Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label First Amendment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label First Amendment. Show all posts

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Losing our First Amendment rights


Dr Robert Malone is in a very good position to share with his readers the risks we all face as our First Amendment rights are attacked.  He’s been vilified, censored, and ostracized, but fortunately, the propaganda aimed at destroying him has failed to shut him up.  His Substack column the other day discusses the protections and freedoms we are losing:

. . . Thanks to the Matt Taibbi’s Twitter Files and the Louisiana/Missouri lawsuits, we know much more about the censorship and propaganda during COVID-19. Then we have the Congressional investigation of the “The Great Barrington Declaration” as well as Congressional investigations of other censorship/propaganda operations run by the US government during the last three years of the COVID crisis. There have also been various Epoch Times exposes and other FOIA documents (in particular thanks to Project Veritas and Judicial Watch), documenting that the Federal government has been involved in these types of propaganda campaigns for many years. The extent of these operations has been vast, with billions of dollars funneled into astro-turf organizations and NGOs. The military, HHS, the White House, big pharma companies, and big tech have been partnering together to conduct these operations. These include money, meetings, strategic sessions, technical help, “hit” lists of people to take down, etc.  . . .

. . .

After the leak of Justice’s Alito draft opinion on the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case, there was and is an organized campaign to physically intimidate and harass conservative justices by activists. Individual supreme court justices have been doxed, with agitators protesting outside their homes. These violent protests have been allowed to continue unabated, despite there being a Federal law on the books prohibiting the targeting of Federal judges. The Department of Justice refuses to take action against the protestors. There was an attempt on Justice Kavanaugh’s life. For which President Biden and the media were mostly silent. The Supreme justices must now travel in armoured cars and have full time security.

Living with this kind of fear is one of the most insidiously damaging psychological campaigns one can imagine. I know. I have at least seven cyberstalkers that repeat malicious defamation against myself and my wife on a daily basis. This is different from having some corporate media doing a hit piece. This is repeated defamation which is repeated daily.

The systemic attacks of both Supreme Court justices and conservative judges continues unabated. It is not just those seeking to return federal abortion rights to the USA. Justice Thomas has been the victim of co-ordinated attacks by the press for years, including coordinated racist and downright libelous articles written about him and his family. Yet, despite all these media hit pieces, no charges have been brought forth. More evidence that this is a coordinated propaganda campaign.

Other conservative judges have been harassed by trans rights protestors, gay rights protestors, and have even been harassed for the sin of for being appointed by President Trump to a judicial position. These are not peaceful assembles, as is our right under the First Amendment, but are concerted efforts to harass and physically intimidate officers of the court. The tools being used include cyber stalking, gang stalking, violence, physical intimidation and harassment.

Who is leading these systemic efforts? What agencies? How deep does the propaganda and censorship go? Is this even a real concern or just another conspiracy theory? These are legitimate questions and the public deserves answers.

The American people can no longer trust that the US government to be neutral. Our rights to a free press and free speech are being stripped away daily. The US government, big tech, media, pharma, the military are acting in a coordinated fashion to censor and create propaganda. We know that media and big tech are getting paid by the government to do this. That the HHS also paid out a billion dollars to both advertise the jab campaign and to censor critics of the “vaccine” program.

I am pro-America and a patriot. I am a Constitutionalist. I believe in free speech. A strong nation. A free press. Our republic. Our democratic institutions. This is not an anti-government tirade. I am not anti-government, I am a conservative constitutionalist, but I am shocked and saddened by how quickly our great nation is falling into corruption rationalized by the thesis that censorship is necessary to “preserve democracy”.

I truly believe that if the American people, Congress, and the courts do not act fast, that very fabric of this great nation will be torn in ways that cannot be repaired. Our rights of free speech and free press will soon be consumed by the US Governments’ need to control. Is this a national government we want to live under? . . .

Read the full column here.

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Friday, January 27, 2023

Mark Wauck: “settled science” and "misinformation"


Whether it’s challenges to the claims about “man-made climate change,” the COVID vaxx, or other examples of “misinformation,” a judge in California has issued an injunction against that state’s attempt to muzzle and penalize any doctors who disagree with the CDC’s and other government mandates on COVID (vaxx, masks, etc.). Mark Wauck at Meaning in History reports:

This tactic cleverly relies upon the common misconception that “science” consists of a body of settled knowledge that is above challenge, rather than being a process of continuing inquiry that relies to a great degree precisely upon challenges to previous consensus (I simplify, of course). This notion of a settled body of knowledge—identified as such by Leftist ideologues without regard to evidence as such—is then used to shut down debate on whatever happens to be the latest Leftist pseudo scientific cause—”settled science” so just shut up! You’re an ignoramus if you dare object, or if you demand evidence to back up the Left’s latest campaign.

We’ve seen this tactic employed repeatedly, first in “social science” fields and now even in the “hard” sciences. Most recently, with the use of the charge of “misinformation—it has evolved into a full assault of the First Amendment and an instrument of social control. The Covid Regime, with its numerous scientifically unjustified mandates—masks, distancing, plexiglass screens, and so forth—has offered fertile ground for the extension of draconian anti-freedom controls over the populace. All in the name of an invented and often contradictory “scientific consensus” which usually boils down to an uninformed and arbitrary bureaucratic consensus.

. . . Specifically, [Judge William] Shubb attacks the definition of “misinformation” as something that is contradicted by a supposed “scientific consensus”—a highly problematic concept.

In an order Wednesday, Shubb criticized the law’s definition of “misinformation,” which is “false information contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care.”

Shubb, who called the definition “nonsense” at a court hearing Monday, said in Wednesday’s order that it was “grammatically incoherent.”

Beyond that, Shubb’s order also criticized the phrase “contemporary scientific consensus,” saying that it doesn’t have an established meaning in the medical field.

“The statute provides no clarity on the term’s meaning, leaving open multiple important questions,” the order said. “For instance, who determines whether a consensus exists to begin with? If a consensus does exist, among whom must the consensus exist (for example practicing physicians, or professional organizations, or medical researchers, or public health officials, or perhaps a combination)?”

That lack of clarity, the judge added, makes it impossible to determine what the new law prohibits.

“I think he correctly analyzed the facts and the law and understood that the concept of a ‘contemporary scientific consensus’ is highly problematic,” said Richard Jaffe, an attorney representing one of the challenges to the rule.

Mr. Wauck concludes:

Given that the federal judiciary—right up to the SCOTUS—has largely been missing in action while the Left has been running roughshod over our constitutionally protected freedoms, it’s refreshing to see a judge directly challenging these tactics. Hopefully this case will establish a precedent for dismantling this Leftist assault on freedom.

Source links are here and here.

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Sunday, December 18, 2022

Dr Malone Goes to Vienna


If you need a little pick-me-up, look no further than Dr Robert W Malone, who reported from Vienna:

This week Jill and I are in Wien (Vienna), Austria for a number of events, culminating in the reading of a proclamation, a concert and screening of a Plandemic III teaser later tonight.

At breakfast this morning, the hotel table overflowed with brilliant people from all over the globe. Passions were high as we wrote a proclamation to the citizens of the world (to be read and sung later in the day). Then we moved to our apartment where controlled chaos reigned as the creative process took over the group and we recorded videos and song. No money, no recording rights - this effort is all freely given by everyone involved. This is about freedom, and we all feel the connection, the pressure to stop the globalized oppression and the worldwide yearning for individual sovereignty, as the sacred ground of freedom slips from under our feet. We do not want to be ruled by globalized corporatists and elitists. The United Nations has been co-opted by the politics of the World Economic Forum and the New World Order. Although this has to change, I think we all feel so privileged to be a part of this resistance and freedom movement! I am grateful to serve with so many amazing people.

The recording session this morning also included an impromptu recording session with Brad (Five Times August).

So indulge me for sharing a few photos from this morning’s video shoot. [see more below and at the link]

We did one take of the proclamation - and it was perfect!

The censorship has been hot and heavy in Austria over the past three years, and by all accounts it is only getting worse. Unfortunately, this is also true for many other nations, and seems to be led by an anonymous coordinated globalized effort. This is why we must speak the truth of the universal right to speak freely, the freedom of the press and the right of assembly in all of our public spaces, including the internet.

Yesterday, one of our events was “cancelled” by a mayor of an Austrian town without warning or notice. This fall, at least two medical freedom events in the USA, had to be re-booked because event venues cancelled at the last minute - when they found out that it was a medical freedom meeting.

. . .

Last night we had a great reception and a practice session for some of the musicians for tonight’s concert. We are all part of an underground movement not just for medical freedom, but for freedom and individual sovereignty.

Think about waking up your friends by having a house concert, screen one of the great documentaries about what has happened, or just have a reception or workshop to share locally with like minds. The downstream benefits will impact so many.

In a chorus, many people sing different voices. We need all of our voices in this movement.  . . .

More at the link here.  Dr Malone is one of my heroes.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Dennis Prager on conservative values


American Greatness published Dennis Prager’s column about conservative values, the first of several, and in this one, Mr Prager zeroes in on the loss of our First Amendment right to free speech:

. . . Liberty is a liberal value as well as a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. Liberty cannot be a left-wing value because the more liberty individuals have, the less power the government has. Conversely, the weaker the state, the weaker the Left.

This especially holds true for the greatest of all liberties—free speech.

Free speech is a fundamental conservative value, and it has been a fundamental liberal value. But it has never been a left-wing value. For that reason, everywhere the Left is dominant—government, media, universities—it stifles dissent. The reason is simple: No left-wing movement can survive an open exchange of ideas. Leftist ideologies are emotion- and power-based, not reason- or morality-based. So, leftists cannot allow honest debate. They do not argue with opponents; they suppress them.

For the first time in American history, freedom of speech is seriously threatened—indeed it has already been seriously curtailed. With the ascent of the Left, the inevitable suppression of free speech is taking place. . . .

Mr Prager’s full column is here.

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Saturday, September 10, 2022

UPDATE: First Amendment & due process violations


J B Shurk at American Thinker is horrified at the continuing violations of First Amendment rights and due process protections:

Several members of the [American Thinker] community recently focused my attention on the plight of J6 political prisoner Jonathan Mellis, who has already spent nineteen months in the American Gulag for the "crime" of protesting against his government.  

Mellis is one of hundreds who have endured the wrath of a wayward Washington politburo that has thrown Americans' Bill of Rights and founding principles right out the window.  Dennis Prager actually managed to secure a fifteen-minute interview with the incarcerated Mellis on December 22, 2021, and has replayed the disturbing audio for his listeners several times.  I encourage anyone who has not already come across it to find a few minutes to concentrate on their conversation.  The thirty-five-year-old Mellis, whom Prager identifies as a native Tennessean, although he was arrested in Virginia, sounds remarkably calm and composed, considering that he had already endured nearly a full year in jail (with no end yet in sight) and was obviously communicating with Prager from behind enemy lines.  

His story is similar to those of other J6 political prisoners caught up in this abusive, Soviet-style purge, yet his descriptions are unnervingly poignant.  Like so many of us who angrily watched as mass mail-in balloting and other pandemic-related voting shenanigans corrupted the 2020 election, Mellis hoped January 6 would stand as a historic day when civic-minded Americans engaging in political protest would successfully convince Congress and the courts to take a hard look at the suspicious irregularities tainting the election.  He is undoubtedly a fiercely patriotic American who loves his country and would sacrifice anything for it.  He speaks as a man committed to America's foundations in liberty.  He does not sound as if malice has blighted his heart.  He arrived in D.C. to defend America's standing as the "Land of the Free."  He expected to rectify an electoral injustice.  He wanted D.C.'s permanent bureaucracy to visually see the resolve of millions of Americans' moral conviction.  He expected triumph.  And he has received little but despair. . . .

Read the rest here. 

Where are the GOP members of congress?  Why is it Dennis Prager or Julie Kelly (see, for example, here and here – both at American Greatness) banging on the doors to get these people out of jail.

RELATED:  Prisoners are getting assaulted.  

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Friday, May 6, 2022

Ohio AG opposes the Orwellian "Disinformation Governance Board"


Dillon Burroughs at The Daily Wire reports

Virginia Republican Attorney General Jason Miyares sent a letter signed by 20 GOP attorneys general on Thursday to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas threatening legal action against its ‘un-American’ Disinformation Governance Board.

. . .

“Freedom of speech is the bedrock of democracy. Instead of protecting and fostering it, this administration wants to create an organization that would have federal bureaucrats monitoring citizens’ speech. This would undoubtedly lead to Americans self-censoring their ideas and debates. I am concerned about the spread of false information, but creating a federal agency to police speech is not the way to address it. As the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Virginia, I cannot stand by as the rights of every Virginian are being threatened. The war on the First Amendment must stop,” he wrote.

In addition to Virginia, the other states represented in the letter include Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia.

The effort comes following another letter by Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee sent to new Disinformation Governance Board leader Nina Jankowicz asking her to provide testimony regarding her new role.

The letter was signed by Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, a ranking member of the committee, along with 11 additional GOP House Judiciary Committee members. . . .

Good to see that Ohio is on the list.  Read the full report here.

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Thursday, January 20, 2022

“Saving Democracy” -- by Murdering Free Speech


Earlier this week, the Editorial Board at Issues & Insights published “The Murdering Of Free Speech In America”.  Below is their conclusion:

. . . We believe that private companies have the right to determine who may and may not participate in their forums, and our free press is at liberty to publish – or not publish – whatever it wishes. As others have said, it’s just business. It can also be personal. That’s just the messiness of freedom.

But when social media and the press are censoring at the behest of the government, when they become agents of the state, the threat to the First Amendment is real.

Tyrants have always feared and suppressed speech, and the Democratic Party is lousy with authoritarians who want not to govern but to rule as a single party. We see this in not only their pressure on the private sector to rid them of meddlesome characters who express ideas and make statements they don’t like but in their legislative agenda. They have an insatiable lust for permanent, unfettered control of government at all levels.

That’s the “democracy” the Democrats keep talking about saving in the next election. They crave it so intensely they’re willing to kill freedom of speech in exchange for a throne.

Read the full editorial here.

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Monday, July 12, 2021

One door-knock only


JD Rucker at NOQ Report doesn’t trust the government:

When news broke last week that the Biden regime intended to send agents door-to-door to check on our vaccine status, reactions were immediate and harsh. Even if we disregard the blatant attack on privacy and healthcare choice that this represents, we cannot shake the belief that this is just conditioning for near-future door-knockers with even worse intentions. It starts with vaccine checks and moves to gun checks, child indoctrination checks, right-wing extremism checks… anything but U.S. citizenship checks, of course.

The narrative from the White House has taken two different angles. One has authorities gaslighting us into believing that this is not only acceptable but part of the government’s responsibility to know the vaccination status of every American. The other is that government only wants to go door-to-door for vaccine status checks and they totally won’t take it any further.

Both narratives are false. Government does not have the right to invade our healthcare privacy, nor will they stop with this type of check if allowed to move forward with it the first time.

 . . .

Read the full column here.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

The Tyrants Among Us

The Editorial Board at Issues and Insights gives us fair warning on returning to normalcy:

 Of course they’re not going to let a crisis go to waste.

   . . . 

There’s a natural progression from the pandemic lockdowns to restrictions on freedom in the name of saving the sky from global warming. But the tyrants among us won’t stop there. We find it useful here to quote the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s international affairs analyst, who realized more than six months ago that “the virus of tyranny has already found itself in the bloodstream of liberal democracies.”

For instance:

  • President Joe Biden and his party hope to saddle Americans, through undisciplined spending, with debt and a de facto tax (inflation) that can be repaid only by mortgaging the future and bondage to the federal monster.
  • There is a core on the left, not even the hard left, that is resisting a return to normal. It wants liberty-shackling rules in place in perpetuity.
  • Our freedom to speak will continue to be abridged.
  • Our ability to make independent and individual health care decisions will be curtailed further.
  • Second Amendment rights will be in danger of being rolled back because of “public health” needs.
  • Expect to be forced out of our fossil-fuel-burning automobiles and herded into mass transit.
  • Protests and rallies will be put down as insurrections – unless they are in service of the “right” groups, such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

Once lost, freedom is difficult to regain. “Be warned,” says author Michael Walsh. “If you think the petty tyrants currently making your lives miserable are going to willingly relinquish their illicit powers, think again. They’ve got a taste for it now.”

So intoxicated from their deep swig of power are they that they no longer see boundaries, just opportunities to subjugate. Fight back, or lose in a few years what has made America unique and great for more than two centuries

The entire editorial is here.

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Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Mike Lindell, Frank Speech, and 2020 election fraud


JD Rucker at NOQ Report has news:

MyPillow founder and CEO Mike Lindell has . . .  been in the news lately for multiple reasons. One of the biggest is his upcoming social site, Frank Speech, which officially launches next week. He described it as a combination of YouTube and Twitter with a focus on free speech.

“They’ve attacked our First Amendment rights like nothing we’ve seen in our history,” he said. Users can go to the website today and sign up early.

This report has more:

That “something” turned out to be arguably the most important bombshell he’s dropped regarding 2020 election fraud. The forensic evidence of technological voter fraud has been widely discussed but never fully sourced, nor has it been attributed directly to irregularities in vote counts. Now, the truth is finally starting to come out.

He talked about the teams he put together for Absolute Interference and how he wanted to dig deeper into certain topics. “I said, ‘You know what? I want you to take some [cyberattacks] specifically where it came out of China… take like 20 of them… I want those attacks that came direct out of China, I want a team on the ground, a separate cyber-team.'”

What were they looking for?

“They checked out physically where the attacks came from, the longitude-latitude, the IP addresses of the machines, the IDs of the computers, who did it?” he said.

His team cross-referenced the timestamps of the cyberattacks with the “flips” of votes that he and others have documented before. They were a perfect match. He had the results audited by a third-party who confirmed the findings.

Folks, this is huge. It tells us what many have speculated about over the last five months. There was a literal hack (not to be confused with the fake news “Russia Russia Russia” hacks of 2016) on our elections in which vote totals were changed to reflect a Biden victory.

If "Absolute interference" does indeed document the “smoking gun,” I remain skeptical that anything can be done at this late date to remedy the phony election results.  Still, better to KNOW the details than to speculate.  The rest of Rucker’s report is here.

In the meantime, if you are so inclined, sign up at Frank Speech at the link.

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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

More Twitter censorship

Two days ago, this blog linked to Katie Hopkins’s column at Front Page mag; her column was about the celebrations marking the UK's Brexit from the EU. It was a thoughtful and heartfelt report. And today, we read Robert Spencer’s report at Front Page that “Twitter Suspends Katie Hopkins, and you’re next”:

Twitter has suspended UK's courageous freedom fighter Katie Hopkins, who had a million followers on the platform, and one thing is certain: she will not be the last foe of jihad violence and Sharia oppression who is banned from Twitter. It’s all about silencing “hate,” you see. But the banning of Katie Hopkins illustrates yet again that for the Left, there is good “hate” and there is bad “hate.”

According to the UK’s Independent, “Twitter said that Ms Hopkins had been temporarily locked out of her account for violating the site’s hateful-conduct policy, which bans the promotion of violence or inciting harm on the basis of race, religion, national origin or gender identity.”

Twitter has erased all but a handful of Hopkins’ tweets, so it’s impossible to tell what the offending tweets were, but it is abundantly clear at this point that for Leftist guardians of acceptable thought nowadays, virtually any dissent from the Left’s agenda will be read as “the promotion of violence or inciting harm on the basis of race, religion, national origin or gender identity.” While “promotion of violence” is fairly easy to spot, “inciting harm” can be seen in any critical word. 

And then the offender has to go.

Full column is here. And of course, this is not a one-off. Many conservative voices, such as Pamela Geller, Dennis Prager’s Prager University, James O’Keefe of Project Veritas, and Michelle Malkin (article at the link includes details on de-platforming and de-monetizing), have been censored on Twitter, Facebook, on campuses, on PayPal, etc. As Robert Spencer warned: we’re next.
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Friday, January 3, 2020

No Safe Spaces update: northern Ohio showings

This blog has reported several times on Dennis Prager's and Adam Carolla’s documentary No Safe Spaces.  See here (includes review by Bookworm Room).  The website for the documentary now lists four Ohio theaters, including one in Richmond Heights.  For the northern Ohio listings, click here and scroll down to the Ohio listings.

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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

No Safe Spaces documentary now in Ohio theaters

Last October, this blog reported on Dennis Prager and Adam Carolla’s documentary No Safe Spaces. BookwormRoom blogged her review a couple of days ago:

. . .every American ought to see this movie. The reality is that only conservatives who are already worried about the death of free speech in America will attend it. On the Left, they’re smugly happy with their increasing ability, both on campuses and in corporate America, to shout down and censor anything they don’t like. And in the vast middle, the Americans who need to start to care, people probably aren’t even aware that the movie is playing.
. . .
Carolla and Prager are the two pillars anchoring the No Safe Spaces. Carolla presents himself as a working class yob and comic (and also America’s most popular podcaster) who has a visceral belief that we are destroying our youth by mentally coddling them and that the answer is free speech for them and for everyone. Prager is the Jewish intellectual, the college educated man who spent time in the Soviet Union during the heyday of its totalitarianism. Prager too is a free speech fanatic. Both men are agreed (rightly) that free speech — true free speech, not the European or Canadian simulacrums — is a uniquely American attribute and that its destruction is the first step on the road to totalitarianism.

Bookworm's full review is here.

The website for the documentary now lists Ohio locations where this documentary is playing, including in Solon, Akron, and Elyria. Click on the website here and scroll down to the listings for Ohio.
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Friday, October 25, 2019

The Media Threat to America

Daniel Greenfield analyzes the insidious influence of the mainstream media on American values and culture. In his article at Front Page Magazine (“The Media is a Threat to America: and it’s destroying the country”), he concludes:

The media has gone from taking part in a political debate to turning into a James Bond villain.

The problem is not, as the media insists, the First Amendment, or Russian bots, or Facebook. The problem is an industry that built monopolies around investments in outdated technology. These technologies, from the printing press to radio to cable news, were revolutionary at the time.

The internet killed their monopolistic power, and they’ve been trying to rebuild it ever since.

The media would rather have a monopoly in a broken country, than live in a thriving country where internet content is too diversified to support traditional media organizations. Like Milton’s Satan, it would rather rule in hell than serve in heaven. And it’s turning the country into its own private hell.

The First Amendment was meant to protect speech, not industries. The media industry is trying to kill speech and is willing to kill the country to make it happen. 

But it’s the industry that needs to die.

Full article is here.
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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

First Amendment documentary coming up

Dennis Prager and Adam Carolla were on Tucker Carlson’s program yesterday. They were there to unveil the trailer for their forthcoming documentary, No Safe Spaces. Fox News has an interview with Mr. Prager:

Radio personality Dennis Prager and comedian Adam Carolla's upcoming documentary "No Safe Spaces" is a film detailing the ongoing debate over the First Amendment on college campuses across the country and how identity politics enables it.

Prager and Carolla argue that younger generations have been trained to hate alternative, often right-leaning, opinions and unleash their anger on those with opposing views.

Prager says he's been working on the film since 2017 and was hoping for a PG rating but the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) wouldn't budge from its PG-13 designation.

“Despite our best efforts to meet the MPAA more than halfway, they have continued to deny us the PG rating our film deserves," Prager said in an exclusive statement to Fox News.

"Jordan Peterson’s and my quotes will stay and we will not censor the real-life punching of a conservative student. The much more graphic films that regularly receive PG ratings only serve to illustrate what I have experienced with Google in their efforts to make PragerU videos hard to find: powerful forces in Silicon Valley and Hollywood have one standard for ideological allies and another for people like me," he added of the film which mentions "sexually transmissible disease" and "Debbie Does Dallas" and a student is seen getting punched. 

"I will urge my friends and fans who only go to PG movies to ignore the MPAA’s fake PG-13 rating and go anyway. And please bring friends," Prager continued.

The film features commentary from a variety of Hollywood actors, scholars, academics, political figures, and media members, including Van Jones, Alan Dershowitz, Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, Cornel West, and Tim Allen.

Carolla also talks to fellow comedians about the challenge of doing stand-up on a campus today. Many comedians, such as Jerry Seinfeld, have said they will not appear on college campuses.

"No Safe Spaces" is scheduled for release Oct. 25.

The home page for this documentary is here. The film premieres in Phoenix/Scottsdale. No dates yet for northern Ohio. Will keep readers posted.

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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Indexing, advertising and payments: 3 threats to Free Speech

Daniel Greenfield has more on the threat to free speech, and how Big Tech censors information. At Front Page:

After the 2016 election, the claim that free speech had gone too far and needed to be controlled became widely accepted, first in the media, and then among the big dot coms who coordinated a censorship campaign with media fact checkers. The stated goal was to stamp out ‘disinformation’. And ‘disinformation’ was defined as any viewpoint that media lefties disagreed with or found disagreeable.

Fact checkers were embedded into Facebook and Google’s operations. Conservative content was censored, deranked, and pushed under corporate media content. The ‘disinformation’ pretext, which was supposed to describe foreign propaganda, was extended to apply to nearly any conservative view.
. . .

This push to suppress conservative content on Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media companies is an attack on indexing. People find posts, articles, and videos through search engines, these days largely a Google monopoly, and peer feeds on social media. The indexing attack has been successful with conservative sites losing traffic, and conservatives being banned on social media.

But indexing is just one prong of the attack. The others are advertising and payments.

If you’re a leftist, you don’t want people finding conservative content. Going after indexing means that the people who aren’t specifically looking for conservative content won’t find it. The idea is to turn conservative media into a ghetto. The impact on elections and national debates is obvious.
. . .

There is much more in the full article here.
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Monday, August 19, 2019

A point of definition: Antifa

photo credit: www.dw.com

Dan Bongino has defined the otherwise misnamed Antifa (via Whatfinger.com):

Antifa is Anti-First Amendment NOT anti-Fascist.
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Thursday, August 8, 2019

Protect your rights against those claiming a crisis

Our First Amendment rights are at risk because of corruption in Big Tech, and our Second Amendment rights are at risk because progressives are using crises and tragedy to go for the guns. Prof. William Jacobson puts both risks in perspective at Legal Insurrection:

Every time I think the media-Democrat frenzy could not get any more frenzied, it gets more frenzied.

How seamlessly they have transitioned from almost three years of Russia-collusion-mania to the current frenzy claiming that anyone and everyone who supports Donald Trump is a white supremacist.

Trump supporters now, according the narrative, are both Putin-puppet traitors AND Hitler-wannabees. It’s all so dishonest by design; the leaders of this charge don’t actually believe it, they cynically manipulate their media and social media power to drive their supporters, many of whom do believe it, into hating political opponents as an ideology. MSNBC is ground zero for this manipulative denigration of half the population.

If it only were dishonest, it would be bad enough. But it’s worse because it now has become a hunt to find heretics for public shaming. This is not new, but now it is legitimized as an anti-Trump strategy by the Resistance. Congressman Joaquin Castro naming names in his community, including retirees and homemakers, is a symptom of a culture of total political war on the left. Other symptoms include the attempt to deplatform non-liberal voices from the internet and airwaves, led by well-funded groups like Media Matters.

More here. And the Action Alert from my previous blog on proposed red flag legislation is here.
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Sunday, May 19, 2019

Next target: Michelle Malkin

image credit: medium.com

Facebook has censored Michelle Malkin — for protesting censorship.
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Michelle rejects identity politics out of hand, proudly calling herself an “American.” Amen and Amen! But in the Jim Crow-style of the Left she is what the Left loves to call a “woman of color.” Thus her posting standing up for free speech and opposing censorship has to be silenced. Because, like Diamond and Silk, Michelle Malkin is a threat to the totalitarian mind-set of Facebook rulers who have appointed themselves the Gods of who gets to say what and where.

The battle against the totalitarian mindset that is increasingly, vividly targeting conservatives with social media to unperson and de-platform them has now reached out to get Michelle Malkin.

Read the rest here.
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