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Showing posts with label Liberals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liberals. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Most Republicans are Democrats


It’s the Uniparty.  At The Right Way on Substack, Emerald Robinson reports on “The GOP's Crack-Up Is Finally Here”:

American voters now understand: all the Democrats are Democrats,
and most Republicans are Democrats too.

A well-known senator appeared on TV recently to discuss the omnibus bill to fund the federal government, and delivered the following remarks: “Republicans are emasculated. They have no power, and they are unwilling to gain that power back. The Republicans do not have the intestinal fortitude. They always collapse, and they fear shutting government down — so no policy objectives ever get added.”

Now the question is: which liberal Senator pointed out that the GOP has completely collapsed as a party since the 2020 election?

The answer: Rand Paul.

A GOP senator was willing to state publicly — on Fox News no less! — that his own party has become a joke.

. . .

As Rand Paul said: the GOP is emasculated. They always collapse.

The only place that Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy and Ronna McDaniel have led the Republican Party is to a complete surrender to the Democrat Party. Naturally, they all want to be re-elected to leadership anyway — and they probably will get their wish.

That’s the GOP for you.

Read the entire sorry story here.

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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

David Horowitz: Naming the Enemy


National treasure David Horowitz of Freedom Center offered his remarks at the annual Restoration Weekend conference.  This extract is via FrontPageMag:

As we have been saying now for several years, these enemies of our great country now control the Democrat Party and all three branches of government and have taken us to a point where we might be one election away from losing our country altogether.

. . .

A small but not insignificant sign of our impact was brought home to me the other day. I was on a radio show whose host happened to be a trustee of one of California’s K-12 school districts. He told me that at a school board meeting the other week, a protesting parent shouted out, “David Horowitz says, ‘Don’t call them liberals.’”

The K-12 schools have become the latest battlegrounds of the left’s efforts to dismantle our country’s constitutional order and replace it with a socialist tyranny. The weapons of political war are words. If the other side is calling you “racists,” “white supremacists,” “insurrectionists,” and “domestic terrorists,” and you are calling them “liberals” and “progressives,” you are not going to win that war. That has been a key message of the Center for more than 30 years.

Republicans and conservatives seem intent on preventing our political enemies from being embarrassed by the malignant plans they have in store for us. Over the past seventeen years Democrats have conducted a relentless war against the First Amendment, have blown up our southern border, and flown unvetted criminals, COVID carriers, and terrorists to unknown destinations in our country in the middle of the night. Everyone knows they are doing this to rig future elections and create a one-party state. Are they ruthless and unprincipled enough to do this? They have locked up hundreds of individuals arrested in the Capitol on January 6th and put many of them in solitary confinement for 10 months. The crime these “insurrectionists” are charged with is “trespassing.” You bet Pelosi and Biden and their entourage are ruthless.

Don’t call them liberals, and don’t call them progressives. What is progressive about wanting a re-run of the Third Reich or Stalin’s Russia? They are fascists. . . .

Read the rest here.

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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Liberals Keep Voting for the Progressive Left


Dennis Prager posted "The Left Is Evil and Liberals Keep Voting for Them" last week at AmericanGreatness.  As we head into the next election, maybe we can try again to explain to our liberal family member and friends. 

. . . liberalism and leftism have virtually nothing in common. In fact, leftism is the enemy of liberalism—as a handful of liberals such as former New York Times writer Bari Weiss, former Young Turk Dave Rubin and others have come to recognize.

The Left has never believed in free speech and has suppressed dissent wherever it has assumed power. Free speech is a pillar of liberalism, and it has always embraced dissent.

The Left rejects the anti-racist ideal of colorblindness. Colorblind is the liberal racial ideal.

The Left supports racial segregation—such as all-black dorms and separate black graduations. Liberals have always advocated racial integration.

The Left has always loathed capitalism. Liberals were always major advocates of capitalism—recognizing that only capitalism has lifted billions of people out of poverty.

The Left has always been anti-Israel. Liberals have always been fervent supporters of Israel.

The Left has always held America in contempt. Liberals loved this country. A liberal wrote “God Bless America.” No leftist would write such a song.

Leftists want to defund the police. No liberal does.

The list of liberal-Left differences is as long as the list of left-wing positions.

Yet, it is liberals who keep the Left in power. Were it not for the liberal vote, the Left would have no power.

Why do liberals vote Left? Why do liberals vote for those who have contempt for virtually everything they, the liberals, hold dear?

The question is all the more apt given that it is conservatives who protect virtually every liberal value. It is conservatives who seek to preserve free speech, racial integration, love of America, a strong Israel and capitalism.

So why do liberals vote for the Left, for the very people who hold liberals and their values in contempt?

Mr. Prager has answers;  click here.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Liberals, conservatives, and the American right VS the American left

image credit:  historynet

Dennis Praeger makes the distinction between liberals and the American left:
Liberalism — which was anti-left, pro-American and deeply committed to the Judeo-Christian foundations of America; and which regarded the melting pot as the American ideal, fought for free speech for its opponents, regarded Western civilization as the greatest moral and artistic human achievement and viewed the celebration of racial identity as racism — is now affirmed almost exclusively on the right and among a handful of people who don’t call themselves conservative.
. . .
How are those of us who oppose left-wing nihilism — there is no other word for an ideology that holds Western civilization and America’s core values in contempt — supposed to unite with “educators” who instruct elementary school teachers to cease calling their students “boys” and “girls” because that implies gender identity? With English departments that don’t require reading Shakespeare in order to receive a degree in English? With those who regard virtually every war America has fought as imperialist and immoral? With those who regard the free market as a form of oppression? With those who want the state to control as much of American life as possible? With those who repeatedly tell America and its black minority that the greatest problems afflicting black Americans are caused by white racism, “white privilege” and “systemic racism”? With those who think that the nuclear family ideal is inherently misogynistic and homophobic? With those who hold that Israel is the villain in the Middle East? With those who claim that the term “Islamic terrorist” is an expression of religious bigotry?

He concludes his column by sounding the alarm:

With the defeat of the left in the last presidential election, the defeat of the left in two-thirds of the gubernatorial elections and the defeat of the left in a majority of House and Senate elections, this is likely the last chance liberals, conservatives and the right have to defeat the American left. But it will not happen until these groups understand that we are fighting for the survival of America no less than the Union troops were in the First Civil War.

We all have family or friends who would identify as classical “liberals.” In my own family, after years of conversations, several liberal relatives have moved into the “conservative” column. We also have family or friends who think of themselves as liberals but who actually fit Praeger’s definition of being on the American left. So far, conversations with them haven’t made any difference.

Read the rest of Praeger's column here
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