Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

For the Planet

private jets transporting participants & guests to the conference in Davos --
to discuss the climate crisis

It’s the hypocrisy, stupid.  At Front Page Mag, Daniel Greenfield reports on what green bazillionaire tyrants like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos have in mind for us:

. . . Every time you ask a member of the private jet set about saving the planet, they begin babbling that they bought climate offsets which is like a vegan being asked about all the burgers and explaining that he pays someone else to eat soy.

If the planet is on the verge of going boom because we haven’t gone back to the dark ages yet, there’s really not much of an excuse for announcing that you can do whatever you want as long as you buy climate chips.

But these folks don’t actually believe their own hype.

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos built a mega-yacht and then funds climate stuff. Bill Gates has four jets and insists he’s not part of the problem. And how else is he supposed to get to Kenya anyway? Fly commercial? The 66,000 square foot mansion? I’m sure he’s got offsets for that too. Like paying poor people to live in shacks.

And that’s the future that our green overlords would like for us. . . .

Read the rest here.

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Friday, February 10, 2023

A bloodless coup d’etat


At American Thinker, J.A. Frascino outlines the coup d’etat that’s unfolding before our very eyes:

Any system, no matter how well devised, upon encountering the realities of terrestrial existence, will fail to function as conceived.  Failings of the system can be approached in two ways:  troubleshoot and strengthen the system to repair its flaws, or change the system.

Not long ago, the left sought to uphold the system and ameliorate its flaws.  It assisted in countering worker abuse, upheld women’s rights, and brought focus on environmental pollution.  Democrat administrations developed Social Security and Medicare programs.  The Democrat party was the voice of the middle class, the minorities, the marginalized, helping them realize the promise of the system.

That is no longer the position of the left.  Driven by its innate tendency to dissidence and immediate gratification, it has grown increasingly intolerant of and impatient with the system.  The system must now change.  . . .

And the article goes on to explain exactly how it’s changing.  We are seeing it now.  Click here for the full scenario.

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Thursday, February 9, 2023

The Real State of the Union


President Trump's Real State of the Union was reported and transcribed by Mike Landry at Western Journal:

Rather than reviewing what was said Tuesday to Congress, it’s better that you know the thoughts of Donald Trump, as he responded — point by point — to the claims by Biden.

Trump’s entire speech is less than 2 minutes, and it’s worth hearing every word because it shows us how things really are.

“Here’s the real state of the union,” Trump began. “Over the past two years, under Biden, millions and millions of illegal aliens from 160 different countries have stormed across our southern border.

“Drug cartels are now raking in billions of dollars from smuggling poison to kill our people and to kill our children.

“Savage killers, rapists and violent criminals are being released from jail to continue their crime wave.

“And under Biden, the murder rate has reached the highest in the history of our country.

“Biden and the radical Democrats have wasted trillions of dollars and caused the worst inflation in half a century.

“Real wages are down 21 months in a row.

“Gas prices have soared and are now going up much higher than even before. And the typical American family is paying $2,200 in increased energy and food costs each year.

“Joe Biden’s weaponized Justice Department — and I’m a victim of it — is persecuting his political opponents.

“His administration is waging war on free speech.

“They are trying to indoctrinate and mutilate our children.

“He’s leading us to the brink of World War III.

“And on top of all of that, he’s the most corrupt president in American history, and it’s not even close,” Trump said.

“But the good news is, we are going to reverse every single crisis, calamity and disaster that Joe Biden has created,” Trump continued.

“I am running for president to end the destruction of our country and to complete the unfinished business of making America great again.

“We will make our country better than ever before, and we will always put America first.

“Thank you,” Trump concluded.

If you prefer the video via Rumble, click here.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Post-SOTU memes

My kind of memes, seen at Bookworm Room (especially fun scrolling through while monitoring DrunkBlogging of the SOTU address):

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Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Let's Go Brandon SOTU (bumped)

This evening (9pm) is pResident Biden’s State of the Union Address.  The Media Research Center alerted readers and viewers that it will not be sugar-coating its coverage:

. . . We’re putting together a “war room” for Tuesday’s gaslighting of the American public: a brave squad of MRC bloggers, writers, and media analysts will huddle up at the MRC HQ with a stockpile of comfort food and snacks in hand, working late into the night to analyze the speech and the media’s expected lionizing of it.  

MRC will cover the SOTU from every angle — the inside scoops, the highlights, lowlights, gaffes, blunders, and mistruths. 

NewsBusters will handle media analysis. CNSNews will give you a breakdown of the content of the speech. MRCTV will bring you video clips (and humorous montages).

We’ll watch the speech, so you don’t have to. . . .

And good news:  Mr. Vodkapundit (a/k/a Stephen Green) will be covering the speech with his usual DrunkBlogging at PJ Media here.  Here's Mr Green previewing tomorrow's drunkblog:

I can’t offer an effective one-man counter spin to the entire mainstream media, but I will provide one entertaining drunkblog before, during, and after the big speech.

And here's the updated link.  

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Mark Steyn Leaves GBNews: “Wrong Think”


The headline:

Mark Steyn Leaves GBNews After Company Demands Contract
Indemnifying Them Against Lawsuits for Wrong Think
and British Regulatory Speech Violations

For years, Mark Steyn has been one of the few fearless voices on the air, most recently with his own program at GBNews in the Great Britain.  And he has been regularly covering taboo subjects such as adverse reactions to the vaxx, grooming gangs in the UK, and other topics that evidently have the GBNews producers’ knickers in a twist.  Mark’s ratings were consistently at the top of the time slot, beating out competitors including Piers Morgan.  Now where is Mark Steyn to go? 

Sundance has the breaking news:

Mark Steyn, the only man qualified to replace Rush Limbaugh, has announced his departure from GBNews after the British media company requested a contract making Steyn legally accountable for any speech or wrong-think as identified by British regulators within the Office of Communication (OfComm). {Direct Rumble Link}

Within Britain, all media speech is monitored by the Office of Communications (OfComm), where official government censors track commentary according to regulatory and compliance rules established by the government.  Previously, Mark Steyn ran afoul of the OfComm investigators when he began questioning the efficacy and safety of the COVID-19 vaccinations.  There are two investigations ongoing with possible fines pending for violating rules on government approved speech.

Into this mix comes the now capitulating GBNews organization, where Mark Steyn and Neil Oliver have both pushed the boundaries of acceptable thought.  While Mark Steyn was offline, recovering from two heart attacks, I noticed something was shifting in the past several weeks at GBNews; from the presentation of Oliver to the way the content was being shared (no uploads and missing transcripts).  It seemed like something tenuous and opaque was happening in the background.  Steyn confirms. 

There a video of Mark confirming all this at the link here.  

At SteynOnline here, Mark has some parting shots and touching comments on his departure from GBNews.  And this afternoon, he’s back on the radio with James Golden, a/k/a Bo Snerdley in New York.  GBNews has capitulated to the dark side.

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Let’s Go Brandon SOTU


This evening (9pm) is pResident Biden’s State of the Union Address.  The Media Research Center alerted readers and viewers that it will not be sugar-coating its coverage:

. . . We’re putting together a “war room” for Tuesday’s gaslighting of the American public: a brave squad of MRC bloggers, writers, and media analysts will huddle up at the MRC HQ with a stockpile of comfort food and snacks in hand, working late into the night to analyze the speech and the media’s expected lionizing of it.  

MRC will cover the SOTU from every angle — the inside scoops, the highlights, lowlights, gaffes, blunders, and mistruths. 

NewsBusters will handle media analysis. CNSNews will give you a breakdown of the content of the speech. MRCTV will bring you video clips (and humorous montages).

We’ll watch the speech, so you don’t have to. . . .

And good news:  Mr. Vodkapundit (a/k/a Stephen Green) will be covering the speech with his usual DrunkBlogging at PJ Media here.  Here's Mr Green previewing tomorrow's drunkblog:

I can’t offer an effective one-man counter spin to the entire mainstream media, but I will provide one entertaining drunkblog before, during, and after the big speech.

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