Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label New World Order. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New World Order. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2022

Tolerance: It’s a One-Way Street


Conservative Michelle Malkin knows first-hand what it’s like to be harassed in public:

Fifteen years ago, when I still lived in the D.C. swamp, I took my elementary school-daughter and toddler son out for one of our regular weekend breakfasts at IHOP. But we couldn’t be left alone to enjoy our meal. As my kids dug into their funny-face pancakes, a fuming-faced liberal marched to our booth and started ranting about my anti-open-borders commentaries on Fox News. The incident occurred not long after Geraldo Rivera told a Boston Globe reporter that I was the “most vile, hateful commentator I’ve ever met in my life” and that “it’s good she’s in D.C. and I’m in New York” because “I’d spit on her if I saw her.”

Fifteen years later, I’m blacklisted by the “fair and balanced” network, while fork-tongued cable news reptile Geraldo Rivera remains a heavily promoted Fox News contributor who regularly attacks everyone else (including his former friend Donald Trump) for inciting violence. File under “chutzpah.”

Fifteen years later, organized mobs in the nation’s capital are targeting Supreme Court justices in their homes.

. . .  

One outlet characterized the latest intimidation campaign against the SCOTUS judges as a “troubling escalation.” But I know from both professional and up-close-and-personal experience that all this ugliness is a continuation of years and years of abuse of, and violence against, conservative public figures in both public and private spaces. See, for example, my 2006 encyclopedia of left-wing loons, “Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild.”

Some of us can’t dine in peace because our simple existence is a threat to the “liberal world order.” If you can’t be controlled, you must be de-personed. “Tolerance” is only for the intolerant. The rules of civility don’t apply to the self-righteous monsters sporting “empathy” bumper stickers on their cars and “love is love” banners in the windows of their homes and businesses that will always be safe from pot-bangers, Molotov cocktail-hurlers and billionaire-funded dissent-crushers. . . .

Ms. Malkin is one of my favorite commentators, and alas, she too is no longer optimistic. Her full column is here. 

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Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Dr Joseph Mercola on prepping


Dr Joseph Mercola has advice for new and/or inexperienced preppers.  His column is at America First Report, ed. JD Rucker:

Editor’s Commentary: As a “late prepper,” I have found that the most reliable sources of information on the subject are those who have been doing it for a long time. This is why the minuscule knowledge I personally impart is always based on what I’ve learned from more experienced preppers. I usually stick with what they say, taking advantage of my penchant for doing hundreds of hours of research on single topics as the “skill” I bring to the table.

It was with low expectations that I read the article below by Dr. Joseph Mercola. That’s not due to any lack of respect; on medical issues he’s been one of my go-to resources. But time and again I’ve learned otherwise intelligent people often give amateur “doomsday prepper” advice if they don’t have years of experience. Dr. Mercola turned out to be the exception. He nailed it. I shouldn’t have had a single doubt.

The importance of establishing personal food security for oneself and one’s family cannot be overstated. It needs to happen as quickly as resources allow; food prices aren’t going down any time soon and those who wait may find themselves ill-prepared if/when massive food shortages and/or price inflation hits.  .. .

Get Prepared With Shelf-Stable Food


  • It appears we’re in a phase where global systems of food and energy production are being intentionally dismantled in an effort to force into effect what the World Economic Forum (WEF) calls The Great Reset and the Rockefeller Foundation calls Reset the Table
  • Controlling food and shifting us away from a natural diet is an important part of The Great Reset. While the destruction of food production is being justified by the Green Agenda, the real goal is to eliminate naturally-grown foods and replace them with patented foodstuffs, frequently synthetic
  • In addition to restrictions imposed by the Green Agenda, nearly 100 food production facilities in the U.S. alone have also mysteriously burned down since 2021
  • The U.K. has even issued an “urgent warning” that gardening can cause heart disease by exposing you to harmful soil pollutants. So, now they’re trying to convince you that growing your own food is harmful too
  • Prepare for unavoidable food inflation, shortages and famine by stocking up on nutritious shelf-stable foods. A list of suggestions is included

Full article is here.  Links to vendors are included.

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Monday, July 11, 2022

“You will own nothing, and you will be happy.” Not.


World Economic Forum megalomaniac Klaus Schwab famously said:  “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.”  Neil Oliver takes exception to this pronouncement:

From behind one podium after another, western leaders and their lackeys talk more and more openly about a liberal world order – even a rules-based liberal world order. The more I hear and see about a world ordered by self-described liberals and their rules, the less I like it. I certainly don’t recall ever being invited to vote for it. Two years ago I gave scant thought to acronyms like WHO, UN, WEF. Now I watch them with the same attention I give to dogs that look like they might bite.

At some point in the past – and I missed that point too, whenever it was, I will freely admit – the governing class decided they were done with serving us and that they own us and rule us instead. That cancerous thought has metastasized in recent years, so that it’s not just governments and their bureaucrats and preferred scientists who presume to lord it over us, to tell us what to do, what to think.

That same deranged thought is there throughout the greediest capitalist corporations now as well. The technocrats took free speech by the throat long ago, so as to preserve and push their own self-described progressive ideologies. Now that same superiority complex is everywhere else as well.

. . .

I have never in my life before listened to government policy – and to the policies of governments all around the world – and felt endangered. But I do now. If you feel that too – a deep physiological response to the last two years, and a growing sense of something malevolent – then you are not alone. Sometimes it feels like society itself has been poisoned – and that all that society is being offered is yet more poisonous nonsense.

We should notice that it is from among us, the ordinary people, that the farmers and the truckers come – so that it is we who really have the power that matters in the end.

In Sri Lanka, they’re quite a bit further down the line than us – although hardly out of sight. Thousands of people, driven beyond endurance by economic collapse and the worst food and fuel shortages in living memory, found they had nothing left to lose. I read this morning about protestors there storming and occupying their president’s official residence in the city of Colombo.

Desperate people and desperate measures. It’s interesting to note that, contrary to what Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum might think … it turns out that when some people find they actually do own nothing anymore – they’re really not very happy at all. 

Read the full transcript or watch/listen to the video here.  Also posted at America First Report here.

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Thursday, July 7, 2022

America on the Grift


Michelle Malkin traces the corruption of one sounds-good-on-paper educational institution to demonstrate how American institutions and societies are collapsing.  And our tax dollars are funding failure and . . . lots and lots of illegal immigrants.  She starts off:

Our once-sovereign nation has become nothing more than a morbidly obese cash cow for what the Biden administration now openly calls the “liberal world order.”

Higher gas prices are just the tip of the sacrifice iceberg. It’s our posterity paying the globalist pipers. In the new “liberal world order” (which is really just the same old Bush family “New World Order” of more than three decades ago), homegrown children’s needs are subjugated to the hopes and dreams of the children of the rest of the world.

Stick with me and follow an open-borders bouncing ball that demonstrates how multinational elites exploit America Last — with the brazen complicity of our own U.S. government, nonprofits and corporations. As always, we must follow the money to find the truth. Let’s dig deeper behind this headline:

Former American Hebrew Academy
 will house unaccompanied immigrant children

And dig she does.  Read her entire analysis here.  

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Friday, July 1, 2022

Liberal a/k/a New World Order



Too bad for you, Mr. & Mrs. John Q. Citizen.  According to our betters, your pain at the pump is no big deal.  It's just the price you must pay for The New World Order. Jesse Martin at 100percentfedup is one of many bloggers reporting:

On Friday, Biden’s advisor and director of the National Economic Council, Brian Deese, took things a step further in a slap to the face of working America.

When asked what he would say to families struggling to pay $4.85 or more at the pump for months or even years, this was his response:

“This is about the future of the Liberal World Order, and we have to stand firm.” Whatever the “Liberal World Order” is, Deese clarifies that it is not about helping the working class. It is not about helping Americans. And it is not about affordability for either group.

This comes after Biden stated that US drivers will pay a premium at the pump for “As long as it takes.” As long as what takes, precisely? Killing fossil fuels to implement a green agenda, most likely. . . .

Yes, well, that’s the plan.  And the progressive left is talking about it out loud. 

“Whatever the ‘Liberal World Order’ is"?  The “Liberal World Order” is the same as the New World Order, a/k/a Great Reset, a/k/a Agenda 2030 (see the America First Report here re: the interchangeable terminology.)  

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Saturday, June 25, 2022

How America Ends


Doomsday prophecy:  Mike Adams predicts “How America Ends” at America First.  These are frightening predictions, but they square with many of the developments since the coup d’etat in 2020-2021. Here’s an excerpt:

. . .The era of Western Civilization is coming to an end. It will be characterized by the collapse of the dollar, a global repudiation of the petrodollar status, a collapse of the rule of law across the United States, a collapse of the stock market, pensions, bond market and crypto markets, a collapse of the food supply chain, and a collapse of the fuel and transportation infrastructure. This will, in turn, take down the power grid in many areas, leading to a Mad Max-style scenario from which a few capable survivors will attempt to flee.

Before the end of 2025, as I have publicly predicted for at least the last five years — America as you know it will cease to exist. This has been the plan all along from Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and plenty of RINO neocons, too (the Cheneys, Bushes, etc.). They needed to take down America in order to achieve one world government under the fascist United Nations, with universal gun control, universal vaccine mandates, abortion “rights,” engineered global starvation and total control over all speech and elections.

Their agenda is failing at many levels, however. Roe vs. Wade was just struck down by the US Supreme Court, for example, and there are elements at work that are looking likely to achieve key indictments against deep state players. However, any state that wants to exist after the dollar collapses must be ready to roll out its own gold-backed currency on an emergency basis. Texas is largely prepared to do this, but few other states are ready. The re-establishment of trade and commerce (following the dollar collapse) is going to be the key to surviving the demise of the dollar. . . .

Read the rest here.  I am posting this even though I am not able to say whether it's a realistic prognosis, a long-shot, or way over the top.  But even if some less drastic version of this is likely . . .  BTW, this is not the first time I've read about the "global repudiation of the petrodollar," which could indeed be catastrophic.

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Monday, June 13, 2022

Technocracy: What We Are Up Against


At NOQ, Dr Joseph Mercola references one Patrick Wood, whom I had not heard of before. It's a Deep Dive into the world of control via algorithms -- which even this blog has been subjected to.  Here's the bulletpoint summary. 


    • It’s become absolutely crucial to understand what we’re up against, globally, and who’s responsible for the rising totalitarianism and their ultimate intention
    • The COVID pandemic was a coup d’état by the technocratic cabal that is behind the global takeover agenda, referred to as The Great Reset
    • The Great Reset was introduced by the World Economic Forum, which is tightly coupled to the United Nations and the World Health Organization. Their agenda is to implement a global type of totalitarianism based on technocratic and transhumanist ideologies. Part of that plan also includes reengineering and controlling all life forms, including humans
    • While the outward expression of technocracy will appear as totalitarianism, the control center is not an individual. Rather than a single person ruling by the decree, technocracy relies on control through technology and algorithm. This is a very important difference. In short, there will be no individual to blame or hold accountable. The “dictator” is an algorithm
    • Technocracy is an invented and unnatural form of economics that expresses itself as totalitarianism and requires social engineering to work. Technocrats in the past defined technocracy as the science of social engineering. Controlling the populace is crucial for the system to function

It’s a tough read but a pretty extensive history lesson – puts today’s multiples crises into perspective. Full story is here.

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Friday, June 10, 2022

The dystopian state of our nation


Patricia McCarthy sums up the “Dystopian State of Our Nation” at American Thinker:

"If you want to know who controls you, look at whom you are not allowed to criticize."


The signs of decline are everywhere: violent crimes, corruption, riots, all with little or no consequences for the perpetrators, election fraud, and medical mandates for vaccines that do not work.

. . .

All of this is part of the left's grand plan to "transform" American society from the free nation of our founding into something resembling communist China.  The one thing they did not plan on was the presidency of Donald Trump.  His four-year term in the White House was unexpected because the Democrats were certain that they had that election in the bag.  Hillary was on board with their globalist/Marxist plan, and they just knew that all their plans were a go.  But they underestimated the America First movement and were gobsmacked by Trump's thoroughly unpredictable victory.  That is how blinkered they are. 

. . .

The leftists "know" that if they are doing it, it is the right thing to do.  Convince people that there are multiple genders, that men can get pregnant, that it is fair for men to compete against women as women, and that small children can be "trans."  Anyone who publicly notes their destructive bent will be called a racist or homophobic or transphobic.  That is how they roll, our left.

And whom do they blame for all the chaos they incite?  The deplorables of course: Trump supporters, patriots, constitutionalists, conservatives of every stripe.

. . .

This is their overall strategy.  It is right out of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

So, we now are confronted with the result of at least fifty years of the left's official campaign against all things traditionally American: family, biology, freedom of religion, reverence for the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, equality under the law, and respect for civil society.  They have succeeded wildly. . . .

Much more at the link here.  Reader comments below the article are thoughtful, if distressing.

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Thursday, June 9, 2022

Globalists in our midst


Having been thrown off of Twitter, YouTube, etc., for daring to question the COVID vaccine mandates, Dr Robert Malone now publishes his columns on Substack.  His column yesterday provides a list of elected and non-elected officials, past and present, who have been described as World Economic Forum (WEF) graduates, in other words, indoctrinated globalists.  Below is a partial list (click here for the full list) of "graduates", and if you have family or friends in any of the states where some of these New World Order types may be challenged, please forward accordingly.

These WEF graduates have their primary alliances with a foreign entity, that being the WEF. They should register as foreign agents in my opinion.  . . . 

Huma Abedin US Department of State Deputy chief of staff and aide to Hillary Clinton (2009– 2013) and vice chair of Hillary's presidential campaign

Penny Abeywardena Mayors office City of New York Mayors office City of New York

Robert E. Andrews United States House of Representatives Congressman from New Jersey (D), 1st District

Matt Blunt State of Missouri Governor of Missouri

Carol M. Browner Office of the President of the United States Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change Policy (2009–2011)

George P. Bush Texas General Land Office Land Commissioner (2015–)

Pete Buttigieg Government of the United States  Secretary of Transportation (2021–)

Jim Cooper U.S. House of Representatives Democrat Congressman Tennessee 32 yrs

Tom Cotton U.S. Senate Senator from Arkansas (R)

Daniel Crenshaw United States Congress Rep. from Texas, 2nd District (2019–)

Artur Davis US Congress Congressman from Alabama, 7th District (D)

Brian Deese National Economic Council National Economic Council

Mike Espy Government of the US Secretary of Agriculture (1993–1994)

Steven Fulop Jersey City, N.J. Mayor of Jersey City (2013–)

Tulsi Gabbard United States House of Representatives Congresswoman from Hawaii (D), 2nd District

Garlin II Gilchrist State of Michigan Lieutenant Governor

Nikki Haley US Government  US Ambassador to the UN

Jaime Herrera Beutler US House of Representatives Congresswoman from Washington (R), 3rd District

Benjamin Jealous NAACP -

Bobby Jindal State of Louisiana Governor of Louisiana

Joseph P. Kennedy III US House of Representatives Rep for the suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts

Adam Kinzinger Illinois American Politician

Gavin Newsom State of California Governor of California (2019–)

Jared Polis State of Colorado, USA Governor of Colorado (2019–)

Samantha Power National Security Council (NSC) Past US Ambassador to UN

Richard L. Scott Columbia/HCA US Governor/Senator - Florida

Elise Stefanik US House of Representatives Congresswoman from New York, 21st District (R)

Click here for the rest of it.

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Sunday, May 29, 2022

Memorial Day weekend: reasons to be optimistic

Neil Oliver observes the goings-on in Davos -- watching the World Economic Forum and World Health Organization billionaires plotting and planning their New World Order. And he is of the opinion that things are not going their way.  His weekly monologue is up at Conservative Treehouse.  If you prefer a written transcript, it’s also at the link here.  And it begins:

The usual suspects have been in Davos again, at the World Economic Forum overseen by Klaus Schwab – the few hundred of the most unimaginably rich gathered in one place to fantasize together about what the several billions of us ought to be forced to do in order to make those billionaires’ lives better.

Those poor billionaires – for whom everything on Earth might finally be perfect, if only someone would invent the vacuum cleaner big enough to suck every last one of us peasants, inconsequential specks of dust that we are, into outer space once and for all.

While listening to whichever one on stage is pontificating about this or that technological advance, or about how better to structure civilization itself, I find it best to imagine they have the high pitched, excitable voices of children – like in those TV adverts for chewy, jelly sweeties.

When I do that, I am reassured by their evident ridiculousness, their patent lack of a grasp on the reality of what this human species of ours is all about.

Read the rest (or watch) here.  Many reasons to be optimistic.  Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend. 

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Friday, May 27, 2022

Build Back Better: another misnomer

In an article at American Thinker titled “The Sinister Roots of Build Back Better,” E. Jeffrey Ludwig offers insights and contexts on Biden's campaign slogan.  Mr. Ludwig begins:

President Joe Biden and the puppeteers who control his teleprompter are weakening the country in order to gain more power and restructure the country based on classical Marxism (government ownership of the means of production) as well as woke cultural Marxist lines – destruction of the family, depreciation of male vigor and determination, and demonic sexual perversion throughout all classes and segments of society.

The motto of the interloper now serving in the White House is “Build Back Better” – and the trillions to “build back” is an updated version of the New Deal on steroids.  . . .

And Mr. Ludwig concludes:

The Build Back Better plan superficially appears to be an updated and extravagant Keynesian or New Deal-style spending program, but the endgame is not economic recovery that forever establishes federal government dominance over the states in the socio-political realm. Rather, this BBB is the connection of an enlarged federal government and authority with a depreciation or elimination of U.S. sovereignty in favor of global, communist-style governance. But as if the endgame were not sinister enough, we see this updated Keynesian expansion of expenditures is not a result of economic collapse due to a devastating Depression, as was the justification in the 1930s.

Rather, simultaneously with expanded spending, the goal of the BBB plotters is to weaken the economy and usher in economic and socio-political chaos and mayhem. The southern border hands-off policy is literally facilitating the entrance of millions of unvetted persons. By limiting or eliminating natural gas and oil production in the territorial U.S. under the guise of protecting the environment, the feds incentivize other countries to expand their production of these energy sources. That production, which still means higher energy prices here in the U.S., has an equally negative effect on the world climate as fuel production in our country. But the brooding minds behind BBB want to see inflated prices. They want to see shortages. They want to see racial unrest. They want to see upsurges in crime as new theories of law inform the release of repeat offenders and shorter sentences to destabilize society. The BBB autocrats want to see a society that increasingly identifies as LGBTQ because this radical individualism weakens the social fabric. They want to see Chinese fentanyl imported to kill our citizens who are weak-minded and susceptible to drug use. 

Thus, despite its resemblance to the New Deal, the BBB's so-called governance (properly called betrayal) is at the front end linked to global health, green initiatives, and “interdependence” as an excuse for diminishing U.S. sovereignty. Initiation of these policies was not to combat financially depressive conditions but rather designed to undermine the freedoms and economic viability of the U.S. This might be likened to prescribing chemo to a patient who did not have cancer, and then, in order to justify the perverse treatment plan, injecting the patient with cancer cells in order to justify that plan. The goal of the sinister and aberrated “plan” would not be the recovery of the patient and return to normal living, but to place the “cured” individual into custodial care rather than independent living. That is the equivalent of a United States with diminished sovereignty in a world governance system.

Full column is here.  Ugly.

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Thursday, May 26, 2022

News out of the Davos conference


Mark Wauck of Meaning In History has a very good, if depressing, overview of the relentless bad news coming out of Davos. This blog has already posted a report by Dr Joseph Mercola on the globalists’ threat to our food supply; click here.  Mr. Wauck starts off:

The Elites Are Plotting Against Us In Plain View

Yes, it’s that time of year, and the Neo-Malthusian global elites are meeting in Davos, plotting in plain view, scheming to get us normals under their thumbs—and make it hurt. Not kidding—they’re talking a lot about pain.

Zhou [Biden!] let the cat out of the bag the other day, when he said that high gas prices were part of the “incredible transition”. Incredible transition? Great Reset? Sounds the same to me—and it is. I was struck by this article—no I didn’t read it. I just saw enough at FR to get the gist:

Democrats Quietly Search for an Alternative to Biden in 2024
NY Magazine ^ | 5/24/2022 | By Gabriel Debenedetti

As they look toward 2024, Democrats are unified in their conception of doom: the restoration of Trump, joined down-ballot by anti-democratic Republicans who will end fair elections and any hope of combating climate change.

Climate change.  [This blog recently posted links on that one also; click here.] That’s what caught my eye. The whole point of the electoral coup against Trump was to seize the moment to jam the Green agenda, the Great Neo-Malthusian Reset, down our throats. Problem is, they’ve screwed up so badly that they can see approaching doom, in spite of the rigging.

Don Surber sees what they’re trying to do. I think Zhou’s “incredible transition” moment was an epiphany for Don. Read it all. 

Click here for the rest of Mr. Wauck’s report, including extracts from Don Surber’s blog.

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Saturday, May 21, 2022

More: Controlling the food supply

image of indoor vertical farming

Dr. Joseph Mercola has been bird-dogging the changes to the food supply chains and systems that affect all of us (this blog posted an earlier report from The New American; click here.) I would dismiss his latest report as alarmist had he not footnoted his sources and supported his points. Here’s the bullet-point STORY AT-A-GLANCE at NOQ Report:

  • The globalist takeover is coming at us from every possible angle. Whether we’re talking about biosecurity, finance, housing, health care, energy, transportation or food, all the changes we’re now seeing have one goal, and that is to force compliance with a totalitarian slave system
  • The global food system, and protein sources in particular, are currently under coordinated and intentional attacks to manufacture food shortages and famine
  • The globalist elite intend to eliminate traditional farming and livestock and replace it with indoor-grown produce and lab-created protein alternatives that they own and control
  • While the presence of hundreds of food brands gives the appearance of market competition, the reality is that the food industry is monopolized by fewer than a dozen companies, and all of them, in turn, are largely owned by BlackRock and Vanguard
  • Eventually, your ability to buy food will be tied to your digital identity and social credit score

Here are some additional take-aways from the report (footnotes omitted in the extracts below):

In an April 27, 2022, blog post, investigative journalist Corey Lynn takes a deep dive into the new food system being put into place, and how it is geared to control you.

“‘Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.’ This famous quote by Henry Kissinger is ringing more and more true by the week,” Lynn writes.

. . .

In April 2019, FFAR launched the Precision Indoor Plants (PIP) Consortium, a public-private partnership of indoor growers, breeders and genetics companies with the shared goal of advancing speed-breeding and altering plant chemicals responsible for flavor, nutrition and medicinal value. Five key crops being worked on are lettuce, tomatoes, strawberries, cilantro and blueberries.

All those are favorites in our household. 

“Bill Gates insists that droughts and climate change is destroying our ability to farm and that the future will consist of populations moving into metropolitan cities where indoor vertical farming [see image above] is necessary to feed people.

If this is the case, why has he acquired 242,000 acres of farmland over the past decade while simultaneously investing in indoor vertical farming? Who gets to sit at the table with healthy produce served up by Gates while the rest of the population eats gene-edited produce from locked-down facilities, delivered to their local grocery store, and accessed only through a digital ID?” Lynn asks.

If true, then what can we do?

Part of the answer is to grow your own food, to the best of your ability. Another part is to support local growers by buying their produce, or else they’ll get pushed out. Starting local co-ops and community gardens can also go a long way toward creating food security in the long term.

At the same time, we also have to reject globalist solutions like fake meat, gene-edited beef, GMO foods and all the rest of it. It’s time to recognize that none of their solutions are for our benefit. They’re for our detriment. The World Economic Forum has declared that by 2030, you will own nothing. They mean it. They will take everything from us, including the right to grow our own food, if we let them.

Read the rest here. The report includes a chart showing which mega-corporations own and control the products we all purchase.  The embedded chart is a little fuzzy, but another similar and easier-to-read version can be accessed here

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