Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label President Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President Trump. Show all posts

Monday, December 7, 2020

National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day


photo credit: PatDooley photography

Via Conservative Treehouse:

“On this National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, we recall the phrase “Remember Pearl Harbor,” which stirred the fighting spirit within the hearts of the more than 16 million Americans who courageously served in World War II. Over 400,000 gave their lives in the global conflict that began, for our Nation, on that fateful Sunday morning.

Today, we memorialize all those lost on December 7, 1941, declare once again that our Nation will never forget these valiant heroes, and resolve as firmly as ever that their memory and spirit will survive for as long as our Nation endures.”

President Donald J Trump

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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

President Trump’s speech on election fraud

From the Daily Caller:

‘The Most Important Speech I’ve Ever Made’ — Facebook And Twitter Immediately Flag Trump’s 46-Minute-Long Alleged Voter Fraud ‘Update’

President Donald Trump posted a 46-minute-long video Wednesday afternoon to Facebook and Twitter that was immediately marked as misleading by both companies.

Our household went around the dial to see if it was being broadcast.  We found it on One America News.  Otherwise, you can access it online at 100percentfedup here.

We also watched some of the election fraud hearings in Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.  Awful.  But the mountain of evidence of election fraud will probably lead to some of the controversial ballot tallies to be de-certified. 

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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Saturday: Million MAGA Trump March in DC

This Saturday is the Million MAGA March in DC:

And Big Tech is working overtime to censor the announcements.  First Facebook, then Mailchimp and now Eventbrite.  Shane Trejo at Big League Politics has the report:

Eventbrite Falsely Announces Cancellation of ‘March for Trump’ 
to Suppress Outcome for This Weekend’s Historic Rally

The digital platform, Eventbrite has falsely announced the cancellation of the “March for Trump” while removing the event from their website. 

“We encourage our organizers to express their views and gather for a chosen purpose as long as it’s done in a way that doesn’t violate our Terms of Service. We do not permit events, content, or creators that share or promote potentially harmful misinformation,” Eventbrite wrote in their notice of cancellation.

“In this instance, we have determined that your event violated our Community Guidelines and is therefore not permitted on the Eventbrite platform. As a result, your event listing has been removed and any paid orders have been refunded,” they continued.

Read the rest here.  The #MarchForTrump announcement is here.  Please share the announcement and links with family and friends.

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Monday, November 2, 2020

Encouragement from Sundance


Words of wisdom and encouragement from Sundance at ConservativeTreehouse:

Right now those who wish to “fundamentally change” our nation are waging a full frontal assault against our constitutional republic.  The bombardment seems overwhelming.

Leftist city and state leaders have abandoned rule of law in favor of supporting the mob effort to destroy our sense of national unity.  Political activists, left-wing ideologues under the guise of democrats, and a host of media allies are conducting an information war on behalf of their objective.  Big tech social media companies are attempting to remove the voices of those who are fighting back.

There is a great deal of purposefully driven anxiety and fear amid our nation as this multi-faceted internal war takes place.  However, there is a primary element to this effort that each person can shield themselves from, and act to counter.  Do not let your sense of self succumb to this assault.  Do not let them win the battle for your peace of mind.

It might, heck, -check that- it does seem overwhelming at times.  But that is the nature of this collectivist strategy.  That is the purpose of this bombardment.  We must hold strong and push back against their lies and manipulations.  If you look closely at their attack, it is weak and much of it is psychological bait.  Do not fall into the trap of despair.

When I share the message “live your best life”, it is not without purpose.  Every moment that we allow the onslaught to deter us from living our dreams, is a moment those who oppose our nation view as us taking a knee.  Do not allow this effort to succeed.

You might ask yourself how can I, one person, a flea looking into a furnace, retain an optimistic disposition while all around me seems chaotic and mad.

That’s the point; it ‘seems’ chaotic and mad because it has been created to appear that way.  There are more of us than them; they just control the systems that allow us to connect, share messages and recognize the scale of our assembly.

. . .

Read more of Sundance here.

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Sunday, August 23, 2020

The mailbox and postal service hoax: Life Liberty and Levin

Mark Levin’s episode of Life, Liberty, and Levin this evening was outstanding.  His two guests addressed (1) the mailbox hoax and (2) the hydroxychloroquine “controversy.” Both guests were most excellent, and President Trump just linked to the first segment on the postal service with Hans von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation (his second guest was Dr. Harvey Risch, professor of Epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine):

Click here for the President's twitter link. 

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Saturday, July 4, 2020

Happy Independence Day weekend

President Trump celebrated the Independence Day weekend at Mount Rushmore.  Sundance at Treehouse posted this photo

and linked to the livestreams of the event.  
Happy Independence Day!
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Monday, June 22, 2020

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Ad on immigration policy

Video of a "best ad" for the 2020 election cycle, forwarded to me by a buddy in DC:

I have not been able to find this elsewhere online, so it may be a sneak peek.

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Monday, September 16, 2019

More YouTube censorship, now of RSBN

Sundance has multiple links for viewers who would like to watch President Trump’s rally this evening in New Mexico:

Tonight President Trump is holding a massive campaign rally in Rio Rancho, New Mexico.  According to local media people from across the state have been lining up for hours to attend the event.

The anticipated start time for President Trump is 9:00pm ET / 7:00pm MT with pre-rally speakers and events ongoing.  

But that is not the headline news. This is:

[**Note** YouTube has blocked RSBN from livestreaming the Trump rallies; so we are providing multiple alternate links below].

Repeat: YouTube is blocking Right Side Broadcasting Network from live-streaming President Trump’s speech. Be very afraid.
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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Steyn on blacklists, et al

Mark Steyn

Mark Steyn's column of Tuesday is my link of the day, and his subjects are the double standards and great divide between liberals and conservatives -- through the recent posturing by the TV stars of Will and Grace. A brief excerpt:
These days, alas, "Will & Grace" is all will and little grace, both of its stars leading the way in Hollywood's ever more naked enforcement of what is, if not yet a one-party state, certainly a one-party culture. The other day both of its eponymous stars, Eric McCormack and Debra Messing, demanded that The Hollywood Reporter release the names of all those attending a Beverly Hills fundraiser for Trump so that, in McCormack's words, "the rest of us can be clear about who we don't wanna work with". Hollywood stars have principles, you know: it's one thing to work with known sex predators, but quite another to work with a fellow who votes for the other party in a two-party system.
After announcing their plans for a new blacklist, Debra Messing (whom I enjoyed in the flop show "Smash") went further and agreed with an Alabama pastor that black Trump supporters are mentally ill. Personally, I am reluctant to pronounce on mental-health issues in a world where The New York Times will report straight-faced the claims of distinguished scientists to have "ridden on the back of an invisible bear conjured by an osha root" and American Airlines will let you board with a horse as your emotional support animal. By contrast, Miss Messing has no qualms about a wealthy white woman rebuking blacks for declining to vote as she instructs. Perhaps, for her next intervention, she'll be recommending mass institutionalization with compulsory sterilization.
Full column is here.
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Monday, August 19, 2019

Inspiring Cartoon of the Day

 Ben Garrison cartoon at grrrgraphics.com via Conservative Treehouse

From the grrrgraphics website (a sort of an extended caption):

Citizen journalists are patriots who fight for TRUTH every day, whether as journalists like Thomas Paine or meme creators like Betsy Ross. It was Betsy’s meme that the colonists rallied around as the symbol of American independence. Those first American patriots put it all on the line for truth and freedom, just like modern citizen journalists who are proudly raising the flag.

The_Donald on Redditt has given a good foothold to plant the flagpole as Rush Limbaugh and Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse are raising the original Flag to its upright position, reinstating the intentions of the first American rebels and displaying the political union of the Original 13 Colonies.

Thomas Paine and Betsy Ross (American Intelligence Media) honor the flag and are ready for the war of independence from British tyranny. They have invited patriots around the world to join them in the pursuit of global peace and prosperity, freedom and liberty.

The “fake news” media is in ashes and shambles on the ground due to their continuous lies, propaganda, and deceit spewed on moral and decent people everywhere who reject their falsehoods and evil.

The opposition party’s fake news machines are spent, broken, and crumbled into a trash-heap of garbage.
. . .

More here

RELATED: This cartoon is Conservative Treehouse’s illustration for his post titled “The Restoration Alliance.” See here.
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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Action Alert: red flag legislation

Image credit: medium.com

Cleveland Tea Party rarely comments on issues such as abortion or gun control. But in the wake of the two shootings in El Paso and Dayton, Sen. Lindsay Graham has proposed legislation that begins the march toward gun control and confiscation.  However, yesterday's report in The Hill references his proposed legislation that “would create a federal grant program” – a bill that expands, rather than shrinks the federal government; a core Tea Party value is constitutionally limited government.

The bill introduces subjective “criteria” concerning the so-called “red flags.” Radius at Sparta Report has the definition:

A red flag law-also known as a gun violence restraining order-essentially allows a judge to order police to confiscate an individual’s weapons if that person is deemed a threat to themselves or others.

Sparta Report goes onto to explain why he thinks red flag laws are a bad idea and don't work. 

So here’s part of The Hill’s report:

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said on Monday that he will introduce bipartisan legislation encouraging states to create "red flag" laws and that President Trump is "very supportive" of the idea. 

Graham, in a statement, said he has reached a deal with Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) on a bill that would start a federal grant program to help and encourage states to create " 'red flag' protection order" laws, which are meant to make it easier for law enforcement to identify mentally ill people who should be banned from purchasing guns.

“These grants will be given to law enforcement so they can hire and consult with mental health professionals to better determine which cases need to be acted upon. This grant program also requires robust due process and judicial review. It does allow for quick action," Graham said in the statement. 

The full report is here

So the bill is a "’red flag' protection order” to facilitate “law enforcement so they can hire and consult with mental health professionals.” What could go wrong?  How about the mental health professionals who published The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President. None has examined President Trump in person, and any one of them could “identify mentally ill people who should be banned from purchasing guns.” People such as President Trump or members of his family? Or anyone else with whom they disagree.

According to Katie Pavlich at Townhall, Sen. Graham stated that President Trump "seemed supportive." Any wiggle room there?

The Action Alert: call or email any of these offices if you have concerns about the red flag legislation or any other bill leading to expanding the federal government in general, and gun control in particular.

Sen. Lindsay Graham’s phone DC Office: (202) 224-5972
Sen. Lindsay Graham’s email page is here 
White House switchboard Comments #: 202-456-1111
White House email page is here

UPDATE: Add Gov. Mike DeWine and Sen. Rob Portman to the list.
Gov. Mike DeWine: (614) 644-4357 or by email here
Sen. Rob Portman:  202-224-3353 or by email here

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Thursday, July 11, 2019

Census citizenship question

image credit: wprl.org

The Trump administration’s proposed question asks, “Is this person a citizen of the United States?” That’s it. 
It’s an important question. In his report “The Census Should Ask About Citizenship to Keep House Representation of Citizens Fair,” Bryan Preston at PJ Media concludes:
The census is at the heart of representation in our republic. The Constitution explicitly connects the census to representation of citizens. Citizenship has been a routine part of the census for most of our national existence, and resuming capturing this data ought not be controversial. Objections to the citizenship question are speculative at best, disingenuous at worst. The citizenship question is only controversial because like nearly everything else in American life, some want to use the census to serve their own political power plays.

I’m no lawyer, but I don't understand why President Trump would need to issue an Executive Order to restore the citizenship question to the census form. The Supreme Court lobbed the issue back to the Commerce Dept. Doesn’t that put the question back on the desk of the Secretary of Commerce? And Trump's administration has precedence on its side.

Although the Trump administration had hoped that the Supreme Court would clear the way for it to include such a question, the justices instead sent the issue back to the Department of Commerce. In a deeply fractured opinion, Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court’s four liberal justices in ruling that the justification that the government offered at the time for including the citizenship question was just a pretext. The decision left open the possibility that the Trump administration could try again to add the citizenship question, but the clock is ticking. . . 

“Pretext” doesn’t seem to square with the history of the census citizenship question that dates back to Thomas Jefferson (see Preston’s full article here). But in any event, if the issue is now back at the Commerce Dept., why doesn’t Secy. Wilbur Ross just restore the question on the census form? Just asking . . .
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Thursday, June 20, 2019

Rep. Marcia Fudge is on the wrong side. Again.

photo credit: www.essence.com

NumbersUSA is urging Cleveland area voters to call Rep. Marcia Fudge at 202-225-3121 to DEMAND a vote on H.R. 3056 to end the border crisis. Speaker Pelosi has thus far refused to bring the Act to the floor. The talking point:

H.R. 3056 is the Border Crisis Supplemental Appropriations Act, to deal with the ongoing border crisis. I urge you to demand an immediate floor vote on this badly needed spending package! This crisis has gone on long enough, and it's time for Congress to act.

I have to wonder whether Rep. Fudge and her staff pay any attention to Tea Party people, but it’s probably worth the couple of minutes on the phone.

Here's more. In an op-ed piece at American Greatness, Candace Owens warns Trump voters to not become complacent – and she provides a few examples (out of zillions) of rage, hatred, and hysteria from the Progressive Left:

Just last week Congresswoman Marcia Fudge described Trump voters as “either racist, steeped in religious beliefs, ignorant, or, as my mother used to say, just plain dumb.”

These people are not trying to retake control of the White House merely to advance their agenda. They want to punish the Americans who made them look like fools in 2016.

This new breed of Democrats cheer as the social media giants silence and eliminate any voice that opposes them or threatens the monopoly liberal journalists have over the flow of information. They’re prepared to pack the courts, let 16-year-olds vote, and even eliminate the Electoral College in order to help them win. They’re already talking about the prospect of the election being “stolen” by “racism,” which gives a pretty good indication of the strategy they plan to fall back on if they lose again.

In short, they will do anything they can to destroy our coalition and make sure the humiliation of 2016 can never happen again.

(Full article is here.) Spot the racist and the dummy. And maybe give her a call.
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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Deporting illegal immigrants: some good news

Meme credit: Bookworm Room

President Trump’s renewed pledge to deport huge numbers of illegal immigrants is inspiring anger, but it's hardly righteous. If, as a Homeland Security adviser has explained, the targets of Trump’s deportation plans will be those illegal immigrants who have failed to show for their assigned court hearings, then Trump is morally, ethically, and legally justified in deporting them. The tut-tutting chorus might as well spare us their faux moral histrionics.
The immigrants Trump is targeting are people who have broken American law not once but twice. First, they entered the country illegally, without papers. Second, when given a court hearing (where they could, for example, make bids for asylum or otherwise make a case for being allowed to stay), they again thumbed their noses at the legitimate authority of their generous hosts. Such poor guests deserve no sympathy, no matter what circumstances they came from.
Full report is here.
P.S. For livestream links to President Trump’s campaign launch this evening at 8 pm, try here.
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Monday, April 8, 2019

When That Did Not Work …

Historian Victor Davis Hanson is always eloquent, and his column here at American Greatness provides a handy history of the Progressives' efforts to de-legitimize candidate Donald Trump, President-Elect Donald Trump, and President Donald Trump. Hanson starts off:

Right after the 2016 election, Green Party candidate Jill Stein—cheered on by Hillary Clinton dead-enders—sued in three states to recount votes and thereby overturn Donald Trump’s victory in the Electoral College. Before the quixotic effort imploded, Stein was praised as an iconic progressive social justice warrior who might stop the hated Trump from even entering the White House.

When that did not work, B-list Hollywood celebrities mobilized, with television and radio commercials, to shame electors in Trump-won states into not voting for the president-elect during the official Electoral College balloting in December 2016. Their idea was that select morally superior electors should reject their constitutional directives and throw the election into the House of Representatives where even more morally superior NeverTrump Republicans might join with even much more morally superior Democrats to find the perfect morally superior NeverTrump alternative.

Hanson recites all the failed efforts -- “When that did not work” -- to rid this country of its duly-elected President.  The full article is here; it’s a good one to save for future reference. 
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Sunday, February 17, 2019

Border Security budget is better than we’ve been told -- UPDATED

photo credit: personalliberty.com

Paul Bedard at Washington Examiner has some good news: the budget including the $1.5 billion for border security is better than the mainstream media has been telling you:

Republicans are pushing back on reports that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., beat President Trump in the latest budget shutdown fight, claiming that Congress approved historic funding levels for Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Border Patrol, added miles to the border wall, and erased the cap on criminal illegal immigrants that can be jailed.
. . .
What’s more, Trump and GOP negotiators led by Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., and his team blocked several moves by Pelosi and other Democrats to fill the deal with anti-wall moves like lowering spending for ICE and slashing the number of “detention beds” to hold criminal illegal immigrants.

“Pelosi lost. She knew her position on detentions beds was unsustainable and only playing to her fringe. She also said no new miles for the wall,” said the source. “She had to step back from all positions.”

Read the rest here. (H/T Don Surber)

UPDATE 5pm: Rush Limbaugh via Fox News disagrees:

Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh, speaking to "Fox News Sunday," charged that the compromise spending bill recently signed by President Trump to avert another partial government shutdown was little more than a disguised effort by some Republicans to torpedo his 2020 presidential candidacy.

"Both parties have people that are still trying to get rid of Donald Trump," Limbaugh said, asserting that Democrats are also working to guarantee a "permanent underclass of voters" who are "uneducated" and "don't even speak" English.

He continued: "I read this bill -- this spending bill, this bill is outrageous. [It includes] welcoming centers for newly arriving illegal aliens, and all kinds of medical care" -- a reference to the allocation of $192,700,000 in the bill's conference agreement to enhance medical care and transportation for illegal immigrants in U.S. custody, including to shelters run by nonprofits.

"The purpose of this bill, I think, was eventually to be used by the Democrats and some Republicans to tell the American people, 'See, electing President Trump was pointless, worthless, he can't protect you, he can't stop us, he can't do what he said he was going to do, because we hate him so much we're not going to allow him to do it -- that's what this bill is," Limbaugh said.

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Monday, January 21, 2019

What is a Xanatos Gambit?

Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/XanatosGambit

The reactions to Trump’s White House speech offering a compromise to get the Wall funded and stop the partial government shutdown were in many ways predictable. Ann Coulter was apoplectic, the mainstream media called President Trump more names, and Democrat leadership Schumer and Pelosi rejected his proposal out-of-hand. Some conservative commentators were of the opinion that Trump knew full well his proposal would be rejected by the Democrats, putting them in the intransigence column in order to pacify their hard-to-the-left base, while not seriously advancing any real concessions to Dreamers. Maybe.

But one of the more interesting takes was at Chicago Boyz and linked via American Thinker:

For those who are unfamiliar with the term, a ‘Xanatos Gambit’ is a plan for which all foreseeable outcomes benefit the creator — including ones that superficially appear to be failure.  

And here’s the theoretical application to the Wall stand-off:

President Trump’s “Big  Macs served at the White House” and grounding Speaker Pelosi’s Congressional Junkets on military transports during a government shut down over funding “The Wall” are both very much in that “Xanatos Gambit” frame work.  President Trump is staying on the offensive so House Democrats and the media cannot “get off a shot” over the Government shut down. 

More at all the links.
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Thursday, December 27, 2018

President Trump in Iraq, Germany

Another great photo that the mainstream media won't publish. . . (click to embiggen)
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