Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Big Tech Election Interference


The headline is scary enough: “Election interference: YouTube is suppressing videos about Joe, Hunter, and Ukraine.”  Michio Hasai provides ugly details in his posting at The NOQReport:

Good luck finding a video on YouTube that details ANYTHING other than positive spin and fake debunking of the Hunter Biden laptop story.

This news will be shocking to none of our readers. If you’ve followed us for a while, you know that we’ve documented dozens of cases of censorship and suppression on Big Tech publishers like Facebook, Twitter, Google, and their video giant YouTube, among others. We’ve also shown how they’ve all placed various “fact-check warnings” on content, including ours, even when the facts detailed in the content are beyond reproach.

The latest as well as one of the most consequential moves by YouTube as it pertains to the election is their suppression and fact-checking of videos searched for through keywords like “Hunter Biden Ukraine” and “Joe Biden Ukraine.” As far as YouTube and its unsuspecting visitors know, there’s nothing afoul with the Bidens’ suspicious and likely treacherous dealings with Burisma and the Ukrainian government. . . .

 . . .

YouTube has gone to great lengths to “fact-check” and often suppress content that runs counter to their accepted political agenda. If it could possibly hurt Democrats, they suppress. If it can hurt President Trump or Republicans, they amplify. That’s their modus operandi.

The full report is here.  We all know people who are blissfully unaware that the information they see or read is censored.  So spread the word.

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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Presidential debate on CBS tonight at 9pm


The final debate before Election Day is scheduled for this evening, October 22 at 9pm.  You can tune into CBS.  You can go to Conservative Treehouse for livestream links to CNN and to RSBN (UPDATED link here.)  (Our household always goes to Right Side Broadcast News just to show support for their efforts.)  Or, if you have had it with these debates, you can let Mr. Vodkapundit, a/k/a Stephen Green watch it for you and follow his live drunkblogging of the event here  (UPDATED link here). 

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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Sleepwalking to the Revolution


Destruction, from The Course of Empire by Thomas Cole (1836).  Image via Wikipedia 

The great Victor Davis Hanson published a piece at National Review Online, a site that I don’t generally visit. However, his essay, “The Fragments of A Civilization,” was linked on some of the aggregators, and it is worth a read.  He takes on Hillary, the Russia hoax, the Mueller investigation, the 2020 debates, Joe Biden’s virtual campaign, and more. His essay closes with:

To paraphrase Sophocles, 2020 saw many strange things and nothing stranger than peak Trump derangement syndrome, COVID-19, a self-induced recession, our first national quarantine, and riots, looting, and arson, all mostly unpunished and uncontrolled, in our major cities.

So we are in revolutionary times, even as we snooze about a recent systematic effort, hidden with great effort by our own government, to destroy a prior presidential campaign and transition, and now a presidency.

We are asked to vote for a candidate who will not reveal his position on any major issue of our age, because he feels to do so would enlighten the undeserving electorate and thereby cost him the election. So we continue to sleepwalk toward a revolution whose architects warped our institutions in 2016–2020, and they now plan to alter many of them beyond recognition in 2021.

Translated, that means that they don’t regret what they did in 2016–2019, only that they belatedly got caught for a brief time.

And so by changing the rules after 2020, they are vowing never ever to get caught again.

The full article is here.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Joe Biden’s sign falls down


Headline at PJ Media:

Who Could Blame It: Biden 'Build Back Better' Sign 
Commits Suicide During Rare Campaign Appearance

Almost buried amidst all the post-debate commentary was one short video of Joe Biden making a speech earlier today in Cleveland.  As if to serve as a metaphor, his “Build Back Better” sign fell off the lectern. The big drop happens at :27 or so. (The video is not coming up in any searches, so click here and scroll down. 

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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Great COVID-19 Hoax

photo credit: Milwaukee Independent 

Some skeptics probably rank man-made global warming/cooling as the world’s Biggest Hoax.  Alicia Colon nominates the COVID-19 lock-down and related control tactics (think: face masks) as the Biggest Hoax.  Both hoaxes are all about money and power.  Her article “Falling for the Biggest Hoax in History” at American Thinker begins:

It will probably take months if not years for the truth of the Covid-19 pandemic to emerge, but when it does will any politician take responsibility for the lies and disinformation or the damage this hoax caused this great nation? I don’t think so, but what it did prove was what happens when the Democrats are in charge. They may not be in the White House but it is the House that wields the power over legislation and our money.  Couple this power with the useful idiots in the mainstream media to promote the widespread hysteria, and we then had the total capitulation of a frightened nation that accepted an unprecedented total lockdown of its existence. Shame on us.

Further into the article:

In previous severe flu seasons, there were much higher death rates yet there were no mandatory lockdowns.  Why do I call this pandemic a hoax?  The only reason why politicians, especially the Democrats in charge, pushed for shutting down the economy was because economic destruction was their ultimate goal. Trump’s strong economy, low unemployment numbers for all Americans was a real obstacle to a Joe Biden victory. Democrats have seized on this pandemic because they never let a crisis go to waste.

Americans have been gaslighted. We can’t take anything reported by the New York Times, Washington Post, Associated Press, Reuters, CNN, MSNBC, the Drudge Report and the Alphabet Networks as gospel because it’s all designed to frighten and delay the recovery. . . .

Read Ms. Colon’s complete article here.

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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Joe Biden’s Pittsburgh event

 A Tale of Two Camera Shots!  These images were shared by Sundance at Conservative Treehouse.  

What you saw on TV:

This is the image that actually reflects the event:

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Monday, August 31, 2020

Another Biden Word Salad

It’s funny but it’s not funny.  Matt Palumbo at The Bongino Report:

Joe Biden finally emerged from his basement once again today, to, among other things, blame President Donald Trump for the riots occurring across the country. How President Trump is responsible for riots being carried out by people who hate him remains a mystery, but it appears that Democrats realized that these riots were damaging them in the polls so they finally began pretending to care about the destruction.

It wouldn’t have been a Biden event without a notable and quotable gaffe, and he provided one for us.

Attempting to slam President Trump’s coronavirus response, Biden said “Covid has taken this year, just since the outbreak, has taken more than 100 years, look, here’s, the lives, it’s just, when you think about it. More lives this year than any other year for the past 100 years.”

Shakespeare couldn’t have worded it better.

Now I can’t imagine why so many on the left don’t want Biden to debate…

The report here includes the CNN video.

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Saturday, August 22, 2020

Joe Biden’s ONE truth

Photo credit: WSJ.com

Daniel Greenfield watched Joe Biden’s speech accepting the Democratic party’s nomination for President.  Most of Mr. Greenfield’s comments are critical of the DNC imaginary convention as well as Creepy Joe’s remarks and political history.  His article at Front Page Magazine concludes:

Joe Biden did speak one truth in his acceptance speech.

“This election will determine what America is gonna look like for a long, long time,” he said.

Cities under Democrat control are burning now. Stores are closed and businesses are bankrupt. Imagine what it will look like if they have the absolute power to determine the fate of America.

The Democrats are nasty and proud of it. They are proud of what they have done in Portland. They are proud to have torn down statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. They are proud to have defaced churches and synagogues. And they can’t wait to show us how nasty they can really be if they once again have absolute power over the entire United States

Mr. Greenfield’s article is here.

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Friday, August 21, 2020

DNC convention aftermath: a diagnosis


Charles Schulz cartoon via Pinterest.com

The DNC virtual convention was apparently obnoxious, filled with liars and scolds, etc. The reports I read made me glad to have had the TV on another channel.  The post-convention wrap-ups have been both entertaining and alarming.  This post mortem by Julie Kelly at American Greatness starts off:

A healthy political party—just like a healthy individual—has certain traits and habits that nourish overall wellness. A diversity of interests, a sense of humor, a curious mind, a measured temperament, and an occasional endorphin-release from physical activity are just a few things that contribute to the fitness of a human being. The same kind of characteristics should be found on a collective scale in a thriving, muscular, and stable political party.

None of those qualities, however, can be detected in the present-day Democratic Party. 

For all the squawking about Donald Trump’s alleged unfitness for office and insistence that the Republican Party is populated with zombie-like Trump cultists, in reality it is the Democratic Party that needs an extended stay at a detox facility to cleanse its sickly mind and body.

The party’s ailments have been on full display this week. Look no further than the freakish music video that closed out the first night of the Democratic National Convention. Billy Porter, a gay black Broadway star, and geriatric Steven Stills of Crosby, Stills, and Nash teamed up to remake Stills’ 1966 classic, “For What It’s Worth.”

The video was a performative display of the party’s schizophrenia: A white ’60s counterculture icon and a Dracula-costumed POC LGBTQ activist offering an inharmonious version of a Vietnam-era tune as the official anthem for the candidacy of a feeble establishment codger and his unaccomplished cackling sidekick quickly shredding their faux moderate façade in fealty to the party’s lunatic fringe of America-hating nihilists.

Somebody call a doctor.

The Democratic Party is not well. Joe Biden is neither mentally nor physically healthy enough to run the country, yet the party remains in denial. Biden’s conduct should raise all sorts of red flags but party stalwarts are hellbent on dragging him across the finish line in November in an almost cruel act of selfishness.

While Democrats willfully ignore Biden’s fragility, the party is fixated on every move, utterance, and tweet from Donald Trump in a way that any mental health professional would diagnose as obsessive.

Their rage often is expressed in alarming public outbursts. From tearing up a State of the Union address to threatening to “impeach the motherfucker” and calling for “unrest in the streets” against Trump supporters, the Democratic Party is controlled by emotionally unstable people who behave more like mad stalkers than rational adults.

They have one hallucination after another. For three years, Democrats rocked back and forth wrapped in a collusion straightjacket mumbling about the Russians(!) and lighting candles for Special Counsel Robert Mueller. One Democratic leader made up phone conversations between Trump and the Ukrainian president; one presidential candidate pretends to be Native American.

Now, metal mailboxes disappear before their very eyes.

. . .

Read the entire column here.

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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Biden meme

 Meme via The Patriot Post.  (It's subtle, almost like "Hidden Pictures.")

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Friday, July 3, 2020

"Abolished" ad

This 30-second ad is everywhere. but just in case you missed it . . .
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Sunday, March 15, 2020

CNN Democratic Debate: drunk-blogging link

Democrat debate: Biden vs Sanders
Tonight, Sunday, March 15, 2020
8:00 PM on CNN 

CNN and Univision host former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders from Washington, D.C.; moderated by Ilia Calderon.

It’s either a must-see or a must-miss.  If you can’t stand the idea of watching CNN and the debate between two “grumpy old white men,” then here is the link to Stephen Green (Mr. Vodkapundit) doing his live drunk-blog coverage.  Note: Vodkapundit's drunk blog automatically updates, so there is no need to refresh.

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Saturday, March 14, 2020

Ohio polls and Joe Biden’s town hall trainwreck

Cartoon credit: Times Free Press

Former Vice President Joe Biden (D) is experiencing a double-digit lead in Ohio just days before the state’s March 17 primary, an Emerson College/Nexstar Poll released on Friday showed.

The survey, taken March 11-12, 2020, among 464 “very” likely Democrat primary voters, showed Biden taking a comfortable lead in the Buckeye State, with 57 percent support to Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) 35 percent support — a 22 point advantage.

Note the dates of the survey: March 11-12.  How will polling look after Biden’s virtual town hall performance yesterday is factored in. John Nolte at Breitbart reports:

Joe Biden Forgets Year,
Meanders Off Frame in Disastrous Livestream

Grandpa Joe Biden wants to run the country and save us from coronavirus when he can’t even run a livestream and has no idea what year it is.

On Friday, Grandpa Joe held what his campaign billed as a “virtual town hall” in Illinois. In my colleague Kyle Olson’s must-read reporting on the event, you will discover the whole thing was a fiasco, like something out of a sitcom. Guests appeared and then disappeared. The sound was garbled. People were introduced, followed by an awkward pause when they didn’t appear. Babies cried…

“Biden seemed to be reading from a teleprompter, but the broadcast suffered from severe tech issues, as Biden’s words were caught in a feedback loop, muddying the whole presentation and making the candidate nearly indecipherable,” Olson reported.

After starting two hours late, the fiasco lasted about 45 minutes. . . .

Mr. Nolte  cites a tweet by “Jordan:”

In a bizarre, meandering livestream put on by Joe Biden's campaign today, he forgets what year it is and when, if he doesn't lose, he would be in office.

At another point, he seemingly forgets he's on a live stream and walks out of frame. The feed cuts away to a logo instead.

Mr. Nolte’s full report is here, and it’s scary to think Mr. Biden is the front-runner for the Democrat party's presidential nominee.   The full video of the town hall is linked at Nolte’s report.
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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

No rallies this evening

Yesterday, I blogged about Representative Jackie Speier (D-CA), who complained that President Donald Trump was putting “his most ardent supporters at risk” by not canceling his upcoming political rallies in light of the current coronavirus outbreak. No mention of Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders cancelling their campaign rallies.  But both of them just did. Breitbart reports:

Bernie Sanders Cancels Cleveland Rally Over Coronavirus Concerns

And over at cleveland.com:

A rally by Sanders’ rival, former Vice President Joe Biden, also scheduled for Tuesday night in Cleveland, was also called off.

Is the Coronavirus the reason?  If so, will future rallies also be cancelled?
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Monday, March 9, 2020

Hypocrisy on display: Coronavirus and rallies

photo credit: The Nation 

Pam Key at Breitbart reports:

Representative Jackie Speier (D-CA) complained Sunday on MSNBC that President Donald Trump was putting “his most ardent supporters at risk” by not canceling his upcoming political rallies in light of the current coronavirus outbreak.

Speier said, “I don’t think the president is capable of telling us the truth about the coronavirus. And I regret saying that. I think we have to rely on the scientists who are attempting to tell the truth even when they have to contradict the president.”

She added, “The fact that he is not willing to cancel his various rallies suggests that he is willing to place even his most ardent supporters at risk because we’re supposed to stay six feet away from other persons in order to mitigate the exchange of those viruses. I think that he is showing, unfortunately, why he is so ill-prepared to guide our country during this time of the crisis.”

Uh huh.  But as we read at cleveland.com, both Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden are holding rallies in Cleveland on Tuesday, at the Huntington Convention Center and at Tri-C at East 30th.  See here and here.  No comment from Rep. Jackie Speier.
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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Democrat debate vs Trump rally

Steve Breen cartoon via Townhall

19 February 2020.  Tonight is the next debate between candidates for the Democrat party nomination for President.  It is hosted by NBC News and MSNBC in partnership with The Nevada Independent, and it’s the first one for which Michael Bloomberg has qualified.  NBC broadcast runs 9pm-11pm.  

Stephen Green a/k/a Vodkapundit will be live-drunk-blogging the debate so you don’t have to watch.  Click here.

Please note: Vodakapundit’s drunkblog automatically refreshes, so stay at the top of the blog. You can check in from time to time, or scan through it in one hit after the debate is over.  Even if you keep putting it off until tomorrow.

Let Vodkpundit watch the Dem debate so you can tune in to President Trump's rally in Phoenix, Arizona tonight, with coverage starting at 9pm. Conservative Treehouse always posts the links to livestreams from Right Side Broadcasting and others. Click here.  
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Friday, February 14, 2020

Joe Biden, corruption, and fiduciary duty

Profiles in Corruption

If you don’t have time to read Peter Schweizer’s excellent Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite (HarperCollins), Christopher Roach has a column at American Greatness that summarizes the corruption in the Biden family.  Here’s a brief extract:

Hunter Biden’s self-enrichment in Ukraine, far from being a “conspiracy theory” or “discredited allegation,” is, in fact, textbook corruption.

Biden was making money from a shady Ukrainian natural gas company, and his father was pressuring the Ukrainians to fire the prosecutor looking into it. The sleight of hand dismissal from the Bidens’ defenders arises because they have demanded a higher burden of proof to show wrongdoing here than we do in other contexts.

The proper evidence is not a “quid pro quo” or an admission of wrongful intent, but a violation of fiduciary duty.

In business partnerships, boards of directors, and other positions of trust, people are expected to treat those whom they are serving as well as they would treat themselves. They are to disclose any conflicts and recuse themselves from decisions when those conflicts exist. When other considerations arise—helping oneself, helping a family member, or trying to serve the interests of two opposing entities—we assume that wrongdoing is afoot.
. . .
Because of difficulties with proof and the possibility of “wink and a nod” conspiracies, the law uses common sense and asks “Who benefits?” to determine wrongdoing when transactions benefiting insiders are involved. The same principles apply to self-dealing by corporate officers and insider trading.

If there is not already a law against the Biden family’s self-dealing, there should be. It isn’t unique, and the fact that it’s met with a shrug by many of our lawmakers suggests a much bigger problem in their attitude about public service. We are not a banana republic. Public service is not there for people to get rich indirectly by shepherding money, contracts, access, and the like to family members, whether domestically, in Ukraine, or anywhere else.

The full column is here.
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Friday, February 7, 2020

Democrat Debate tonight drunkblog link

NOTE: This blog post was delayed until Mr. VodkaPundit got up and running at 8:01.  Not to worry -  his drunk-blog will be up all night.  

Reagan McCarthy at TownHall reports:

Seven of the Democratic candidates for president will take the stage Friday in New Hampshire, ahead of the state’s primary on Tuesday, in a debate hosted by ABC News [at 8pm]. Former Vice President Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Andrew Yang, Tom Steyer and Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Bernie Sanders (D-VT) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) reached the established donor and polling thresholds and will compete in this debate.

Notably absent from the debate stage is former Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg. Despite the exorbitant amount of money Mayor Bloomberg has spent on advertisements and campaign staff, he did not qualify for this debate. The DNC did alter the debate qualifications for the next debate on February 19th by eliminating the individual donor requirement, which will allow Mayor Bloomberg to be present on the debate stage in Las Vegas. This alteration unleashed backlash from progressives, who claim Bloomberg is buying the election.

Friday evening’s debate comes on the heels of the complete disaster in Iowa, following the state’s caucuses. Pete Buttigieg was declared the winner of the Iowa caucuses by a slim margin over Sen. Bernie Sanders, but the chaos and errors in the release of the caucus have stirred controversy in the Democratic Party. 

Stephen “VodkaPundit” Green is drunk-blogging live HERE– so you don’t have to watch. Just check in for updates at his blog whenever you feel like it (it’ll still be up there tomorrow – no need to check in in real time).
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Sunday, February 2, 2020

Documentary on Justice Clarence Thomas

Scott Johnson at PowerLine reports:

Last night we saw the fantastic documentary Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words in theater 18 of one of our local suburban AMC multiplexes. It might have been a seat or two short of a sell-out, but we had to settle for two seats in the first row. It was packed.
. . .
The left could not and cannot deal with Justice Thomas. They disparage him for his silence on the bench, but they don’t want him speaking out either. His comments on the Anita Hill episode — his comments then and now — are utterly devastating. Joe Biden makes a cameo appearance as a complete and utter buffoon. This section of the film should elicit feelings of rage and disgust from sentient beings, and yet the scenario is as current as today’s headlines. I am so grateful this movie exists and urge you to see it.

Click here for the rest of Mr. Johnson’s report, which includes links to other online reviews as well as the trailer for the documentary.

If you live near New Bremen, Ohio, you can see this new film.  It’s the only Ohio venue currently showing this film.  But I’ll keep checking the home page for the documentary for any upcoming screenings in the greater Cleveland area.
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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Profiles in Corruption, including Sherrod Brown

Profiles in Corruption By Peter Schweizer

Peter Schweizer’s book, Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite (HarperCollins), is out today, and Rebecca Mansour at Breitbart reported that the

bombshell investigative book contains 1,126 endnotes totaling 83 pages of source material, Breitbart News has learned.

In addition, the book contains no unnamed sources. Instead, it is based on hard evidence and documents, including: foreign and domestic corporate and legal records, tax liens, lobbyist disclosures, property records, White House visitor logs, federal bankruptcies, and federal criminal trial records.

Publishing giant HarperCollins has kept Profiles in Corruption under a strict embargo. The book will reportedly expose how five members of Joe Biden’s family—the “Biden Five”—scored “tens of millions of dollars” in taxpayer money and guaranteed loans. In addition, the book is said to contain never-before-reported bombshell revelations about Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Cory Booker, Sherrod Brown, and Eric Garcetti.

Last week Amazon named the book its “most anticipated” nonfiction book based on pre-sale volume. Ten days before the book’s January 21 release, it had already hit #1 on Amazon across all book genres.

The book’s writer, Government Accountability Institute President and Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer, is a five-time New York Times bestseller author who penned Clinton Cash and Secret Empires. According to Axios, Schweizer and his GAI team of investigators spent a year and a half researching Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite.

While Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders will likely be getting most of the headlines, there is a chapter on Ohio’s own Senator, Sherrod Brown. Several sections in that chapter may resonate with reports of Joe Biden's son and brother allegedly benefiting from the Vice President's position of influence:

[Sherrod] Brown’s congressional career—in both the House and Senate—is marked by a devotion to progressive causes before they become widely supported within the Democratic Party. Brown’s efforts in the minutiae of health and medical issues — those that seem designed to help put a lot of money in the pocket of his brother— are less well known.

More to come.
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