Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

People’s Convoy: great photos ~ UPDATED


And now for some good news: The People’s Convoy has reached Hagerstown, MD – 90 minutes away from the DC Beltway.  The Daily Mail is not a usual source for information, but they have a lot of great photos here.

And tomorrow the convoy from Cleveland heads to the DC area.  No “start” time is posted on their website here.  

  • Date: March 6th
  • Cleveland Rt. 76 or 79
  • Follow down to 76, to 70, 66, 66 into final destinations
  • Distance: 374 Miles
  • Time: 5 Hours 52 Minutes

Looks like it might be going on all day.

Honk honk.

UPDATE via RedVoiceMedia:  "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised—The People’s Convoy Is Stretching Over 60 Miles Long [VIDEO]"

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Andrea Widburg: Russia, Ukraine, & Nazis


At American Thinker, Andrea Widburg brings some historical clarity to the word “Nazi” as it is being bandied about in the reporting on Russia and Ukraine:

The word “Nazi” is suddenly everywhere. This isn’t the modern habit of calling everyone we don’t like a “Nazi.” Instead, because of events in Ukraine, the word is showing up in the news, where it has real-world ramifications. . . .

. . . Communism and fascism are the two bastard children of the socialist ideology. Communism calls for the destruction of private property, with the government owning and controlling the means of production, ostensibly for the people’s benefit. Fascism allows private property to exist, provided that the property owners understand that they have no rights separate from the state. Both are totalitarian systems that call themselves “democracies” because people are required to vote for pre-approved chosen candidates. These governments are inevitably repressive.

Most of the world’s governments today are fascist. All power rests in the government, which allows private property to exist but subordinates that property to government control. In China, the control is militaristic and obvious. In Europe, through the EU, it’s bureaucratic and someone more subtle. The current American system—a dominant political party disdainful of the Constitution working hand-in-glove with massive corporate, technocratic interests—is increasingly fascist.

Not all fascists, though, are Nazis. The National Socialist Party in Germany added a few twists to baseline fascist totalitarianism: A quest for world domination and racial obsessions. These two factors led Nazis to believe it was their right to enslave all inferior races except for the Jews, whom they intended to exterminate entirely.

. . .

In the fight for control in Ukraine, both governments are European-style right wing (i.e., totalitarian) governments and both are nationalists. Putin is showing an unnerving yen for regional domination. However, neither the governments nor their troops are Nazis, although each has the potential to be.

Full column is here (includes her chart of forms of government measured by individual freedoms)

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Friday, March 4, 2022

Mark Steyn on Russia's invasion of Ukraine


Sundance at Conservative Treehouse has posted a few scary observations on what we are witnessing overseas.  Today, he links to a video of Mark Steyn’s GB broadcast, with this intro:

The first white horse, pestilence (virus); the second red horse, war (Ukraine); the third black horse, famine (fertilizer shortage); and the final horse, death.

Stunningly, in this monologue Mark Steyn takes a tour reminding viewers of the past two years of western government action, while connecting the corporate mandates from the World Economic Forum.  That outline is brave considering the mention of the totalitarian shift amid New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Europe and the United States when attached to the WEF is normally a third rail of discussion.

However, Steyn doesn’t stop at pointing out the hypocrisy of the collective west in their current drumbeat against Vladimir Putin; instead, he takes the last few years, puts in a deep breath, and then connects it… to the world’s most popular history book.

Followed by the video.  Steyn's take-away is that Putin is invading Ukraine to destroy . . . America and the west.  After the video, Sundance offers his conclusions; click here.  

RELATED:  Brandon Smith at NOQ on an imminent false flag cyber attack; click here

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Thursday, March 3, 2022

Mike Gibbons door-to-door event


Cleveland Tea Party does not generally endorse primary candidates, but thus far, Mandel, Vance, and Timken seem like more-of-the-same RINO candidates.  So I am posting this announcement from the Mike Gibbons campaign:

Super Saturday Event

DATE : Saturday March 5 - 10 am

10am - Door to Door in the Middleburg Heights area along the Grand Opening of the office

Meet at our Cleveland Office
7566 Pearl Rd
Middleburg Heights, OH 44130
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Wednesday, March 2, 2022

State of the Union: then and now

In the aftermath of the SOTU speech yesterday evening (some are reporting it as a comedy routine), A.F. Branco's cartoon about "the good ol' days" seems apropos:

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Tuesday, March 1, 2022



White House Occupant Biden’s “State of the Union” speech
is this evening, March 1 at 9pm ET.

UPDATE:  As of 8:55pm, Vodkapundit has not yet posted a drunk-blogging link.  If he decides to not drunk-blog Biden’s first SOTU address, it would be understandable. 

The link is up!! Stephen Green’s [Mr. Vodkapundit] watches, so you don’t have to.  It is less painful to access the proceedings via live DrunkBlogging at PJ Media here.   If you really want to tune in to the broadcast online, Conservative Treehouse has the link here.

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The Government From Hell


David Solway at PJ Media is writing about Canada, but his words apply to America today as well:

. . . The fact is that the government from hell is working to transform a democratic nation into a police state and normalize totalitarian rule without having to mobilize the military and scramble its jet fighters. It moves subtly, insidiously, through legislation, decree, deception, legal subterfuge, financial penalties, and targeted defamation. It divides a country into sectarian belligerents, employs tested techniques of misinformation and disinformation, prevents the free expression of opinion (Bill C-11), and impoverishes and segregates its perceived adversaries. It manipulates a strategy of covert control which, in the long run, may be more effective than overt physical repression. It doesn’t need tanks; a few RCMP horses will do. Slander and sanctimony are excellent weapons.

The truckers were never a menace, bore no resemblance to the volley of epithets hurled against them: white supremacists, racists, misogynists, antisemites, and the like. A Liberal MP is convinced that “honk honk” is code for “Heil Hitler.” Reviewing Paul Gottfried’s must-read Antifascism: The Course of a Crusade in American Greatness, Christopher Zeeman writes, “Organizing a state around a nonexistent threat is a novel approach to governing…the lack of proof is confirmation that they must redouble their efforts to thwart the threat”—a threat, be it said, not to the nation but to the impious power of the managerial elect. In other words, our political elites must conjure their enemies in order to maintain their own compromised existence. The dumbing down of a supine population, still wearing their badges of conformity across their faces, completes the task.

Of course, as noted, there will be the inevitable casualties. The truckers who protested the draconian and useless vaccine mandates have been crushed and their lives ruined. And the majority of Canadians do not care. Some believe the truckers got what they deserved, gloating over the misfortune of their betters. Others do not give them a second thought. The feeble-minded claim to be suffering from “phantom honking.” Some hover over the top like a helicopter pilot surveying rush hour traffic and move on: nothing very significant to see here. Their sympathies go out to the Ukrainian victims of Russian aggression. The victims of government oppression in their own country are an afterthought. Stupefying indifference to the fate of their nation is the order of the day. The government from hell remains solidly entrenched. . . .

Mr. Solway’s entire column is here. 

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