Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts

Sunday, December 29, 2019

The menorah and “lights” in 2019

image credit: www:turbosquid.com

Tea Party readers who are not Jewish may not know the symbolism of the menorah. Rabbi Michael Barclay published a thoughtful article about “The Most Powerful Moments of Light in 2019” – one of many retrospectives on the year 2019, and he starts off:

On Hannukah, we are commanded to light a Hannukah menorah (a 9-branched candelabra [sometimes with 7-branches) and place it in our windows as a symbol of our willingness to combat evil…with each candle enlightening the dark in the world. In 2019, there has been a lot of darkness, but there have also been “candles” in the dark that have brought more light into all of our worlds. In honor of Hannukah (and the light of Christmas as well) it is good to remember some of these candles that have brought more light into this past year.

The menorah has eight specific candles and a “shamash," an all-important “helper" candle that lights each of the other lights. Below, in no particular order, are some of the powerful moments of light of 2019

  •      There can be no doubt that the shamash of 2019 has been President Trump. Without the shamash helper, none of the candles could be lit. It is the spark from which each candle comes. His actions have sparked lights around the world to combat the evil and darkness of “the swamp" that has been enveloping the nation over the last number of years. Despite the many efforts to snuff out this candle, his persistence and willingness to fight the darkness has demonstrated what dedication really means.

Eight other candles of light in the darkness of 2019, in no particular order, include [and please click here to read his explanations as to why these “lights” have been chosen]
  • Prager University's fight for freedom of speech. 
  • The executive order regarding Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
  • The election of Boris Johnson.
  • Congressmen Nunes, Collins, Jordan, Stefanik, and the rest of the Republican members of the House Committees on Intelligence and Justice.
  • Joe Biden.
  • Kanye West.
  • Father Robert Morey. 
  • The American people.

. . .

May each of us celebrate Hannukah, Christmas, and all holidays of light in a way that allows the glow of our souls to enlighten the world…creating true peace and joy.

Read the full article here
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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Our President's letter to Speaker Pelosi

image credit: Babylon Bee

Link of the day to: the report on Breitbart by Charlie Spiering, "Read Donald Trump’s Historic Impeachment Takedown Letter to Nancy Pelosi". Click here and scroll down to the bottom for the scribd download of the 6-pg letter.  
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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

If it's not close, they can't cheat

Brian C. Joondeph at American Thinker is as impatient as any of us – where oh where are the indictments?

Where is the IG report on FISA abuse? Where is the promised declassification of the documents which originated this coup? This has all been imminent every week for the past year, yet it remains as elusive as bigfoot. 

However, and also at American Thinker, Patricia McCarthy has a take on the Russia Hoax, the Ukraine hoax, and now the Impeachment Circus that offers a glimmer of hope. Here are a few extracts:

It is all backfiring since they are trying to impeach Trump for what Obama/Biden actually did.  We have all seen Biden's little bit of bragging about threatening Ukraine that $1B would be withheld unless a certain prosecutor was fired within six hours.  That prosecutor was charged with investigating the corrupt Burisma energy company on whose board sat Hunter Biden.  Biden intervened in Ukraine's state government to protect the bribery that was blatantly making his own family fabulously wealthy.

And Ukraine was not the only foreign nation that the Bidens, the Kerrys, the Pelosis, the Clintons, and the Feinsteins tapped for millions of dollars that went directly into their own pockets.  See Peter Schweizer's books, Clinton Cash and Secret Empires. [Aside: I’ve read both books and they are documented to a fare-thee-well. –D]
. . .
It is almost impossible to believe that Trump has not been on to this cabal's fraudulent scheme for a long time now.  Adm. Mike Rogers clued him in to the Obama administration's listening in (wiretapping) on his phones at Trump Tower in 2015.  That was when he moved his campaign headquarters to New Jersey.  He has known since then what they were up to, so isn't it possible that he has been setting them up for the past three years?  Could he be manipulating Pelosi, Schiff, and their henchmen into a world-class implosion?  It is beginning to seem that this may be true.  As the actual transcripts of Schiff's not-witnesses are released and when actual journalists read them, it becomes clearer and clearer that they have nothing.  This attempt to impeach is all about covering up their own crimes.  If this is true, then Trump will have kept his ultimate and most important promise: to drain the swamp.

The swamp is much, much muddier and more corrupt than any of us knew. That Trump has withstood their three-plus-year calculated attack on him, his family, his friends, and his presidency is a testament to his phenomenal strength of character.  That is why he was elected and will be re-elected if the Left can't cheat enough. The Left always cheats, as they did to elect JFK.

This 2020 election will be consequential. They will cheat in 2020 too. That is what open borders and no voter ID is all about. All Americans who love this country and our Constitution must vote to defeat these criminals. As Hugh Hewitt has always said, "If it's not close, they can't cheat." 

Read Ms. McCarthy’s entire column here.
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Monday, September 30, 2019

Peter Schweizer on Joe Biden

Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends

Secret Empires: 
How the American Political Class 
Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends
(image credit: Washington Times)

Trent Baker had three paragraphs at Breitbart summarizing Peter Schweizer’s appearance on Mark Levin’s show last night:

Breitbart News senior contributor and Secret Empires author Peter Schweizer joined Life, Liberty & Levin Sunday on Fox News Channel to explain Joe and Hunter Biden’s Ukraine connections.

Schweizer told host Mark Levin that the former vice president’s son was being paid by Ukraine despite not having expertise in the energy sector while Joe Biden was the “point-person” on former President Barack Obama’s administration in dealing with Ukraine.

“The key question here that nobody seems to want to ask in the media is: What was he being paid for? He wasn’t being paid for his expertise. What was he being paid for? And what were the Ukrainians expecting to get in return?” Schweizer stated. “I think when you overlay the financial payments with the fact that Joe Biden as point person on Obama administration policy to Ukraine was steering billions of dollars of Western money to Ukraine it becomes crystal clear exactly why they were paying him money. They wanted access and they wanted to influence Joe Biden. And Joe Biden has been around a long time here, and he had to know exactly why his son was being paid.”

Schweizer’s book Secret Empires is an excellent resource. If you are interested in his column-length reports, click here.

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Friday, September 27, 2019

Life After Fox News

Paul Ryan cartoon from Cagle Comics at Utah Independent 

Yes, Fox is moving relentlessly leftward, and in our household, we click the “Mute” button during prime time viewing -- or turn the channel. Judi McLeod at Canada Free Press quotes Breitbart to begin her report:

. . . Former House Speaker Paul Ryan, who currently sits on the board of Fox News Corp., and who, according to Vanity Fair, is reportedly urging Fox News to “decisively break” with President Donald Trump—news in the magazine’s report documenting the network’s “management bedlam”. (Tony Lee at Breitbart, Sept. 26, 2019)

Ryan, the longtime Trump antagonist, has reportedly been suggesting to Murdoch that “Fox should decisively break with the president” as Murdoch holds “strategy conversations with Fox executives and anchors about how Fox News should prepare for life after Trump.”

Downright laughable that while “strategy conversations” are taking place to decide how Fox News “should prepare for life after Trump” that legions in the unwashed masses are already preparing themselves for life after Fox News.
. . .

Full report is here

Related: While I find Mark Levin abrasive most of the time, he dials it down on his Sunday evening program on Fox. This Sunday, Peter Schweizer is the scheduled guest. Having read his books Clinton Cash, Extortion, and Secret Empires, I plan to tune in. Mr. Schweizer is the go-to source on the Joe Biden scandals.
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Thursday, August 1, 2019

Wrap-up: Democrat Panderfest debate (2)

image credit: CNN via Treehouse

Mark Penn called it a "Panderfest." There are dozens of takes online on last night’s unwatchable Democrat debate, and here are two extracts that are short and snappy. First, Mr. Vodkapundit, closing his drunkblogging report:
It was a big dud tonight.

Not that there weren't any fireworks, because there were a few. Not because it was tedious, which might just be my partisan bias. And not just because the field of ten had maybe three actual contenders.

It was a big dud because -- and correct me if I'm wrong here -- nobody did anything to move the needle.

Biden recovered from his last outing, but didn't show us anything new. Harris failed completely to capitalize on her earlier gains, and if I found out she really was on some kind of cold medicine, I wouldn't be in the least surprised. Booker promised to take on Biden, but demurred. Gabbard is *this* close to being a real contender, but isn't quite campaigning at that level. Castro is better than expected, but not that much better. And the rest were all just kind of there.
. . .

And here's some of Liz Sheld’s Morning Brief at PJ Media:

. . . there is really no difference between the candidates. The most important thing to these jokers is getting rid of Trump and they are counting on people who hate Trump to vote for them no matter what lunatic policies they are pushing. If you think about it, it's a smart strategy: desperate people make rash decisions and the deranged anti-Trump folks are desperate to get rid of Trump. If the cost is open borders, health care for illegal immigrants, an alarmist "climate change" policy that will wipe out loads of American jobs, forcing people out of their preferred healthcare plans in favor of one administered by postal workers, raising taxes, taxpayer-subsidized abortion, post-birth abortion and getting back in bed with Iran, so be it. As I wrote yesterday, the only question that matters in this election is whether people hate Trump more than than they hate these whacked-off policies. If it weren't for this media-Democrat manufactured Orange Man Bad crisis, people wouldn't swallow the radical, left-wing policy crap so easily. G-d help us.

But maybe cartoonist Henry Payne said it best:

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