Thursday, September 30, 2010
EPA Now Targeting Dental Offices
From the EPA --
Release date: 09/27/2010
Contact Information: Jalil Isa,, 202-564-3226, 202-564-4355
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced it intends to propose a rule to reduce mercury waste from dental offices. Dental amalgams, or fillings containing mercury, account for 3.7 tons of mercury discharged from dental offices each year. The mercury waste results when old mercury fillings are replaced with new ones. The mercury in dental fillings is flushed into chair-side drains and enters the wastewater systems, making its way into the environment through discharges to rivers and lakes, incineration or land application of sewage sludge. Mercury released through amalgam discharges can be easily managed and prevented.
EPA expects to propose a rule next year and finalize it in 2012. Dental offices will be able to use existing technology to meet the proposed requirements. Amalgam separators can separate out 95 percent of the mercury normally discharged to the local waste treatment plant. The separator captures the mercury, which is then recycled and reused.
Until the rule is final, EPA encourages dental offices to voluntarily install amalgam separators. Twelve states and several municipalities already require the installation of amalgam separators in dental offices.
Approximately 50 percent of mercury entering local waste treatment plants comes from dental amalgam waste. Once deposited, certain microorganisms can change elemental mercury into methylmercury, a highly toxic form that builds up in fish, shellfish and animals that eat fish.
Fish and shellfish are the main sources of methylmercury exposure to humans. Methylmercury can damage children’s developing brains and nervous systems even before they are born.
More information on mercury from dental offices: More information on mercury and the environment:
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
10th District Debate: Corrigan vs. Kucinich
Yes, this is the same Congressman Dennis Kucinich that;
- Sold out his constituents & supported the Health Care Bill for a bag of peanuts and a ride on Air Force One.
- Claimed he cares about the elderly then voted for the Health Care Bill that will gut Medicaid & Medicare.
- Refused to visit our troops on a trip to the Mid-East and instead met with a known terrorist.
Tuesday, October 12th, 2010 at Noon-1:30 $25 for non-members
City Club of Cleveland
850 Euclid Ave., 2nd Floor
The City Club Building
Cleveland, OH 44114
Tickets will be going fast for the opportunity to watch Congressman Kucinich finally face up & answer to his constituents for his support of the leftist agenda out of Washington. For Reservations call 216-621-0082 or 888-223-6786 (out of area callers).
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Tea Party Patriots (OH) issue statement on ODP Chairman Chris Redfern
For Immediate Release
September 25, 2010
This is in response to Ohio Democrat Party Chairman Chris Redfern’s uncomplimentary description of the Tea Party movement in Ohio (Click for Video) and Governor Strickland’s recent Howard Dean-like anti-Tea Party tirade (Click for Video).
First, we would like to thank them both for acknowledging the hard work of the Tea Party movement in educating Ohio voters on the failed policies of the Strickland Administration, and of Redfern's reign as Chairman of the Ohio Democrat Party. In describing the Tea Party movement in Ohio as, “F***ers,” the ODP Chairman has publicly called what many state party chairmen, Democrat & Republican alike, have been whispering under their breath about the Tea Party movement for over a year now.
While we do not agree with ODP Chairman Redfern's locker room behavior and potty-mouthed insults, we understand his frustration with the Tea Party as he tries in a fairy tale-like manner to spin "straw," i.e., four years of failed policies, into "gold." He has nothing to spin but wet straw from a state budget deficit of $8 billion, one of the least business-friendly states in the U.S., an unemployment rate of 10.1% , and job losses reaching over 380,000. Furthermore, over 75% of Ohioans think that Strickland's top priority, fixing school funding, has likewise been a failure.
Chairman Redfern's frustration ultimately comes from a more informed electorate, thanks to the Tea Party Patriots movement in Ohio. He reinforced that fact when he responded to calls for apologies from around the state. Rather than apologize for his outburst, he did what those with nothing but a record of failures do – he became even more juvenile in his response by issuing a fund raising letter with the following:
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Thank You,
Scott Boston / Bowling Green TPP
Marianne Gasiecki / Mansfield TPP
Amy Brighton / Medina TPP
Ralph King / Cleveland TPP
Tea Party Patriots (OH)
State Coordinator Team
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Ohio ILLEGAL immigration watchdog group awards Ohio Rep. Courtney Combs
Several Founding Members of The Grassroots Rally Team of Ohio, which has been actively combating ILLEGAL immigration in Ohio ( since May 2007, traveled to Columbus on Sept 22 to present the first Award of Appreciation from the Rally Team to Ohio State Representative Courtney Combs (R-Oh 54 district, Butler County) for his sponsoring legislation in Ohio that would protect Ohioans from the adverse effects of ILLEGAL immigration.
Of particular note is Ohio HB 184 which Representative Combs sponsored in May of 2009 and would require all Ohio employers to use the E-Verify system to check the legal status of employees. The bill has not moved out of committee since that time, and will expire at the end of this 128th Ohio General Assembly. Representative Combs told the Rally Team that he would be reintroducing this bill in January 2011.
Representative Combs also told the 6 assembled Rally Team members (Below) that he continues to work on legislation for Ohio which will be comparable to the Arizona SB 1070 bill.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Working Illegal Immigrants Outnumber Unemployed Texans
Congressman Lamar Smith of Texas, a co-chair of the Reclaim American Jobs Caucus and Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, issued the following statement regarding the findings:
Representative Smith: “Texans should not have to compete with illegal immigrants for scarce jobs. Unfortunately, because the Obama administration refuses to enforce our immigration laws, out of work Texans are suffering. Worksite enforcement efforts have fallen dramatically since President Obama took office—administrative arrests are down 79% from 2008, criminal arrests are down 62%, and convictions are down 70%. That means it is easier for illegal immigrants to keep jobs that rightly belong to U.S. citizens and legal immigrant workers.”
According to the numbers released by the Reclaim American Jobs Caucus, Texas is the only state where the number of illegal immigrants in the workforce exceeds the number of unemployed citizens. But co-chair Smith said that doesn’t mean other states are not affected by illegal immigration.
Smith (R-Texas): “According to the national numbers, out of work Texans are most affected by illegal immigrants in the workforce. But millions of Americans across the nation are still struggling to find work. If the Obama administration would simply enforce the law, we could make millions of jobs available for out of work Americans.”
Representative Myrick (R-NC): “The unemployment rate in North Carolina could be cut almost in half if hard-working American citizens didn’t have to compete for jobs with people here illegally. Breaking the law shouldn’t be rewarded with a job. The Administration needs to get serious about enforcing our immigration laws. By doing so, we could put millions of American citizens back to work.”
Representative Miller (R-Calif.): “Right now, nearly 2.3 million Californians are out of work, and this number does not account for the millions of others who have seen their hours reduced and wages cut during the recession. At the same time, however, nearly 1.8 million illegal immigrants hold jobs in California. This is simply unacceptable. If the Obama administration is serious about getting Americans off of the unemployment rolls, it needs to enforce our nation’s immigration laws to the highest extent, increase worksite enforcement efforts, and make E-Verify permanent. During these tough economic times, hardworking, job-seeking Americans deserve no less.”
The Reclaim American Jobs Caucus is a 40 Member, bipartisan caucus, headed by Representatives Lamar Smith, Sue Myrick and Gary Miller. As the national unemployment rate remains near 10%, the Reclaim American Jobs Caucus works to highlight the link between illegal immigration and record unemployment in the U.S.
The Reclaim American Jobs Caucus compiled the numbers based off of an August 20 report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and a September 1 study by the Pew Hispanic Center.
Senator Scott Brown Slams Harvard for Continuing to Refuse ROTC on Campus
“I am extremely disappointed to learn of Harvard University’s decision to continue to ban ROTC from its campus. It is incomprehensible to me that Harvard does not allow ROTC to use its facilities, but welcomes students who are in this country illegally. Harvard President Faust has been lobbying on Capitol Hill in support of the DREAM Act, which would grant legal status to illegal immigrants attending college. Harvard has its priorities upside down. They should embrace young people who want to serve their country at a time of war, rather than promoting a plan that provides amnesty to students who are in this country illegally.”
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Biden Says, "Tea Party is Good for Democrats" & Guarantees Winning House & Senate
Many JFK type Democrats & Reagan Democrats are feeling deserted by how their long cherished political party has turned more into a patio party for progressive policies & out of control spending are starting to identify with the Tea Party movement.
From The Hill -- (emphasis added)
Biden, speaking at a fundraiser in Chevy Chase, Md., for Sen. Barbara Mikulski, said the energy of the Tea Party might inspire a lethargic Democratic base to turn out and vote in November.Yeah.... awesome record Mr. Vice President!
“Maybe the best thing to happen to us lately is the Tea Party wins," Biden said. "Maybe it’ll shake some of our constituency out of their lethargy.”
The vice president also offered a "guarantee" that Democrats will defy predictions and maintain control of the House.
“I guarantee you we’re going to have a majority in the House and a majority in the Senate. I absolutely believe that,” Biden said.
The vice president conceded that voters are "angry against whoever is in power," but he said that Democrats “have a heck of a record, a heck of a positive record to run on."
With unemployment as it is, our oh-so dandy economic outlook, who knows how many $???? trillion debt, rising health insurance premiums, out-of-control spending, the stampeding of the Constitution & our rights, trying to pass back door legislation, issuing edicts through regulation, and a government growing almost as large as our Presidents head -- you & your progressive pals should have no problem being voted into the Hall of Political Failures!
Help with AFP's National Neighborhood Canvassing Day on Oct. 2nd
You can also email any questions to Please watch for more information in the next few days on National Neighborhood Canvassing Day.
Thank you,
Rebecca Heimlich
Ohio State Director
Americans for Prosperity
Action Alert / Call Today: Help Rep. Tom Price Pass Lame Duck Congress Resolution
Today September 23rd, the House will vote on another Lame-Duck session resolution offered by Rep. Tom Price (R-GA).
Price’s second attempt to prevent stealth legislation from getting through a lame-duck will be slightly different than his resolution the last time around.
The new resolution states:
That the House of Representatives pledges not to assemble on or between November 2, 2010, and January 3, 2011, except in the case of an unforeseen, sudden emergency requiring immediate action from Congress, and that the consideration of any of the following matters does not constitute an unforeseen, sudden emergency:
- Any legislation pertaining to the Immigration and Nationality Act.
Anti-English provisions could easily be added to a bill that proposes changes to the Immigration and Nationality Act during a lame-duck, so we want to make sure that doesn’t happen!
Limiting a lame duck session will decrease the risk of Congress attempting to jam through stealth legislation.
Call and email your representative now and tell them to support the Price "Limit the lame-duck resolution" by voting YES TODAY!
Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121
Congressman Dennis Kucinich (OH-10)
(Click here for email)
Lakewood Office
14400 Detroit Avenue
Lakewood, Ohio 44107
Phone (216)228-8850 / Fax (216)228-6465
Parma Office
Parmatown Mall
7904 Day Drive
Parma, Ohio 44129
Phone (440)845-2707 / Fax (440)845-2743
Washington Office
2445 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone (202)225-5871 / Fax (202)225-5745
Congresswoman Betty Sutton (OH-13)
(Click here to email)
Summit County Office
39 E Market Street, LL #1
Akron, OH 44308
Phone: (330) 865-8450 / Fax: (330) 865-8470
Lorain County Office
St. Joseph's Community Center
205 West 20th Street, Room M230
Lorain, OH 44052
Phone: (440) 245-5350 / Fax: (440) 245-5355
Washington D.C. Office
1721 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3401 / Fax: (202) 225-2266
Congressman John Boccieri (OH-16)
(Click here for email)
District Office
300 W Tuscarawas St. Suite 716
Canton, OH 44702
Ph: (330) 489-4414 / Fax: (330) 489-4448
Washington D.C. Office
1516 Longworth HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
Ph: (202) 225-3876 / Fax: (202) 225-3059
District Toll Free Help Number: 1-800-826-9015
Tea Party Patriots receive $1 million donation to advance "Core Values" NOT Candidates
Organizers behind one of the largest "tea party" activist groups said Tuesday they have received a $1 million commitment to help grass-roots organizations for the midterm elections and said they were ready to take up President Obama's challenge to offer specifics on fixing the nation's problems.
The Tea Party Patriots — which claims connections to more than 2,800 smaller groups — will receive the money through an anonymous donation and will distribute the money by Oct. 4, backers said.
Though Tea Party Patriots organizers said the grants are to help those smaller groups improve their organizational efforts during the final weeks of the general election, the money cannot be used to endorse a candidate.
The only other restriction is that the money must be used to further the movement's core tenets of limited government, fiscal responsibility and free markets."This is to help groups on the ground become more efficient, not tell them what to do," Mark Meckler, the Tea Party Patriots' co-founder and national coordinator, said at a news conference at the National Press Club in Washington.
He said the group also is responding to President Obama's call Monday for members of the movement to identify specifically what they would do to help revive the economy and create more jobs.
In a televised town-hall meeting on CNBC on Monday, Mr. Obama acknowledged the legitimate concerns of tea party activists, but added, "The challenge for the tea party movement is to identify specifically what would you do."
Jenny Beth Martin, the Tea Party Patriots' other co-founder and national coordinator, said the group is "happy to take [Mr. Obama] up on that."
Mr. Meckler said the group now has a feature on its website where visitors can post solutions that will be forwarded to the White House. More....

18th OH House District Candidate Mike Dovilla Endorsed by OH Patrolmen's Benevolent Association
In a local OH House race that is sure to be exciting, Mike Dovilla, Candidate for the 18th Ohio House District, recently received the endorsements of the Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association and the Ohio Restaurant Association.
Dovilla, a small business owner, a U.S. Navy officer and decorated combat veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, is challenging current State Rep. Matt Patten, a community organizer, for this seat.
Patten voted to support our current state budget which is predicted to have an $8 Billion bust and in January 2010 and Patten signed a letter as part of the Coalition of Legislators for Energy Action Now to President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calling for economically devastating “climate change legislation.”
The 18th District is composed of Berea, North Royalton, Olmsted Falls, Olmsted Township, and Strongsville.
For more information on Mike Dovilla click here. For more information on Matt Patten click here.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Teddy Trashes the Tea Party & Ignores his Failures as OH Governor
Actually Governor Strickland, many of us would wish you would admit your self-described failure on school funding and absolute failure on the State Budget which is predicted to have an $8 Billion bust instead of attacking Americans fighting to save our country....
"Let me tell this: I am so committed to solving this school-funding issue that if I become governor, and I do a lot of wonderful things but I fail to address this school-funding issue, I will have been a failed governor." -- Ted Strickland 2006
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Congressman Hal Rogers (KY-05) Introduces Bill to Stop the EPA’s War on Coal
Washington, DC, Sep 15 - Today, U.S. Congressman Hal Rogers (KY-05) spoke at the FACES of Coal rally on Capitol Hill and energized hundreds of coal miners who traveled from all over Appalachia to make sure their voices were heard. Rogers spoke out against the EPA’s war on coal and introduced legislation, H.R. 6113, the Electric Reliability Protection Act, which would stop the EPA and Administration’s attempt to regulate coal mining out of business.
“At a time when our nation faces 9.6% unemployment, bureaucrats in Washington are trying to put an entire sector of our economy out of business,” said Rogers. “From the devastating Cap and Trade bill, to the EPA’s absurd directives on carbon dioxide, to continued delays in the coal mining permitting process, the Administration is threatening 1 out of every 4 Appalachian coal mining jobs. Because of these political games, 2 billion tons of coal are going untapped – that is enough to power the nation for two years.
In effect, this bill would stop the Czar like tactics of EPA Director Lisa Jackson and would force the EPA to allow the public a chance to voice our opinion on the heavy-handed regulatory tactics being implemented to destroy not only the coal industry -- but small business which are being stealthily attacked under the guise of the Integrated Urban Air Toxics Strategy.
Helping to enable these guerrilla-like tactics by the EPA are Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Congresswoman Betty Sutton (OH -13) & Congressman John Boccieri (OH-16) -- all supporters of the House Cap & Trade bill. With Ohio bleeding jobs and a predicted $8 billion bust in our state budget (thanks to Governor Strickland) one would think these three Pelosi puppets would do everything in their power to do what is best for OH. But we see that is not the case and it appears they would rather see our state unemployment rate and your electric rates go higher than the national debt!
Please contact these N/E Ohio Congresscritters, urge them to sign on in support of the Electric Reliability Protection Act and if they don't.... remind them November is coming!
Contact info;
Congressman Dennis Kucinich (OH-10)
(Click here for email)
Lakewood Office
14400 Detroit Avenue
Lakewood, Ohio 44107
Phone (216)228-8850 / Fax (216)228-6465
Parma Office
Parmatown Mall
7904 Day Drive
Parma, Ohio 44129
Phone (440)845-2707 / Fax (440)845-2743
Washington Office
2445 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone (202)225-5871 / Fax (202)225-5745
Congresswoman Betty Sutton (OH-13)
(Click here to email)
Summit County Office
39 E Market Street, LL #1
Akron, OH 44308
Phone: (330) 865-8450 / Fax: (330) 865-8470
Lorain County Office
St. Joseph's Community Center
205 West 20th Street, Room M230
Lorain, OH 44052
Phone: (440) 245-5350 / Fax: (440) 245-5355
Washington D.C. Office
1721 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3401 / Fax: (202) 225-2266
Congressman John Boccieri (OH-16)
(Click here for email)
District Office
300 W Tuscarawas St.
Suite 716
Canton, OH 44702
Ph: (330) 489-4414 / Fax: (330) 489-4448
Washington D.C. Office
1516 Longworth HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
Ph: (202) 225-3876 / Fax: (202) 225-3059
District Toll Free Help Number: 1-800-826-9015
Friday, September 17, 2010
EPA cranks up attacks on Small Business & Manufacturers
With the failure to pass the Murkowski Resolution, the EPA, using the Clean Air Act & the Integrated Urban Air Toxic Strategy as their hammer, a stealth form of Cap & Trade is currently being imposed & expanded from attacks on the coal industry to the manufacturing sector and small businesses.
From National Assoc. of Manufacturers --
The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) Vice President of Energy and Resources Policy Keith McCoy issued the following statement today regarding the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) continued push to impose costly and unattainable regulations on industry:
“EPA’s drive to put costly new burdens on manufacturers continues to create uncertainty and harm manufacturers’ ability to compete in a global economy. Two of the EPA’s more recent regulatory actions include proposing lowering ozone limits and putting stricter emission standards on industrial boilers. According to two new studies, the EPA’s current path and proposals will add costly new burdens to manufacturers and destroy millions of jobs.
Today the Manufacturers Alliance/MAPI released a study showing the EPA’s proposed ozone standards would cost 7.3 million jobs by 2020 and add $1 trillion in new regulatory costs per year between 2020 and 2030. And, while the EPA has publicly acknowledged that its own research shows there is no basis for proposing changing the ozone standards, the Agency continues to move ahead.
In addition, the Council of Industrial Boiler Owners (CIBO) today released a study that shows the EPA’s proposed rules to restrict emission limits on industrial and commercial boilers and process heaters could put 300,000 jobs at risk. The CIBO study also concludes that every $1 billion spent on compliance would jeopardize 16,000 jobs.Our nation’s unemployment rate is 9.6 percent. We need more jobs, but the EPA is moving forward with regulations that will crush economic growth and manufacturers’ ability to hire. The NAM and the 18 million people who make up the manufacturing economy will continue to urge the EPA not to move forward with these job-killing proposals.”
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Federal Judge allows Andover Tea Party Constitution Day Event to proceed
From Fox News --
A federal judge on Wednesday overruled a small Ohio town that had blocked a local Tea Party group from holding a Constitution Day rally in the town's public square because it was deemed too political.
Judge Donald C. Nugent issued a temporary injunction against Andover Township until the merits of the case can be decided. That clears the way for the Andover Tea Party to commemorate Constitution Day in the town square on Friday.
The town trustees who tried to block the rally "need to learn the Constitution," Peg Slingluff, a local Tea Party organizer, told
"It's very ironic that an effort to celebrate the Constitution results in a violation of the Constitution," attorney Curt Hartman, part of the legal team representing the
group, added.The three trustees initially agreed in May to allow the activists to hold their rally when they thought the fledging group was going to have a picnic, serving tea and cookies, Slingluff said. Then they rescinded the offer in July when they learned that the group was affiliated with the conservative grassroots movement that has taken the nation by storm in the last year and a half.
"Who's been living under a rock for the last 18 months that they don't know what the Tea Party is," said attorney Christopher Finney, another member of the group's legal team.The trustees denied the group access to the park based on a township resolution that allows officials to determine public space usage "on a case by case basis" and to ban speech that they deem too "political."
The 1851 Center for Constitutional Law, a nonpartisan law center in the state, filed a lawsuit in federal court, arguing the group's First Amendment rights were violated. More...
Judge Nugents respect for law is beyond reproach. In a 2007 ruling, regarding protesters at a military funeral of a fallen soldier, Judge Nugent upheld the law limiting protests at funerals.
For those interested in going to the event;
Celebrate the signing of the Constitution on Constitution Day. An evening of music and calebration with like minded people.
Date: 9/17/2010
Time: 6:00pm
Andover Public Square (Click here for map)
Intersection of Rt. 6 & Rt. 7
Andover, OH 44003
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
10th Congressional Candidate Peter J. Corrigan is Endorsed by Cleveland Fire Chief's Association
Peter Corrigan, who is running against Denns Kucinich in the 10th Congressional District is endorsed by the Cleveland Fire Chief's Association.
British Teen gets Banned from U.S. for Calling President Obama a Name
From FOX DC --
A British teenager who sent an email to the White House calling President Obama an obscenity was banned from America for life, The Sun reported Monday.
The FBI asked local cops to tell college student Luke Angel, 17, his drunken insult was "unacceptable."
Angel said he fired off a single email criticizing the U.S. government after seeing a TV program about the 9/11 attacks.
He said, "I don't remember exactly what I wrote as I was drunk. But I think I called Barack Obama a p***k. It was silly -- the sort of thing you do when you're a teenager and have had a few."
Angel, of Bedford, in central England, said it was "a bit extreme" for the FBI to act. "The police came and took my picture and told me I was banned from America forever. I don't really care but my parents aren't very happy."
A Bedford Police spokesman confirmed they had spoken to Angel about the email. Officers will take no criminal action.
Joanne Ferreira, of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, said there are about 60 reasons a person can be barred from visiting America.
She said, "We are prohibited from discussing specific cases."
Read more:
Small Business to Shoulder over a Third of Tax Increase on Top Earners
From Tax Foundation --
Advocates of allowing the top two federal income tax rates to expire claim that only 2 or 3 percent of businesses would be affected, but a new Tax Foundation report shows that more than one-third of the revenue from an increase in the top two rates would come from business income.
About 39 percent of the $630 billion tax increase on high-income taxpayers (defined by President Obama as individuals earning more than $200,000 and married couples earning more than $250,000) in 2011 would come from business income. This amounts to an extra $246 billion in taxes on business income over 10 years.
"The fact that 'only' 2 or 3 percent of taxpayers with business income would face higher taxes is meaningless to the debate," said Tax Foundation President Scott Hodge, who authored the paper. "What matters most is not the number of taxpayers impacted, but the amount of business income - and, therefore, business activity - impacted."
Tax Foundation Special Report, No. 185, "Over One-Third of New Tax Increases to Come from Business Income," is available online at
More than 74 percent of tax filers in the highest tax bracket report some business income, compared to 20 percent of those at the lowest bracket.
Of the roughly $864 billion in taxable business income reported on individual income tax returns in 2008, nearly 68 percent was claimed by taxpayers earning more than $200,000, and 35 percent was claimed by taxpayers earning over $ 1 million.
"This means that the combined business income of every taxpayer earning up to $200,000 was still less than the total business income of taxpayers earning more than $1 million," Hodge said.
More business income is taxed under the individual income tax code as "pass-through" businesses (non-corporate firms such as sole proprietors, S-corporations, Limited Liability Corporations and partnerships) than is taxed under the traditional corporate income tax code. The number of pass-through businesses nearly tripled between 1980 and 2007, from roughly 10.9 million to more than 30 million. The number of traditional C-corporations declined steadily from 2.2 million in 1980 to 1.9 million in 2007.
In the same time period, net receipts for C-corps roughly doubled, from $752 billion to $1.4 trillion, and net receipts from pass-through entities saw a six-fold increase, from $315 billion to more than $1.8 trillion.
The Tax Foundation is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that has monitored fiscal policy at the federal, state and local levels since 1937.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Image Impact
Felicia Winfree Cravens
There's a lot of press chasing the latest doings of the administration, and the vocal opposition to its agenda. You can't turn on the news without seeing a story about the health care debate, or the economy, or Cap and Trade. The debate is a good thing, and people who never cared about such issues before have suddenly found themselves chest-deep in the intricacies of legislation, discussing the Constitution. That renewed interest can never be bad for our republic.
What concerns me is the image portrayed by our opposition.
First, let's think about the goal here. Is the highest goal to keep a given piece of legislation from being passed? If so, then how do we make that happen? The obvious answer is to amass enough public opposition to render it politically impossible for Congress to pass it. This is why the town hall meetings have been so compelling; people are attending these events in unprecedented numbers to make their opinion known, especially on the health care legislation.
Is it having an effect? A little bit. It might result in a watered-down version of what's currently on offer being passed. But make no mistake, unless there's a radical change in the typical congressvarmint's point of view, this bill, in some form, WILL PASS.
So how do you change the view of Congress? My opinion is that you do it by reaching some of their base who do not currently agree with you. That takes many forms, but a good example is Tracy Miller's attempt to explain the health care legislation at an aborted Sheila Jackson Lee town hall. Sheila moved her town hall, and Tracy ended up at the original location. There she met several people who were supporters of the congresswoman, but who didn't know much about what was in the bill. She spent time that evening talking to those people and giving them facts and excerpts from the bill, and found common ground with them. She gave them something that was in short supply from Sheila Jackson Lee - information. That's a valuable outreach effort.
Would Tracy have had that opportunity to reach these SJL supporters had she charged in with her Obama Joker poster held high? I really don't think so. Would they have been receptive to anything she had to say? Probably not. Tracy knows this, and acted accordingly.
We should all take a page from her book, and learn something about image.
When Houston Tea Party Society hosted tea parties, we did our best to encourage people to focus on Congress as their targets. Putting the focus on the newly-elected, highly popular, still-honeymooning president would only serve to make those supporters dig in their heels and root their support even deeper. Congress was (and is) a much smarter target choice, and as Tracy found in an early SJL town hall, rich with material - as when SJL pretended to listen to Tracy's question and talked on her cell phone at the same time. That video landed the congresswoman, and Tracy, on the Fox News Channel.
The point here is that without the distraction of an altered Obama photo, without the distraction of a Sheila Jackson Lee voodoo doll, the story became Sheila Jackson Lee's behavior. Add those distracting elements into the picture, and the media would be reporting on the poster, on the doll. Is that the story we want to tell? Is that the goal; to get a chuckle out of people who agree with us? Or is the larger goal to prevail, to sway more people on the fence to agree with us, to amass the numbers we need to force Congress to abandon their socialist plans?
You can go for the cheap laugh, or you can go for the win. It's up to you. But if you go for the laugh, don't be surprised if we aren't all laughing along. Some of us would like to keep the focus on the issues.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
U.S. Senate Candidate Lee Fisher Disrespects 9/11
From Politico -- (emphasis added)
POLITICO reports today about the fading taboo of Sept. 11 politics: Marginal groups are holding dueling mosque rallies in New York that day, while across the country politicians tiptoe back toward having certain, relatively low-key political events that day.
The story doesn't make mention of any candidate fundraisers, but Ohio Senate candidate Lee Fisher is crossing that line as well, with a campaign fundraiser that evening at the home of a Mansfield City councilwoman, Ellen Haring.
Asked about the timing, a Fisher aide noted that earlier that day, the Democrat is attending a first-responder dedication ceremony in Hilliard, Ohio.
Fisher is, as far as I know, the only federal candidate in the country holding a fundraiser that day.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Ohioans acknowledge Governor Strickland's FAILURE on School Funding Fix
From Third Base Politics --
Remember this quote from Ted Strickland way back in 2006?
"Let me tell this: I am so committed to solving this school-funding issue that if I become governor, and I do a lot of wonderful things but I fail to address this school-funding issue, I will have been a failed governor," Strickland said."Interestingly enough, respondents to this weekend's Dispatch poll were asked about this very issue:
So 94% of Ohioans are now susceptible to Strickland's own qualification of defining him as a failed Governor.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Tea Party Patriots Host 9/12 St. Louis Rally to “Recycle Government” at Arch
One of Three Major 9/12 Events Across the Country
(ST LOUIS, MO) August 25, 2010 Thousands of Tea Party Patriots from across the Midwest are expected to converge in St. Louis on September 12, 2010 to rally in support of restoring founding U.S. principles, in protest at the size and scope of government, and in support of current efforts to repeal legislation that they believe has been forced upon them and will not deliver on its promises.
The rally will be held under the Gateway Arch with speakers and music on the Riverfront Stage. Music will begin at noon; speakers to begin at 1 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. KFTK 97.1 FM Talk serves as the official radio sponsor.
“Our theme this year is ‘Recycle Government’ – to repeal ObamaCare, reduce government spending, and restore the principles of fiscal responsibility, limited government, and free markets that make this nation great and free,” says Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder and national coordinator for Tea Party Patriots, the largest network of voluntarily affiliated tea party and 9/12 groups in the country.
One of those groups, the St. Louis Tea Party, is a co-sponsor of the event. “We’re thrilled to welcome tea partiers from across the nation to St. Louis, the very heartland of America. St. Louis supports the Tea Party Patriots and looks forward to welcoming grassroots groups from all over to the event,” says Dana Loesch. Loesch and Bill Hennessy are founders of the St. Louis Tea Party.
The “9/12” rally, as its come to be known, first took place on 9/12/2009. More than 850,000 people converged on Washington, D.C. to protest out of control government spending, the erosion of personal liberties, and the bailouts of troubled industries. This year, the “9/12” rally will be held in St. Louis and Sacramento, CA in addition to Washington, D.C.
St. Louis participants will hear music from country music legend Sammy Kershaw; former American Idol contestant Krista Branch; Neil E. Boyd, winner of America’s Got Talent and St. Louis diva Kim Massie. Speakers will include US Congressional Representative Steve King, radio and Internet personalities, and grassroots organizers from Illinois, Indiana, Tennessee, Ohio, Maine, Georgia, and Washington.
For more information about the 9/12 St. Louis “Gateway to November” event go to
Tea Party Patriots, Inc. operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.
Tea Party Patriots, Inc. ("TPP") is a non-partisan, non-profit social welfare organization dedicated to furthering the common good and general welfare of the people of the United States. TPP furthers this goal by educating the public and promoting the principles of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government and free markets. Tea Party Patriots has not endorsed candidates for public office.
Tea Party “Ordinary Citizens Restoring America’s Founding Principles”
Scott Boston
Tea Party Patriots, National Education Coordinator
9/12 St. Louis Event Coordinator