Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label RINO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RINO. Show all posts

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Your Feel-Good Story of the Day: Romney “showered with boos”

Andrew Mark Miller has the story at the Washington Examiner:

Romney showered with boos at GOP event
as hecklers call him a 'communist' and 'traitor'

Sen. Mitt Romney was showered with loud boos by a Republican audience in Utah as he attempted to slam President Joe Biden’s agenda.

“I’m a man who says what he means, and you know I was not a fan of our last president’s character issues,” Romney said Saturday as delegates at Utah’s Republican convention shouted their disapproval, with some calling him a “traitor” and a “communist.”

Aren’t you embarrassed?” Romney asked the crowd at one point.

Romney also touted his Republican credentials and told the crowd that the boos don’t bother him.

“You can boo all you like,” said Romney. “I’ve been a Republican all of my life. My dad was the governor of Michigan, and I was the Republican nominee for president in 2012.”

The jeers finally stopped when the outgoing party chairman urged the delegates to “show respect.”

More at the link.  Utah conservatives are not feeding Romney The RINO.  Bravo!

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Thursday, April 15, 2021

Mike Gibbons will run for Portman's Senate seat


Earlier this week, Cleveland.com published Seth A. Richardson’s story about Mike Gibbons, who is running for Rob Portman’s Senate seat.  It begins:

Mike Gibbons, a Cleveland investment banker and real estate developer, announced Tuesday he would again run for Senate after unsuccessfully pursuing the office in 2018.

Gibbons becomes the fourth Republican to officially enter the 2022 race to succeed retiring Sen. Rob Portman, a Republican who announced in January he wouldn’t seek a third term. Gibbons has never held elected office, but ran for Senate in 2018 in an attempt to challenge Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown, losing in the primary to Republican President Donald Trump’s hand-picked choice, then-Rep. Jim Renacci.

“I’m running for Senate because we need to get our economy back on track,” Gibbons said in a statement. “We need to rein in runaway federal spending. We need to secure our borders, stand for life, and defend our 2nd Amendment rights.”

Gibbons, a Cleveland native who grew up in Parma, is the senior managing director of Brown Gibbons Lang & Company, a Cleveland investment firm. He’s been active serving on boards in the community as well as in Ohio Republican politics, including as Ohio finance co-chair for Trump’s 2016 campaign.

. . .

Read the rest here.  It would be nice if Ohio did not replace RINO Portman with another establishment GOP – such as Josh Mandel or Jane Timken. 

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Sunday, April 11, 2021

Is Matt Gaetz another RINO?


Matt Gaetz has been in the headlines recently over what may be trumped-up charges of sexual abuse.  Assuming those charges to be a means to intimidate Rep. Gaetz and pressure him to resign, what got Republic Journal’s attention was the reflexive support coming from the conservative right.  Republic Journal doesn’t think much of Mr. Gaetz, and here’s an excerpt:

Gaetz was at a school in Fort Walton Beach Florida when a student asked him about Florida legislation that allowed gay couples to adopt kids.  Matt said that he was proud to have sponsored that legislation.  This was a strange and bizarre statement because Matt NEVER sponsored any legislation for that purpose.  Why the lie?  No one knows but what came next was shocking as Matt continued by saying that he didn’t believe young people were as judgmental as the older generation.  By judgmental, he meant that older conservatives believed it’s best for a child to be adopted by a male/female couple to represent mother and father.  No one asked him about the older generation, but he used the same phrase that’s taught by the LGBT community for leaders to use.

What’s the point of my rambling?  Matt isn’t what people think that he is and ALL of us should desire principle above personality.  His supporters can’t point to a single piece of legislation that he’s been behind that we support.  They can’t explain why he received maximum donations from strip clubs or used his committee to expand gambling rights when every member voted against it.  Matt has a gift of gab but lacks leadership qualities and depth of conviction.  If we are to drain the swamp then we must desire character above personality and action above talk.  Because Matt talks a good talk no one noticed that he joined the climate change committee to advance their legislative goals.  No one noticed how he attempted to stop a sex trafficking bill that allowed government agencies to talk to each other in real-time to save children from that evil trade.  No one noticed that he was the deciding vote to push Obamacare 2.0 out of the finance committee when conservatives wanted it dead on arrival.  . . .

And the full article by Republic Journal is here.

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Saturday, February 27, 2021



In her American Thinker essay “RINOs: The Scourge of the Republican Party,” Patricia McCarthy speaks for many:

How clueless are the swamp RINOs?  Very, very clueless.  So confident that they can dismiss President Trump like last week's news, a select few of them are hilariously destroying their own brands — as if the 75M+ people who voted for Trump are just going to forget Trump, the best president they've had in decades, and go their establishment way.  This scenario could be a sitcom; that is how comical people like Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell, Nikki Haley, Adam Kinzinger, Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Pat Toomey, and Mike Pence are at this sad moment in time.  They all thought, perhaps still think, that by denigrating President Trump, they will win over those 75M people.  They thought that by blaming him for what happened at the Capitol on January 6, they would be rid of the man who so threatened their cushy, establishment lives. 

How can these lifelong pols be so deluded?  Because they live in a bubble of their own making.  They presume without thinking that they are smarter than "we the people."  Proceeding from that fixed belief, they have no doubt that they can mesmerize us to forget Trump and all the good he did, the promises he kept, the economy he built, the jobs he created, the energy independence he made possible, the control of the southern border he commenced, the wars he did not start, the rebuilding of the military after Obama, the sex-trafficking he interdicted, and much more.  The man was and is the best kind of warrior for America.

No wonder the left has hated and feared him with the "white hot intensity of a thousand suns" (h/t Cheers).  Donald Trump was and is their worst nightmare; he actually does care about "we the people."  That, for the leftists, is a deal-breaker; the "people" are nothing more than units of labor to the left.  They should not have a voice or a vote.  For all their touting of their concern for "the people," they have exactly none. 

. . .

We are experiencing tyranny by executive order, and most of the Republicans are sitting still for it when they should, as a group, be on the steps of the Capitol every day warning the American people about what is happening.

Read the full article here.

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Sunday, December 20, 2020

Alicia Colon on the 2016 and 2020 elections


Alicia Colon brings some historical perspective to the 2020 election fraud:

Most of us, however, were definitely against Hillary Clinton and the idea of Bill Clinton ever being in the Oval office again. Clinton was the first president I’ve ever regarded as treasonous. It was very clever of the Democrats to frame his impeachment as due to an improper sexual incident rather than one of high treason.

According to David Horowitz of Front Page Magazine, as president, Bill Clinton essentially wiped out any strategic advantage the U.S. had by selling advanced U.S. missile technology to our enemy, the People’s Republic of China. His administration took in millions from the military and intelligence services of at least one hostile foreign power. All of this was done in exchange for illegal campaign contributions from a massive totalitarian country determined to eclipse the U.S. as a world superpower. Don’t take my word for it. Google the word China Gate 1996 or read about Johnny Chung and his many visits to the White House. “One of the key technological breaks China received, without having to spy to get it, was the deliverance of supercomputers once banned from export for security reasons,” writes Horowitz.

. . .

The Trump supporters or the Deplorables as we are called, love our president for what he has achieved in the last four years and we don’t give a whit for what he was before. What we do know is that everything he has done has been for all Americans and to save our great nation from the enemy within. What we all believe is that Trump won reelection in a landslide. This is the only fact that makes sense. Compare the millions that attended all his rallies to the empty parking lot Biden events that were held when he infrequently left his basement. What happened on November 3rd, Election Day was that the counting stopped and the Deep State minions had to switch to Plan B. Why? The original theft was supposed to be confined to the Dominion computer program switching Trump votes to Biden but the algorithm was set to handle fewer votes than the Trump landslide. Plan B depended on the phony mail in ballots that would be counted as valid because Democrat election officials had unconstitutionally changed the rules to allow massive voter fraud. We know this because there are videos, hundreds of signed affidavits by witnesses, many patriotic whistleblowers, and yet the Never Trumpers, Rinos, the SCOTUS and the lamestream media are “the none so blind, they will not see.”

Never Trumpers, Rinos, the SCOTUS and the lamestream media are not so much blind as they are complicit.  Read the full column here.

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Thursday, March 14, 2019

Sen Rob Portman votes against Trump's national emergency at the border

From Breitbart:

Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Mitt Romney (R-UT), Mike Lee (R-UT), Rand Paul (R-KY), Susan Collins (R-ME), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Pat Toomey (R-PA), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Rob Portman (R-OH), Roger Wicker (R-MS), Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Roy Blunt (R-MO) voted in favor of eliminating Trump’s national emergency, which would make it harder to secure America’s southern border.

Not veto-proof but still sickening. 
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Thursday, February 7, 2019

"a frenzy of primal extremism"

Conrad Black’s take on President Trump and the potential historical impact of his policies is encouraging. Black concludes:  

Donald Trump’s greatest achievement may be the total annihilation of the Democratic Party in its present mutated and degraded form. The Democrats have been allowed to slither to their present state of moral degradation with the witless and spineless collaboration of look-alike Republicans who are easy to defeat, like McCain and Romney, or can be survived, like Reagan and the Bushes, or destroyed, like Nixon.

Faced with a Trump they could not defeat and cannot destroy, Democrats appear to be entering a frenzy of primal extremism. If the Democrats go to the voters next year as the party of infanticide, open borders, a 70 percent top personal income tax rate, and the practical abolition of private health care, they will vanish more quickly, and with less distinction, than the Whigs, who at least had serious leaders like Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and Abraham Lincoln before their party imploded. This thronging riff-raff of Democratic presidential aspirants couldn’t lead the country across Washington’s Francis Scott Key Bridge, and won’t get an invitation to try.

The full article at American Greatness is here.
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Sunday, November 4, 2018

DeWine vs Cordray

Kyle Morris at Breitbart weighs in on the Ohio race for Governor:

Former Sen. Mike DeWine finds himself as the GOP’s nominee for governor in Ohio, walking a fine line between the establishment ways of old in the era of President Donald Trump.

DeWine, interestingly, has not appeared on stage with Trump at any of the president’s rallies in the Buckeye state. However, he has courted Trump supporters at the periphery, perhaps one of the most awkward intra-GOP marriages between the economic nationalist Trump base and the old ways of the fading establishment in the first midterm election in Trump’s presidency.

The strength of the bond between two rival wings of the GOP will be put to the test on Tuesday as voters in the buckle of the nation’s rust belt decide if they want DeWine, or former Obama administration official and Democrat nominee Richard Cordray, to govern the state.

DeWine’s apparent unwillingness or inability to openly embrace the president in the same way GOP candidates in other races nationwide have done highlights the divide within the Republican party. DeWine, who currently serves as Ohio’s Attorney General, served in the United States Senate long before Trump upended the political landscape.

One of the comments at Breitbart refers to DeWine joining “Team Mailman” in 2010. Heh. Anyway, read the rest here. The race does look like a nail-biter between two awful candidates.

More on this tight race at Watchdog Ohio here.
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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Gov. John Kasich: who knew?

A.F. Branco cartoon via Powerlineblog

Governor Kasich showed his true colors in a tweet, fully rejecting the President’s agenda. Kasich is a globalist and he’s with Hillary. He is opposed to Trump’s concept of America First because he wants to have his Kumbaya moment in history with the leftists of the world.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) criticized President Trump over his rebuke of “globalism” during remarks at the United Nations, while stealing a slogan from Trump’s 2016 Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton.

Kasich warned Trump that his policy of “America First” could result in “America Alone.” He added that the U.S. and other nations are “Stronger Together,” a nod to Clinton’s campaign slogan.

Forget sovereignty, forget borders, and let’s lead from behind. If anyone ever doubted Kasich’s loyalties lie with the left, doubt no more.

Read more here. And as of last winter, Gov. Kasich didn't rule out a 2020 run for the Presidency
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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Gov. John Kasich on immigration

I missed Gov. John Kasich’s appearance on CNN, but Chris Pandolfo at The Conservative Review reports:

John Kasich is cheerleading the rise of a group of Republicans in Congress who are willing to challenge GOP leadership on immigration. No, he’s not supporting the House Freedom Caucus’ fight to get a vote on president Trump’s immigration priorities. The outgoing governor of Ohio and deluded would-be 2020 presidential candidate is siding with the liberal House Republicans who are trying to force a vote to give illegal immigrant DACA recipients U.S. citizenship.

Kasich went on CNN Thursday to praise House RINOs who are threatening to file a discharge petition to trigger an automatic vote on amnesty. He thinks it’s a “really cool thing” that these Republicans are working with Democrats to override GOP leadership to pass a policy that will nullify U.S. sovereignty and encourage the importation of more vicious gangsters and deadly drugs into the country.
. . .
“I think the Republican Party has gone dormant,” Kasich said.

The Republican Party has gone dormant, but not because it won’t pass amnesty legislation. The Republican Party is dormant because of tedious, power-hungry, two-faced puny weasels like John Kasich who shun conservative principles, spit on the Republican Party platform, fight to end-run around the conservative base and help Democrats, and then sycophantically suck up to the liberal media for a few minutes of TV time in exchange for trashing fellow Republicans for acting like Republicans are supposed to.

The rest of the report (and Pandolfo is just getting started in this extract) is here
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Monday, July 24, 2017

Repealing Obamacare: again

YouTube: Right Side Broadcasting

Following President Trumps’s brief speech today (above) in a last-ditch effort to get the Uniparty RINOs to keep their promise to repeal Obamacare, it’s timely to review a couple of reasons why Congress should repeal:
  • Medicare is not the answer. Here is today’s horror story about a 91-year old needing treatment but getting rejected by the system.
  • Single-payer systems put the state, not the individual in charge of medical decisions. Here’s Mr. Vodkapundit (Stephen Green) on the final chapter in little Baby Gard’s life, and the tragic situation with his parents.

Yet Congress is so used to end-running rules, breaking campaign promises, and disregarding their constituencies that it will be a miracle if they do the right thing on healthcare. How do they keep getting away with it? Here’s an essay by Angelo M.Codevillaon at the American Greatness blog about what “regular order” in the legislative process is supposed to look like. 

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Friday, July 21, 2017

What’s wrong with Rob Portman?

cartoon credit: Walt Handelsman
via US News and World Report / The New Orleans Advocate

Do Lisa Murkowski, Rob Portman, and Shelley Moore Capito expect to ever get votes from Republican voters again?
Here’s a question: How long have Republicans been running for federal office on repealing Obamacare, in Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s terminology, “Root and branch”?
Answer: since 2010.
. . .
You would figure that with Donald Trump in the White House and Republican majorities in the House and Senate, repealing Obamacare would be a no-brainer.
OK, the repeal-and-replace angle could be harder to pull off. That’s understandable. There are lots of different kinds of Republicans, and it might be hard to get all of them to coalesce behind a single federal healthcare policy to replace it. Those of us whose studies of the American public sector have led to an understanding that the less federal healthcare policy there is the healthier the healthcare industry will be have a far simpler solution to that problem, but we are unfortunately not the majority — in the House, Senate or public. That’s a shame, and it’s a symptom of a larger civic disease, but that’s for another column in this space. There will be a replacement for Obamacare, and we can hope it’s less awful than what it stands in for.
But when the Senate version of an Obamacare replacement foundered and McConnell announced the next step would be, early next week, an up-or-down vote for an Obamacare repeal now and the crafting of a replacement as a consensus for one emerges, that’s something an entire GOP caucus can vote for.
Minus Susan Collins, of course; Maine’s quote-unquote Republican Senator wouldn’t vote to repeal Obamacare back in 2015 when McConnell’s majority sent a bill doing just that to then-President Obama’s desk to die. But outside of Collins and Mark Kirk of Illinois, who is no longer in the Senate, the rest of the caucus was on board with the repeal.
And yet Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski, West Virginia’s Shelley Moore Capito, and Ohio’s Rob Portman have now joined Collins in announcing they won’t support a repeal when the vote comes up next week.
What is wrong with these people?
Capito laced her announcement with a special bit of arsenic for Republican voters. “I didn’t come to Washington to hurt people,” she said.
No, Senator, apparently you came to Washington to lie to people.
. . .

What’s wrong with these people? My guess in one word: Uniparty. And the rest of Scott McKay's article is here.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Obamacare Repeal? Here we go again.

art credit: angry.net
Just before the Memorial Day weekend, The Spectator reported that

According to this report, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell gave RINOs … more reason to dig in their heels:

This week in an interview with Reuters he said, “I don’t know how we get to 50 [votes] at the moment. But that’s the goal. And exactly what the composition of that [bill] is I’m not going to speculate about because it serves no purpose.”

Let’s count the ways that remark is foolish.

First, it sends a signal to RINOs in the Senate like Bill Cassidy (R-Gutless) and Susan Collins (R-Weak Knees) that McConnell isn’t going to fight very hard to repeal Obamacare. Thus, they can be obstinate in their demands, knowing that McConnell will eventually give in.

Second, it boosts the morale of Obamacare proponents. For example, both Talking Points Memo and the Daily Kos could scarcely contain their glee in reporting McConnell’s remarks.

Finally, it discourages the Republican base. How many times has McConnell said repealing Obamacare was a top priority? In 2012, McConnell insisted he would repeal Obamacare if he became Senate Majority Leader. He reiterated those sentiments the following year when he told CPAC that Obamacare should be repealed “root and branch.” About a month after Trump won the election, McConnell said the “Obamacare repeal resolution will be the first item up in the New Year.” Now he is, in effect, saying, “Gosh, this is too hard.” That sends the message to the Republican base that he was never serious about Obamacare repeal to begin with. It’s not a good idea going into the 2018 election with Republican voters thinking, “Yep, Senate Republicans sold us out again.”

There is nothing wrong with admitting that repealing Obamacare is going to be difficult. You’d have to be sprinkling something pretty potent on your breakfast cereal to think otherwise. But McConnell needed to do so in such a way that rallies the base, lets RINOs know that they won’t have much leeway, and puts Democrats on the defensive.

The rest of the report is here. Main take-away: The GOP hides behind the label “Party of Stupid.” It's better than being exposed as the Party of “Bought” – as in “Uniparty.”

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Saturday, October 8, 2016

Part 2 on the shocking Trump Tape Scandal

art credit: pinterest.com

Shocking. It’s headline news everywhere. The  NY Daily Mail leads off with

Surprise, surprise: Donald Trump has exposed himself one more time — 
as a crude, sexist pig.

First, consider the source of the tape: a nephew of George H.W.Bush. We know the Bushes are voting for Hillary.

This banner headline scandal is as much about media malpractice and dirty Uniparty politics as it is about Trump’s shocking conduct. From over 10 years ago.

And look at the timing. Anything to distract from non-shocking news…
Here come the Wikileaks on Hillary’s Wall Street speeches, a/k/a pay-to-play access.

And the ongoing e-mail security breaches that compromise America’s national security.

And the latest revelation that President Obama exchanged emails with Hillary during her tenure at State, on her unsecured server.

And the ongoing lies to cover up her role in the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, include lying to the bereaved families present at the Air Force base to receive the flag-draped caskets of the deceased.

And the locking up of an inconsequential film-maker to provide further cover for the lie that the terror attack in Benghazi was a spontaneous reaction to the inconsequential video that nobody saw, rather than the planned terror attack deliberately made on the 2012 9/11 anniversary.

Or the victims of Bill Clinton’s serial sexual predatory behavior, whether in office as AG in Arkansas, right up to his terms as President. These victims continue to come forward with their stories. We know of at least one payoff, the $850,000 to Paula Jones. We know that Bill admitted his affair with Gennifer Flowers. And we also know that Hillary repeatedly attempted to discredit and demean Bill’s victims and to cover up Bill’s predatory behavior.

And she is shocked, shocked I tell you, over locker room talk - of the sexual bragging variety - by a private citizen over ten years ago?

The exposure of Trump’s scandalous conduct invites comparison. What about her own history of filthy and disrespectful language – while in office.  

Or her disparagement of blacks and millennials?

One other thing. With this shocking, shocking, shocking tape, we’re seeing more RINOs reveal themselves. Look, there goes Jason Chaffetz! Look, there goes Senator Mike Crapo. And there goes Senator Kelly Ayotte. (Never expected anything different from Lisa Murkowski or Susan Collins.)

Trump is lacing up his boxing gloves and the Clintons can look forward to the worst weeks of their lives.

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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Gov. John Kasich: Conduct Unbecoming

photo credit: wsj.com

Meanwhile, the Daily Caller reports that Ohio Governor John Kasich is so terribly busy that he cannot personally welcome the Republican National Convention into his own state. Bad form and conduct unbecoming.  

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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Ellmers (R-NC) OUT, Davidson (R-OH) IN

art credit for Branco cartoon: pinterest.com

Incumbent Renee Ellmers loses primary,
Warren Davidson will replace Boehner until the next election

With all the headlines on Trump and Clinton, there are two other results from yesterday’s elections that you might have missed. The Washington Post reports:

Warren Davidson, a businessman and former Army Ranger, won a 15-way Republican primary in March in the special election for Ohio’s 8th Congressional District. The tea party candidate rather easily bested more moderate candidates, including two state lawmakers, in a campaign that quickly became ground zero for the party’s ongoing identity struggle in the House that Boehner used to run.

On Tuesday, Davidson easily won the special election in the deep-red district, which will allow him to serve out 2016 in Boehner’s seat.

Read the rest here.

And Renee Ellmers (R-NC) was defeated in the primary yesterday, despite Trump’s endorsement. The News Observer reports (h/t RealClearPolitics):

U.S. Rep. George Holding of Raleigh defeated a fellow incumbent — and a Donald Trump ally — in one of the most-watched congressional primaries in the nation.

Rep. Renee Ellmers’ defeat in the GOP contest marks a major fall for a politician who was once a television political show staple and who worked to recruit Republican women to run for office. Holding presented himself as more conservative than Ellmers.

“You go to Washington and you think you vote the right way,” Holding said at his victory party Tuesday night. “I try to vote in a conservative manner, and you wonder sometimes, do people even notice? This primary gave me the opportunity to learn that people do notice.”

With all precincts reporting, Holding defeated Ellmers by about 30 percentage points. Ellmers squeaked out a second-place finish by less than a percentage point over tea-party-connected candidate Greg Brannon.

This blog expressed disappointment over Trump’s endorsement of Ellmers. She was the first congresswoman  to endorse Trump, but her voting record was terrible. From News/Talk 1010 WCSI:

“Ellmers voted for Obama’s omnibus budget deal, voted to support Obama’s executive amnesty for illegal immigrants and supported John Kasich in a straw poll during the presidential primary,” the aide said Sunday. “Now she’s trying to fool voters to get reelected.”

More here. More on the 2015 Omnibus spending bill here.

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Monday, June 6, 2016

Trump endorses Renee Ellmers?

 Trump endorses Renee Ellmers

Not a good development. From Conservative Review:

[Ellmers is] a fighter alright – a fighter for the Boehner K Street political elites.  There is perhaps no sitting member who embodies the source of anger among Republican voters – the anger that has engendered the rise of Trump in the first place – more than Renee Ellmers.  After she was elected as a “Tea Party conservative” in 2010, she immediately became one of the most loyal foots soldiers for Boehner, Cantor and McCarthy and has done more to fight the conservative grassroots on immigration that any sitting House member.
. . .
Check out her CR profile here, and you will discover a more extensive liberal rap sheet than almost any sitting Republican congressman. 

Ellmers (R-NC) was endorsed by Sarah Palin, and upon election in 2010-11, promptly turned to the left. On immigration issues, NumbersUSA gives her a better report card rating than Conservative Review, but Mr. Trump could have sought out any number of congress critters with better track records. 

Ellmers faces a tough primary tomorrow; here's the report from NPR.
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Thursday, May 19, 2016

Facebook and Conservatives

Photo credit: Breitbart.com
Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy – the RINO leadership in 2014
with Mark Zuckerberg 

About that meeting between Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and concerned conservatives, via Breitbart Big Journalism:

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg met with a range of establishment conservatives in Silicon Valley on Wednesday to discuss the reported suppression of conservative content.

There were reportedly 16 attendees at the meeting, which included:

Glenn Beck, founder of the The Blaze
Barry Bennett, an adviser to Donald Trump
Jim DeMint, former GOP Senator from South Carolina [now at Heritage Foundation]
Robert Bluey, editor in chief of the The Daily Signal
Dana Perino, host at Fox News
Alex Skatell, founder of the Independent Journal Review
Mary Katharine Ham, Hot Air Editor at Large
S.E. Cupp, CNN political commentator
Jenny Beth Martin, CEO of the Tea Party Patriots
Brent Bozell, President of Media Research Center
Zac Moffatt, part of Mitt Romney’s campaign
Arthur Brooks, American Entreprise Institute

Representatives from Breitbart were asked to attend but declined the invitation, as did American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp.

While Breitbart is not entirely free of bias itself (see here and here), its report today expressed a viewpoint that, if indeed embraced by Breitbart, that most conservatives would share.

We do not want, nor do we need, Facebook’s corporate “validation.” We understand algorithms. Our social media team works relentlessly each day using state of the art analytics to monitor and leverage Facebook traffic. We strive for excellence, and we do not need Facebook’s condescension.

Here’s what we and our tens of millions of readers are interested in:

An interview between Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos and Mark Zuckerberg on the topic of free speech and Facebook’s suppression of conservative media. Milo will interview Zuckerberg anytime, anywhere—and we’ll agree to have it broadcast on your live video platform.

Facebook to immediately cease its active suppression of conservative media, as extensively reported by Gizmodo, The Guardian, and myriad other news outlets. Indeed, Facebook’s Trending News chief, Tom Stocky, is a maximum political donor to Hillary Clinton. So there’s no need to “discuss” anything. Facebook did it, Facebook got caught, and it must end.

Bottom line: be interviewed by Milo and stop screwing conservatives.

Free speech is not for sale, and neither are we.

But look at some of the names on the list of “Vichy” conservatives who DID meet with Zuckerberg. I now expect names like Bozell, Beck, and Perino on the list. But it is more than a bit alarming to this Tea Party patriot (small case “p” for patriot is deliberate) that Jenny Beth Martin is on the list. She is not keeping good company these days. And why is she now listed as the “CEO” of Tea Party Patriots, originally organized as a grassroots bottom-up loose organization of disparate Tea Party groups across the country. Cleveland Tea Party does not answer to a CEO. From a philosophical standpoint, we are closer to the Breitbart position quoted above.

This meeting was all about damage control. Once again Sundance exposes the charade.

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