Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Declaration of North America (DNA) : it’s Bad News


“White House occupant” Joe Biden is in Mexico for a summit with Justin Trudeau and Andrés Manuel Lopez-Obrador a/k/a AMLO.  Yesterday, the meeting produced a document, Declaration of North America (DNA), and it’s beyond frightening.  Read the whole thing here.  And here’s just a taste of America’s now-stated set of objectives and values that are clearly in violation of our constitution:

Diversity, equity, and inclusion is foundational to the strength, vibrancy, and resilience of our countries. We focus on providing marginalized communities opportunities for their full, equal, and meaningful participation in our democracies and economies. To advance these objectives, President López Obrador, President Biden, and Prime Minister Trudeau reiterated their joint commitment to protect civil rights, promote racial justice, expand protections for LGBTQI+ individuals and deliver more equitable outcomes to all.

Equal opportunity is not synonymous with “equitable outcomes”, which is to say, equal results.  And that's just a start.

All the alarming buzz words and phrases are in this Declaration (global, sustainability, climate crisis, electric vehicles, clean energy, expanded migration, post-COVID health security, etc). No mention of, oh, to pick one, the drug cartels.  Read the whole thing here (h/t Conservative Treehouse). It’s all about government control.  Over us.

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Dr Joseph Mercola : It’s not a “vaccine”


It’s not only not a "vaccine", it’s not only a gene therapy, it’s an experimental gene therapy.  And the CDC quietly changed the definition of “vaccine” to mislead the public. 

Here are the bullet points from Dr Joseph Mercola’s article at America First Report:


  • The notion that the COVID shots are a form of gene therapy is so risky for Big Pharma’s bottom line, they’re going to great lengths to make sure people don’t think of them that way
  • The Associated Press published a “fact check” in which they argued that COVID shots are not gene therapy because they do not alter your genes
  • The AP misled readers by focusing on just one part of the FDA’s definition of a gene therapy — the part about modifying expression of a gene. But the full definition also includes the words “or to alter the biological properties of living cells,” which is precisely what the COVID shots do
  • When the mRNA shots were rolled out in 2021, they did not meet the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s definition of a vaccine. They only met the FDA’s definition of a gene therapy
  • The only reason COVID shots meet the CDC’s definition of a vaccine now is because they changed the definition to prevent “COVID-19 deniers” from saying that “COVID-19 vaccines are not vaccines per CDC’s own definition”

And below is Dr Mercola’s fuller explanation of HOW the CDC manipulated the information (footnote omitted):

. . . All the way up until the end of October 2021, the CDC defined a vaccine as “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.” Immunity, in turn, was defined as “Protection from an infectious disease,” meaning that “If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.”

The new definition of “vaccine” is: “A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.” So, a “vaccine” went from being something that produces protective immunity, to simply stimulating an immune response. The key words “to produce immunity” were eliminated from the equation.

This makes the COVID shots fit the description, as they do not make you immune against COVID-19 and weren’t designed to prevent infection in the first place.

Internal CDC correspondence11 obtained through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests also conclusively prove the reason for the change was simply to shut down arguments by “right-wing COVID-19 pandemic deniers” that “COVID-19 vaccines are not vaccines per CDC’s own definition.” . . .

Read the full article here.

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Tuesday, January 10, 2023

RIP Lynette ‘Diamond’ Hardaway


Diamond, President Trump, and Silk

Via Blazing Cat Fur:

Lynette ‘Diamond’ Hardaway, half of the pro-Donald Trump vlogging [video blogging] duo Diamond and Silk, has passed away at her home in North Carolina.

A post on the pair’s Twitter account stated that a memorial ceremony will be held at a later date and asked for privacy for her family.

‘The World just lost a True Angel and Warrior Patriot for Freedom, Love, and Humanity!’ their Twitter account stated.

I was a fan.

So were we.  Way too young;  only 51.  RIP Diamond.

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Monday, January 9, 2023

The Surveillance State in 2023


At Freedom First Network, John and Nisha Whitehead list numerous types of surveillance either already in place or, as they say in baseball, on deck:

In 2023, it looks like we’re going to be in for more of the same in terms of the government’s brand of madness, mayhem, corruption and brutality.  . . .

The bullet point topics include:

  • Digital prisons. 
  • Precrime. [remember the film Minority Report?]
  • Mandatory quarantines.
  • Mental health assessments by non-medical personnel.
  • Tracking chips for citizens.
  • Erosions of private property.

There are many more categories of surveillance and other encroachments on our liberties. Click here to see them and the chapter-and-verse for all of them. Our household now has Faraday bags for our cell phones.  It’s just a start.

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Sunday, January 8, 2023

Neil Oliver: The era of ‘Great Pretending’


Image credit: peterjnorth.blogspot.com

Sundance introduces Neil Oliver’s latest monologue/meditation:

In this monologue Oliver uses two of my favorite metaphors to describe modern western civilization.  First, the Potemkin Villages constructed by political elite in their effort to make it seem like the world is something it is not. Second, the great pretending that is needed in order to sell it.

Here’s part of the transcript:

[T]he term Potemkin village has stuck and is still used today to describe the lengths to which the leaders of a failing, broken country might go in order to create the illusion of success and prosperity when the truth is altogether different.

. . .

We are no longer policed by consent. Rather the police force and it is a force now, in lieu of a service, has been bent around political or ideological will. Some protest groups are deemed good – Just Stop Oil, Extinction Rebellion, Insulate Britain, Black Lives Matter and fed tea and biscuits while they block the roads and smash windows, protected from any and all opposing views.

Others espousing opinions that fly in the face of the latest ideological kink or political dikta protests about so-called vaccines, or about lockdown or illegal immigration, often prompt the unleashing of the men on horseback, the riot shields.

Mountains of data reveal that the products marketed as vaccines are no such thing. They don’t stop infection. They don’t stop transmission. They don’t stop an infected person getting sick. They don’t keep an infected person out of hospital. And they don’t stop an infected person dying.

By any measure those products, released under emergency use authorization and demonstrably the cause of countless deaths and injuries, are, at best, a façade, a front, an optical illusion intended to make the masses move in the direction desired by the leaders.

Whatever way you cut it, those products don’t work as advertised and yet still the advertising-slash-propaganda campaigns are up and running – right now, this very minute – pushing needles into as many arms as possible, including those of healthy 6-month-old babies.

. . .

The Green agenda is not about Green, rather it is about Greed. There’s even fake meat, and fake milk, and fake cheese and scores of other fake food products besides. What else would you serve in a Potemkin village, after all, but fake food?

. . .

While more and more of the population wakes up to the lies, obfuscation, fear-porn and propaganda around the so-called vaccines, around the Green agenda, around gender politics and race politics. The majority of the news media obediently pumps out the same old tosh about “safe and effective” and “climate crisis” and “preferred pronouns” and race baiting.

But the fakery has been swiftly and shoddily constructed, without the foundation of truth. For that reason, this Potemkin village thrown up around us is flimsy and should be easily demolished, if we wish it so.  . . .

Mr. Oliver is describing Great Britain, but as many reader comments point out, it’s all happening in America as well.  The full transcript, or, if you prefer, the video, is at Conservative Treehouse here.

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Saturday, January 7, 2023

RINO Kevin McCarthy: Speaker of the House

This blog linked the other day to Paula Bolyard’s column at PJ Media about the House debate over RINO Kevin McCarthy’s run for Speaker of The House.  She was encouraged to see open debate between Freedom Caucus members and establishment Republicans.  This blog agreed that the open debate was a good thing.  And to the extent that the maneuvering of the Uniparty was exposed to and in plain sight for anyone watching, it was a good thing.

BUT it turns out it was all Kabuki theater.  Again.  Kevin McCarthy is now Speaker of the House. 

Most of the Freedom Caucus, including Chairman Scott Perry, caved, and it will be business as usual.  All the talk about changing the system – was just talk.  As one reader commented elsewhere, the only tactic available to the House now is obstruction.  No constructive bill will get past the Senate and the pResident’s desk.  There will be no reversal of the Omnibus porkalooza. 

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Friday, January 6, 2023

January 6 two years on

Image credit: breakingthecode.ca

Today is the two year anniversary of the January 6 protest, continually mis-reported as an “insurrection”--  in DC.  Julie Kelly has been following the plight of the victims of the “insurrection”, and today she posted:

A few weeks before Christmas, federal authorities arrested a Washington state couple for their participation in the Capitol protest on January 6, 2021.

. . .

So, what exactly did these alleged “domestic terrorists” do? They entered the Capitol through open doors as police officers stood by. Carrying no weapons, the couple took photos inside the Rotunda and wandered through some hallways; surveillance video shows Holly Christensen talking to a Capitol police officer. At another point, Scott Christensen chatted with a D.C. Metro police officer, a conversation captured on a body-worn camera. Police led the pair toward an exit door about 45 minutes later without arresting them.

For that uneventful jaunt through a public building that posed a threat to no one, the Christensens will now be destroyed by the Department of Justice, the federal court system, and the news media. Although both were charged with nonviolent misdemeanors—the same four offenses that represent the overwhelming majority of charges—journalists dishonestly portrayed the couple as traitors to their country. “Washington state couple to face Jan. 6 insurrection charges,” an Associated Press headline blared on December 12.

. . .

It’s a feat of political sorcery—fueled by lies, cover-ups, and careerism, not entirely unlike the first war on terror—to transform an unruly, four-hour protest into an act of domestic terror. American families such as the Christensens are merely collateral damage along the way.

The rest of Ms. Kelly’s report at American Greatness is here.  The American justice system is utterly corrupt and broken.  And the mainstream media is complicit.

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