Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label Ohio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ohio. Show all posts

Monday, August 3, 2020

The Universal Mail-In Voting Sham

The Universal Mail-In Voting Sham: 
The major domestic threat to the legitimacy 
of the 2020 presidential election.

Unfortunately, since the most recent (primary) election in Ohio relied on mail-in ballots, there is now precedence. This report by Joseph Klein at Front Page Magazine provides useful talking points in the event that the Secretary of State decides to try to lock in mail-ballots for the November 2020 election.  

. . .

So why did President Trump bring up the possibility of election delay in his tweet (with four question marks) in the first place? The reason was to call attention to the dangers of universal mail-in voting that threaten the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election. There is a real potential for fraud, to be sure. But even in the absence of widespread fraud, universal mail-in voting faces significant challenges in ensuring a fair election result, starting with its reliance on the all too unreliable U.S. Postal Service (USPS). Moreover, states’ broad authority in the administration of elections in which their citizens vote, including federal elections, does not mean they can throw caution to the wind and dilute the voting power of clearly qualified voters. This will most certainly happen when states introducing universal mail-in voting for the first time in a presidential general election do so without robust safeguards to ensure the integrity of the mail-in process. There is too little time to devise and implement anything close to the safeguards that presently exist for in-person voting and the more limited use of absentee ballots as the exception rather than the rule. There are a few smaller states that have used all or majority mail-in voting for years with safeguards that have proven workable. However, such safeguards cannot simply be transplanted into the systems of larger states overnight.

The U.S. Postal Service has proven its inability to handle properly the huge anticipated volume of mail-in ballots in a timely and uniform fashion across the United States. As a Democratic commissioner and co-chair of the New York State Board of Elections said: “One of the big problems of going to a vote by mail system is that the Boards of Elections are now in partnership with the U.S. Postal Service for conducting the election.” We are still awaiting the final results in a few contests from this past June’s Democratic primary in New York where there was significant reliance on mail-in voting.

. . .

In Ohio, there was evidently an “unintentional mis-sort” of more than 300 ballots, according to the U.S. Postal Service’s chief operating officer, which caused them to be delivered too late to be counted by a county Board of Elections. “An unintentional mis-sort of a tray of Butler County return ballots ultimately contributed to a gap in the mail flow, resulting in the delay,” he said, which he identified as “an opportunity for improvement.” 

. . .

The examples of post office related problems with mail-in voting described above, as well as breakdowns in other states, occurred before the July 10, 2020 implementation date for the new Postmaster General's changes. We are talking about a record of sheer incompetence that, when replicated on a far larger scale in connection with this year’s general election, could well affect the final results in swing states such as Ohio and Wisconsin.

Read the entire report here.

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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Action Alert for Ohio

image credit: Professional Adviser 

The good news headline:

Ohio pharmacy board backs off hydroxychloroquine ban
at Gov. Mike DeWine’s urging

The bad news headline:

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine proposes banning liquor sales
after 10 p.m. to stop coronavirus spread in bars

This is one smart virus that knows how to spread itself around more after 10pm.

In our neighborhood, at least half the restaurants have not re-opened since the lock-downs and the riots, and those that have opened are under onerous orders to enforce masks, distancing, etc.;  three citations and they get closed down for good.  And now comes this latest regulation to further cripple the restaurant and bar businesses.

The Ohio Liquor Control Commission is slated to hold a hearing on the rule 9 a.m. Friday. If approved, DeWine said he would sign an order that would go into effect Friday night.

Contact Gov. Mike DeWine: (614) 644-4357 or by email

Please share with your friends.

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Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Future Success of the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County (RPCC)

Seen on social media over the weekend:


Dear Fellow Central Committee Member,

My name is Ralph King and I am a member of the Central Committee representing Bedford Ward 6. I have served the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County in excess of 15 years. Currently I also serve on the Scanning Committee. In addition to years of grassroots activism & organizing at the local, state and national level for conservative causes and candidates, I served as a Delegate for President Trump in 2016 and had the honor of also representing our area as a member of the 54th Ohio Electoral College for President Trump.

With my years of activism and dedication to the Republican Party at all levels, especially in Cuyahoga County, I can honestly say we here in Cuyahoga County face an important crossroads offering two very distinct yet starkly contrasting choices.

The Republican Party in Cuyahoga County has been run like a social club for many, many years. The county party is so incestuously intertwined with lobbyists, consultants, political patronage, etc... nothing can get done. This broken strategy of $100K salaries & cronyism consulting fees has left the party literally broke. Do not believe the recent claims that we are on stable financial ground, otherwise why would the RPCC do an emergency fundraising initiative to keep the doors open past June? See attached RPCC special funding initiative letter. (Click Here)

Their old strategy has not worked, will not work and most importantly the old strategy will not change unless WE change it with your VOTE. Elect the “CUYAHOGA FIRST” slate —led by Lisa Stickan as the Chairman — in charge of the Central Committee of the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County. VICTORIES are certain to follow.

Do we continue with the same strategy of being mired with the current swamp-filled ways of political patronage & this financially strapped County party unable to help candidates? Or do we stand up & embrace a new fresh Cuyahoga First leadership built on transparency, strong fundraising ability & grassroots support that will lead them to a path of vibrancy, success & winning in Cuyahoga County again!

This all important Central Committee chairman’s race is not as much about the candidates as it is about US — the members of the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County Central Committee & Republican voters in Cuyahoga County. And today with our vote together WE can choose a new path, a new successful way to start winning by electing the “Cuyahoga First” slate with Lisa Stickan as our new Chairperson.

In Liberty,
Ralph King
Cleveland Tea Party Patriots
Bedford Ward 6
Central Committee Republican Party Cuyahoga County
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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Stop Voter Fraud Handbook: Voter Registration lists


Your precinct is, relatively speaking, a small part of your city or town.  The following is from Judicial Watch’s Stop Voter Fraud Handbook;  it contains some suggestions of how to help clean up voter registration rolls in your precinct:

Perform Voter Registration Research

Without question, the key to ensuring voter integrity during an election is being able to verify that the names and addresses on the voter registration list are legitimate and up-to- date. In each state, voter registration lists can be obtained ahead of the election. Checking these lists against other available data is a laborious, time-consuming — but essential — job for which your help would definitely be welcomed.

While voter registration lists can be purchased from an online service and directly from some of the states (either of which can be expensive), you should have no difficulty getting a copy of the list for your precinct from the state headquarters of your candidate or your party. You can also file an “Open Records” request with your state.

The process of checking voter registration lists requires a degree of patience and creativity. For example, volunteers working on lists will attempt to check the voter entries against other available resources, such as property tax information and dates of birth. The website, www.tributes.com, and local papers can even be checked for obituaries.

Duplicate registrations, which do occur, will be more easily discovered. As indicated, the process is time-consuming and tedious, but it is an extremely important function, as it is the bedrock of ensuring voter integrity on Election Day.

Information for each county elections board in Ohio can be found at this link.  Your precinct details appear on the postcard notice from your Board of Elections.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Judge rules Ohio lockdown arbitrary and unreasonable

Many in Ohio have observed that Gov. Mike DeWine’s lockdown and imposed regulations were and are arbitrary and unconstitutional.  We know that Health Director Amy Acton based her recommendations on wildly inaccurate models and projections.  An Ohio judge agrees.  Jacob Sullum at Reason reports (h/t Instapundit):

The headline:  Ohio Judge Deems the State's COVID-19 
Lockdown 'Arbitrary, Unreasonable, and Oppressive'

The ruling says the state's top health official exceeded her statutory authority by ordering "nonessential" businesses to close.

Ohio's COVID-19 lockdown is illegal, a state judge ruled today, because it exceeds the powers granted by the statute under which it was imposed. Responding to a May 8 lawsuit filed by the 1851 Center for Constitutional Law on behalf of 35 gyms, Lake County Court of Common Pleas Judge Eugene Lucci enjoined Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton from penalizing the plaintiffs or similar businesses for violating the lockdown, provided "they operate in compliance with all applicable safety regulations."
. . .
"Constitutions are written to prevent governments from arbitrarily interfering in citizens' lives and businesses," 1851 Center Executive Director Maurice Thompson said in response to the ruling. "On that front, the call to action is clear: The governor and health director may no longer impose their own closures and regulations and write their own criminal penalties to enforce those regulations and closures. We remain available to serve those who are caught in the state's tangled web of unlawful orders."

Most of the damage is already done, but it’s good to know there may be potential remedies for small businesses.  And Ohio's Governor won't be able to pull this again.  Mr. Sullum's full report is here.   
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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Vote by mail and election fraud

Rick Moran at PJ Media has an article “Nevada's Mail-In Ballot System Wide Open to Fraud and Abuse” that provides chapter and verse for the increased opportunities for voter fraud with mail-in ballots.  Nevada has a primary next month, and “thousands of legal ballots are being sent to inactive voters — voters who haven’t voted in the last few elections, which might include voters who have moved or are dead.”

Ohio voters just lost their opportunity to vote in person on Election Day in our recent primary election. The excuse was, of course, concerns over coronavirus. Cleveland Tea Party’s Ralph King posted more bad news on social media on the November election in Ohio:

The Never Trumper Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose is already laying the groundwork & planting the seeds to vote by mail in Ohio for the November election.

I've always said, since he was first elected OH SoS, if there was going to be any undermining of Donald Trump in the 2020 election it would be through LaRose & Ohio!

Ralph links to this at the Beacon Journal.  If there is no voting in person on Election Day, poll-watching is no longer one of our options.  More soon on this.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Alert: You can vote only by mail now

art credit: cedarhills.org

Yesterday, I went to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections website; I wanted to double-check the rescheduled date when voters could go to their respective polling places to mark their ballots.  The date I marked on my calendar was June 2.  That date was not on the website, so I planned to phone the BoE today.  No need.  Susan Daniels at American Thinker is a few steps ahead of me:

The residents of Ohio are getting screwed.  They have not been informed that voting day has been moved up from June 2 to April 28.  No notice from the county to anyone and nothing in the media.

The primary election in Ohio was set for March 10, 2020.  Then someone in Columbus, without explanation, changed the date to March 17, St. Patrick's Day.  [Note: some of the comments at the link at Lucianne raise questions about the accuracy of this sequence. -D]  The cynical among us believe that the hope was that fewer voters would turn out that day, with the Cleveland parade and all, which of course was canceled for the first time in 178 years.

Except that lifelong politician and governor Mike DeWine canceled elections at 3:30 A.M. on the 17th itself.  He had gone to court earlier that day to try to stop the primary.  DeWine said he would go along with the judge's decision.  The judge said "no," and all of a sudden, the judge's decision was unimportant.

It took DeWine's cronies until 3:30 A.M. to get four Ohio Supreme Court judges to agree by phone to call off voting.  (Was that even legal?)  DeWine set the new date as June 2.  Then on March 25, the General Assembly passed H.B. 197, resetting the date to April 28, 2020.

If you have not voted early, residents are no longer allowed to go to the Geauga Board of Elections (BOE), where I live, but instead have to follow a complicated procedure, which I learned about by accident.  The county has not informed the voters; the media have never mentioned it.

You can vote only by mail now.  But before you can vote, you first have to get an application (mailed or faxed to you) to apply for a ballot.  You then fill out that application, and it must be mailed to the BOE.  Then they will mail you a ballot.  After you fill out your ballot, it then must be mailed back to the BOE.  And all this has to be done in less than a month.  What could possibly go wrong?

And where are all the votes that were already cast being securely kept?

Ms. Daniels is right to ask if any of this is even legal.  In essence, Ohio voters have been deprived of their right to vote at their polling place on Election Day. The Cuyahoga County Board of Elections website confirms:  “No in-person voting at polling locations.” 

To request your ballot by mail, go to your Board of Election website; click here for the Ohio directory.  

UPDATE 1:55pm:  Cleveland.com headline

Ohio Secretary of State preparing to mail 
vote-by-mail instructions for state’s delayed primary

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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Are you registered to vote?

Voter Registration Deadline for the Ohio March 17 Primary is February 18. If you’ve recently moved, or have not voted in the past six years, or have just turned 18, you need to register to vote. Click here to register online, or download and print a voter registration form, and mail it or bring it in to your local Board of Elections.  For a directory of Ohio Boards of Election by county, click here.   
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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Ohio anti-sanctuary law: Action Alert

image credit: pagop.org

From Cleveland Tea Party’s Ralph King on Facebook:

As President Trump and Congress remain deadlocked on immigration legislation, a slew of immigration bills are moving through state legislatures.

More and more states are passing Anti-Sanctuary City laws. Ohio needs to get moving!!!

OH HB 169 Anti-Sanctuary City Bill in Ohio! HB 169 would require state and local authorities to cooperate with the federal government in the enforcement of immigration laws, to sanction those that fail to do so. HB 169 is in the Ohio House Criminal Justice Committee awaiting hearings.

Please contact Committee Chairman Rep George Lang (614) 466-8550 and politely request HB 169 be brought up for Committee Hearings.

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Monday, December 23, 2019

Trump rally announced ~ Toledo Jan.9

The president is set to hold a rally on Thursday, Jan. 9 at Toledo’s Huntington Center, according to a Trump campaign release. Doors open at 3 p.m.; the rally itself is scheduled to start at 7 p.m.

Tickets are free, but attendees must register online to reserve them. There’s a limit of two tickets per cell-phone number.

The president is set to hold a rally on Thursday, Jan. 9 at Toledo’s Huntington Center, according to a Trump campaign release. Doors open at 3 p.m.; the rally itself is scheduled to start at 7 p.m.
Tickets are free, but attendees must register online to reserve them. There’s a limit of two tickets per cell-phone number.

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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

No Safe Spaces documentary now in Ohio theaters

Last October, this blog reported on Dennis Prager and Adam Carolla’s documentary No Safe Spaces. BookwormRoom blogged her review a couple of days ago:

. . .every American ought to see this movie. The reality is that only conservatives who are already worried about the death of free speech in America will attend it. On the Left, they’re smugly happy with their increasing ability, both on campuses and in corporate America, to shout down and censor anything they don’t like. And in the vast middle, the Americans who need to start to care, people probably aren’t even aware that the movie is playing.
. . .
Carolla and Prager are the two pillars anchoring the No Safe Spaces. Carolla presents himself as a working class yob and comic (and also America’s most popular podcaster) who has a visceral belief that we are destroying our youth by mentally coddling them and that the answer is free speech for them and for everyone. Prager is the Jewish intellectual, the college educated man who spent time in the Soviet Union during the heyday of its totalitarianism. Prager too is a free speech fanatic. Both men are agreed (rightly) that free speech — true free speech, not the European or Canadian simulacrums — is a uniquely American attribute and that its destruction is the first step on the road to totalitarianism.

Bookworm's full review is here.

The website for the documentary now lists Ohio locations where this documentary is playing, including in Solon, Akron, and Elyria. Click on the website here and scroll down to the listings for Ohio.
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Sunday, November 3, 2019

Are you ready to vote?

illustration of New York polling place ca 1900 via Wikipedia

Are you prepared to vote on Tuesday?  Check out your sample ballot at the Board of Elections website for your county.  Information for each county elections board in Ohio can be found at this link.  (Have your ward and precinct details at hand to access your sample ballot.)
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Friday, October 4, 2019

Are You Registered To Vote?

From cleveland.com:

Monday [October 7] is the deadline to register to vote for November’s election, or for existing registered voters to submit updates.

Either process can be completed online at this link if the person has an Ohio driver’s license or an official state ID. Otherwise, paperwork can be completed in person or by mail.

The Cuyahoga County Board of Elections will stay open until 9 p.m. Monday to accept registrations, spokesman Mike West said. The office is on the east side of downtown, at East 30th Street and Euclid Avenue.

West said registrations can also be completed at any library. He said as long as the card is filled out and dated by the deadline, it will be accepted if it arrives over the next several days.

About 7.7 million Ohioans are registered to vote, though nearly 200,000 were recently purged from the voting rolls for inactivity. You can check the database at this link to see if your name, or the name of someone you know, was removed.

Ohio election calendar is here.
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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Update: Electoral College in Ohio

Good news, for now. Ohio's presidential votes will not be counted in the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact but will continue to cast those votes in the Electoral College. Cleveland.com reports:

Organizers have aborted their attempt to change Ohio’s constitution to award the state’s presidential electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote, regardless of who wins Ohio.

J. Corey Colombo, a Columbus elections attorney working for the organizers behind the proposal, wrote a brief letter to Secretary of State Frank LaRose on Tuesday saying the group is withdrawing its petitions. The letter (click here for a PDF) did not offer an explanation, but Colombo’s law firm later issued a statement citing time constraints and the large number of signatures required to get the issue on the ballot.

Full report is here.
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Monday, April 1, 2019

Will Ohio voters support the elimination of the Electoral College?

image credit: calbuzz.com

This blog previously linked to J. Christian Adams’ "How To Steal and Election" – click hereAnd here's a headline today on cleveland.com:

Ohio’s electoral votes for president
would go to national popular vote winner
under proposed constitutional amendment

A proposed Ohio constitutional amendment to award the state’s presidential electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote has cleared an initial hurdle toward making the statewide ballot this November.
. . .
So far, 11 states holding a combined 181 electoral votes have signed the compact. However, the compact doesn’t become binding until it’s joined by states representing at least 270 electoral votes (the minimum needed to win the presidency).

This is scary. Because the Democrat effort to essentially abolish the Electoral College in favor of the National Popular Vote initiative is gaining traction, any number of articles and essays have been popping up on conservative website. Here’s one from a week or so ago on American Thinker.

The latest states to succumb to this misguided attempt to destroy the Electoral College are Delaware and Colorado. If this issue gets enough signatures to get onto the Ohio ballot, Cleveland Tea Party will be sending out Action Alerts so we can let our representatives in Columbus know what we think.
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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Ohio Sanctuary Cities: new bill

have introduced  legislation (House Bill 169to 
BAN Sanctuary Cities & Sanctuary School Districts in Ohio 
(via Ralph King)

(click to embiggen)

Monday, March 18, 2019

A Civilian Cyber Militia in Ohio to Protect Elections

Image credit: carriermanagement.com

Ohio Seeks to Create a Civilian Cyber Militia 
to Protect Elections

Ohio lawmakers recently introduced a bill that would create a civilian cyber militia tasked with protecting the state's critical government agencies and election systems from cyber attacks. If passed, the bill would create a new volunteer unit under the authority of the Ohio adjutant general called the Ohio Cyber Reserve (OCR). It would operate at the same level as the National Guard, creating eight regional teams of 10 members each.

The "Improve Information Integrity and Security Act" (SB 52) would create a cybersecurity reserve force "capable of being expanded and trained to educate and protect state, county, and local governmental agencies, critical infrastructure, including election systems, businesses, and citizens of this state from cyber attacks."
. . .
The bill, introduced by Sen. Theresa Gavarone (R-Bowling Green) in February, has been assigned to the Government Oversight and Reform Committee, where it is awaiting a hearing.

The headline reads “To Protect Elections.” What could go wrong? Click on Ms. Bolyard's full report here and scroll down to some reader comments (esp. by "ValVeggie").

Here's the Government Oversight and Reform Committee page. No meeting on this bill is scheduled for next week. The draft of SB 52 is posted here. It's 23 pages long. Here's Sen. Theresa Gavarone's website; it includes an email option.
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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Voter ID Laws Don’t Stop People Voting

image credit: texastribune.org

In favor of Voter ID laws:
No difference across race, gender, or party, analysis finds
Getty Images

Charles Fain Lehman at Washington Free Beacon (h/t Instapundit) reports:

Strict voter ID laws do not suppress turnout, a new paper finds, regardless of sex, race, Hispanic identity, or party affiliation.

Requiring photo ID to vote is a hotly contested subject in American political discourse. Proponents argue that it is necessary to insure against fraud and preserve the integrity of the American electoral system. Opponents argue that it will disenfranchise otherwise eligible voters—many of whom would be poor and of color—who are unable to easily obtain ID.

In total, 10 states, ranging from Georgia to Wisconsin [and including Ohio], require voters to show ID in order to vote. Seven of those states require a photo ID, and three do not. An additional 25 states "request" that voters display ID, but may still permit them to vote on a provision ballot if they cannot. The remaining states "use other methods to verify the identity of voters," according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

The new research, from an economics professor at the University of Bologna and another at Harvard Business School, indicates that "strict" voting laws of the type implemented in those ten states do not have a statistically significant effect on voter turnout.

Full report is here. Ohio’s Voter ID laws are considered “strict.”  See here.  
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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Voter fraud update

image credit:thedailysheeple.com

It's better than stuffing the ballot box. Investors Business Daily picked up the report:

Voter Fraud: When President Donald Trump brought up the idea that non-citizens were casting ballots in elections, the reaction was fast and furious. Such a thing, if it exists at all, is exceedingly rare, we were told. But when one state decided to take a close look, it found something quite different.

After a yearlong voter-fraud probe, Texas discovered that, lo and behold, 95,000 people identified as non-citizens had voter registrations. What's more, 58,000 of them voted in one or more Texas elections.

When Attorney General Ken Paxton led the state's investigation, he noted that Texas had already found 165 non-citizens in four counties who had cast 100 illegal votes in two years.

But wait. Isn't all this stuff about non-citizens voting a load of bull? When Trump appointed a voter-fraud commission in 2017, Democrats and the press howled in protest.

Sure, Trump almost certainly exaggerated the number of non-citizen voters. But in response, Time magazine declared that we "know that ineligible non-citizens do not vote in American elections." Vox.com, the "explanatory" news site, derided Trump as "indulging the long-standing myth of the non-citizen voter." Harvard researchers said that there is "no evidence" that non-citizens vote.

Less than a year after he put it together, Trump disbanded his commission, not because it didn't find anything, but because it faced a fusillade of lawsuits and stonewalling from state election officials.

More hereWhat about Ohio? Eric Eggers at Breitbart reported on the most recent election cycles:

Republican Troy Balderson clings to a narrow margin in last night’s special election for Ohio’s 12th Congressional district, underscoring the impact voter fraud can have in key elections around the country.

The separation of 1700 votes, or less than one percent, highlights the recent attempt by Democratic activists to fight efforts to prevent voter fraud from occurring.

For the past four years, George Soros has spent millions of dollars trying to weaken Ohio’s election security by funding efforts to both block its implementation of Voter ID and prevent the state from removing inaccurate registrations.

Soros pledged $5 million to fund Clinton campaign attorney Marc Elias’s efforts to fight voter ID laws in Ohio and two other states ahead of the 2016 election. 
. . .
Consider that 170 registered voters listed as being over 116 years old still existed on the rolls of Ohio’s 12th Congressional when GAI accessed the data last August. That’s 10 percent of Balderson’s current margin of victory, pending provisional ballots. And 72 voters over the age of 116 who “live” in Balderson’s district cast ballots in the 2016 election.

But the Left hasn’t given up trying to create conditions favorable for voter fraud in Ohio. As former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell has pointed out, “hyper-partisan liberals…have their eyes on Ohio.” Electing a Democrat as the state’s top elections official would undoubtedly roll back the hard-won safeguards Ohio has implemented. And as Blackwell points out, as goes Ohio, so goes the Presidency.

And it does not look good. Just two days ago, Peter Skurkiss at American Thinker reported:

Ben Stein, a once on-again, off-again conservative, now associates himself with a left-wing advocacy group called Policy Matters Ohio as a "staff associate."  Stein's affiliation with this non-profit came to light when he recently authored an opinion piece in the Akron Beacon Journal titled "Make it automatic for the people." 
Make what automatic?
Why, make voter registration automatic.  As if voting laws and policies haven't been weakened enough, there is now a drive across the country to make voter registration automatic.  It goes under the name Automatic Voter Registration (AVR), and 15 states have already enacted it in one form or another.
AVR works basically like this.  When a person has an interaction with a state government agency (say, Department of Motor Vehicle or a welfare agency), the data he gives will automatically be transferred to the Election Board.  And – presto – that person is registered to vote, unless choosing to opt out.  
Stein is disingenuous when he says AVR would screen out those ineligible to vote, such as non-citizens.  The fact is, there's no reliable way to ensure that all registrants are citizens.  
Read the rest here.
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Sunday, November 4, 2018

DeWine vs Cordray

Kyle Morris at Breitbart weighs in on the Ohio race for Governor:

Former Sen. Mike DeWine finds himself as the GOP’s nominee for governor in Ohio, walking a fine line between the establishment ways of old in the era of President Donald Trump.

DeWine, interestingly, has not appeared on stage with Trump at any of the president’s rallies in the Buckeye state. However, he has courted Trump supporters at the periphery, perhaps one of the most awkward intra-GOP marriages between the economic nationalist Trump base and the old ways of the fading establishment in the first midterm election in Trump’s presidency.

The strength of the bond between two rival wings of the GOP will be put to the test on Tuesday as voters in the buckle of the nation’s rust belt decide if they want DeWine, or former Obama administration official and Democrat nominee Richard Cordray, to govern the state.

DeWine’s apparent unwillingness or inability to openly embrace the president in the same way GOP candidates in other races nationwide have done highlights the divide within the Republican party. DeWine, who currently serves as Ohio’s Attorney General, served in the United States Senate long before Trump upended the political landscape.

One of the comments at Breitbart refers to DeWine joining “Team Mailman” in 2010. Heh. Anyway, read the rest here. The race does look like a nail-biter between two awful candidates.

More on this tight race at Watchdog Ohio here.
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