Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label patriot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label patriot. Show all posts

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Happy Easter


Happy Easter from Cleveland Tea Party
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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

At Last, An American Sports Team To Be Proud Of


images from the linked article

The Blue State Conservative blogsite pops up occasionally on my searches.  Monday’s column by P.F. Whalen -- "At Last, An American Sports Team To Be Proud Of" -- caught my eye.  Here’s his feel-good conclusion:  

Even if you don’t enjoy golf, if you missed this weekend’s Ryder Cup competition you missed a marvelous spectacle, and you missed an opportunity to observe true American greatness. We had a great bunch of young men play their hearts out and win the coveted Ryder Cup for their country. We witnessed fans chanting “USA, USA,” and players urging on those chants. There was no kneeling or turning their backs on their flag, like we saw certain Olympians do. There was no one casting shame on our country or pointing out how bad we are for things that happened 156 years ago.  There was fist-raising, but it wasn’t in protest, it was in jubilation.

There is much about modern American athletics to be disgusted by. The NBA’s coddling of their gravy train known as China. The NFL’s promotion of having two separate national anthems based on your melanin levels. And MLB’s kowtowing to ridiculous leftist opposition to improving election integrity. And many of the athletes in those sports don’t just accept the nonsense, they propel it. But our 2021 Ryder Cup Team gave us an opportunity to forget about those absurdities and focus on America as it should be. Unified, happy, and unparalleled. God bless the 2021 U.S. Ryder Cup Team.

Full article is here.

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Saturday, February 6, 2021

Rush Limbaugh’s message to President Donald Trump


Image via Conservative Treehouse

Via Conservative Treehouse (and have a hanky at hand):

My days on earth are numbered; But before I fade away, there is something important I need to say. It may not be important to anyone else; but it’s important to me. Win, lose or fraud President Trump, I just want to say thank you for the last four years.

Thank you for making it cool to be an American again. Thank you for showing us that we don’t need to be under China’s thumb anymore economically, or any other way. Thank you for one of the strongest economies we’ve ever experienced in my lifetime.

Thank you for all you have done for the minority communities, and the outstanding decrease in the unemployment rate you had. Thank you for making it feel good to love our country and to be a proud patriot again.”

Thank you for supporting our Nation’s flag and the men and women who fought for the freedom that stands behind that flag. Thank you for supporting our nation’s law enforcement organizations, and understanding how difficult their job really is.

Thank you for quelling the flood of illegal immigration, and bringing to justice the thousands of criminals that flood brought us. Thank you for giving corporations a reason to come back to America to make our own products and put Americans back to work.

Thank you for bringing our troops home from endless deployments that presented us with little more than body bags; and for your commitment to strengthen our military.

Thank you for operation warp speed and keeping your promise to bringing the Covid 19 vaccine to us in less than a year. Thank you for your never-ending attempts at bringing peace to the Middle East and your support for Israel.

Thank you for your Tax relief, and thank you for our energy independence. Most of all though…

THANK YOU for taking a damn rotten job that you never had to take!! Thank you for caring enough for this country to want to try and make a difference.

Thank you for showing America how little Career Politicians actually work for their constituents; for showing us how much those politicians despise you for showing America how easy it is to build a great nation, rather than rape her to line their own pockets and stock portfolios.

Thank you for allowing us to experience a President that wasn’t a lifelong politician, but a lifelong American. THANK YOU MR PRESIDENT… YOU DID YOUR BEST…”

Wow.  And thank you, El Rushbo.

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