Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

President Trump at CPAC - just one minute

President Trump gave a speech at CPAC this afternoon.  Great speech, but here's the one-minute clip that is going viral.  Too funny.
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Friday, February 28, 2020

Reasons to Stop Freaking Out About Coronavirus

image credit: ora.tv 

Joel B. Pollak at Breitbart has some public service comments on the media hysteria over the Coronavirus. Here’s the beginning:

Coronavirus is an “info-demic,” a panic caused by the spread of partial and often misleading information about a health risk, sometimes deliberately.

The virus is real, and a small number of people have been infected. But it is going to pass.

It is an unpleasant respiratory illness, but it is not an organ-destroying horror like Ebola. Precautions are being taken, a vaccine will emerge, and life will continue as usual.

Here are five specific reasons to chill out.

1. Coronavirus is a familiar illness, and not as bad as others. It is from the SARS family — and less deadly. As Ha’aretz noted, “the mortality rate from the current disease ranges from 0.5 to 2 percent, and is significantly lower than the mortality rate from the 2002 SARS outbreak (9.5 percent) and much lower than the 2012 SARS outbreak (34.4 percent). It may even be close to the mortality rate from an ordinary flu outbreak in the United States.”

2. The U.S. response has been exceptionally good. There have only been 16 cases thus far, none deadly. . . .

Pollak’s additional 3 reasons are here.

If you are following the tiered and strategic deployment of COVID-19 hype, you’ll note the next round of heavy artillery (the WHO/CDC have been saving) is the announcement of an official global “pandemic status” being reached.  That will be worth a week of panic media and perhaps another thousand point drop for U.S. stock market.
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Thursday, February 27, 2020

What's happening to the Democratic Party

Lifezette has a perceptive analysis by the Political Insider Staff on the crisis in the Democratic party.  Here are the opening paragraphs of “Democrats never thought letting ‘comrade Bernie’ in their camp would destroy their party”:

I really do have faith in the American people to make the right choice in 2020, but let me make this point: If Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is the nominee for the Democrats, it won’t be super easy for President Donald Trump.

The popularity of these leftists is pretty much all propaganda. They are all running on abortion, giving free stuff to people who are illegally here, and constantly telling white folks that you’re the problem with America. If anyone of these Democrats wins the presidency, it will be because of cheating.

The situation before us: we noticed how the Democratic leadership has put up with the commie crazies because they pulled in some votes with so many elections being very close; it made the difference between victory and loss. What the heads of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) never considered is that these idiots would take over that party. This is a perfect fulfillment of the old proverb about letting the camel stick its nose inside the tent.

Let me make this one point clear: If Bernie wins the presidency, he will attempt to burn down the United States.
. . .

Read the rest here.  Also, I‘m reading more about potential cheating, voter fraud, and efforts to minimize opportunities to tamper with votes, and I hope to post some of the reports over the weekend.
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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Dem Primary Debate recap

photo via Politipage

Last night, Tyler O’Neil filled in for Mr. Vodkapundit’s drunk-blogging gig at PJ Media. Today, he posted a good wrap-up. Here’s his final take-away:

Despite these and other attacks, Bernie Sanders held his own. As The Wall Street Journal's Kimberley Strassel noted, Bernie got “the real pass” on authoritarianism. “Authoritarianism is part and parcel of all true socialist movements. You can't support socialism and oppose authoritarians. They are the same,” she explained.
. . .
This is spot on. Sanders may insist his would be a smiley-face brand of socialism, but when push comes to shove, how will he react? A Heritage Foundation study found that taxing the rich at 100 percent would still fall trillions short of Medicare for All and the Green New Deal. Sanders has criticized the idea of having 18-23 different deodorant options, but that is exactly the point: a free-market consumer culture allows for a wide range of choices that allow for competition and niche tastes. A one-size-fits-all mentality cuts against the prosperity Americans prize, and socialist governments historically became authoritarian because not everyone went along.

Liberty and prosperity are not the norm in human history — poverty and tyranny are, and the bloody history of the 20th century shows that socialism is a recipe for returning to that norm.

I sincerely hope Americans understand that and have the good sense to reject Bernie Sanders in November if he does indeed go on to win the Democratic nomination. While many think the clear contrast between Trump and Sanders would help the GOP, a socialist major-party nominee still represents a serious threat and a kind of belated victory for the Soviets in the Cold War.

Yet, as of now, conventional wisdom has it that Bernie would be the easiest candidate for Trump to beat.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) put it well. "Every minute that goes by [Bernie Sanders] gets stronger. If you believe Bernie is bad for Democratic hopes and dreams in 2020 this is a pathetic effort to take him down. Biggest winner so far in [the Democratic debate] — President [Donald Trump]!"

Full recap is here.
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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

CBS Democratic Primary debate 8pm

CBS Democratic Primary debate 8pm   UPDATED

Stephen Green -- Mr. Vodkapundit -- always live-drunk-blogs these ghastly events at PJ MediaUpdate: Tyler O'Neil is subbing for Vodkapundit this evening; click here.  Livestream links are always up at Conservative TreehouseUpdate: link here.  (Or you can turn on CBS and suffer through the whole thing.) 
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Saturday, February 22, 2020

Amnesty: here we go again

This is an Action Alert.  Following Mick Mulvaney’s remarks on immigration (see below), NumbersUSA issued the following:

Republican Senators are hoping to take up an amnesty bill passed by the House last December that also expands guest worker programs; White House says it’s “listening” to these proposals.

News reports this week brought attention to a push in Congress to pass an amnesty for illegal aliens working in the agricultural industry, which would in effect create an indentured servitude program, allowing illegal aliens to gain green cards in return for a period of service working an ag-related job.

According to a story in Politico by Anita Kumar on Wednesday, the White House “has been in talks with Senators” hoping to convince the President to back amnesty legislation.

Last December, the House passed the mis-titled Farm Workforce Modernization Act, introduced by Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.).

You will find the NumbersUSA fact sheet for the bill here. And Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, wrote up his take at National Review (“Farming Like It’s 1699.”)

In the Senate, Republicans Lindsay Graham (S.C.) and Thom Tillis (N.C.) are leading efforts in that chamber to pass legislation along the lines of Rep. Lofgren’s bill, with indications the Senators would like to expand guest worker programs for other industries. The senior Senator from South Carolina is well-deserving of his nickname “Grahamnesty,” though, to his credit, he has always been upfront about his aims to provide U.S. employers with a continual flow of low-wage labor from abroad. Tillis has never had Graham’s national visibility, but he, too, has been a reliable advocate for amnesty and expanded guest worker programs.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Tex.), who has emerged in the House as a strong voice for enforcement, sent a letter to Senator Graham on Tuesday:

I write to urge that any immigration reform measures undertaken in the Senate, for Agriculture workers or otherwise, focus expressly and solely on actual and desperately needed immigration reform. There should be no amnesty considered as we should be squarely focused on re-establishing actual operational control of our border, which we currently do not have. – - Rep. Chip Roy

Kumar points out that amnesty and expanded guest worker programs go against pledges made by President Trump on the 2016 campaign trial, and reiterated after he took office. She also wrote that:

A White House official confirmed the ongoing negotiations on the guest worker proposal and said the effort is an attempt to generate action on a smaller immigration proposal after a larger one stalled and won few adherents.

“We’ve also been listening to stakeholders,” the official said. “We’ve also developed points of view on what the temporary system should look like.”
Journalists have written a lot about how the Trump Administration wants to decrease immigration, and some have even claimed the administration has already achieved this end, often conflating legal admissions with illegal entries. It remains an open question whether the President truly supports that goal.

While he endorsed the RAISE Act in 2017, President Trump more recently said that America “needs workers” and he would like to see “the largest numbers ever” of legal immigrants.

The President isn’t always precise in his language, and he must be given credit for steps taken to secure the border, though he has not pressured Congress to pass mandatory E-Verify. However, just this week Acting White House Chief of State Mick Mulvaney was quoted as saying this:

“We are desperate – desperate – for more people….We are running out of people to fuel the economic growth that we’ve had in our nation over the last four years. We need more immigrants.”

Wages are finally started to rise for workers at the lower end of the pay-scale. It is for this reason, and not because of any labor shortages, that employers are now “desperate” for immigration increases.

Mr. Mulvaney referenced “immigrants,” not “legal immigrants. NumbersUSA recommends that citizens

White House comment line: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
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Friday, February 21, 2020

Mini-Mike Bloomberg’s billboard

Apparently, this is Democrat candidate Mini-Mike Bloomberg’s idea of a persuasive campaign billboard (Team Bloomberg image via Conservative Treehouse):

More billboards, many of them memes-for-fun, at the link here.
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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Democrat debate vs Trump rally

Steve Breen cartoon via Townhall

19 February 2020.  Tonight is the next debate between candidates for the Democrat party nomination for President.  It is hosted by NBC News and MSNBC in partnership with The Nevada Independent, and it’s the first one for which Michael Bloomberg has qualified.  NBC broadcast runs 9pm-11pm.  

Stephen Green a/k/a Vodkapundit will be live-drunk-blogging the debate so you don’t have to watch.  Click here.

Please note: Vodakapundit’s drunkblog automatically refreshes, so stay at the top of the blog. You can check in from time to time, or scan through it in one hit after the debate is over.  Even if you keep putting it off until tomorrow.

Let Vodkpundit watch the Dem debate so you can tune in to President Trump's rally in Phoenix, Arizona tonight, with coverage starting at 9pm. Conservative Treehouse always posts the links to livestreams from Right Side Broadcasting and others. Click here.  
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Steve Salvi and bilingual ballots

Image may contain: 1 person

From our friend Steve Salvi at Ohio Jobs & Justice Pac posting via FB:
Why end bilingual ballots?
For example, the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections prints bilingual ballots. Mixing two languages on the same ballot confuses voters. Bilingual ballots also increase election costs because materials are duplicated in two languages.
Steve is running for Ohio state Central Committee in Ohio district #25. I'll be looking for Action Alerts for those who support English language ballots.  If you vote in Steve's district, look for his name on the ballot.

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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Jim Renacci : insider

Following-up on Presidents’ Day, here's a post from Cleveland Tea Party’s Ralph King via FB, on Jim Renacci, who is apparently still looking forward to running again for office:

 Image may contain: 2 people, suit, possible text that says 'RENACCI JIM RENACCI HAS BEEN "BEHIND ME FROM DAY ONE." President Donald J. Trump'
Happy Presidents' Day!

I am proud to have stood with @RealDonaldTrump from DAY ONE, a President who:
✅   Cuts taxes.
✅   Cuts regulations..
✅   Defeated ISIS.
✅   Rebuilt the military.
✅  Fights everyday to Keep America Great for ALL Americans!

Ralph comments:

Again Jim "The Swamper" Renacci showing he can never tell the truth! I was involved with Trump campaign from the first days in Ohio! Slickster Jim was nowhere to be found!

Slickster Jim Renacci the Swamper didn't come out and support President Trump until after he pretty much had the nomination secured. If memory serves me correctly, it was a little bit before the RNC Convention. Far from "Day One" as he claims.

Jim even admits in his own words in an interview with Juan Williams he did not support President Trump from Day One....

“No, I actually stayed out of it,” Renacci, when asked by Fox News commentator Juan Williams if he had supported Kasich during the primaries, responded during a July 2016 interview at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. “I really am a believer that we needed to see the party make this decision. I was a business guy for 28 years. I’ve only been in Congress five and a half years. I started to realize that the people are frustrated — I’m frustrated, they’re frustrated; let’s see who they decide to pick. And clearly they wanted an outsider.”

Remember Renacci’s early TV ads in his unsuccessful 2018 run for the US Senate?  He was wearing a hunting vest or jacket to portray himself as an “outsider.” 
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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Presidents' Day weekend video (Air Force One at Daytona 500)

Video via YouTube / Fox News (less than 2 minutes)

Via Breitbart:

President Donald Trump thrilled NASCAR fans on Sunday, arriving to the Daytona 500 race in dramatic fashion with an Air Force One flyby ahead of the race.
. . .

Air Force One, carrying President @realDonaldTrump, has arrived in Daytona, where he will serve as Grand Marshal for today’s race.
. . .

Race fans cheered and shouted four more years as the president and first lady arrived at 2:50 p.m.

Even if you are not a race car fan, the video of Air Force One flying over the stands at 800 feet before landing is pretty cool.  (More videos at Breitbart here.)

Happy Presidents’ Day weekend!
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Friday, February 14, 2020

Joe Biden, corruption, and fiduciary duty

Profiles in Corruption

If you don’t have time to read Peter Schweizer’s excellent Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite (HarperCollins), Christopher Roach has a column at American Greatness that summarizes the corruption in the Biden family.  Here’s a brief extract:

Hunter Biden’s self-enrichment in Ukraine, far from being a “conspiracy theory” or “discredited allegation,” is, in fact, textbook corruption.

Biden was making money from a shady Ukrainian natural gas company, and his father was pressuring the Ukrainians to fire the prosecutor looking into it. The sleight of hand dismissal from the Bidens’ defenders arises because they have demanded a higher burden of proof to show wrongdoing here than we do in other contexts.

The proper evidence is not a “quid pro quo” or an admission of wrongful intent, but a violation of fiduciary duty.

In business partnerships, boards of directors, and other positions of trust, people are expected to treat those whom they are serving as well as they would treat themselves. They are to disclose any conflicts and recuse themselves from decisions when those conflicts exist. When other considerations arise—helping oneself, helping a family member, or trying to serve the interests of two opposing entities—we assume that wrongdoing is afoot.
. . .
Because of difficulties with proof and the possibility of “wink and a nod” conspiracies, the law uses common sense and asks “Who benefits?” to determine wrongdoing when transactions benefiting insiders are involved. The same principles apply to self-dealing by corporate officers and insider trading.

If there is not already a law against the Biden family’s self-dealing, there should be. It isn’t unique, and the fact that it’s met with a shrug by many of our lawmakers suggests a much bigger problem in their attitude about public service. We are not a banana republic. Public service is not there for people to get rich indirectly by shepherding money, contracts, access, and the like to family members, whether domestically, in Ukraine, or anywhere else.

The full column is here.
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Thursday, February 13, 2020

Solving non-existent problems

photo credit: Hollywood Reporter

Rush Limbaugh sums up the Democrats’ dilemma:

They’re trying to create problems that we don’t have anymore because we’ve got Trump, because we’ve instituted market economics, because we have a foundation of conservatism here that is being implemented, policy after policy after policy. So they’re having to invent these problems that they have, in fact, created over the years so that they can offer solutions to them.

The Democrats do not offer solutions to the people who make the country work. The Democrats offer solutions for authoritarian, elected Democrats and un-elected bureaucrats and themselves. The Democrats are all about establishing a way of life for themselves, not for the people, not for the country. I mean, Democrats right now want to dump a phenomenal economic model. They want to destroy the engine that has produced the strongest economy in 50 years and maybe longer than that.

And with what? They want to replace it with an economic model that fails every time it’s tried. So that they can have problems that they claim only they have the solutions to. Well, that’s their problem, not ours. They are unhappy with a Constitution that has created the greatest country that has ever existed. That’s their problem, not ours.

Some Uniparty politicians with an “R” after their name play the same game, but in general, it sounds right to me.
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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Are you registered to vote?

Voter Registration Deadline for the Ohio March 17 Primary is February 18. If you’ve recently moved, or have not voted in the past six years, or have just turned 18, you need to register to vote. Click here to register online, or download and print a voter registration form, and mail it or bring it in to your local Board of Elections.  For a directory of Ohio Boards of Election by county, click here.   
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Monday, February 10, 2020

Trump rally in New Hampshire

Tomorrow is the New Hampshire primary. And this evening (Monday Feb-10), President Trump is holding a rally in Manchester. Pamela Geller reports that

Trump and Vice President Mike Pence will address a capacity crowd of thousands of supporters during a campaign rally at Southern New Hampshire University Arena at 7 p.m. Doors will open at 3 p.m. Tickets had to be requested through the campaign website; the event will be general admission.

Trump supporters began staking a place in line outside the SNHU Arena as early as 8 a.m. Sunday.

There may be some coverage on Fox Business and Fox News, but if you want to watch it, Right Side Broadcasting will livestream it; click here.  Sundance at Conservative Treehouse has alternative livestream links as well; click here.
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Sunday, February 9, 2020

Uniparty update

Sundance at Conservative Treehouse calls the DC political elite the “Uniparty.” I’ve also come across the term “fusion party.” Robert Curry at American Greatness calls it the “biparty establishment”, and he puts recent political developments into perspective. 
Here’s a sample:

In 2016, the Republican party leadership looked on in disbelief as their voters stuck them with a candidate who had an excellent claim not to be a Republican. Meanwhile, the Democrats had a close call; their voters very nearly stuck them with a candidate who was not and had never been a Democrat. Republican voters rejected “their” party, and Democrat voters came close to rejecting “their” party, and they might have succeeded except for behind the scenes efforts by the party professionals to rig the system.

These were astonishing developments, but we need look no further than Barack Obama for the explanation.

For more than a century before the advent of Obama, the Left had adhered to a stealth strategy. They maintained a remarkable degree of party discipline over that long period, believing stealth was necessary and that it was the secret of their phenomenal success in overthrowing the Constitution incrementally, progressively. Instead of openly rejecting the Constitution, they had carefully installed in their voters a belief in what they called “the living Constitution.” A living Constitution is, of course, no Constitution at all; it is really a dying Constitution, a Constitution in the process of being murdered by a thousand cuts.
. . .
But Obama broke with tradition. To those paying attention on the Left, he did not hide his disdain for the Constitution, for America, or even for the flag—and the Left went wild. For the Left, Obama’s success meant the galling necessity for stealth was over, that they could let it all hang out because America was ready for a leftist revolution.  Many Democrat voters agreed. They were no longer willing to put up with a Democrat candidate mouthing platitudes neither they nor the candidate believed so that candidate could be elected.

Comes the hour, comes the man. [Bernie] Sanders was almost completely untainted by the strategy of stealth. Not only was he not a Democrat, but he had also honeymooned in the Soviet Union. In 2011, he wrote an op-ed in which he declared that the American dream is “more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela, and Argentina” than in the United States. At the Democratic candidates’ forum in New Hampshire on Friday night, he said America is “a racist society from top to bottom.”

As for Trump, we can say of him what Lincoln said of Grant: “he fights.” Trump’s voters wanted a fighter, someone who would not be rolled by the biparty establishment.

Mr. Curry’s conclusion:

We now have an openly anti-American party and an openly pro-American party.

Read the rest here.
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Friday, February 7, 2020

Democrat Debate tonight drunkblog link

NOTE: This blog post was delayed until Mr. VodkaPundit got up and running at 8:01.  Not to worry -  his drunk-blog will be up all night.  

Reagan McCarthy at TownHall reports:

Seven of the Democratic candidates for president will take the stage Friday in New Hampshire, ahead of the state’s primary on Tuesday, in a debate hosted by ABC News [at 8pm]. Former Vice President Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Andrew Yang, Tom Steyer and Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Bernie Sanders (D-VT) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) reached the established donor and polling thresholds and will compete in this debate.

Notably absent from the debate stage is former Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg. Despite the exorbitant amount of money Mayor Bloomberg has spent on advertisements and campaign staff, he did not qualify for this debate. The DNC did alter the debate qualifications for the next debate on February 19th by eliminating the individual donor requirement, which will allow Mayor Bloomberg to be present on the debate stage in Las Vegas. This alteration unleashed backlash from progressives, who claim Bloomberg is buying the election.

Friday evening’s debate comes on the heels of the complete disaster in Iowa, following the state’s caucuses. Pete Buttigieg was declared the winner of the Iowa caucuses by a slim margin over Sen. Bernie Sanders, but the chaos and errors in the release of the caucus have stirred controversy in the Democratic Party. 

Stephen “VodkaPundit” Green is drunk-blogging live HERE– so you don’t have to watch. Just check in for updates at his blog whenever you feel like it (it’ll still be up there tomorrow – no need to check in in real time).
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Thursday, February 6, 2020

Onion Meme of the Day

The Onion meme -- Via PowerLine’s “Mid-Week In Pictures: Iowa Meltdown . . . Special Edition”.
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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

More Twitter censorship

Two days ago, this blog linked to Katie Hopkins’s column at Front Page mag; her column was about the celebrations marking the UK's Brexit from the EU. It was a thoughtful and heartfelt report. And today, we read Robert Spencer’s report at Front Page that “Twitter Suspends Katie Hopkins, and you’re next”:

Twitter has suspended UK's courageous freedom fighter Katie Hopkins, who had a million followers on the platform, and one thing is certain: she will not be the last foe of jihad violence and Sharia oppression who is banned from Twitter. It’s all about silencing “hate,” you see. But the banning of Katie Hopkins illustrates yet again that for the Left, there is good “hate” and there is bad “hate.”

According to the UK’s Independent, “Twitter said that Ms Hopkins had been temporarily locked out of her account for violating the site’s hateful-conduct policy, which bans the promotion of violence or inciting harm on the basis of race, religion, national origin or gender identity.”

Twitter has erased all but a handful of Hopkins’ tweets, so it’s impossible to tell what the offending tweets were, but it is abundantly clear at this point that for Leftist guardians of acceptable thought nowadays, virtually any dissent from the Left’s agenda will be read as “the promotion of violence or inciting harm on the basis of race, religion, national origin or gender identity.” While “promotion of violence” is fairly easy to spot, “inciting harm” can be seen in any critical word. 

And then the offender has to go.

Full column is here. And of course, this is not a one-off. Many conservative voices, such as Pamela Geller, Dennis Prager’s Prager University, James O’Keefe of Project Veritas, and Michelle Malkin (article at the link includes details on de-platforming and de-monetizing), have been censored on Twitter, Facebook, on campuses, on PayPal, etc. As Robert Spencer warned: we’re next.
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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

State of the Union preview

photo credit: Issues and Insights

The Editorial Board at Issues and Insights previews tonight’s State of the Union address:

State of the Union addresses are tedious, pointless, and quite often irksome. But this year’s promises to be none of that. President Donald Trump is going to do what no U.S. president has ever had to do before: He will denounce socialism in America.
. . .

Will Trump use strong words rather than watered-down political language to remind America of socialism’s gulags, inherent violence, and forced conformity; of planned economies’ abuse of liberty, smothering bureaucratic traps, and the oppression of the many through the power of a few?

It’s not his style to go soft. So it’s likely the country is going to hear what it needs to.

Full editorial is here.
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Monday, February 3, 2020

Katie Hopkins at the Brexit Celebration

photo credit: relocatemagazine.com

Today, the great Katie Hopkins posted her column on FrontPage about the Brexit celebrations last Friday.  Here’s a part that will likely resonate with any Trump supporter:

And then the jarring realization: what we came for could not be delivered.

This was not a Brexit celebration as advertised in our minds. We wanted to feel it was over. That the monster had been slain and the white knights were back in control. We wanted to feel elated by our win.

But we could not. This was not the end and we knew it. Our adversaries are all still there: the system, the media, Remainers, globalists, and self-serving politicians. And many of these are now hardwired for something that feels like revenge.

Gathered here in the mud and rain, perhaps we also allowed ourselves a moment of weakness, a kind of confessional that this has been really brutal with scars of the fight across all. We are nursing bruises from families divided, children fallen silent, Christmases made awkward, and the loss of friends.
. . .
We have suffered far beyond these personal or parochial injuries: the politicians, elected by us but unwilling to represent us; the lawyers, interpreting law to block Brexit and suit their partisan beliefs; teachers schooling our children that Leave was the wrong answer and that all Brexiteers are racists.
. . .
This crowd needed the kind of Trump rally I have seen, a chance to feel triumphant, to feel strengthened by tough leadership and to be lifted up. They needed refueling with patriotic pride. . . .

She concludes with a sigh – watching the corrupt media in action:

I walked away quietly, watching mainstream news crews try to pick off the most drunk or incoherent of us to humiliate for their TV shows in the morning.

I posted this as I expect she speaks for many Tea Party readers. The full column is here.
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Sunday, February 2, 2020

Documentary on Justice Clarence Thomas

Scott Johnson at PowerLine reports:

Last night we saw the fantastic documentary Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words in theater 18 of one of our local suburban AMC multiplexes. It might have been a seat or two short of a sell-out, but we had to settle for two seats in the first row. It was packed.
. . .
The left could not and cannot deal with Justice Thomas. They disparage him for his silence on the bench, but they don’t want him speaking out either. His comments on the Anita Hill episode — his comments then and now — are utterly devastating. Joe Biden makes a cameo appearance as a complete and utter buffoon. This section of the film should elicit feelings of rage and disgust from sentient beings, and yet the scenario is as current as today’s headlines. I am so grateful this movie exists and urge you to see it.

Click here for the rest of Mr. Johnson’s report, which includes links to other online reviews as well as the trailer for the documentary.

If you live near New Bremen, Ohio, you can see this new film.  It’s the only Ohio venue currently showing this film.  But I’ll keep checking the home page for the documentary for any upcoming screenings in the greater Cleveland area.
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