Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Documentary: 'Capitol Punishment'


J6 photo credit: Jon Cherry/Getty Images via Daily Signal

There’s an interview at The Daily Signal with the two producers of Capitol Punishment. You’ll remember Nick Searcy from the film Gosnell, or in Cast Away as Tom Hanks’s buddy.  I was not familiar with Chris Burgard’s work.  Robert Bluey, executive editor of The Daily Signal, is the interviewer. 

The full transcript is disturbing and devastating.  Our household plans to watch the film online over the weekend.  For now, here’s the conclusion of the interview with links to the film itself (online @ $9.99):

Movie ‘Capitol Punishment’ Tells Stories
You Won’t Hear From Jan. 6 Committee

Searcy: Well, to be honest, I must say, at the beginning I was reluctant because I was scared. And so many of the people that we talk to, we interview a number of people in the movie, but there’s an equal number, if not more, that were afraid to speak to us.

Because when you see the way the government is treating these people, it makes you wonder, “Is it worth it?” But as we kind of got going, and Chris and I, “OK, we’re going to make this movie,” and we started talking to people as it went on, it became something that I knew I had to do. We had to finish this. We had to see it through. …

I was appalled at my own government and I really never wanted to think this. I never wanted to think that this is what my government is like, but it is. And we have to expose it. We have to get the truth out there and people need to confront it.

I’ve always said from the beginning, even if you disagree with us, please, would you just please watch this movie and tell me if you think this is the way Americans should be treated, no matter what side they’re on.

Even if they were there protesting a Republican president, do you think this is correct? Do you think this is the way our government should operate? And a lot of the problem that we have is a lot of people on the left, they’re afraid to look at it. They don’t want to see the movie. They call it propaganda. They’re just afraid to look at something that might disturb their worldview.

But I really believe that if more people will confront the truth of what happened about Jan. 6 and see through the government’s lies, we’re all going to be better off for it. We can still save this country, but people have to confront the truth of what is actually happening right in front of their faces.

 . . . Right now, there’s a number of places, but the best one right now is: Go to givemelibertynow.org. [to buy] … And you can also find it at capitolpunishmentthemovie.com. [to watch online]

Full interview transcript is here.
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Monday, May 30, 2022

A Meme for Memorial Day

A meme seen on PatriotPost -- saluting the soldiers on Memorial Day:

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Sunday, May 29, 2022

Memorial Day weekend: reasons to be optimistic

Neil Oliver observes the goings-on in Davos -- watching the World Economic Forum and World Health Organization billionaires plotting and planning their New World Order. And he is of the opinion that things are not going their way.  His weekly monologue is up at Conservative Treehouse.  If you prefer a written transcript, it’s also at the link here.  And it begins:

The usual suspects have been in Davos again, at the World Economic Forum overseen by Klaus Schwab – the few hundred of the most unimaginably rich gathered in one place to fantasize together about what the several billions of us ought to be forced to do in order to make those billionaires’ lives better.

Those poor billionaires – for whom everything on Earth might finally be perfect, if only someone would invent the vacuum cleaner big enough to suck every last one of us peasants, inconsequential specks of dust that we are, into outer space once and for all.

While listening to whichever one on stage is pontificating about this or that technological advance, or about how better to structure civilization itself, I find it best to imagine they have the high pitched, excitable voices of children – like in those TV adverts for chewy, jelly sweeties.

When I do that, I am reassured by their evident ridiculousness, their patent lack of a grasp on the reality of what this human species of ours is all about.

Read the rest (or watch) here.  Many reasons to be optimistic.  Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend. 

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Saturday, May 28, 2022

It's Memorial Day weekend

Mark Alexander at Patriot Post has a beautiful tribute to our fallen heroes.  Here’s a paragraph:

Fellow Patriots, on Memorial Day, we honor those who have died in the service of our nation’s Armed Services — those who have abided by their solemn oaths “to support and defend” the American Liberty too many take for granted. Memorial Day provides a stark contrast between the best of our nation’s selfless Patriot sons and daughters versus the worst of our nation’s selfish culture and consumerism. Astoundingly, some businesses disgracefully promote a “Memorial Day Sale.” But Memorial Day is NOT for sale — 1,354,664 Patriots have already paid the full price.

Read the rest here.  Cartoon by Gary Varvel at Liberty Loft

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Friday, May 27, 2022

Build Back Better: another misnomer

In an article at American Thinker titled “The Sinister Roots of Build Back Better,” E. Jeffrey Ludwig offers insights and contexts on Biden's campaign slogan.  Mr. Ludwig begins:

President Joe Biden and the puppeteers who control his teleprompter are weakening the country in order to gain more power and restructure the country based on classical Marxism (government ownership of the means of production) as well as woke cultural Marxist lines – destruction of the family, depreciation of male vigor and determination, and demonic sexual perversion throughout all classes and segments of society.

The motto of the interloper now serving in the White House is “Build Back Better” – and the trillions to “build back” is an updated version of the New Deal on steroids.  . . .

And Mr. Ludwig concludes:

The Build Back Better plan superficially appears to be an updated and extravagant Keynesian or New Deal-style spending program, but the endgame is not economic recovery that forever establishes federal government dominance over the states in the socio-political realm. Rather, this BBB is the connection of an enlarged federal government and authority with a depreciation or elimination of U.S. sovereignty in favor of global, communist-style governance. But as if the endgame were not sinister enough, we see this updated Keynesian expansion of expenditures is not a result of economic collapse due to a devastating Depression, as was the justification in the 1930s.

Rather, simultaneously with expanded spending, the goal of the BBB plotters is to weaken the economy and usher in economic and socio-political chaos and mayhem. The southern border hands-off policy is literally facilitating the entrance of millions of unvetted persons. By limiting or eliminating natural gas and oil production in the territorial U.S. under the guise of protecting the environment, the feds incentivize other countries to expand their production of these energy sources. That production, which still means higher energy prices here in the U.S., has an equally negative effect on the world climate as fuel production in our country. But the brooding minds behind BBB want to see inflated prices. They want to see shortages. They want to see racial unrest. They want to see upsurges in crime as new theories of law inform the release of repeat offenders and shorter sentences to destabilize society. The BBB autocrats want to see a society that increasingly identifies as LGBTQ because this radical individualism weakens the social fabric. They want to see Chinese fentanyl imported to kill our citizens who are weak-minded and susceptible to drug use. 

Thus, despite its resemblance to the New Deal, the BBB's so-called governance (properly called betrayal) is at the front end linked to global health, green initiatives, and “interdependence” as an excuse for diminishing U.S. sovereignty. Initiation of these policies was not to combat financially depressive conditions but rather designed to undermine the freedoms and economic viability of the U.S. This might be likened to prescribing chemo to a patient who did not have cancer, and then, in order to justify the perverse treatment plan, injecting the patient with cancer cells in order to justify that plan. The goal of the sinister and aberrated “plan” would not be the recovery of the patient and return to normal living, but to place the “cured” individual into custodial care rather than independent living. That is the equivalent of a United States with diminished sovereignty in a world governance system.

Full column is here.  Ugly.

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Thursday, May 26, 2022

News out of the Davos conference


Mark Wauck of Meaning In History has a very good, if depressing, overview of the relentless bad news coming out of Davos. This blog has already posted a report by Dr Joseph Mercola on the globalists’ threat to our food supply; click here.  Mr. Wauck starts off:

The Elites Are Plotting Against Us In Plain View

Yes, it’s that time of year, and the Neo-Malthusian global elites are meeting in Davos, plotting in plain view, scheming to get us normals under their thumbs—and make it hurt. Not kidding—they’re talking a lot about pain.

Zhou [Biden!] let the cat out of the bag the other day, when he said that high gas prices were part of the “incredible transition”. Incredible transition? Great Reset? Sounds the same to me—and it is. I was struck by this article—no I didn’t read it. I just saw enough at FR to get the gist:

Democrats Quietly Search for an Alternative to Biden in 2024
NY Magazine ^ | 5/24/2022 | By Gabriel Debenedetti

As they look toward 2024, Democrats are unified in their conception of doom: the restoration of Trump, joined down-ballot by anti-democratic Republicans who will end fair elections and any hope of combating climate change.

Climate change.  [This blog recently posted links on that one also; click here.] That’s what caught my eye. The whole point of the electoral coup against Trump was to seize the moment to jam the Green agenda, the Great Neo-Malthusian Reset, down our throats. Problem is, they’ve screwed up so badly that they can see approaching doom, in spite of the rigging.

Don Surber sees what they’re trying to do. I think Zhou’s “incredible transition” moment was an epiphany for Don. Read it all. 

Click here for the rest of Mr. Wauck’s report, including extracts from Don Surber’s blog.

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