Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label American Thinker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Thinker. Show all posts

Thursday, January 19, 2023

World Economic Forum : not a false alarm


If you think that all this alarm over a New World Order is hypothetical and driven by conspiracy theorists, have a look at Paul E. Scates’s column at American Thinker (“Watch Out for the WEF”), which begins:

As long as I can remember, there have been conspiracy theories about organizations bent on "taking over the world" — The John Birch Society...the Council on Foreign Relations...The Trilateral Commission.  After a tour in Vietnam and two subsequent years privy to top-secret information working for the Naval Security Group (a military arm of the NSA) opened my naïve eyes (I had enlisted in the Marine Corps at age 17 to "fight the communists"), I was angry enough that my government had lied to the American people (repeatedly) to spend much of my college study in discovering how they could get away with such a betrayal.  So I spent a lot of my college studies on government, political psychology, and philosophy in an attempt to understand how governments can so easily and often dupe their loyal populations.  

Fast-forward to the 21st century, where yet another entity is apparently "trying to take over the world."  The World Economic Forum, headed by Klaus Schwab (he of the shaved head, heavy Teutonic accent, and penchant for space movie attire), could be considered just another object of the conspiracy nuts...but that would be a serious mistake.  Schwab and his minions have been working at this for over 50 years and, as far-fetched as it sounds, they're very near achieving their globalist fantasies.  Schwab is now 84 years old, so he and his fellow aging comrades (George Soros is 92) must realize that their time on Earth is getting short.  I believe that's why the "sudden" aggressiveness of the "woke," progressive agenda, with the Critical Race Theory push and the claptrap about gender fluidity, transhumanism, etc.  But this movement for global control is anything but sudden.

In 1967, German socialist agitator Rudi Dutschke, building on Italian communist Antonio Gramsci's cultural Marxism, coined the concept "the long march through the institutions" as a way for Marxists to capture Western societies without recourse to arms.  It called for socialists and their fellow travelers to infiltrate all of society's institutions: politics, education, entertainment, the church, the military, etc.

Today, over 50 years hence, we're seeing the inevitable result of that infiltration . . .

And Mr. Scates enumerates the symptoms we see today of America’s descent into communism.  He concludes his column:

The devil's greatest lie was convincing people that he doesn't exist.  Laura Hollis recently wrote a brilliant essay for the Patriot Post, "'Save the World' Is a Racket; Stop Falling for It."  The WEF's fantastical vision of the future is just such a racket, every bit as foul and putrid as the now-disproven communist myth of equality and freedom was.  But the WEF "solution" is on the verge of becoming reality.

A reader at the American Thinker page comments that raising awareness is a necessary first step to trying to restore our constitutional republic.  Read the full column with reader comments here.

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Saturday, January 14, 2023

mRNA injections: Why aren't more doctors speaking out?


H.P. Smith at American Thinker brings the subject of COVID mRNA injections up to date. He’s asking the right questions of the medical profession (and implicitly the pharmaceutical corporations).  This is an anecdotal report but it will probably resonate with many readers:

. . . Very early on, I was skeptical of these new treatments.  I graduated college with a B.S. in Biology more than 25 years ago, but my career is in finance (long story)…so I understood enough about the scientific process that I was doubtful of their proclaimed “safety.”  Long term safety at that point (and still now) literally could not have been known.  It was far too early.

I researched them and quickly found people like Dr. Simone Gold (America’s Frontline Doctors) and Dr. Peter McCullough…individuals who were willing to risk their careers and reputations to get the message out that maybe we needed to slow down and learn more about the new vaccines.  To me, that was powerful, and rang very true.

. . .

That leads to the real issue here:  With what we are learning now and the rapidly accumulating evidence, how are more doctors not speaking out about this?  And why are so many still recommending the mRNA shots to their patients?  Boosters, boosters, boosters.  

I changed to a new doctor as my primary care physician recently and had my first appointment.  The doctor mentioned that he doesn’t prescribe new medications that have not been around for at least five years, so I asked him how he reconciles that philosophy with the mRNA shots.  He dodged the question three times until it was clear I wouldn’t let it go.  I finally asked him, “Is it your policy to recommend them or the hospitals?”  He said nothing, but stared straight into my eyes for a solid five seconds.  It felt very much like an admission.

He went on to say that if he doesn’t recommend the shots, he will lose his job and possibly his license.  My appointment was the first week of December 2022, and my exit paperwork is three pages…two of which are almost entirely dedicated to pushing the COVID shots.  

The first line under What You Need to Know is “COVID-19 Vaccines are safe and effective.”  They are still saying this!  This is extraordinary.  They still cannot know the long-term effects of the shots; still too soon.  Not to mention that (especially young) otherwise healthy people are dropping left and right (often of heart attacks and strokes), none more publicly than Damar Hamlin of the Buffalo Bills last week.  Myocarditis rates, which used to be roughly 4 in 1,000,000 are now 25,000 in 1,000,000.  . . . .

Much more at the link here.  The take-away:  Is your physician willing to prescribe hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin?

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Thursday, December 29, 2022

Climate change prison


Here’s Andrea Widburg on the most recent climate change insanity:

. . . in accordance with UN and WEF climate recommendations, the city of Oxford (home to the famed university) approved plans mandating that citizens may not drive more than 15 minutes distance from their homes without permission. It’s called the “15 Minute City” and is intended to reduce auto emissions. Mostly, though, it will reduce liberty, which is what climate change madness has always been about.

. . .

Making choices based on lifestyle preferences is a perfectly sound, market-based way to go through life.

But the marketplace is not what globalists want. They want control. Certainly, that’s the case in and around Oxford, England. Word is trickling into America that both the leftist Oxfordshire County Council and the Oxford City Council have plans. Big plans.

. . .

And the conclusion:

. . . Socialism is totalitarianism, which exists under many names (theocracy, military junta, fascism, communism) but, no matter the name, the goal is always the same: Completely control a population for the benefit of a small, well-defined group of elites. In Oxford, England, with its new plan to trap people near their homes and spy on them wherever they go, we’re seeing the latest phase in the socialist crackdown that Rush [Limbaugh] identified 30 years ago.

Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.  Read Ms. Widburg’s column at American Thinker here.

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Thursday, December 22, 2022

Was the COVID scare a dress rehearsal?


At AmericaFirstReport, Dr Joseph Mercola is sounding another alarm, and unfortunately, it makes sense:    


  • Over time, it’s become clear that the globalist cabal seeking to implement a one world government repeatedly tell us what they’re about to do. Table-top pandemic simulations, for example, are a form of dress rehearsal
  • In 2017, Johns Hopkins Center of Health Security held a coronavirus pandemic simulation called the SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 scenario. In October 2019, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in collaboration with Johns Hopkins and the World Economic Forum hosted Event 201
  • As in the SPARS Pandemic scenario, Event 201 involved an outbreak of a highly infectious coronavirus, but the primary (if not sole) focus of the exercise was how to control information and keep “misinformation” in check, not how to effectively discover and share remedies
  • October 23, 2022, Gates, Johns Hopkins and the World Health Organization cohosted “a global challenge exercise” dubbed “Catastrophic Contagion,” involving a novel pathogen called “severe epidemic enterovirus respiratory syndrome 2025” (SEERS-25), which primarily affects children and teens
  • Enterovirus D68 is typically associated with cold and flu-like illness in infants, children and teens. In rare cases, it’s also been known to cause viral meningitis and acute flaccid myelitis, a neurological condition resulting in muscle weakness and loss of reflexes. The virus they modeled in the Catastrophic Contagion simulation appears to be something similar to enterovirus D68, but worse

Read the full report here.  It's a bit technical, but the main point is that these are all tactics to enforce a New World Order.  Yikes. 

RELATED:  J.D. Shurk at American Thinker on “COVID Communism”:

. . . American rights have been sliced and diced until all that is left is the will of the government.  The will of the people, as so many J6 defendants can attest, has limped along on life support, while Big Government assassins seek to smother it dead.  These last three years of COVID-1984 may have changed that depressing prognosis once and for all.  Brutal overreach has more Americans than ever asking why they should be perpetual victims of government abuse.  Many are finally recalling the Founders' wisdom and remembering that government is not their friend.  Many more have begun to realize that a government that refuses to abide by the Constitution is a government with waning legitimacy.  When enough realize that self-government demands that the organs of the State defer to the people, then a tipping point will be reached.  The World Economic Forum's acolytes might have sown the seeds for a "Great Reset," but they may well regret what they eventually reap.

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Saturday, December 17, 2022

Media "logic"


Jack Hellner at American Thinker points out the sheer idiocy of the mainstream media:

This morning on the Today Show, White House doctor and Covid-19 “response coordinator” Ashish Jha was asked about the shortage of children’s medicine. He said there is plenty of supply, but demand is just too high. The hosts on the Today Show didn’t seem to have a problem with such a stupid answer, as they breezed on without even taking a moment to consider the absurdity of his statement. Why is this man treated as an expert on anything?

Using Jha’s “logic”:

  • Last year there was not a shortage of baby formula, there were just too many darn mothers wanting to feed their hungry babies.
  • There will not be a shortage of heating oil this year, there will just be too many people wanting to heat their homes.
  • The economy is doing fantastic, if only real wages hadn’t been dropping for two years straight. 
  • The border is closed and secure, there are just too many illegals wanting to cross.
  • The Biden policies are working well; conservatives are just racist.
  • Crime is under control in major Democrat run cities; there are just too many criminals on the streets.
  • The Afghanistan exit went perfectly well, if not for the deaths, and weapons left behind for terrorists.

The media personalities that allow Jha a pass on his contradictions are the same people that have done little (if any) reporting on the outrageous collusion between government Swamp creatures and the leftwing activists at Twitter to squelch bad press on the Biden family corruption. They were not outraged that Trump and other conservative voices were silenced. They didn’t care that respected and renowned members of the medical community were banned from a social media platform for daring to offer alternative views on the Covid-19 narrative, or disagreeing with governments dictatorial edicts. . . .

The above is most of the column;  the last little bit is here.

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Thursday, December 15, 2022

Scrooge and Biden


At American Thinker, Andrea Widburg invokes the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come when looking at the pitiful state of the Biden pResidency:

. . . In A Christmas Carol, when the 'Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come' shows Scrooge what awaits him—standing invisibly by as people volunteer to attend his funeral only if they get free food, while those who once served him celebrate his passing as an opportunity to enrich themselves—Scrooge has the opportunity to and the gift of making a change to his life. Scrooge willingly expresses remorse and seizes the chance for redemption.

It’s different for Biden. His is a life filled with opportunism, graft, crime, and moral corruption. He’s already the ghost. He’s incapable of remorse, and there will be no redemption.

Because he’s such an awful human being, I can’t say that there’s anything sad about seeing him already consigned to the living hell of invisibility. I’m only sad for the nation that had this man foisted upon it to preside over its decline.

Read the entire column here.  Bah, humbug!

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Friday, December 9, 2022

The Coming Crash of the Climate Cult


cartoon credit: saltbushclub [click to embiggen]


And it is a cult.  Viv Forbes “started his life with candles, kerosene lights, and a wood-burning stove.  His parents milked cows and harvested corn by hand.”  Over time, as energy sources improved, the result was a dramatic increase in the farm's surplus of food."  Now Mr Forbes has a prediction at American Thinker about the future of the Green New Deal:

. . . But what keeps trains, elevators, hospitals, and refrigerators going if we have a still night followed by another cloudy day?  More batteries or Snowy 9 Pumped Hydro?  And if the still cloudy weather continues, what will recharge the Big Batteries and re-pump the hydros?  And will Greens apply the same conservation standards and delaying tactics to wind, solar, hydro, and power line construction that they now apply to coal mines?

. . .

Soon after the last coal power plant is demolished, in a snap of still, cold, cloudy weather, the lights will go out, electric trains will stop, and battery-powered food deliveries to the cities will falter.  There will be uproar in Parliaments, and all Green/Teal/ALP governments will fall.  The media will blame "climate change."

Energy Realists will take over.  They will immediately place orders for dozens of modular nuclear power plants.

But this energy reality will come too late.  Long lines of city-dwellers with bicycles, wheelbarrows and old diesel utes [utility vehicles] will flee from the hungry cities.

Read the article here.  

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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Biden Administration’s Wrecking Balls


Victor Davis Hanson recently published his essay “If You Really Wanted to Destroy the United States, Then . . .” at American Greatness here.  John Dale Dunn has condensed the essay into a column at American Thinker.  Mr Dunn begins:

Victor Davis Hanson is one of the most deservedly admired conservative writers, authors, and commentators in America.  That's why his recent essay about what it will take to destroy America is worthy of your attention. . . .

Hanson's essay breaks down into ten steps, which he analyzes in some detail.  I've summarized those ten points, although I urge you to read his entire essay.

First, surrender America's energy independence.  In this regard, Hanson touches upon attacking coal and nuclear power, draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, canceling oil and gas leases while blocking pipelines, and focusing excessively and expensively on green energy.

Second, inflate the currency and punish those with fixed income while increasing the welfare state. 

Third, erase America's borders while diluting the number of assimilated and patriotic citizens.

Fourth, destroy the public's faith in elections by changing the rules so as to allow for easy fraud via ballot-harvesting and mail-in voting. 

Read the rest of the ten points here or here.  Here’s the grim conclusion of the essay:

We have done all of the above. It would be hard to imagine any planned agenda to destroy America that would have been as injurious as what we already suffered the last two years. 

When Victor Davis Hanson loses his optimism, you know America is collapsing.  

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Thursday, December 1, 2022

Here’s one way to commit election fraud


Jay Valentine at American Thinker describes how to steal votes:

Database latency -- a geeky term, but that’s how they did it!

[DEFINITION via SnowPlow: Data latency is the time it takes for your data to become available in your database or data warehouse after an event occurs.]

A policeman pulls over a speeder.  The police computer reports that three hours ago a similar vehicle and person held up a liquor store -- so the police are on alert. 

No database latency.

County election managers change the zip code of 31,000 voters on September 3. Ballots go out that week.  Those 31,000 are undeliverable.  Someone collects those valid ballots.  On September 15th, those addresses are quietly changed back. 

National Change of Address Database (NCOA) will not pick up those address changes.  They didn’t happen because there is no history.

The 31,000 citizens were getting their mail just fine -- except for ballots.  Ballot addresses were driven by the county mail-in ballot database -- the one that was changed, then changed back.

Welcome to database latency. 

Our bad guy pals know they can change voter rolls, take an action, then change them back.  Who would know? 

A thousand voters are changed from inactive, voted, then changed back, and how would you ever know?  With lots of complex footwork, you could eventually tell from their voter history file -- months after the election.

. . .

To Republicans, election engineering is civics.  To Democrats, it’s business -- and they are great at it!

They know the Republicans have hundreds of diligent election sleuths working in basements and dining room tables checking voter rolls for the dead and the fakes.

They know those people rely on NCOA and Melissa and other highly latent services as their baseline.  If someone moved, it shows up in NCOA -- two months later.

A real voter moved.  They want to keep getting their St. Jude’s donation cards.  They fill in their NCOA form to get mail forwarded to their new address.  Our fraud detectives find this person -- and maybe someone voted for them. Cross out one phantom!

Our bad guys are happy to give up a few retail-level ballots to hide the wholesale-level ballot-gathering apparatus.  They count on it. . . .

And this tactic is but one of many used to steal elections.  Read Mr. Valentine’s full report here.

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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Stolen Elections : Now and Forever


If you are sitting on the fence wondering if the American election process really is utterly corrupt, Michael A. Bertolone at American Thinker has a simple response:

A common reply from Democrats and Bush family-allied Republicans to charges of election fraud in the 2020 and 2022 elections is that those making the charge have “had their day in court and failed to produce substantive evidence to make their case.” In fact, in July 2022, The Hill proudly proclaimed that a conservative group found ‘absolutely no evidence of widespread fraud’ in the 2020 election.  . . .

There’s a good reason that crime scenes are secured with yellow police line tape. It prevents criminals from tampering with and destroying evidence. In the case of the past two elections (2020 presidential and 2022 midterms), no such security measures were taken. In many cases, Democrats had full access to polling places and drop boxes, and had an army of “ballot harvesters” at their disposal. These conditions violated basic rules of evidence, in that the chain of custody was almost immediately broken. And when evidence is manipulated or destroyed, court cases attempting to rectify the transgressions are moot.

Read the rest here. 


  • “Modern Electioneering”: Ballots are not necessarily votes by Sundance at Conservative Treehouse; click here.
  • “This Wasn’t an Election: There Is No Ideological Component To Voter Fraud Whatsoever” (by Dan Gelernter at American Greatness); this report explains some of the ways elections are stolen, and Mr. Gelernter concludes:

It wasn’t the Democrats who stole the election in 2020. It was the politicians. The Democrats couldn’t have gotten away with it without the Republicans handing it to them and looking the other way.

And it just happened again.

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Friday, November 4, 2022

After the Elections

E.M. Cadwaladr published “After the Elections” at American Thinker last month, and I bookmarked it for sharing closer to next week’s election.  The author may sound cynical, but he/she strikes me as realistic – and with some glimmers of hope.  Here are a few extracts:

The people who are currently in charge will cheat in the upcoming election.  There can be no reasonable doubt about this.  The question isn't one of if — it's only how.  It is a question of whether or not they'll be successful, or whether or not enough people of our side will show they have the functional remnants of a backbone.  Whatever shakes out after the circus of mail-in ballots, ballot-harvesting, and all the other tricks we've come to expect — we must remember that the leadership of the Democrat party does not believe in elections even in principle.  They will not consider any manipulation of the electoral process to be cheating.  In their view, they're entitled to win.  If I eat a piece of steak, I do not moralize at all about the unfair slaughter of the beast that it was taken out of.  Our political rights, in the eyes of most of the political class, are something on the order of civil rights of cattle.  This is to say — they are rights they don't believe exist.

. . .

We owe our enemies no consideration whatsoever.  None.  They are not merely the misguided members of our less than perfect national family anymore.  They are as alien to us as anybody could be.  Just consider some of the policies the Democrats have shown themselves quite willing to defend.  Which party was it that brought us degenerate young men on women's athletic teams, or genital removal surgery for toddlers?  What nation in the history of Earth has concluded that the elimination of its own borders was a swell idea, or that subordinating our laws to the whims of unelected foreigners was the height of postmodern chic?  Do you like the wholesale dismantling of your culture as seen every night on television — both in the programming and in the commercials?  How about the war on the economy?  Is that a price you are willing or even able to pay — so that the idiotic "thought leaders" can feel good about themselves?  Did you vote to give up your individual freedom to the WEF [World Economic Forum]?  Do you think Klaus Schwab and Co. consider you anything more than a laboratory animal to be disposed of at the end of their experiment?  It is no longer even tenable to hold onto the least hope that they might somehow, miraculously learn to care.  They have declared themselves our enemies in innumerable polices and in quite explicit language.  It is time we take them at their word.

I am tired of "let's tone down the language" and "let's turn the other cheek."  We have turned the other cheek and gotten it bloodied and bloodied again.  It is good to pray for even the most evil if you can find it in your heart to do so — but there is no virtue whatsoever in entrusting them with anybody's children.  It does little good for the livestock to appeal to the conscience of the butcher.  The butcher does not have one.

I hope the election goes well — but we need to be prepared, as a people born into freedom, to rise in civil disobedience whenever our rights are overthrown.  We need to be prepared to follow the example of the French Yellow Vests, the Canadian Truckers, and the Dutch Farmers.  We need to have the guts to make an ugly, resolute, and inconvenient nuisance of ourselves.  We are Americans.  We have the constitutional rights to assemble and to protest — whether those rights are currently acknowledged by the authorities or not.  We need to accept that we will never restore our freedom sitting in our chairs and waiting for next time.  At the very least, if you can do nothing else, you can still rattle your congressional representative's phone.  If you have feet to stand on, you should be ready and willing to stand in the way of those who despise you and stop the madness they're fomenting.  If we do not stand together now, we'll be divided and eliminated individually, one by one.

Read the entire column here.  

RELATED:  "Through Twitter, Democrats telegraph their last-ditch plan to save their midterms" by Monica Showalter at American Thinker.

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Friday, October 21, 2022

Trump embarrasses the elite


J.B. Shurk at American Thinker has a good one.  He begins:

Donald Trump is still the most popular politician in America.  Despite the best efforts of a Deep State–supporting, fake news–peddling, globalist-puppeteering Axis of Evil dedicated to his disposal, President Trump still stands.  That any man could be so continuously pummeled by the corrupt efforts of America's criminal (in)justice system, sociopathic officeholders, shady spies for hire, and propaganda-spewing press and yet rise with such vim and vigor is a sight to see!  Courage and resilience in the face of unrelenting torment and scorn tend to galvanize those witnessing the bloody spectacle to the sufferer's cause.  To remain undefeated while the torturers' whipping arms become weak and weary inspires legions to remain undefeated, too.  How do great and powerful systems come toppling down?  When one man stands fearlessly before the rot and rancidness with a giant mirror and says, "Look at what you've become."  

And Mr Shurk concludes:

Because no secret puppeteer operating from the shadows owns him, Donald Trump spoke clearly and honestly, and Americans, hearing the truth for the first time in years, liked what he had to say.  What is more, even while being endlessly hounded in office, Trump proved that borders could be protected, Main Street could prosper, America could become energy independent, and that peace could be achieved through the projection of Americans' collective economic strength.  Lower crime, lower illegal immigration, greater middle-class wealth, and relative global peace proved that Trump is right and that the "elites" are hopelessly wrong.

One reason I like Trump is because I despise his enemies, and one reason I despise Biden is because he's in love with our enemies.  You cannot serve effectively as an American president if you hate Americans.  You cannot fight the growing threat of American communism with milquetoast McConnellism as your broken sword.  You cannot be polite and quiet and hope to beat back the Marxist hoards already despoiling America from within the gates and bloodying Americans with nasty blows.  You have to fight back hard.

President Trump embarrasses the "elites" precisely because he is willing to expose them for who they really are.

Read the rest here.  Good stuff.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Joe’s Dementia Song


And now for something completely different. Thomas Lifson is the founder of American Thinker and he posted a short video (2:13) compilation of Biden’s gaffes and memory lapses, all set to music.  Here’s his introduction:

Were the fate of the free world not in the hands of this man, the setting of Joe Biden’s many dementia moments to a catchy tune would be hilarious. Actually, it still is hilarious despite the awful reality underlying it. This is a brilliant satire that is also self-evidently accurate. . . .

Click here, scroll down to the video, and then laugh or cry.

All we need now is another compilation video, set to goofy dance music, of Joe wandering around, looking lost, shaking hands with invisible people, sniffing hair, and sucking Jill’s fingers.

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Friday, October 7, 2022

Fake News 24/7

At American Thinker, Peggy Ryan opens with a brief account of the alien invasion of New Jersey:

'War of the Words': A Global Media Production

On Sunday, October 30, 1938, thousands of radio listeners heard terrifying news: aliens had invaded New Jersey. 

From a New York Daily News article, October 31, 1938:

A radio dramatization of H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds" which thousands of people misunderstood as a news broadcast of a current catastrophe in New Jersey created almost unbelievable scenes of terror in New York, New Jersey, the South and as far west as San Francisco between 8 and 9 o'clock last night.  

Ridiculous, you say.  Why would people believe that aliens had invaded?  They believed because it was news.  Orson Welles's adaptation of the War of the Worlds novel used familiar, trusted devices to report the fictional attack — news bulletins, updates from live reporters on the ground.  He used actual government positions like New Jersey governor and secretary of interior and physical locations like Trenton, Mercer, and Princeton.  These positions and locations were all too familiar to those listening to the "news" updates — confirmation that the reports were real. 

Still, does hearing it on the news make it any less impossible?  Apparently, because thousands were convinced right up until they switched channels or heard the retraction.  But what would have happened if War of the Worlds had been on every channel, reported by all news outlets?  What if there'd never been a retraction?  Wouldn't millions have believed the impossible?

These lessons were not lost on power brokers around the world.  In the U.S. today, eight billionaires control our once free press, while their oligarch allies monopolize social media.  Their messages are not only uniform across all channels, but often repeated word for word.  And because it's every mainstream media channel, because nearly every social media site backs it up, fake news is the order of the day — fabricated stories, nonexistent sources, blatant propaganda presented as fact. 

So how could these information power brokers use this imperium?  Could the "news," say, take a story made from whole cloth, total fiction, and make it real, use it to damage and possibly remove a sitting president?  They could, and they did. 

Read the rest here;  Ms. Ryan explains how “They could, and they did” – and “they do” pretty much all the time.  Ms. Ryan seeks a remedy:

It falls to those who seek truth to help those who can't "judge" for themselves.  We must expose media as the enemy, be armed with facts from reliable sources, expose the lies, and reject the illusions.  It falls to us to educate others.

That’s a tall order.  Keep trying. 

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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Another reason to oppose EVs


As we watch the footage of the damage in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, Thomas Lifson (American Thinker founder and editor) explains in detail why converting to all-electric vehicles is such a bad – and dangerous –idea:

. . . It is fortunate that as of the current moment, electric vehicles constitute only about 100,000, out of nearly 8 million vehicles registered to drive on Florida’s roads. What if they all were electric, the (impractical) dream of greenies?

Depending on how heavily loaded they were, even assuming everyone had a full battery charge, cars from southern Florida would start running out of juice after 100 – 250 miles. They would then have to spend hours at recharging stations, which would rapidly be clogged with other cars and trucks waiting their turn, since an electricity “fill up” can easily take an hour or more, as compared to a couple of minutes for gasoline.  Cars waiting to be charged would spill onto the highways, potentially blocking traffic.

Those cars that ran out of juice on the highway would block traffic. Even assuming that emergency service vehicles could get to them (unlikely if the entire fleet were electric cars), towing a portable generator (powered by fossil fuels, of course) and recharging the stalled vehicles would take plenty of time, as well, further blocking traffic.  The stranded cars would, of course, have no air conditioning, no wipers, no GPS.

In all likelihood, the highways would become vast parking lots, trapping their passengers wherever they happened to be stalled, waiting for the storm and flood waters to reach them, unable to get to safety. . . .

More here.

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Monday, September 26, 2022

Is the rogue FBI coming for you?


Ben Garrison cartoons at News Ammo

It’s almost tongue-in-cheek, but unfortunately, after the Mar-a-Lago raid and the raid on Mark Houck and his family, it’s not.  Pete McArdle posted “How to Prepare for a Pre-Dawn Visit From the FBI” at American Thinker, and here’s part of it:

It’s clear the FBI has no interest in students threatening to shoot up schools (Nikolas Cruz), team doctors who assault underage gymnasts (Larry Nassar), or crackheads illegally possessing guns (Hunter Biden).

No, if you’re a criminal, a pervert, or a Democrat -- or some combination of the three -- the Feebs won’t be busting your door down at three in the morning and dragging you out into the street in your tighty whities.

The folks the Bureau’s been busting lately with great fanfare, and occasionally a CNN news crew in tow, are a different sort altogether: folks who vote Republican; Trump supporters; parents concerned about the crap taught in public schools; and Catholic abortion activists.

That’s who the rogue FBI wants to embarrass, take down, and ruin. So I’ve compiled a list of things you can do to limit the damage when the FBI eventually comes for you.

. . .

Door Signs

There’s two ways you can go with door signs. If you’re resigned to getting busted, put up a sign saying: The door’s open, please don’t bust it down! Perhaps you’ll be lucky and the lead Feeb will simply use the doorknob.

Obfuscation is another way to go. You could try: We love Joe Biden, he’s NOT a useless vegetable!

The Feebs, at least the ones running the show, take their marching orders from ol’ Crusty Joe, and perhaps they’ll forgo having you kneel down on your front lawn while they cuff you.

. . .

Vote this November

Despite all the preparations I’ve suggested, when the rogue FBI comes a knocking at your door, you’re screwed. With the help of Deep State judges and the fake-news media, the FBI will happily ruin you, your family, your finances, and your reputation (see Flynn, General Michael).

And all for having the wrong political views.

The only truly effective way to avoid getting an FBI jackboot placed firmly upon your neck is to vote every Deep State Democrat and RINO out of office this November. That’s the start of reining in the now thoroughly disgraced agency.

And the end of the FBI, as it currently exists, will come when you vote Donald Trump into office in November, 2024. The Donald is famous for settling scores, and I for one can’t wait to see this one settled.

I’d love to write more on this topic but there’s suddenly a lot of flashing lights and loud sirens out front...

The full column is here.  

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Saturday, September 24, 2022

Planet Earth: Down the Drain?


Ed Brodow isn’t too optimistic, either; his title is “Running the World into the Ground”.  Here are the first few paragraphs at American Thinker:

The actions of the people who are in charge of governments are supposed to benefit the countries they serve -- in theory, at least. In practice, the opposite is true. In the West, our leaders are destroying everything they can get their hands on.

This is certainly an apt description of the Biden/Harris administration. They inherited a healthy country from President Trump. The economy was taking off, inflation was practically nonexistent, the U.S. was energy independent for the first time in decades, and the border was closed. So what did Biden do? He immediately set out to reverse everything Trump achieved.

Who can claim to be better off under Biden? The economy has tanked, inflation is at a 40-year high, people can’t afford to heat their homes or fill up their cars with gas, crime statistics are off the charts, and confidence in America is at an all-time low. Biden’s open-border policy, which is opposed by a majority of American citizens, is leading to social unrest and economic chaos. A country without a functioning border is not a country, yet that is where Biden has taken us.

America is marching toward totalitarianism as Biden empowers the DoJ and FBI to go after his political opponents, i.e., at least half of the population. His worst offense, however, is following the climate dictates of the World Economic Forum. Biden is torpedoing the robust U.S. economy in service of a totally false assumption -- that human beings are able to change the planet’s climate. He is raising taxes so that billions of your dollars can be wasted on ridiculous anti-fossil fuel projects.

Biden has declared war on the energy industry in the name of global warming. He wants us to believe that oil, gas, and coal are killing the planet. What is the result of his climate policy so far? “Harvesting of fuel was cut back drastically,” explained Bill O’Reilly, “and that caused the price of oil worldwide to rise, and that caused the price of gas at the pump to rise, and that lit inflation, as all other goods went up in price as well because they are trucked in to the stores and businesses. That is all on President Biden.”

First, human beings are incapable of controlling the climate, which operates in cycles and always has since the planet was created. Second, our economy is dependent on fossil fuels, and -- contrary to the lies fed by the administration -- fossil fuel alternatives do not exist, and will not exist in the foreseeable future. . . .

Read the rest here.  Mr Brodow ends on the hopeful note that the next two elections in the U.S. will reflect the wishes of the voters.  Fingers crossed.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2022

How to help stop voter fraud


Jack Gleason links to the Heritage Foundation’s database documenting proven voter fraud cases at “Electoral Fraud Goes Mainstream" at American Thinker:

. . . The Heritage Foundation has embarked on an extensive investigation of voter fraud -- from both parties, at all levels of government, and in primaries as well as general elections. Katie Samalis-Aldrich and Hans von Spakovsky report “Voter Fraud Cases Continue to Occur, Putting Fair and Free Elections in Jeopardy.“ 

“We recently added nine new cases to the Heritage Election Fraud Database, bringing the total number of entries of proven instances of voter fraud in the database to 1,374. The mounting collection of cases continue to disprove the narrative that voter fraud is not real and that further election integrity measures are not needed.”

These are not “unproven allegations,” but documented court cases where judges and juries have convicted both Democrats and Republicans for not just minor infractions, but significant fraud that has impacted election results. Defendants have pled guilty, paid fines, and spent time in prison. . . .

Further into the article, Mr. Gleason identifies five steps we all can take to improve election integrity:

So what can you do to restore your constitutional right to free and fair elections?

1. Support efforts to clean up voter rolls of people who have died or have moved to another address or out of state. There are databases with this information already, and the only reason not to use them would be to facilitate cheating.

2. Encourage laws to strengthen safeguards for absentee voting and laws that lead to certain prosecution and real penalties for election fraud.

3. Vote in person or submit your absentee ballot as close to election day as possible.

4. Talk to others concerned about election integrity and bring ten of your friends, neighbors, and relatives to the polls with you. Ask if they are happy with the direction of our country and find out if they plan to vote in November. Offer to remind them a day before Election Day and give them a ride.

5. Be alert to the fraud techniques noted in this article and report what you see that’s suspicious to True the Vote, or check this simple list of links for reporting fraud in each state here. You can also submit your information to the FBI tipline. Take photos and videos as evidence.

We are seeing an explosion in crime and violence across the country because of inconsistently applied laws and prosecutors and judges unwilling to convict and punish perpetrators. The same is true with election laws. If individual or organized vote fraudsters see there is little or no consequence to their actions, they will continue to disrupt and alter our elections. . . .

Read the full article here.

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Saturday, September 10, 2022

UPDATE: First Amendment & due process violations


J B Shurk at American Thinker is horrified at the continuing violations of First Amendment rights and due process protections:

Several members of the [American Thinker] community recently focused my attention on the plight of J6 political prisoner Jonathan Mellis, who has already spent nineteen months in the American Gulag for the "crime" of protesting against his government.  

Mellis is one of hundreds who have endured the wrath of a wayward Washington politburo that has thrown Americans' Bill of Rights and founding principles right out the window.  Dennis Prager actually managed to secure a fifteen-minute interview with the incarcerated Mellis on December 22, 2021, and has replayed the disturbing audio for his listeners several times.  I encourage anyone who has not already come across it to find a few minutes to concentrate on their conversation.  The thirty-five-year-old Mellis, whom Prager identifies as a native Tennessean, although he was arrested in Virginia, sounds remarkably calm and composed, considering that he had already endured nearly a full year in jail (with no end yet in sight) and was obviously communicating with Prager from behind enemy lines.  

His story is similar to those of other J6 political prisoners caught up in this abusive, Soviet-style purge, yet his descriptions are unnervingly poignant.  Like so many of us who angrily watched as mass mail-in balloting and other pandemic-related voting shenanigans corrupted the 2020 election, Mellis hoped January 6 would stand as a historic day when civic-minded Americans engaging in political protest would successfully convince Congress and the courts to take a hard look at the suspicious irregularities tainting the election.  He is undoubtedly a fiercely patriotic American who loves his country and would sacrifice anything for it.  He speaks as a man committed to America's foundations in liberty.  He does not sound as if malice has blighted his heart.  He arrived in D.C. to defend America's standing as the "Land of the Free."  He expected to rectify an electoral injustice.  He wanted D.C.'s permanent bureaucracy to visually see the resolve of millions of Americans' moral conviction.  He expected triumph.  And he has received little but despair. . . .

Read the rest here. 

Where are the GOP members of congress?  Why is it Dennis Prager or Julie Kelly (see, for example, here and here – both at American Greatness) banging on the doors to get these people out of jail.

RELATED:  Prisoners are getting assaulted.  

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