Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Every state is now a border state


Douglas Andrews at Patriot Post reports that

Governor Greg Abbott and his fellow Texans are under siege. So much so that he’s written an urgent letter to his 49 fellow governors to ask for their help. The letter begins:

President Joe Biden’s negligent disregard for America’s national security hit another devastating milestone last week when his Administration ended Title 42 expulsions. Since taking office, President Biden has willfully refused to enforce our nation’s immigration laws while systematically dismantling every effective border security policy that previously led to the lowest number of illegal border crossings in decades. The resultant surge in illegal immigration and transnational criminal activity is a direct consequence of these misguided actions, and yet President Biden further jeopardized our nation’s security by ending Title 42 expulsions on May 11, 2023.

Abbott then notes that while the flood of illegals hits Texas first, it doesn’t stay in Texas. “Emboldened Mexican drug cartels and other transnational criminal enterprises,” he writes, “profit off this chaos, smuggling people and dangerous drugs like fentanyl into communities nationwide.” Synthetic opioids including fentanyl, as the CDC reported Wednesday, killed 75,000 Americans in 2022.

Abbott’s message has apparently taken hold, as 24 Republican governors have responded.  . . .

Ohio’s governor is one of them.  Support includes human assets, equipment, vehicles, and the like.  The full report is here.

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Thursday, May 18, 2023

Davos on Steroids


Jordan Schachtel at The Dossier reports:

The world’s most powerful and influential geopolitical voices are meeting from Thursday to Sunday in Portugal to navigate several global crises (many of which they’ve helped to facilitate), and oddly enough, the corporate media has no interest in reporting on this secretive gathering of powerful figures.

The attendees list for this year’s infamous Bilderberg Meetings has just been released, and just like years prior, global heavyweights inundate the 2023 roster. The list includes America and Europe’s top spy chiefs, several heads of state, and some of the world’s most powerful business executives.

. . .

If you are familiar with the names on the participants list, you will find that they largely subscribe to a globalist, hyper-interventionist worldview, making the annual Bilderberg confab an echo chamber of ruling class ideologues. . . .

Among the participants are CEOs or top officers of Pfizer, Microsoft, Google, ChatGPT, and the President of the World Economic Forum.  Read more about the participants and some of the agenda here.

There’s more background on Bilderberg here.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

George Washington's Mother


For Mother’s Day, Paul Kengor at American Spectator reviewed a biography of George Washington’s mother, and below is an extract from it:

Mary Ball Washington, America’s First Mother [Harper, 2019]

Craig Shirley’s biography is a character study
of the strong woman who raised our first president

“My great age, and the disease which is fast approaching my vitals, warn me that I shall not be long in this world. I trust in God that I may be somewhat prepared for a better.”

So said a weak Mary Ball Washington, mother of America’s first president, George Washington, to her son in March 1789 as she lay dying from cancer at roughly age 80 (her exact age unknown). Her son had come to bid America’s first mother a final goodbye. He told her about this significant new office that he was assuming for his country — to which all 69 electors had unanimously chosen him on Jan. 7. The only president ever selected unanimously.

“But before I can assume the functions of my office,” he told the frail old woman, “I have come to bid you an affectionate farewell.”

The 57-year-old Washington continued, “So soon as the weight of public business, which must necessarily attend the outset of a new government, can be disposed of, I shall hasten to Virginia, and—” Here, the mother interrupted the son: “—and you will see me no more.” . . .

Mr Kengor closes his review:

And as Shirley shows, the relationship between the two was “laden with difficulty” for both of them. It was a struggle for anyone to have much affection for Mary. Shirley describes Mary Ball Washington as “self-centered and acquisitive,” “tutoring and fashioning” her son but also “driving and admonishing” him. She was not a warm lady and, frankly, was hard to feel warm about. She was not easy to like. She was a cold woman, austere, and herself quite a character — an odd one. And Craig Shirley’s book provides far more than a history of her and her son. He provides a character study that fascinates.

But whatever her personal shortcomings, this woman raised a president, our nation’s first. He was our first president and Mary Ball Washington was our first mother — one who needs to be remembered, and perhaps particularly so for America’s annual celebration of Mothers’ Day. Get this book and read and learn and remember.

Read the entire review here.

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Monday, May 15, 2023



Daisy Luther at Discern Report provides a good overview of the BRICS alliance.  Here’s her opener:

BRICS Is Expanding:
Here’s Why That’s Very Concerning for the US

You may have heard the term “BRICS” when reading about world affairs and wondered what it was all about. As we watch the American dollar and economy lose power on the world stage, this alliance could quickly move to take its place, especially as other countries that used to be allied with us move over this bloc.

As a matter of opinion, I think that on the global stage, BRICS is a union we should watch, as there are several large economic powers involved that aren’t exactly friends of the United States of America. Should this group continue to grow, it’s possible that it could dramatically affect us with regard to world trade. And that’s at the very least.

What is BRICS?

BRICS is an economic alliance that has been around since about 2001. Jim O’Neill from Goldman Sachs coined the acronym BRIC to represent the original countries: Brazil, Russia, India, and China. By 2010, South Africa had been added, bringing us to the current acronym.

. . .

For many years, the United States has been a primary global economic power, but as our star shines a little less brightly due to our economic difficulties, poor governmental management, and less than stellar relationships with several other countries, BRICS seems poised to step into the position our nation once held.

. . .

But…the union seems intent on expanding, and other nations are in the midst of an application process. Multiple countries have asked to become a part of the bloc.

The nations that have formally applied for acceptance into the cooperative are:

    • Algeria
    • Argentina
    • Bahrain
    • Egypt
    • Indonesia
    • Iran
    • Saudi Arabia
    • United Arab Emirates

. . .

Read the rest here.

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Sunday, May 14, 2023

Open borders and the Cloward-Piven strategy


Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge reported:

Tens of thousands of migrants rushed across the US-Mexico border this week as the pandemic-related asylum restrictions were lifted at midnight Thursday. 

"A record-setting 83,000 migrants crossed our border illegally this week — equivalent to a full capacity Dallas Cowboys football stadium," said Fox News' Bill Melugin. . . .

Wayne Allyn Root graduated from Columbia University in 1983.  He’s posted an excellent piece at his website on why the Biden administration pushes its open border policies: those policies are speeding up the deliberate destruction of America, by updating the Cloward-Piven strategy:

This open border disaster is not a “Johnny-come-lately” story.

It is a plan that was created many decades ago by leftist radicals’ intent on destroying America.

. . .

These Columbia University radicals (and traitors) had a plan named Cloward-Piven. It was named after two Columbia University professors – the husband-and-wife team of Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.

The plan was simple – get as many people as possible on welfare, food stamps, and a hundred other government welfare programs. Get so many on the government dole, that the economy is overwhelmed, destroyed and collapses under the weight of the exploding national debt.

. . .

At this point, Americans would be in so much pain and so frightened, they would beg government to save them. And that is how they would “fundamentally change America forever.” Remember those words? They came out of the mouth of Barack Obama. He learned those words and this plan at Columbia.

. . .

Except Cloward-Piven has been updated. It’s now 100% about the border. If you can’t get everyone in America on welfare to explode the debt, overwhelm the economy and collapse the country, open the border and invite the whole world in.

And that’s what’s happening.  Click here for the full article.

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Saturday, May 13, 2023

Donald J Trump rally tonight UPDATE: Postponed


A previous trump rally in Iowa

Donald J Trump holds a rally later today (8pm Eastern, 7 pm Central) in Des Moines, Iowa.  To watch the livestream on Right Side Broadcasting Network or Rumble, click here.  Tune in early for coverage of guest speakers.

UPDATE:  Tornado watch in Iowa this evening, so the MAGA rally has been postponed.  

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