Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label Bill Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill Clinton. Show all posts

Thursday, July 7, 2022

America on the Grift


Michelle Malkin traces the corruption of one sounds-good-on-paper educational institution to demonstrate how American institutions and societies are collapsing.  And our tax dollars are funding failure and . . . lots and lots of illegal immigrants.  She starts off:

Our once-sovereign nation has become nothing more than a morbidly obese cash cow for what the Biden administration now openly calls the “liberal world order.”

Higher gas prices are just the tip of the sacrifice iceberg. It’s our posterity paying the globalist pipers. In the new “liberal world order” (which is really just the same old Bush family “New World Order” of more than three decades ago), homegrown children’s needs are subjugated to the hopes and dreams of the children of the rest of the world.

Stick with me and follow an open-borders bouncing ball that demonstrates how multinational elites exploit America Last — with the brazen complicity of our own U.S. government, nonprofits and corporations. As always, we must follow the money to find the truth. Let’s dig deeper behind this headline:

Former American Hebrew Academy
 will house unaccompanied immigrant children

And dig she does.  Read her entire analysis here.  

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Sunday, December 20, 2020

Alicia Colon on the 2016 and 2020 elections


Alicia Colon brings some historical perspective to the 2020 election fraud:

Most of us, however, were definitely against Hillary Clinton and the idea of Bill Clinton ever being in the Oval office again. Clinton was the first president I’ve ever regarded as treasonous. It was very clever of the Democrats to frame his impeachment as due to an improper sexual incident rather than one of high treason.

According to David Horowitz of Front Page Magazine, as president, Bill Clinton essentially wiped out any strategic advantage the U.S. had by selling advanced U.S. missile technology to our enemy, the People’s Republic of China. His administration took in millions from the military and intelligence services of at least one hostile foreign power. All of this was done in exchange for illegal campaign contributions from a massive totalitarian country determined to eclipse the U.S. as a world superpower. Don’t take my word for it. Google the word China Gate 1996 or read about Johnny Chung and his many visits to the White House. “One of the key technological breaks China received, without having to spy to get it, was the deliverance of supercomputers once banned from export for security reasons,” writes Horowitz.

. . .

The Trump supporters or the Deplorables as we are called, love our president for what he has achieved in the last four years and we don’t give a whit for what he was before. What we do know is that everything he has done has been for all Americans and to save our great nation from the enemy within. What we all believe is that Trump won reelection in a landslide. This is the only fact that makes sense. Compare the millions that attended all his rallies to the empty parking lot Biden events that were held when he infrequently left his basement. What happened on November 3rd, Election Day was that the counting stopped and the Deep State minions had to switch to Plan B. Why? The original theft was supposed to be confined to the Dominion computer program switching Trump votes to Biden but the algorithm was set to handle fewer votes than the Trump landslide. Plan B depended on the phony mail in ballots that would be counted as valid because Democrat election officials had unconstitutionally changed the rules to allow massive voter fraud. We know this because there are videos, hundreds of signed affidavits by witnesses, many patriotic whistleblowers, and yet the Never Trumpers, Rinos, the SCOTUS and the lamestream media are “the none so blind, they will not see.”

Never Trumpers, Rinos, the SCOTUS and the lamestream media are not so much blind as they are complicit.  Read the full column here.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Irrelevant Dinosaurs

image credit: Daily Kos

At American Greatness, Liz Sheld takes aim at the GOPe, a/k/a establishment Republicans, including those addressing the Democrat convention this week:

“Democrats electrify party base with showcase of irrelevant dinosaurs 
(i.e., Bill Clinton and John Kerry)”

. . . Politics is first and foremost about who has power (elected officials, deep pocket corporate interests and their influencer flacks) and who doesn’t.  Since Trump is an outsider, the industry and it’s soldiers can’t cash a bank of IOUs they would normally have on a professional politician. It’s better for these fake Republicans and their auxiliaries to be in the minority of a status quo system. In fact it’s better for all the establishment Republicans to be the minority of a status quo system, they would much rather lose the White House and both chambers so they can be king of the losers. It’s easier for them, they don’t have to do anything, they have no responsibility and can always point to their helpless position as a minority as cover for their ineffectiveness.

But the nerve of these traitors, turning on the people who voted for them while pretending to represent their interests is astronomical. How many people who voted for John McCain (59,948,323 votes) also voted for Donald Trump (62,979,879)? I’m guessing a lot and those people probably thought McCain was going to advance mutually held political positions he pretended to have. Alas, it was always just a sham, these Republicans speaking at the DNC were never about conservative or classical liberal positions, they were only using a gimmick to get their power and that’s why the country delivered a throat punch to the political establishment named Donald J. Trump. At the same time it’s sickening to see but also refreshing that voters have an opportunity to see exactly how these politicians play which is for their own power grab, relevancy and the big bucks of their corporate patrons.

Read the rest here.

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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Facts vs propaganda

image credit: legalzoom.com

New York Times, Washington Post, 
Wikipedia, Facebook, etc., etc.

I’m linking to this report by Monica Showalter at American Thinker – not because it’s about the Jeff Epstein-Bill Clinton scandal, but because it shows the blatant corruption in media and information platforms:

With the bust of longtime Democratic donor and Bill Clinton buddy Jeffrey Epstein on sex-trafficking charges, it's pretty amazing, the scope of the Left's effort to pin the whole thing on President Trump.

It's going on all over, as if directed by some Mighty Integral from far above, to borrow a phrase from Tom Wolfe from The Right Stuff.  It's orchestrated.  It's universal.  It's big.  And it's about as honest and fact-filled as the Russian collusion narrative.

Here are the top three areas, and these aren't the only ones:

One, the press. 

The New York Times, the Washington Post, and other media outlets have attempted to pin the matter on President Trump as a matter of his knowing Epstein in the past and saying nice things about him, and the bum deal cut with Epstein earlier in Miami, which involved Trump's now–labor secretary, Alexander Acosta.
. . .
Meanwhile, over at the Wikipedia desk, item two, the second front on pinning-Trump has leftists are beavering away, eliminating all evidence of Democrats involved in the Epstein case, too.

And, three, at Facebook, posts are being censored for references to Democrats, particularly Bill Clinton, regarding the Epstein case.

The effort is strikingly global. Anything to protect Democrats, just as the original bad plea deal in Miami was a deal to protect Democrats (and their campaign money supply) by letting Epstein off.

One can only suppose that it's going to get worse as all the names of the Democrat "faves" start to roll out.

Full article with chapter-and-verse plus links is here.
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Thursday, August 4, 2016

More on voter fraud from The Hill

Ramirez cartoon credit: ldjackson.net

More on the potential for voter fraud this year, this from Ian M. Smith at The Hill a couple of days ago:

Illegal aliens have never had more incentives and ability to vote in our elections as they do this cycle. After being told by the globalist elite [their] illegal entry into the country is without consequence, helps rather than hinders American workers, and unites the national culture, any existing moral qualms of further violating the law, such as by voting, have been thoroughly scrubbed away. Former president Bill Clinton all but ensured this in his speech at the DNC Convention last week.

Speaking directly to illegal aliens, Clinton stated to an applauding audience of delegates that “if you love this country, you’re working hard, you’re paying taxes and you’re obeying the law and you’d like to become a citizen, you should choose immigration reform over somebody that wants to send you back.” Unfortunately for Bill, illegal aliens (and non-citizens in general) aren’t supposed to be ‘choosing’ anyone. Like in every other country in the world, here in America only citizens are supposed to vote.

Despite its unprecedented foreign-born population (currently over 40 million), the US protects against illegal voter-registration by relying on an attestation system. Under federal law, provided one can show a driver’s license or social security number, all a non-citizen need to do if they really want to vote is check a box “confirming” they’re an eligible voter. In other words, it’s an honor system. . . . 

Despite the fact that an illegal vote casted is a citizen-vote cancelled, similar defensive measures are apparently not seen as warranted in the area of voting.

On both the state and federal levels, incentives for illegal alien-voting abound. . . .

. . . Meanwhile, amongst illegal aliens in general, the use of fake or stolen SSNs is commonplace. . . .

The record-close election between Al Gore and George W. Bush led to the formation of a federal commission directed by former president Jimmy Carter to study voter reforms. Notably, its final report stated that better identification requirements were essential because, first, “[i]n close or disputed elections…a small amount of fraud could make the margin of difference… [a]nd second, the perception of possible fraud contributes to low confidence in the system.”

In this current election, where American confidence in general and the integrity of our laws has taken center stage, comments like Bill Clinton’s show exactly why the public’s so angry and frustrated. Whether disdaining democratically-enacted laws, such as our voting or immigration laws, is a shrewd or foolhardy campaign strategy, we shall see.

The rest of the article is here.
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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Chaos and sleaze at the DNC

photo credit: conservative treehouse
Note the barrier wall constructed around the stage

From the City of Brotherly Love's CBS local media:

At least one protester was captured on video lighting a flag on fire and waving it in the air, while many others shoved the perimeter fence as police pushed back. The seven arrested were all taken to the Philadelphia Federal Detention Center and will appear before a judge later Thursday. Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross commented on the incident:

“They were able to breach that fence. It’s kind of ridiculous in the sense that we were standing right there waiting for them. They see us. So, it’s not like it’s a surprise.”
Ross said, “It’s not like they thought they could get anywhere.”

Ross also spoke about the consequences saying, “They are now being charged with a federal offense.”
There are reports that one officer suffered minor injuries in the incident.
. . .
Earlier Wednesday, ten people were arrested after staging a sit-in at the Comcast Building in Center City.
The demonstrators chained themselves to a rolling gate for nearly an hour before being removed by police just before 1 p.m. The demonstrators were cited for obstruction and released.

Police say they issued 69 citations since the start of the DNC on Monday.

It may get even more chaotic this evening with Hillary’s acceptance speech.

As for The Sleaze Factor: Some commenters on FB and elsewhere have been waxing rhapsodic over President Bill Clinton’s keynote the other evening, you know, the one that "humanized" Hillary. In addition to the harrowing account of Juanita Broadderick’s encounter with him (the Breitbart story--  reviewing her testimony years ago to investigators for the Senate Judiciary Committee -- was linked on Drudge all day yesterday), this image is making the rounds:

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