Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

GOP leadership fail

art credit: Timeline Photos

Ed Straker at American Thinker asks:

It's looking bad for John Boehner, who may be forced out of the speakership due to his cooperation with the Obama agenda.  But what about Mitch McConnell? He has been at least as complicit as Boehner. McConnell has given Obama:
1) 100% of his budget requests.
2) Fully funding Obamacare without any restraints
3) Fully funding Obama's illegal amnesty without any restraints
4) Raised the debt ceilings repeatedly without any restraints
5) Effectively given away the Senate's treaty deciding powers.
6) Refused to set up select committees to investigate the abuse of powers of this administration
 . . .
With two probable votes against McConnell (Cruz and Lee) and pressure on the others, McConnell might be toppled too. The sad fact is that most GOP senators agree with the McConnell agenda, but the spotlight on Senate presidential candidates and/or the threat of primaries for those up for reelection in 2016 could be enough to rid us of this supine gobbler. 
Read the rest here.
AT contributor Thomas Lifson adds: You can't replace something with nothing. I don't see who would replace him that would be any better.

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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Cruz, Trump, Palin, Levin, and Beck at DC rally tomorrow: Stop the Iran “Deal”

art credit: TeaPartyPatriots.org

Cruz, Trump, Palin, Levin, and Beck at DC rally : 

Stop the Iran “Deal”

Update from Tea Party Patriots: 
By now you are no doubt aware that President Obama unilaterally joined into an agreement with Iran. You have probably read how dangerous this deal is and how this deal would give Iran the ability to build a nuclear bomb within the next decade. And you have probably heard that a growing number of American voters, Members of Congress, and national organizations are coming out in opposition to this deal.

But did you know that we have one final opportunity to stop this terrible Iran Nuclear Deal?

Thousands of Americans are coming to Washington, D.C. [today 9/9] for a rally in opposition to the deal.  We have an unbelievable speaker line-up for the event: Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, Mark Levin, and Glenn Beck are all confirmed! This is our chance to tell everyone on Capitol Hill why this deal must be defeated! . . .

If this event is streamed, we’ll post the link.

UPDATE 9/9: Here's the link.

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Sunday, September 6, 2015

Labor Day weekend and Cleveland Air Show

Happy Labor Day weekend! 
Here are Thunderbirds 
and an A10 Warthog 

photo credit: pat dooley photography
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Saturday, September 5, 2015

The inside dope

Speaking of the ResponsibleOhio amendment on the next ballot . . .

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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

GOP "leadership" caves on Iran

Andy McCarthy reports the bad news at PJ Media:
Senator Barbara Mikulski has announced that she will vote in favor of President Obama’s Iran deal. Sen. Mikulski’s support is critical because she becomes the 34th Democrat to announce that she will vote yea. Under the Corker framework so ingeniously conceived by Republican leadership in Congress, this means Obama’s deal cannot be defeated – under the legislation Congress is deemed to endorse the agreement unless it can muster a now unattainable 67 Senate votes (and a similar two-thirds of the House) to enact a resolution of disapproval over Obama’s veto.
It is worth repeating that Republicans rationalized this abdication of their duty to use their constitutional powers to block Obama’s empowerment of America’s sworn enemies by claiming that the legislation ensured that Congress would get to review the deal. This, of course, was always preposterous.
. . . 
Good job, Mr. President, Sen. Mikulski, congressional Democrats, and GOP leadership. What better way to “reaffirm our commitment to the safety and security of Israel” than to conceive and grease the wheels for a deal that gives breathtaking aid and comfort to its enemy – and ours.

Read the rest here. The Sept. 9 rally protesting the Iran “deal” in DC is still on, but sadly, it looks like the fix is already in.
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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Trump and Cruz headline Sept. 9 Rally Against Iran “Deal”

Photo credit: clarionproject

Stop the Iran “deal” Rally in DC Wednesday, September 9

Sen. Ted Cruz & Donald Trump will headline the Tea Party Patriots rally against the Iran “Deal” on September 9 in DC on the West Lawn of the US Capitol. There is a full report at Breitbart.

Our friends with the Mansfield North Central Ohio Tea Party are organizing a bus that would leave from Sam's Club parking lot in Ontario (suburb of Mansfield) on Tuesday September 8, and return early Thursday morning, September 10.  This allows everyone to sleep while traveling and avoid Washington's expensive hotel fees. The organizers will need about 40 passengers to break even. Cost per person is probably in the $100-$120 range. For details, email Cleveland Tea Party Patriots and we will forward your inquiry.

For a sobering analysis of the real consequences of the Iran “deal,” here’s Amb. John Bolton’s opinion in National Review
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