death" of efforts to block funding for ObamaCare, fearing the strategy could end the GOP's House majority.

The GOP have it backwards. Again. They will lose their House majority if they don’t stand up for America and its laws. More from the article:

"They think if we have a shutdown, or a big showdown, we may lose the majority, and they will lose their leadership positions," Gohmert said at an event in Longview, Texas, according to the Longview News-Journal.

Gohmert said Republicans need to stand up for what they believe in — as Democrats did when they passed the president's healthcare reform law — and now push to defund it.

"What does it say about Republicans if we're not willing to stand up for what we know is best for the country?" he asked.

Thank you, Rep. Gohmert for taking a principled stand:  
2243 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
PH (202) 225-3035
FAX (202) 226-1230

Immigration “Reform” update

The $65,000 cable advertising campaign in McCarthy's district is funded by the American Action Network. It comes in response to pressure from the left for him to back comprehensive immigration reform.  
The American Action Network touts McCarthy's support for immigration legislation that would secure the border first.
"Why are special interests attacking Kevin McCarthy? Because Kevin fights for us, not them," the ad says. "On immigration, Kevin's got the conservative approach we need, that starts with securing the border first."
Immigration reform is a sensitive issue for McCarthy, whose district is about 35 percent Hispanic. 
The House majority whip has been the target of rallies by unions and other pro-immigration forces during the August congressional recess who hope to pressure him into supporting broad immigration reform that would include a pathway to citizenship for the nation's estimated 11 million illegal immigrants.
Message to Rep. McCarthy. Stay the course. Don’t vote for any “broad immigration reform that would include a pathway to citizenship for the nation's estimated 11 million illegal immigrants. There already are many pathways to citizenship for illegal immigrants. Secure the borders. Enforce the law. Pass NO House bill. Do not pass ANY bill into conference.
Details for Rep. McCarthy:
Rep. Kevin McCarthy
4100 Empire Drive, Suite 150
Bakersfield, CA 93309  
DC office PH: 202-225-2915
And let's stay on Speaker Boehner’s case again (NO IMMIGRATION BILL THAT GOES TO CONFERENCE):

Butler County Office  PH (513) 779-5400
Miami County Office PH (937) 339-1524
Clark County Office   PH (937) 322-1120

D.C. Office
PH  (202) 225-6205
FAX (202) 225-0704

And his mailbox (send postcards):
Speaker John Boehner
7969 Cincinnati-Dayton Road, Suite B
West Chester, OH 45069

 # # #

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Boston gathering exposes rifts in GOP; Cleveland Tea Party Patriots Co-founder comments

and Mr. Priebus‘ choice for featured luncheon speaker Thursday at the RNC:

 Boston gathering exposes rifts in GOP, despite Priebus’ best efforts”

Here’s an excerpt from Ralph Z. Hallow’s article in the Washington Times over the weekend:

BOSTON — Once again attempting to achieve the impossible for a single party in a two-party system, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus did his best at the RNC’s summer meeting here to show respect for the many competing strains of thought in his party. 
Unfortunately for Mr. Priebus, the effort to acknowledge everyone satisfied almost no one. 
Some blasted him for violating conservatism’s freedom-first principles when he won unanimous passage of a resolution to ban two major TV networks  from hosting 2016 GOP presidential nomination debates.
Others hit him for quietly helping to table resolutions to undo party rules changes that Mitt Romney’s campaign had pushed through last year. 
Still others hammered him for featuring as speakers neoconservative war hawk Bill Kristol, the President Obama-praising New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Sen. Scott P. Brown of Massachusetts, the antagonist of social conservatives. . . .
. . .To the surprise of many RNC members, Mr. Christie, Mr. Priebus‘ choice for featured luncheon speaker Thursday, won enthusiastic approval from the Boston audience members for what they said was the solidly conservative content of his speech — despite his past squishy views on abortion, same-sex marriage, gun-control and immigration and, just before the 2012 elections, his high-profile chumminess with President Obama who extended generous federal aid to New Jersey after Superstorm Sandy. 
“Christie knocked it out of the park on Thursday here,” said Pastors & Pews founder David Lane, who attended the RNC meeting. “If he gets the social issues down, he will be formidable.”
“He gave a fabulous speech but would I support him for the nomination? No way,” said Louisiana GOP Chairman Roger Villere. “Would I support him if he were our nominee in 2016. Yes.”
Not so for tea party groups around the country.
“Typical of a Republican Party that has lost its way and is being led by a faltering conservative compass,” said Cleveland Tea Party Patriot cofounder Ralph King. “Conservatism and the United States need someone like Ronald Reagan. And Mr. Priebus, Governor Christie is no Ronald Reagan.”
Arizona tea party activist and former Maricopa County GOP chairman Rob Haney said that “tea party sentiment is more like, ‘It’s time to dissolve the RNC and start over. Tea partiers feel betrayed by even those whom they had championed, like Chris Christie — and the RNC for its flip to pro-amnesty on immigration.”
Where do conservative value voters go? 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Steve Salvi interview on the Shamnesty bill

42 Days to Obamacare : If you have not yet signed the online petition Don’tFundIt, go here. You will receive an email to confirm that you intended to sign the petition. As of 2 pm on Mon., Aug. 19, there were over 376,800 signatures, and counting.

Steve Salvi interview on the Shamnesty bill
Steve Salvi, founder of the Ohio Jobs & Justice Pac, shares his thoughts on what will happen in the United States if S. 744 gets passed by the House of Representatives. Salvi sees S. 744 as amnesty for illegal immigrants, and argues that supporting millions of illegals with U.S. taxpayer money at a time when many Americans are hurting economically makes little sense. He feels that if an amnesty bill passes the House, it will put the final "nail in the coffin" for America as we know it.  

The interview was taped at the March for Jobs Rally held in Washington, D.C., on July 15, 2013. View it here
And here are members of the current Hall of Shame GOPs: