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Showing posts with label PowerLine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PowerLine. Show all posts

Monday, May 31, 2021

Remembering on Memorial Day


Scott Johnson at PowerLine:

In observance of Memorial Day 2007 the Wall Street Journal published a brilliant column by the late Peter Collier to mark the occasion. The column remains timely and is accessible online here. I don’t think we’ll read or hear anything more thoughtful or appropriate to the occasion today. 

The entire column is worth reading; it begins:

Once we knew who and what to honor on Memorial Day: those who had given all their tomorrows, as was said of the men who stormed the beaches of Normandy, for our todays. But in a world saturated with selfhood, where every death is by definition a death in vain, the notion of sacrifice today provokes puzzlement more often than admiration. We support the troops, of course, but we also believe that war, being hell, can easily touch them with an evil no cause for engagement can wash away. And in any case we are more comfortable supporting them as victims than as warriors.

. . .

Not long ago I was asked to write the biographical sketches for a book featuring formal photographs of all our living Medal of Honor recipients. As I talked with them, I was, of course, chilled by the primal power of their stories. But I also felt pathos: They had become strangers–honored strangers, but strangers nonetheless–in our midst.


In my own boyhood, figures such as Jimmy Doolittle, Audie Murphy and John Basilone were household names. And it was assumed that what they had done defined us as well as them, telling us what kind of nation we were. But the 110 Medal recipients alive today are virtually unknown except for a niche audience of warfare buffs. Their heroism has become the military equivalent of genre painting. There’s something wrong with that.

Mr. Collier vividly describes actions taken by Medal of Honor recipients, and then closes his column:

We impoverish ourselves by shunting these heroes and their experiences to the back pages of our national consciousness. Their stories are not just boys’ adventure tales writ large. They are a kind of moral instruction. They remind of something we’ve heard many times before but is worth repeating on a wartime Memorial Day when we’re uncertain about what we celebrate. We’re the land of the free for one reason only: We’re also the home of the brave.

The full column is here.

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Sunday, May 16, 2021

Energy independence: gone

 Usual fun and satire at The Week In Pictures at Powerline, including this meme:

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Saturday, March 13, 2021

Set your clock an hour ahead


Cartoon via Powerline: The Week in Pictures

Daylight Savings Time begins this weekend, effective at 2 a.m. local time Sunday for most of the United States. Don’t forget to set your clocks an hour ahead, which most people do before bed Saturday night, to avoid being late for Sunday morning activities.

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Sunday, December 6, 2020

Thursday, November 5, 2020

The margin of fraud


image via PowerLine

At Front Page, Daniel Greenfield fills in some of the blanks on the massive voter fraud we are witnessing:

One of the unprecedented things about this election, in the year from hell, is that the amount of mail-in ballots, of ballot harvesting, made the voter fraud margin so much bigger. Democrats had set the ground by seizing control of key states and key positions in them in preparation for the election. And even where they didn't, their machines got busy. 

This was always going to happen. It happens every election, but the scale of it is different. As are the stakes.

I don't have to state the obvious about all the Biden votes that "magically" showed up, about why vote counting was suddenly suspended, or why totals suddenly stopped being updated for no apparent reason.

These are symptoms of voter fraud. It's a "Hacks at Work" sign being hung up outside the door.

If there is an upside to any of this, Mr. Greenfield suggests that

The post-election street fight is a test of how big the voter margin fraud can get, how many more votes can be discovered than there are people, and how many ballots can magically show up overnight.

And even if the street fight is lost, it's worth fighting because it exposes the lie behind the legitimacy of the powers trying to take over the White House. 

They couldn't steal the election in the daylight, so they had to do it in the dead of night. They couldn't steal it in empty halls, so they had to do it after everyone went home. And the more their lie is challenged, the weaker their power becomes, and the more they have to resort to blatant thuggery to wield it.

That's what happened on Election Day. 

Read the rest here.  And it's not over. 

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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Heather Mac Donald on crime, race and policing

photo credit: City Journal 

John Hinderaker at PowerLine announces an event with Heather Mac Donald tomorrow Jul-30 at noon central / 1 pm EST.  I’ll post the link (probably  later tomorrow) that will let you watch and listen at your leisure.


Thursday, day after tomorrow, at Noon Central, Heather Mac Donald, the nation’s premier expert on the intersection of crime, race and policing, will deliver the definitive smackdown of the anti-police myths that not just liberals, but corporate America, sports teams, and many Republicans have bought into. The truth is that there is no “systemic” racism in American policing. Heather’s data-rich presentation will make that clear.

How do I know that Heather will lay waste to the mythology of the Left? I’ve seen the script. The data are overwhelming. Contrary to popular belief, blacks are not “over-represented” in “police shootings,” the vast majority of which are praiseworthy. On the contrary, using crime data as the guide, they are under-represented.

There is much more, which you won’t want to miss. To see our event live, go here to register. The event is free. Registration means you will get email reminders, but anyone can watch the event live on American Experiment’s YouTube channel or Facebook page, and it will be archived for a long to come on YouTube, Facebook, the American Experiment site, and more.

Hope to see you on Thursday. It should be a dynamite event.

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Friday, March 20, 2020

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Onion Meme of the Day

The Onion meme -- Via PowerLine’s “Mid-Week In Pictures: Iowa Meltdown . . . Special Edition”.
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Sunday, February 2, 2020

Documentary on Justice Clarence Thomas

Scott Johnson at PowerLine reports:

Last night we saw the fantastic documentary Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words in theater 18 of one of our local suburban AMC multiplexes. It might have been a seat or two short of a sell-out, but we had to settle for two seats in the first row. It was packed.
. . .
The left could not and cannot deal with Justice Thomas. They disparage him for his silence on the bench, but they don’t want him speaking out either. His comments on the Anita Hill episode — his comments then and now — are utterly devastating. Joe Biden makes a cameo appearance as a complete and utter buffoon. This section of the film should elicit feelings of rage and disgust from sentient beings, and yet the scenario is as current as today’s headlines. I am so grateful this movie exists and urge you to see it.

Click here for the rest of Mr. Johnson’s report, which includes links to other online reviews as well as the trailer for the documentary.

If you live near New Bremen, Ohio, you can see this new film.  It’s the only Ohio venue currently showing this film.  But I’ll keep checking the home page for the documentary for any upcoming screenings in the greater Cleveland area.
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Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Plot Against the President

Some readers will not have the time to read book-length investigations into Deep State and media-fueled hoaxes. So here’s an excerpt from Scott Johnson’s review of Lee Smith’s book, The Plot Against the President, posted at Power Line:

All The President’s Men, Take 2

Lee Smith is the author of The Plot Against the President: The True Story of How Congressman Devin Nunes Uncovered the Biggest Political Scandal in US History. The book is an invaluable companion to Andrew McCarthy’s Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency; it adds to and amplifies the case McCarthy makes. I wrote about McCarthy’s book in “All the president’s men, Obama style.” Smith’s book elaborates on the theme to which I alluded in the heading of that post. I urge all readers with an interest in this incredible scandal to read both books.

Lee Smith is a great journalist. This bears on one of the book’s principal themes: the complicity of the press in peddling the hoax alleging the collusion of the Trump campaign with organs of the Russian government. In peddling the hoax, the most prominent organs of the mainstream media were the accomplices of the perpetrators. The book cites the relevant stories and relentlessly names names demonstrating the “collusion” of the press with the Clinton campaign and the government — the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Justice — in peddling the Russian hoax as news.

Within the profession there has been no reckoning for the misconduct that the book makes out. On the contrary, at the profession’s upper reaches, we have seen only the renewed commitment to carry on the campaign to remove Trump from office. 

This book may be the closest we ever get to the day of reckoning that is due the press.

Read the full column here.
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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Prager U. VS YouTube [Updated]

Last week, John Hinderaker at PowerLine had an update on Prager U’s legal battles against YouTube’s and Google’s censorship of its educational videos:

For several years, YouTube has suppressed Prager U’s videos by “restricting” them, which makes them invisible to viewers who are using the restricted mode, as is the case in many school environments, and by not allowing them to be monetized. After multiple appeals of YouTube’s discriminatory decisions, Prager U sued YouTube and Google in federal court, alleging violations of the First Amendment and the Lanham Act (the federal law that governs advertising in interstate commerce), as well as several causes of action under California law. The district court judge granted defendants’ motion to dismiss the federal counts, and Prager U appealed. That appeal was argued on Tuesday before a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

That YouTube has engaged in viewpoint discrimination to the detriment of Prager U is indisputable. That YouTube does this because its employees disapprove of conservatism is obvious. But YouTube and Google are private companies, and the First Amendment applies only to government. (“Congress shall make no law…”) The U.S. Supreme Court has articulated a narrow exception where the First Amendment can apply to private entities if they “exercise powers traditionally exclusively reserved to the State.” Prager U faces an obvious hurdle, in that hosting videos is not a traditional governmental function.

Mr. Hinderaker is not all that optimistic in a speedy remedy:

Prager U may yet win its case, which is in its early innings. Perhaps the 9th Circuit will hold that Prager’s First Amendment and Lanham Act claims state a claim, and give it a green light to pursue discovery. Perhaps Prager U will prevail on its state law causes of action, although I assume that California’s judiciary is securely in the hands of the Democratic Party, which generally is not in favor of free speech. But for the foreseeable future, the Left’s control over the principal means of public communication will remain a huge advantage.

The full article is here.
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Saturday, August 10, 2019

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Unwatchable debates : Part 2

photo credit: inquirer.com

Stephen Green, a/k/a Mr. Vodkapundit, will be live drunk-blogging Round Two of the debates this evening. He watches so you don’t have to. Here’s the link.
He activated his live drunk-blog about 8:50 pm last night, so he’ll probably be going live at about the same time this evening.
For Powerline blogger Paul Mirengoff’s wrap-up of last night’s extravaganza, click here.
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Sunday, January 27, 2019

Speaking of Fake News

Here's chuckle from Powerline's The Week In Pictures: Epidemic Fakery Edition:

And in case you couldn't embiggen the image to read the caption:

"We're getting an unconfirmed report from anonymous sources making unverified claims in an out-of-context video, which -- if true, is huge news, and if not -- utter horse hockey."

Cartoon by Rick McKee  
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Saturday, November 17, 2018

Today's chuckle

(Except it's not funny....) Anyway, there's lots more fun at PowerLineblog here.
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Friday, July 13, 2018

Trump blimp photo

Reports of the Trump blimp "dominating the London landscape while Trump is in England" seem to be, er, over-inflated. Spot the giant "baby Trump" blimp in downtown London:

image credit: powerline blog 

Two more photos here.
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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Handy tax chart from Powerline

Steven Hayward at the Powerline blog just published a “handy tax chart to annoy your liberal friends”; it highlights provisions in the recent GOP tax reform bill compared to the previous tax code.

If you have trouble embiggening the chart with a click, just go to the Powerline blogpost here and scroll halfway down.
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Monday, July 17, 2017

The Russians Are Coming and Fake News

“Whatcha doin’ up on the wall there, Muriel?”
Doro Merande in The Russians Are Coming at Great Big Canvas

Just got back from out-of-town, so blogging has been light. But I did some of my usual web-surfing en route, and one of my regular Sunday stops is at the American Thinker.  ICYMI, Clarice Feldman’s “Clarice’s Pieces” was a good way to sift through some of the Fake News in the MSM. including the seemingly endless obsession with The Russians Are Coming. She references Mr. Belmont Club (Richard Fernandez at PJ Media), Scott McKay at American Spectator, and PowerLine, among others, so if you’re short on time, check out her Sunday articles for quick links to good analyses of phony baloney reports:

the non-stop media promotion of some nefarious scheme between Russia and Trump does not pass even the most cursory forensic examination, proving once again in the age of fake news, you cannot remain a passive consumer of news. You have to bring to each story the good sense and diligence with which you handle your most important personal affairs. . .

Nothing so illustrates why the media has deservedly lost all credibility than its unending, overdone effort to fit any action on the part of the President or those around him into a narrative of Russia somehow colluding with him to defeat Hillary. This week’s take was the short meeting his son held with a Russian lawyer in Trump Tower last summer. . . 

You’ll just have to work harder in the face of such ignorance and bias to find out what you need to know.  

Clarice makes it a little bit easier.
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Thursday, June 1, 2017

A Good News Day

art credit: pinterest

President Trump announced that the United States is withdrawing from the Paris Climate Treaty. Time to pop a cork. Another campaign promise kept.

Conservative Treehouse has the video of the President’s announcement today in the Rose Garden. 

Meanwhile, Steven Hayward at PowerLine blog is monitoring the liberal splodey heads in his aptly titled “Let the Hysteria Begin.” Check in for updates.

And tonight at 9, the Cavs meet the Warriors in the finals. Go Cavs.

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