Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Maybe there’s hope after all


Richard Fernandez, a/k/a Wretchard The Cat, has more optimism than some of us.  Mr. Instapundit posted this:

click to embiggen or click on the Instapundit link above

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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

If you thought Washington DC was corrupt . . .


Michael Snyder at Conservative Playlist has some additional perspectives on the now-viral interview with Madison Cawthorn – on the “Corruption in Washington DC.”  As bad as you thought it was, it’s worse:

Most Americans realize that there is corruption in Washington, but very few understand how deep it really goes.  If the general population really did grasp how corrupt our politicians have truly become, there would be endless protests in the streets of Washington starting tomorrow.  Unfortunately, most of us are still convinced that one of the major political parties will ultimately vanquish the other party and restore integrity to our system.  But what if both major political parties are rotten to the core?

From a very early age, we are trained to think in terms of “good guys” and “bad guys”.  Our stories, our movies, our television shows and even our video games feature “heroes” and “villains”, and we are taught to fully embrace those that are fighting for “good” and to passionately hate those that are doing “evil”.

But the real world doesn’t work that way.

Unfortunately, way too often there are no “good guys” in a real world scenario.  I can think of a number of prominent examples that are in the news right now.  Sometimes it is just “the bad guys” vs. “the bad guys”, and that is because evil has become extremely pervasive in our world in modern times.

. . .

Many go to Congress as idealistic young lawmakers, but it isn’t too long before many of them are corrupted.

The elite will just keep probing until they find a weakness.  For some it is sex, for some it is drugs, for some it is gambling, and for some it is extreme wealth.

And once they identify a weakness that they can exploit, it is game over.

. . .

Read the full article here.  Pretty ugly.  Very sad.  Very Uniparty.

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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Ohio redistricting update


Bonchie at Red State reports:

The sweet smell of victory is in the air this morning after it became apparent that Republicans are going to win the redistricting fight in Ohio. As RedState reported previously (see Pain and Loathing Commence After Surprise Ohio Redistricting Decision), despite the Ohio Supreme Court once again striking down maps drawn by the GOP legislature, the decision itself was entered as a final judgment. What that meant is that any challenge to the next maps submitted would need to start all over as a new lawsuit.

With the primary set to happen in early May, the districts must be finalized by then for the November mid-terms. That hurdle meant that another lawsuit likely wouldn’t have enough time to progress, and that’s been confirmed after the Ohio Supreme Court released the timeline for any new challenge. . . .

Read the full report here. I’m not so sure this is a good development, even though it’s being viewed as a win for the R’s. Sadly, for years both parties have been trying to gerrymander the districts. Just look at MarcyKaptur’s district (9th) in the map at the top.

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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Trump rally Saturday 7pm this evening


As of 7:30, President Trump had not yet entered the stage. 

Links to streaming at Conservative Treehouse -- click here.

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“Uncovering the Corona Narrative”: the digital-financial complex

Dr Robert Malone is the scientist who is credited with inventing the mRNA technology, i.e., the delivery system for the COVID “vaccines” by Pfizer, Moderna, et al.  He is hardly an anti-vaxxer, and this blog has linked to his speeches and articles before.  Because he is on record as skeptical of the “vaccines”, especially for children, he’s been censored, kicked off YouTube and Twitter, etc., but his latest posting on Substack introduces the transcript of a talk in August 2021 by Ernst Wolff:

Many who have followed this coronavirus “public health crisis” and the non-sensical response provided by most of the western nations (including the USA) have been perplexed by two big questions - how was this done (in such a globally coordinated fashion), and why was it done?

In my case, I have tried to follow the various threads of facts and logic, to confront the perplexingly dysfunctional public policies, and to make sense of what is so deeply illogical. What I have found has been layers of lies, one on top of another, which seem to require an amazingly coordinated and globally comprehensive control and shaping of information in the form of propaganda and censorship on a scale which was previously unimaginable. Total information control, and total unrestricted, all encompassing information warfare. Modern media manipulation of thought and minds without boundaries, and without any ethical constraints.

One constant thread which runs through all of the mismanagement, all of the authoritarian policies, all of the totalitarian logic and messaging, has been the role of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its acolytes. WEF is a key think tank and meeting place for global capitalism management, and arguably qualifies as the leading global Deep State organization. Under the leadership of Professor Klaus Schwab, it has played an increasingly important role in coordinating the globalized hegemony of transnational capital and large corporations over Western democracies during the last three decades. Many of its members actively use Covid-19 as cover to carry out a “Great Reset” as described in Schwab’s writings. This Great Reset involves implementation of digital tracking and control of people, ushering in techno-feudalism, and the WEF objective of a fourth industrial revolution incorporating technologies collectively referred to as “transhumanism.” Western governments and WEF have identified genetic mRNA vaccines as a first step toward an inevitable transhuman society which they seek to guide us towards. The WEF has developed and implemented a training program which has yielded thousands of acolytes who have been placed into positions of power throughout the western world. A small representative sampling of these includes the following drawn from the ranks of the United States government and industry:

And he goes on to enumerate the scope of the power-grab in

  • Politics and policy
  • Legacy media
  • Technology and social media

Dr Malone then segues to Ernst Wolffs' answer to the big questions that have plagued all of us. And Mr Wolff asks the million dollar question about COVID and the “vaccines”:

Can it really be the case, that everything that we’ve experienced was planned?

The rest of the transcript is concerned with Wollf’s interpretation of the facts and policies that he reviewed over many months; he does a convincing job of connecting the dots.  Read the rest here.

I had to read through this analysis in installments;  it’s a lot to absorb.  So I’m leaving this one on the blog over the weekend.  Spoiler: this analysis ends on a very hopeful note. 

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Friday, March 25, 2022

We Will Delete You


  Image credit: Babylon Bee

Michael Young is a visiting fellow at the Center for Renewing America. His article in Tablet Mag explores the hazards and risks to our freedoms in the age of Big Tech and consolidated banking systems.  It’s not pretty, and he concludes:

What happens when a government is no longer required to do the very difficult, friction-filled work of finding people, writing tickets, arresting them, charging them, granting them due process, obtaining convictions, and jailing the guilty? When the government can bring a person’s practical participation in society to a standstill with the push of a button, it becomes silly to even talk about individual rights or due process. In the face of this new kind of push-button power, exercised at the whim of the governing party with zero legal oversight, individuals can simply be deleted from the system—even if, technically speaking, they are never charged with or convicted of a crime.

. . .

A deeper concern is what happens when private institutions like corporations, universities, and media exercise the same power without even the pretense of accountability. If the large financial institutions want to, they can act as gatekeepers to society and would be held accountable only by the market, to which they also hold the keys. Given that institutions are heavily dependent on each other, if the institutions that hold important positions in the global financial web decide to freeze someone out, they can do so with the push of a button. Worse yet, we can imagine a scenario in which a system of freeze-outs could be automated based on people’s credit scores, purchasing histories, political donation patterns, key words in social media postings, carbon footprints, or political activism. It’s not hard to imagine a situation in which a citizen of a democracy wakes up one day to find themselves unable to participate in the digital economy, where almost all financial transactions take place, due to an automated system which flags them as being undesirable in some way.

Corporations and government have always exercised tremendous power, of course. Government has a monopoly on the use of force, using the policing powers to enforce laws. Corporations have always exercised enormous power via market share, advertising, lobbying, and other financial instruments. But never before have they been able to lock ordinary citizens out of social participation with the flip of a switch.

This push-button tyranny is real, and it represents a greater abuse of power than any that has been exercised before within the boundaries of liberal democratic government. It is new, it is breathtaking, and it is very dangerous.

Read the entire article here.

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Thursday, March 24, 2022

Victor Davis Hanson: The Real Reset


Victor Davis Hanson thinks that things will get better. His column at American Greatness, “The Real ‘Reset’ Is Coming” concludes:

In the November 2022 midterms, we are likely to see a historic “No!” to the orthodox left-wing agenda that has resulted in unsustainable inflation, unaffordable energy, war, and humiliation abroad, spiraling crime, racial hostility—and arrogant defiance from those who deliberately enacted these disastrous policies. 

What will replace it is a return to what until recently had worked. 

Closed and secure borders with only legal and measured immigration will return. Americans will demand tough police enforcement and deterrent sentencing, and a return to integration and the primacy of individual character rather than separatist fixations on the “color our skin.”

The public will continue to tune out of the partisan and mediocre “mainstream” media. We will see greater increased production of oil and natural gas to transition us slowly to a wider variety of energy, strong national defense, and deterrent foreign policies.

The prophets of the new world order sowed the wind and they will soon reap the whirlwind of an angry public worn out by elite incompetence, arrogance, and ignorance.

I hope he’s right.  But if election integrity is not restored, all bets are off.  His full column is here.

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