Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label bureaucracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bureaucracy. Show all posts

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Marxism 101


Pat Cross cartoon

At PJ Media, Robert Spencer published an excellent comparison in historical terms of Biden’s ideology and that of the former Soviet Union.  Mr Spencer begins:

In Marxist theory, the final stage of socialism is true communism, when everyone shares of his or her resources equally, the state withers away, and true justice finally dawns upon the earth. We never have seen that stage and never will, because Marxism is rancid pseudo-religious hogwash that runs directly contrary to human nature. The real final stage of socialism is what we saw in the last ten years of the Soviet Union: an entrenched, all-encompassing, corrupt and inefficient state bureaucracy nominally presided over by a succession of senescent, barely-there incompetents. With his disgraceful descent into open authoritarianism Thursday evening, Old Joe Biden and the Democrats signaled their intention to skip right to that final stage: they’ve already got the doddering figurehead and the ravenous bureaucracy firmly in place.

. . .

And now that Joe Biden is out in the open about criminalizing his opposition and brooking no dissent, we can skip here in the United States right to the final stage of socialism. We have the entrenched deep-state bureaucracy, and we have the dementia-ridden septuagenarian puppet in charge, so we’re all set. . . .

Read the full column here.

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Thursday, May 6, 2021

Real "Left and Right" of Politics

Insanity Wrap #201 (a/k/a Stephen Green) posted the graph below:

It seems like every week there’s some new chart or graph like this one, but Insanity Wrap thought this one was particularly thoughtful and well done. (Click to embiggen or click on the link above and scroll down).

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