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Showing posts with label exceptionalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exceptionalism. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

At Last, An American Sports Team To Be Proud Of


images from the linked article

The Blue State Conservative blogsite pops up occasionally on my searches.  Monday’s column by P.F. Whalen -- "At Last, An American Sports Team To Be Proud Of" -- caught my eye.  Here’s his feel-good conclusion:  

Even if you don’t enjoy golf, if you missed this weekend’s Ryder Cup competition you missed a marvelous spectacle, and you missed an opportunity to observe true American greatness. We had a great bunch of young men play their hearts out and win the coveted Ryder Cup for their country. We witnessed fans chanting “USA, USA,” and players urging on those chants. There was no kneeling or turning their backs on their flag, like we saw certain Olympians do. There was no one casting shame on our country or pointing out how bad we are for things that happened 156 years ago.  There was fist-raising, but it wasn’t in protest, it was in jubilation.

There is much about modern American athletics to be disgusted by. The NBA’s coddling of their gravy train known as China. The NFL’s promotion of having two separate national anthems based on your melanin levels. And MLB’s kowtowing to ridiculous leftist opposition to improving election integrity. And many of the athletes in those sports don’t just accept the nonsense, they propel it. But our 2021 Ryder Cup Team gave us an opportunity to forget about those absurdities and focus on America as it should be. Unified, happy, and unparalleled. God bless the 2021 U.S. Ryder Cup Team.

Full article is here.

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