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Showing posts with label common cold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label common cold. Show all posts

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Next up: Super Duper Booster Shot


Sundance at Conservative Treehouse monitors the Sunday TV talk shows so you don’t have to.  Here’s his report on the latest Panic Porn.

Sunday Talks, NBC Proclaims Omicron Has Merged With Common Cold Virus to Create New Mutant Super Spreader Variant, Requiring New Super Duper Booster

Once the political operatives unleash the healthcare/media narrative engineers to push the maximum fear-porn needed to support the larger objectives, you end up in this bizarro world where buck-tooth carrot-eating parents are having rabbit faced babies with ten inch ears.

Yup, the jaw-agape headlines start to become a parody of themselves, and while people roll their eyes the media cannot stop…. they just can’t.  That’s where we cue the opening segment of Meet The Press with Chuck Todd interviewing NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins.  Just the first minute is needed to see it.

The virus has morphed, changed, mutated they shout with earnest proclamation… and Omicron has merged with the common cold to create a new highly infectious super duper variant requiring even more important booster shots to protect civilization. This holiday season you better watch out for dissidents showing symptoms of the variant sniffles who are not triple-vaxxed and quadruple-masked.   It’s the science, swear… 

The video clip is here.

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Saturday, March 21, 2020

Panic over a cold?

cartoon credit: depositphotos.com

Mike Konrad at American Thinker asks some good questions:

Is Western civilization going to collapse over a cold?
. . .
Is COVID-19 a bit worse than most coronavirus strains?  Maybe so.  But it looks to still be a variation on a cold.

The real question is, why is the world panicking so?

With the common flu killing 18,000 annually, why are we panicking over these much smaller numbers from the coronavirus?  Worse yet, why is this panic worldwide?

I may be wrong, but this global panic seems to have been engineered.  For a number of reasons:

A) To get rid of Trump
... Democrats 'hoping' to 'destroy Trump and the economy' as coronavirus spreads

B) To get rid of cash
. . . Fungible currency is one of the last arenas of personal autonomy.
. . .
C) To get people used to infringements on civil liberties
. . .
And a frightening precedent will have been set up to enforce totalitarian measures for the slightest of reasons — in this case, a common cold with an attitude.

If this is not a global conspiracy, it sure looks like a dress rehearsal for a global dictatorship. 

The complete article is here.
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