Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label scam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scam. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Another casualty of COVID: The Medical Profession


In a column “I Will Never Trust Another Doctor” for American Thinker, Randi Pinkerton begins:

It happened again yesterday, twice.  Reading through comments on a blog post I found this: "I will never trust another doctor again."  I long ago lost count of the number of times I have seen that written.

You hear it, too.  In private conversations with people they trust, American citizens are heaping contempt on doctors for forcing a narrative on us that had no basis in science.  Many of us, perhaps even the majority, immediately recognized this virus for what it is: a common flu virus maybe engineered to be more contagious if not more fatal but hardly differing substantially from other influenza strains.  We have lived with seasonal flu all our lives.  We saw no reason to fear it until the medical community, and Anthony Fauci specifically, started telling lies. 

And once the lies started, they never stopped.  . . .  this scam has been one continual government operation.  It was exploited to allow for the theft of the 2020 election by means of mail-in ballots.  Having accomplished that, its purpose now is to keep the knee of government firmly on the population's neck. 

Well, that's pretty much how I see it.  Read the rest here. 

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Thursday, December 26, 2019

Beware: Bogus fund-raising for Trump campaign

Mary Margaret Olohan at The Daily Caller reports:

Groups with no affiliation to President Donald Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign are siphoning off funds from Trump supporters under the impression that the groups are using donations to support the president.

An examination by Politico found that dark money groups, pro-Trump PACs, and Facebook advertisers copy Trump’s brand to dupe Trump supporters into donating to them. But the groups spend very little of these funds to actually support Trump, Politico reports.

The groups use Trump’s voice in robocalls asking for “an emergency contribution to the campaign” and use POTUS’ Twitter avatar on Facebook pages. 

About 20 groups with names like “Latinos for the President” and “MAGA Coalition,” groups that are structured as PACs or political nonprofits, brought in $46.7 million between January 2017 and June 2019, Politico reports. The publication adds that most of the money comes from donors who give $200 or less.

Trump officials worry that the hundreds of unofficial pro-Trump boosters are sucking up funds that would otherwise contribute to Trump’s 2020 campaign. They also confuse the Trump campaign’s messaging to the public and make it harder to accumulate donors, Trump allies told Politico.

“There’s nothing we can do to stop them,” said America First spokeswoman Kelly Sadler to Politico. America First is the only super PAC authorized by Trump, Politico reports. “This is a problem for the campaign, as well as us, as well as for the RNC.”

Read the rest here.  If you are inclined to contribute to any campaign, best to be pro-active and access the legitimate online campaign sites yourself.

And Happy Boxing Day!
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