Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label Build Back Better. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Build Back Better. Show all posts

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Neil Oliver: the cost of going Green

The transcript and video of Neil Oliver’s latest meditation/monologue are at Conservative Treehouse here.  From Sundance’s intro:

Neil Oliver correctly notes that now is the time to expose it all; expose all of the madness behind the grand plan to weaponize the false framework of climate change in a quest to take control and reduce the lives of people to subservient proles.  Now is the time for all the conspiracy theorists, tin foil hat wearers, Putin apologist, vaccine deniers and those who have been proven correct, to stand boldly amid the crowd of sheeple and defy the next effort.

The Ukraine narrative is a western created false ruse, a justification without merit, simply to inflict more pain and hardship in Europe around the bigger multinational energy program known as Build Back Better.  Now is the time to use the truth of COVID as a reference point and weapon to call it out and ridicule political leaders.  Now is the time to see who stands with the people upon policies of commonsense.  . . .

And here is an extract from the transcript:

Don’t be fooled into thinking this disaster movie is coming to an end. . . .

I’ve said before and I’ll say it again: “It’s never about what they say it’s about.”

. . .

Now that some of the great and the good are changing their tune … now that more and more of the mainstream media are pirouetting like ballerinas and finally contemplating questions some of us have been asking, shouting indeed, on a desperate loop, for months and years, there’s a narrow window of opportunity for getting some other stuff out into the open. And so now seems like the right time to think more of the unthinkable and say more of the unsayable.

. . .

The imminent cold and hunger were made inevitable not by Putin in 2022, but years ago by the adoption of ruinous, ideologically driven nonsense presented as world-saving environmental policies that only denied us any hope of energy independence, the profitable exploitation of all the resources beneath our feet and seas and condemned much of Europe to dependence on Russia.

What we are paying is the cost of going Green, when those polices are not green at all but predicated upon some of the most destructive and toxic practices and technologies ever conceived.

Wind and solar will never provide the energy we need to keep thriving as societies, to grow and flourish. The situation is so insane I find it easiest to conclude we are simply meant to do without. . . .

Read or listen to the entire monologue here.

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Monday, August 22, 2022

New World Order or Freedom?


In his America First column, J B Shurk gives us reasons for optimism.  Here’s an extract:

Has the Great Reset Reminded Us
Why Freedom’s Worth the Fight?

. . .

Only when the U.S. government accused half the American population of being “domestic terrorists” for their political beliefs did many finally understand how dangerous the national security surveillance state had become.  Only when it became clear that Big Tech and Big Government were actively working together to censor Americans’ free speech and punish certain points of view did many finally grasp how serious the threats to liberty now are.  Like some weary beast waking up from a deep slumber, the American people have begun stretching, looking around, and rejecting a lot of what they see.  A growing contingent even realizes that the freedoms they hold most dear have been under attack for quite some time.

Now, I wish that none of this discomfort were necessary in the struggle for human liberty.  I wish most people would permit history to be such a stinging reminder of how difficult it is to achieve and maintain freedom that they would never carelessly let it slip from their grasp.  I wish that humans were impervious to smooth-talking politicians who promise gifts in exchange for servitude.  I wish that Memorial Day, Veterans’ Day, and Independence Day were sufficient to remind those who have benefited from the comforts of freedom without risking anything for its blessings not to throw away carelessly what they have yet to defend.  Alas, it does seem as if human nature demands a little self-inflicted misery from time to time so that those who have not suffered can learn the costs of ensuring that liberty lasts.

The battles taking shape today, after all, involve nothing less than what it means to be human.  On one side sit the oligarchs, communists, and New World Order globalist types who think of human beings as nothing more than cogs or inputs to be used, manipulated, and discarded.  On the other side are those of us who understand life and liberty as precious, sacred gifts that deserve enduring respect.  The Great Resetters and Build Back Better enthusiasts see people as digital ones and zeroes that can be made to obey society’s programming codes.  Friends of freedom, on the other hand, understand both free will and moral intuition as the hallmarks of human existence.  Communism and its global government derivatives seek to deny individual choice.  Liberty-lovers know that without individual choice, there can be no real life. . . .

Read the rest here.  I just hope Mr Shurk is correct -- that there are now enough Americans who see what's happening in Biden's Build Back Better administration. 

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Saturday, August 6, 2022

Supply Chain problems will persist


Brandon Smith at Alt-Market.us warns us that "Supply Chain problems will persist because the system is being sabotaged.  

. . . New York Times contributor Paul Krugman claimed that “no one saw this coming” when he was recently forced to admit that he was wrong on inflation. This is the same thing MSM economists said after the credit crash of 2008. It was a lie back then and it’s a lie now. Plenty of people saw it coming; we’ve been repeating our warnings for years, but they didn’t want to listen or they did not want us to be heard.

Krugman is perhaps the worst and most arrogant economist/propagandist in the US, and though he belatedly acknowledged the inflation and supply chain threat after arguing for the past two years that it was “transitory,” he now claims that the traditionally accepted indicators of recession “don’t matter” anymore and that there is no downturn. How many times can this guy be proven ignorant and still keep his job?

It’s this kind of disinformation that keeps the public in the dark on what is about to happen. Maybe it’s because of stupidity and ego, or maybe it’s a deliberate attempt to keep the population docile (I say it is deliberate), but in either case the American people are being put in great danger when it comes to the false narrative on inflation and the supply chain. The longer they are led to believe the disaster will simply go away on its own, the less time they have to prepare.

The bottom line is this: Things are only going to get worse from here on. Maybe slowly, or maybe quickly depending on a handful of factors.

Mr Smith concludes:

Stagflation and supply chain shortages are going to become the all encompassing issues of our era. They will be terms that are spoken about daily at every dinner table in America and probably through most of the world. These are dangers that were predicted extensively by the liberty media well ahead of time. They are NOT a surprise. And, there are plenty of institutions, corporate and government, that could have done something about them, but they chose not to. It’s important for people to accept the fact that this crisis is not a product of stupidity; it is a product of malicious motives and intent.

This is the Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Build Back Better, the New World Order.  All the same thing.  All deliberate destruction.  Better to be forewarned.  Read the full column here

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Thursday, July 21, 2022

Deliberate Destruction and New World Order, cont’d


A favorite and familiar line from The Usual Suspects (photo of Kevin Spacey above):  “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”   JD Rucker adapts that line for his column at FreedomFirstNetwork from a few days ago titled “The Greatest Trick the Globalists Ever Pulled Was Making Us Think the Biden-Harris Regime Is Failing.”

Mr Rucker doesn’t deny that our political betters (Biden, Kamala, cabinet appointees, et al) are incompetent.  His point is that they are performing according to plan;  the globalists behind the throne are hiding behind incompetent puppets.  In short:

What we consider to be abysmal failures on most fronts are actually successes in the eyes of the globalist elites. Whether you believe these are simply powerful evil men doing what powerful evil men do or if you believe there is a demonic element in which powers and principalities are pulling the strings, the current goals are the same. They want the world in a state of upheaval so they can herd us into the next phase of their plan.

That next phase for America is to enter into the Liberal World Order, previously known as Build Back Better, also called The Great Reset, branded prior as the 4th Industrial Revolution and known for decades as the New World Order. No matter what they serve as the phrase du jour, it all amounts to the elites having everything and the masses having nothing.

Read the rest at FreedomFirstNetwork here.

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Friday, June 10, 2022

The dystopian state of our nation


Patricia McCarthy sums up the “Dystopian State of Our Nation” at American Thinker:

"If you want to know who controls you, look at whom you are not allowed to criticize."


The signs of decline are everywhere: violent crimes, corruption, riots, all with little or no consequences for the perpetrators, election fraud, and medical mandates for vaccines that do not work.

. . .

All of this is part of the left's grand plan to "transform" American society from the free nation of our founding into something resembling communist China.  The one thing they did not plan on was the presidency of Donald Trump.  His four-year term in the White House was unexpected because the Democrats were certain that they had that election in the bag.  Hillary was on board with their globalist/Marxist plan, and they just knew that all their plans were a go.  But they underestimated the America First movement and were gobsmacked by Trump's thoroughly unpredictable victory.  That is how blinkered they are. 

. . .

The leftists "know" that if they are doing it, it is the right thing to do.  Convince people that there are multiple genders, that men can get pregnant, that it is fair for men to compete against women as women, and that small children can be "trans."  Anyone who publicly notes their destructive bent will be called a racist or homophobic or transphobic.  That is how they roll, our left.

And whom do they blame for all the chaos they incite?  The deplorables of course: Trump supporters, patriots, constitutionalists, conservatives of every stripe.

. . .

This is their overall strategy.  It is right out of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

So, we now are confronted with the result of at least fifty years of the left's official campaign against all things traditionally American: family, biology, freedom of religion, reverence for the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, equality under the law, and respect for civil society.  They have succeeded wildly. . . .

Much more at the link here.  Reader comments below the article are thoughtful, if distressing.

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Sunday, June 5, 2022

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Who Will Eventually Own Everything, Including You?

This blog has linked to columns and op-eds by Dr Joseph Mercola — usually on the subjects of COVID and mis-named “vaccines.” This link is to Dr Mercola’s opinion piece at Uncanceled News on The Great Reset, a/k/a New World Order, a/k/a Agenda 21, etc.:

Who Will Eventually Own Everything, Including You?


  • The vast majority of the world’s assets are owned by just two investment firms — BlackRock and the Vanguard Group. Combined, they have ownership in nearly 90% of all S&P 500 firms, and through their investment holdings they secretly wield monopoly control over all industries
  • By now you may be familiar with the World Economic Forum slogan, “By 2030, you will own nothing.” To that end, BlackRock and other investment firms are buying up every single-family home they can find, making cash offers of 20% to 50% above asking price
  • Buying a home has been part of the American dream since the founding of this country. It’s been a significant part of financial success, security and freedom. George Washington declared that “Private Property and freedom are inseparable.” Now, lower to middle class Americans are being intentionally positioned to become permanent renters, which means they cannot build equity
  • This is wealth redistribution from the low- and middle-class to the upper, and it’s in line with plans for societal reorganization described under banners such as The Great Reset, Build Back Better, Agenda 21 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  • These agendas all work together toward the same goal, which is a global monopoly on ownership and wealth, with a clear separation of the haves and have nots; the owners and the owned; the rulers and the ruled; the elite and the serfs

Full article is here.

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Thursday, December 16, 2021

Commodities become more valuable than cash


Monica Showalter at American Thinker has a piece on the inflation we are all experiencing.  Here’s a key extract:

. . .[T]oday's inflation is far from done, according to the Fed, which expects to initiate three rate hikes in 2022 to fight it.  As the prices soar, it's likely that that 80% might just go higher.

Fed chairman Jerome Powell says consumer spending is strong, as a sort of point of optimism, but that's weird stuff coming from him.  If he's read anything about past inflationary surges, or maybe looked at the history of Argentina, he knows that consumer spending gets very strong in response to the value of the dollar falling (an inflation byproduct) as well as in response to anticipated price hikes.  Commodities become more valuable than cash, and everyone wants to get his own before the prices go up.  Of course people are buying; that's Your Inflation at Work.

Full article is here.  Stock up!

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Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Betsy McCaughey: Build Back Broke


Betsy McCaughey was a go-to resource when Congress was preparing to ram Obamacare down our throats.  Today in the New York Post, she gets into the weeds with the bazillion dollar Build Back Better bill:

Democrats are quarreling over the price tag of their Build Back Better bill. But the real problem is what’s in it. The bill coerces workers to join unions, imposes racial preferences on every facet of life and redistributes money from workers to takers.

Fortunately, the bill is in limbo. Moderate Democrats like Sen. Joe Manchin (W.Va) insist the bill has to be pared down to less than half its current price tag. The far left is outraged. But the bill can’t pass without every Senate Democrat supporting it.

Not passing it would be best: This bill is as un-American as it gets. Here are some of its details, which Democrats would prefer you not see. Judge for yourself.

Here are the bullet points:

  • First-generation down-payment assistance: Most people work and save for years to buy a home. This bill makes them into suckers. It gives $6.8 billion to low-income first-time homebuyers with no conditions. It’s part of President Biden’s scheme to increase racial and economic diversity in the suburbs.
  • Home-efficiency rebates: The bill offers up to $14,000 to homeowners who lower energy use by installing new heat pumps, air conditioning systems, insulation and energy-efficient appliances. It’s a pot of gold for homeowners who qualify and tens of billions of dollars in new business for [union] contractors.
  • Direct-care workforce: The bill awards $1.48 billion to labor unions and community organizations to recruit and train workers to care for the elderly or disabled at home. Top priority is training workers in their rights and organizing them. This is your tax dollars at work creating a new army of likely Democratic voters.

Click here for the rest of the column.  None of it is good news.

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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Build Back Better aka the Great Reset



James Delingpole publishes at Breitbart, frequently on climate change propaganda and British politics.  I don’t consider him an alarmist or an ideologue.  So I am alarmed at his report about The Great Reset.  Here’s the opening:

Build Back Better.
This is the slogan of the New World Order – aka the Great Reset.

You hear it often these days intoned — in the manner of dutiful Stepford Wives — by everyone from UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Prince of Wales to Canadian blackface artiste Justin Trudeau and, inevitably, Joe Biden who has adopted it as his campaign slogan.

About the only leader you won’t hear using it is Donald Trump because he recognises its true significance. Build Back Better is the code phrase for one of the most terrifying and dangerous, globally co-ordinated assaults on liberty and prosperity in the history of mankind. If the plan succeeds, the world you inhabit will be unrecognisable, your children will have no prospects and your life will barely be worth living. Build Back Better means totalitarian rule by a global, technocratic elite – as constrictive and immiserating as life under fascism or communism. This hideous New World Order is the Great Reset.

It sounds like a conspiracy theory but the people behind it are perfectly open about it.

Mr. Delingpole then provides chapter-and-verse on The Great Reset.  His column concludes:

#WhyAreTheyDoingThis has become a popular hashtag on Twitter for the increasing number of people concerned at the extraordinarily draconian and often scientifically inexplicable policies being adopted by governments the world over to deal with Coronavirus.

The Great Reset may be the answer.

And if it is the answer — and so if so many world leaders are on board — then my view is that there is only one man in the world who can save us from it.

That man is Donald Trump.

It’s why, in my view, this presidential election is probably the most important political event anyone alive will live through.

On the outcome depend our liberty, our prosperity, our civilisation.

The full report, and it is frightening, is here.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Joe Biden’s sign falls down


Headline at PJ Media:

Who Could Blame It: Biden 'Build Back Better' Sign 
Commits Suicide During Rare Campaign Appearance

Almost buried amidst all the post-debate commentary was one short video of Joe Biden making a speech earlier today in Cleveland.  As if to serve as a metaphor, his “Build Back Better” sign fell off the lectern. The big drop happens at :27 or so. (The video is not coming up in any searches, so click here and scroll down. 

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