Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label AOC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AOC. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

AOC on CPAC Straw Poll


Babylon Bee’s headline:

AOC Proposes Nationwide Ban On Straws
 After Learning Trump Won Straw Poll

WASHINGTON, DC — Following former President Donald Trump's overwhelming victory in CPAC's straw poll for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has proposed legislation that would impose a nationwide ban on the use of straws.

"This poll shows straws are a threat to our democracy!" Ocasio-Cortez said in a statement to the media. "If straws are supporting Donald Trump and his dangerous ‘MAGA' movement, then they have no business being in public circulation, let alone voting for President!"

"Plus, they outnumber humans, like, 2 to 1. That's scary!"

The straw poll, conducted at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, showed Trump garnering a commanding 60% of the votes cast. This resulted in immediate calls from Democrats to subject straws to even heavier regulation. . . .

And the closer:

At publishing time, AOC had been seen at a local coffee shop gluing herself to a straw in protest.

Source here

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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Babylon Bee on Justice Clarence Thomas’s vote


Yesterday, The Babylon Bee knocked another one out of the park:

Democrats Argue That Clarence Thomas
Should Only Have 3/5 Of A Vote

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Democrats in D.C. have lashed out at Justice Clarence Thomas following his vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, arguing that he should only get 3/5 of a vote in the Supreme Court.

"This is an illegitimate vote!" shouted AOC to protesters gathered in front of the Supreme Court Building. "Three Justices lied during their appointment hearings—so their votes don't count—and Clarence Thomas should only get 3/5 of a vote. That means Roe was overturned by a vote of 3 to 2 3/5! That's crazy!"

Democrats say they are proposing this historic compromise to restore public trust in the Supreme Court. They argue that since Clarence Thomas is bad, he should have 2/5ths of his vote removed.

"This is what must be done to restore confidence in our democracy," said Senator Chuck Schumer.

At publishing time, Sen Elizabeth Warren had fallen uncharacteristically quiet on the issue. According to sources, she's concerned someone will bring up her Native American heritage and she'll lose a vote in the senate.

A brief summary of the "3/5 compromise," as recited in the US Constitution, is here

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Saturday, November 13, 2021

An end-run around the corrupt media


Illustration via Wikipedia

And now for something a little more upbeat.  Kira Davis has the encouraging words at RedState:

The progressive legacy media never did take too kindly to the rise of conservative media, understandably but it rarely felt dangerous. More like…temper tantrums.

But what has been happening in progressive circles since Trump was elected is increasingly disturbing. Trump rocked their world. He was a complete outsider who wasn’t even supposed to be a serious player in the game, let alone the winner. It was too dangerous to have an outsider in the White House who wouldn’t respect the hierarchy and rules of Capitol Hill life. He had to go, and they spent four years doing everything in their power to make sure he would.

You’d think they’d be happy that they won. They got their guy. Even though Joe Biden is the strangest and saddest President I’ve ever experienced in my lifetime, the point remains…he’s their guy. Why don’t they seem happy?

Instead the progressive left has ramped up censorship and raised the flame underneath political discourse to near unbearable levels. Their figureheads- people like Joy Reid and AOC – go on tv and accuse conservative voters of being murderers, white supremacists, baby Hitlers. They have no ability to view their ideological opponents as humans anymore. Even the reasonable conservative pundits that they used to like are still the victims of their hate speech, because these days it isn’t about what you said and what your words and actions can prove about you. It’s about nothing more than the vote you cast.

The progressive left has decided that anyone who isn’t them is the enemy, and therefore the enemy must be eliminated by any means necessary.

Their preferred means is silence. The goal of the progressive left is to make sure we can’t participate in the public conversation, our ideas can’t be heard, our opinions can’t be considered. They truly believe that if they make the mouthpieces of conservatism go away that they’ll magically “solve” the problem of conservatives.

After all, you idiots are just little robots with no thoughts of your own! If we weren’t here to feed you your ideas you would simply stop thinking.

Obviously I’m being sarcastic, but that’s actually how the left views their own, and they project it onto us. They can’t defend their ideas. The only way to be influential is to force competing ideas out of the market.

Let’s face it. The real problem progressive leftists have with the right is that we don’t need them anymore.

They aren’t the gatekeepers of information and communication anymore and it really burns their gluten-free buns. They can’t stand that no matter what they try, we keep making end-runs around their stupid, childish barriers. . . .

More here.   

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Saturday, February 9, 2019

Green New Deal: insane, dangerous, etc.

Image credit: federalobserver.com

Patricia McCarthy at American Thinker considers Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez "A One-Woman EMP":

An electromagnetic pulse attack, essentially a nuclear device exploded at high altitude above America, would knock out power grids, rendering anything electrical or digital non-functional.  Cars, trucks, computers, etc. would be dead (unless still running vehicles from the 1960s).  The country would come to a full stop.  That is exactly what Miss. O-C is prescribing.  She means to send us back to an age her Millennial friends would not recognize.  Most of them would be unable to function, as so many are seriously lacking in the skills older generations grew up taking for granted.  Most young people would have no idea how to repair anything they own if it broke, least of all their cars.  They would be apoplectic if their smartphones were suddenly mute.  If Miss O-C were ever to implement any aspect of her Green New Deal, her very own friends would be reduced to the snowflakes they've been raised to be, helpless.

Another one of my favorite journalists, James Delingpole, puts the Green New Deal, in historical perspective at Breitbart:

Not everyone who believes in man-made climate change is a full on Commie. Some are merely useful idiots. But whatever reason people may have for supporting the scam – greed, stupidity, virtue-signalling, idiot leftist teachers – the net result is the same: bigger government, higher taxes, more regulation, lower standards of living. Exactly like you’d get under communism, in fact.

So color me completely unshocked by the Green New Deal. It looks like a revamped Communist Manifesto because that’s exactly what it is.

If implemented, the size of government would increase to levels never before seen in a Western economy. The state’s control of everything from wage levels to how businesses are run to your personal freedoms would be total. There’s no mention of gulags or political prisoners or secret police but of course those would inevitably follow because how else would the state have a hope of enforcing measures which freedom loving Americans would naturally resist?

Here’s hoping the Green New Deal and its sponsors will all implode. Soon.
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Friday, February 8, 2019

Solyndra on steroids: how to stifle competition

Lots of us are laughing at AOC’s idiotic Green New Deal “plan.” Tea Party people want smaller, not bigger government. Mr. Instapundit linked to a timely analysis by Chelsea Follett at Human Progress:

“The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.” Senator Bernie Sanders first said those words in 1974 and has been repeating them ever since. Senator Sanders is not alone in his belief. Three out of four Americans agree with the statement, “Today it’s really true that the rich just get richer while the poor get poorer.” 

Senator Sanders is half right: the rich are getting richer. However, his assertion that the poor are becoming poorer is incorrect. The poor are becoming richer as well. 

Economist Gary Burtless of the Brookings Institution showed that between 1979 and 2010, the real (inflation-adjusted) after-tax income of the top 1 percent of U.S. income-earners grew by an impressive 202 percent. He also showed that the real after-tax income of the bottom fifth of income-earners grew by 49 percent. All groups made real income gains. While the rich are making gains at a faster pace, both the rich and the poor are in fact becoming richer. 

In addition to these measurable real income gains, decreases in prices have given the poor increased purchasing power, helping to raise living standards for the worst off in society. As a result of falling prices such as for groceries and material goods, along with gains in real income, Americans have more income left after basic expenses.

Technology has also become cheaper, improving our lives in unexpected ways. For example, consider the spread of cell phones. There was a time when only the wealthiest Americans could afford one. Today, over 98 percent of Americans have a cellular subscription, and the rise of smart phones has made these devices more useful than ever.

Unfortunately, progress has been uneven. In those areas of the economy where competition is hobbled, such as education, housing, and healthcare, prices continue to increase. 
. . .

“Competition is hobbled” whenever the government intrudes. Ms. Follett's full article is here. (And Solyndra is now defunct.)
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Wednesday, January 16, 2019