Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Elon Musk’s diagram


Diagram at NY Post via Off The Press
[click to embiggen]

This doodle says a lot.  Most of the liberals I know seem unaware that the Democrat party has been taken over by the “woke” progressive left.  Elon Musk gets it. 

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Friday, April 29, 2022

Unintended consequences or deliberate destruction?


At American Thinker, Patricia McCarthy published an excellent summary of the damage inflicted on America to date by the Biden administration.  Here’s some of it:

. . . The damage this progressive cult has done has crippled America in nearly every way possible.  As Steve Feinstein has written, "[t]hese Democrat policies have tangibly and dramatically degraded the quality of life in America[.]"

Inheriting a nation that was energy independent under Trump, Biden put an end to that on day one.  To say his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan was catastrophic is a gross understatement.  He left billions of dollars of state-of-the-art military equipment there and effectively handed Bagram AFB to the Chinese.  Thirteen young Americans were killed needlessly, and thousands of Americans were left stranded to the Taliban.

We do not know as yet, but Biden's folly with Putin and Ukraine could lead to nuclear war.  Biden's devastatingly poor judgment has knocked the dollar off its hundred-year run as the global currency while Putin's ruble has rebounded.  None of the above would have happened or would be happening if Trump were still in office — and everyone knows this.  In short, this administration is the most destructive in American history by any measure.  Biden's Cabinet is the most incompetent in history.  The nation may never recover and the criminal cabal that put him in office is responsible.

Thanks to investigative journalists Peter Schweizer and Miranda Devine, we know that Biden and his son Hunter are congenitally corrupt and virtually owned by the Communist Party of China.  They also used Ukraine as a financial playground, as did the Clintons.  Under the circumstances, it is not outside the realm of possibility that COVID was part of a plan to see Trump ousted from office, to make mail-in ballots seem necessary and to destroy the Trump economy in one fell swoop.  We know that Fauci and his evil pals obsessed with making viruses more dangerous have long-term ties to China, as does Biden, and as do numerous other NeverTrumps in Congress.

. . .

When Obama came to office, he liked to think he was elected to manage our decline.  It was Obama who weaponized the FBI, the CIA and the DOJ.  Obama hated America; he set back race relations at least fifty years.  With the advent of Black Lives Matter, the Democrat party lurched farther to the left; they've now gone so far left that they are aligned with the CCP.  It is as though they have adopted Orwell's dystopian novel 1984 as a handbook for the running of the United States.  Can all this damage done be chalked up to stupidity and incompetence, or is it by design?  . . .

Click here for the rest. 

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UPDATE: Trump rally this evening Apr-29 POSTPONED


UPDATE AT 5:50 PM from NewsAmmo: 

Trump Rally in Nebraska has been postponed 
To Sunday due to weather

Rally on Friday, Apr-29 in Greenwood, Nebraska.  From One America News

The 45th president is set to hold a ‘Save America’ rally in Nebraska with his pick for the state’s next governor. Donald Trump is expected to share the stage with gubernatorial candidate Charles Herbster.

Herbster has recently faced calls to drop out of the race after sexual misconduct allegations, which he has vehemently denied while accusing his rivals in the party of being behind the claims.

The ‘Save America’ rally will be held in Greenwood, which is about 20-miles east of the state’s capital of Lincoln. Tune in to One America News at 6pm PT / 9pm ET for live, uninterrupted coverage of the event.

Check back for updates with links to livestreaming at Right Side Broadcasting Network.

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Mo Brooks spills the beans


Bascott O’Connor reports on the corrupt culture in DC.  From the Blue State Conservative website a day or two ago:

Congressman Caught On Tape
Explaining How “Special Interest Groups
Run Washington”

In March, at a campaign fundraiser, Alabama Republican Congressman Mo Brooks was filmed and confirmed what many voters have suspected for years—money runs congress. Brooks is running for the Republican nomination for the senate seat being vacated by retiring Richard Shelby. The Alabama Senate primary is May 24 and polling has Brooks in third.

Here are the most substantial Mo Brooks quotes from the video.

  • “Special interest groups run Washington.”
  • “In the House of Representatives (I’ll use that as an example because that’s where I work), if you want to be a chairman of a major committee, you have to purchase it, and the purchase price for a major committee (say, like Ways and Means) minimum bid is a million dollars.”
  • “We have committees broken down by A group, B group, and C group. C are the cheapest, B are middling, A is the most expensive. It’s the most expensive because those are the committees that special interest groups care the most about.”
  • “So, where does a congressman come up with a million dollars to be chairman of one of these A committees? You can’t get it from Joe and Jane Citizen because Joe and Jane Citizen back home, they’re not going to be contributing that kind of money. They don’t have it—they need that money for their own families.”
  • “And, so, you have to get it from the special interest groups, and with the special interest groups, there is a quid pro quo. If you don’t do what they tell you to do, they won’t give you the money that finances your chairmanship.”

Read the rest here.  Corruption.  Everywhere.

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Thursday, April 28, 2022

Is JD Vance a Big Tech sleeper cell?

J D Vance is running for Ron Portman's Senate seat and he was just endorsed by Donald Trump.  Cleveland Tea Party does not usually post on gun issues, as most 2nd amendment issues fall outside Tea Party core values. But Ohio Gun Owners (OGO) has posted a lengthy and evidently carefully researched "deep dive" into JD Vance's background -- his associations, affiliations, and relationships.  Click here for the link to the full report.  Here's a sampling from the OGO website:

This is an Ohio Gun Owners RED ALERT.

We hope you will read this post in its entirety and share this with everyone you know before the May 3rd Republican Primary Election.

Everything you and I love about our country is being attacked and, in many cases, defeated.

From taking God out of schools and indoctrinating our kids, to big tech censoring and manipulating the population, to the Radical Left grooming our kids, to shutdowns and mandates, to the destruction of our economy, to the destruction of the family and to the sustained and constant attempts to destroy the right to own firearms, the Left’s culture war to end America is raging.

That means we must FIGHT LIKE HELL if you and I are going to be able to save it.

And the choices we make in the May 3rd Republican primary play a pivotal role in whether or not we are going to be able to win.

The Survey

OGO has issued our 2022 Ohio Gun Owners Candidate Questionnaire to every candidate running to replace Rob Portman in the US Senate.

We have asked each candidate a series of questions on the issues they will likely face if they get elected because their answers give an indication of how they will vote, especially if they have no record that we can objectively investigate.

Up to the moment of this writing, we have received 100% pro-gun surveys from Josh Mandel, Mike Gibbons, Mark Pukita and J.D. Vance.

The Survey’s Weakness

As a non-profit issue advocacy organization, Ohio Gun Owners does not endorse candidates.

We highlight differences between candidates, of course, and we viciously expose the records of anti-gun legislators or candidates whenever and wherever we are able so that gun owners can better decide who they want to represent them in office.

But as Ohio Gun Owners grows larger in size, scope and political power, there is one distinct weakness that we have identified in our survey program:

There is the definite potential for a candidate to deliberately fill out the survey without ever intending to keep their promise. And the reason why is simply because they are making the calculated decision to do whatever is necessary to get elected, knowing it is far harder for an incumbent to be unseated.

That’s why Ohio Gun Owners investigates candidates who are running with no voting record, because we want to see if their past reconciles with what they promise to be in the future.

It is not unfair to say that politicians in the past have said things that they don’t mean just to get elected.

That’s why we investigated J.D. Vance at a deeper level, even though he scored 100% pro-gun on his OGO candidate survey.

Vance: Deep Dive

Someone once said, “Show me who your friends are, and I’ll tell you who you are.”

J.D. Vance’s friends, who he has alliances with, who is funding his campaign and what we uncovered during our investigation is alarming on a scale unlike anything we’ve ever seen in electoral politics.

Quite frankly, the alliances Vance has formed, the business partners Vance has and even some of the businesses Vance has created or invested in are major red flags for anyone who loves America or who may be angry at the levels of freedom that are being stripped away by lawless politicians and their partners in Big Tech.

. . .

Peter Thiel

Get used to the name Peter Thiel – it is a recurring theme throughout this investigation.

Thiel’s proximity to and involvement with J.D. Vance was the initial reason we red-flagged and prioritized this investigation here at Ohio Gun Owners.

So who is Thiel, other than the guy Vance worked/works with in California? And why does he matter?

Well, for starters, Thiel is the #1 financier of JD Vance’s effort to claim one of Ohio’s two US Senate slots.

Peter Thiel is a billionaire Silicon Valley tech investor and executive, deeply in bed with Big Tech.

➜ Thiel co-founded PayPal (which is a full-blown enemy of gun owners).

➜ Thiel sits on the board of Facebook and was Facebook’s first outside investor.

➜ Thiel is the chairman of Palantir, a Department of Defense contractor that specializes in big data analytics. Palantir designed the software behind the enforcement of the unconstitutional Patriot Act, which was neither American nor patriotic.

➜ Thiel is a partner at the Founders Fund, a Silicon Valley venture capital investment firm that invests in technology and artificial intelligence and is composed of partners that founded, were employed by or invested early in companies like PayPal, Google and other Big Tech companies.

➜ Thiel is an investor in a company called Athena Security, which markets an artificial intelligence video surveillance system that scans people in populated areas for the presence of firearms, alerting government “authorities” in the process.

It goes without saying that Facebook has been an eager participant in the censorship of free speech for the last several years, censoring any voice that dares to counter the narratives spewed by the Biden administration or the Fake News Media.

And nearly every conservative in America has been banned or “Zucked” because Facebook’s Misinformation Police decide they don’t like your patriotism.

BlackRock Connections

Peter Thiel, who is a man, is “married” to another man named Matt Danzeisen.

Currently, Danzeisen is a portfolio manager at his “husband’s” company, Theil Capital Management.

But guess who Theil’s “husband” worked for before he came to Theil Capital?  

BlackRock, Inc.

Earlier today, this blog linked to Dr Joseph Mercola's article -- with BlackRock at the center of The Great Reset.  Not pretty.

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Who Will Eventually Own Everything, Including You?

This blog has linked to columns and op-eds by Dr Joseph Mercola — usually on the subjects of COVID and mis-named “vaccines.” This link is to Dr Mercola’s opinion piece at Uncanceled News on The Great Reset, a/k/a New World Order, a/k/a Agenda 21, etc.:

Who Will Eventually Own Everything, Including You?


  • The vast majority of the world’s assets are owned by just two investment firms — BlackRock and the Vanguard Group. Combined, they have ownership in nearly 90% of all S&P 500 firms, and through their investment holdings they secretly wield monopoly control over all industries
  • By now you may be familiar with the World Economic Forum slogan, “By 2030, you will own nothing.” To that end, BlackRock and other investment firms are buying up every single-family home they can find, making cash offers of 20% to 50% above asking price
  • Buying a home has been part of the American dream since the founding of this country. It’s been a significant part of financial success, security and freedom. George Washington declared that “Private Property and freedom are inseparable.” Now, lower to middle class Americans are being intentionally positioned to become permanent renters, which means they cannot build equity
  • This is wealth redistribution from the low- and middle-class to the upper, and it’s in line with plans for societal reorganization described under banners such as The Great Reset, Build Back Better, Agenda 21 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  • These agendas all work together toward the same goal, which is a global monopoly on ownership and wealth, with a clear separation of the haves and have nots; the owners and the owned; the rulers and the ruled; the elite and the serfs

Full article is here.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Has your polling place changed?


Ohio’s primary election day is Tuesday, May 3.  A number of greater Cleveland polling locations have changed.  To see if yours is one of them, click here for Cuyahoga County wards, precincts, and suburbs affected.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

More on the looming food crisis

More on the looming food shortages from the CEO of Goya, via The Liberty Daily:

Goya Foods primarily serves lower-income people. Now, Goya Foods’ CEO is warning America that a “food crisis” is coming.

When [Bob] Unanue says a “food crisis,” he’s not talking about Wagyu beef. He’s talking about beans, rice, and the staples of a basic diet.

. . .

“We are on the precipice of a global food crisis. God created humanity. Humanity has created every way to destroy itself — from nuclear to biological to chemical. But now we’ve waged a war — we’ve weaponized food. In the Ukraine — between the Ukraine and Russia — they represent 50% of the world’s production of fertilizer, 30% of wheat, 20% of corn, 2.5 million acres of sunflowers, other food and minerals . . .

“We’re going to have to tighten our belt and consume less. We’ve gone from oil independence to oil dependence. We’ve given up that position — to have our oil at cost . . . When we bring in stuff from — let’s say, Thailand — coconut water. We’re paying 10 times the freight we usually pay…

“The biggest component in food and anything is transportation. The transportation has skyrocketed because we’ve given up our independence.

Lots more here.  More reasons to stock up. 

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Sunday, April 24, 2022

2000 Mules trailer - election fraud

Below is a link to the trailer for Dinesh D’Souza's forthcoming film 2000 Mules documenting the extensive voter fraud in the 2020 election.  

The movie shows how the 2020 election was manipulated through the use of mail in ballots; it will be released in select theaters May 2nd and May 4th, has a virtual premier May 7th and will be released online May 8th. 

This clip is via Rumble -- click here.

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Saturday, April 23, 2022

Trump rally in Delaware County this evening April 23 UPDATED


Donald J. Trump headlines a rally this evening (Apr-23) at the Delaware County Fairgrounds, his first trip to Ohio since last summer. Trump is slated to speak at 7 p.m., with around three hours of speakers before him beginning at 4 p.m.

This rally may be a game-changer - - and not for the better.  Trump has been under heavy fire from Ohio liberty and veteran’s groups for endorsing squish JD Vance in the Senate race to replace squish Rob Portman.  Cleveland Tea Party’s Ralph King posted this link from Daily Mail reporting on veterans urging Trump to RESCIND his endorsement of Vance.  So one of two scenarios this evening are likely:  1) attendance is way down  or 2) patriots at the rally start to boo when Trump introduces Vance.  Or perhaps Trump will announce he has indeed rescinded his endorsement. We can hope. 

Links to Right Side Broadcast Network (RSBN) livestreams will be posted here later today.

UPDATE:  The Right Scoop has the RSBN links here.

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Now it’s the food processing plants


The headline:

"Random" Spree of Food Processing Plants Burning Down
Is Part of the Food Shortage and Depopulation Plan

Our household pulled the plug on cable TV news many months ago, so we did not watch Tucker Carlson’s report on all the fires at food processing plants.  Instead, we read about it at Liberty Daily. Here’s part of J D Rucker's report posted at Freedom First Network:

Let’s state for the record right up front what I am very certain the destruction of food processing plants is being done intentionally. With over a dozen major food processing plants in North America as well as across the globe “randomly” burning to the ground, exploding, or otherwise being destroyed in the last few weeks alone, this is all part of the plan. It is far too frequent to be random.

I would go so far as to say there have been more “random” food processing plants destroyed in the last few weeks than over the course of the previous decade. Judging by news searches that EXCLUDE 2022, it just wasn’t very common. Now, it’s happening every single week, and often multiple times in the same week.

. . .

On the latest episode of The Midnight Sentinel, I dove into this topic and made some clear accusations. If a few of these plants burned to the ground around the same time, it might be a coincidence. We’re talking about more than a dozen. Once we consider the timing of this all happening a month after Biden’s “food shortage” announcement, it seems way beyond the realm of random chance.

We are still trying to recover from Pandemic Panic Theater lockdowns even as new ones are rearing their ugly heads. The Russia-Ukraine war is ongoing and sparking some of the most massive price hikes the world has ever seen. Bird flu has already killed chickens and turkeys or forced them to be culled to the tune of nearly 30 million. The supply chain has been in a state of crisis since long before Russia invaded Ukraine.

For the architects of The Great Reset to see their dreams come true, they need a complete collapse of western society. It seems to be in process. That means that now is the time to fight back. But how do we fight back against the likes of Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and the various levels of evil being perpetrated against us?

Read the rest here.  Coincidence? Crazy conspiracy theories? Deliberate destruction?  You decide.

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Friday, April 22, 2022

America: out of order


As usual, Victor Davis Hanson nails it.  From American Greatness:

What explains an America that suddenly no longer works? 

First, all of these problems are self-induced. They did not exist until Biden [I would assume that when he refers to “Biden,” VDH means “the Biden Administration.”] birthed them for ideological or political reasons. Apparently, his administration wanted a changing, more favorable electorate and demography at any cost. 

. . .

Second, Biden has no solutions to these self-created problems because of the ideological restraints the Left has imposed on him.

The administration fears the anger of the hard Left more than the furor of the American people. So it will not change, preferring to be politically correct and a failure than to be ideologically incorrect and successful. 

Third, when people object, this administration answers either by blaming others for its self-created mess or by seeking distractions. Now it is faulting gun owners for the crime wave it fostered, supposed “white supremacists” for the racial tensions it fanned, and Putin, whom it appeased.

The common denominator? Biden knows that he inherited a stable, prosperous America and has nearly ruined it. 

Read VDH’s full column here.  But where is the good news?  Sundance at Conservative Treehouse sums up some encouraging and significant push-backs:

[A] more assertive, deliberate, strategic and determined MAGA movement is being noticed everywhere.  There are new combat rules in response to the leftist onslaught toward our children.  . . .

Leftist favorite Netflix, is hemorrhaging users and just lost 30% of its value.  Spotify just refused to renew the leftist idols, the Obamas.  The ultra-leftist Disney Corp just lost their special district status in Orlando, and leftist Twitter is on the verge of a hostile ‘free speech’ takeover by Elon Musk.

. . .

Click here for more.

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Thursday, April 21, 2022

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Masks on a Plane



If you still thought the CDC had any credibility left, Nate Jackson at Patriot Post explains:

U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, an appointee of Donald Trump, on Monday issued a nationwide injunction against the CDC’s mask mandate on airlines and other public transportation. She ruled that the CDC had overstepped its statutory authority, for which it had pointed to the “sanitation” provision of the 1944 Public Health Service Act. She also said the CDC’s mandate violated the Administrative Procedure Act.

. . .

That doesn’t mean the White House pretended to be happy about it. “This is obviously a disappointing decision,” huffed Press Secretary Jen Psaki. “The CDC continues recommending wearing a mask in public transit.”

The CDC continues to be wrong and bereft of credibility.

 . . .

The dirty little secret is that we never needed to wear masks on planes, or pretty much anywhere else, for that matter. “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci on March 8, 2020. He and all the other experts correctly thought the same thing before COVID was politicized and it became a moral imperative to “do something.”

Read the full article here. 

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Monday, April 18, 2022

Dr Mercola on food and fertilizer


Dr Joseph Mercola frequently contributes to the debates over COVID mandates and “vaccine” risks.  Today at NOQ, he sounds the warning on food shortages.


  • Food shortages and skyrocketing food prices now appear inevitable. The global food price index hit its highest recorded level in March 2022, rising 12.6% in a single month. On average, food prices were one-third higher than in March 2021. In the U.S., food prices rose 9% in 2021, and are predicted to rise another 4.5% to 5% in the next 12 months
  • Inflation was already ramping up well before Russia went into Ukraine, thanks to the uncontrolled printing of fiat currencies that occurred in response to the COVID pandemic. Governments’ COVID responses have also wreaked havoc with global supply chains, causing disruptions that continue to this day
  • Ukraine has ceased exports of wheat, oats, millet, buckwheat and cattle, and Russia has banned exports of fertilizer
  • Together, Russia and Belarus provide nearly 40% of the global exports of potash, a key fertilizer ingredient. Russia also exports 48% of the global ammonium nitrate, and combined with Ukraine, they export 28% of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium fertilizers. Experts are now predicting fertilizer prices may double as a result of Russia’s ban on fertilizer exports
  • The long-term answer lies in regenerative biodynamic farming, which does not use any chemical inputs

The full report is here. For what it may be worth, our experiences at various restaurants over the past couple of months include reduced portions and downgraded cuts of meat.  Beef prices have gone up at the grocery store as well. So far, the shelves are still full. 

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Saturday, April 16, 2022

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Trump rally in Ohio April 23


Mark your calendar.  Via cleveland.com:

Donald Trump announces Saturday, April 23 rally in Delaware County

Donald J. Trump will hold a rally later this month at the Delaware County Fairgrounds, his first trip to the state since last summer.

Trump is slated to speak at 7 p.m., with around three hours of speakers before him beginning at 4 p.m.

More here.

Map above shows Delaware County in red, in case you’re considering driving there. 

I am as yet unaware of any endorsements of candidates in various Ohio races.

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President Trump is considering endorsing . . . JD Vance ???

Mike Gibbons is running for Rob Portman’s US Senate seat.  So is J.D. Vance, who is running as a "conservative outsider."  "Outsider," ok.  But "conservative"?  Here’s what candidate Mike Gibbons has to say about Vance:

My bumbling opponent JD Vance has shown how incompetent he is. In a recent tweet, he called for America to abolish the electoral college!

In advocating for France’s national popular voting system, J.D. Vance not only called for automatic voter registration and proxy voting—which would gut the integrity of our elections—but for one-party rule by the same coastal elites that he worked side by side with his entire adult life.

Your representative should understand our election process so they can work to ensure their integrity. I do, but obviously, Vance doesn’t.

Vance’s comments showcase his disregard for our electoral system, his lack of understanding of how to secure our elections, and how he is clearly not ready to take on the many constitutional issues faced in the U.S. Senate.

The Electoral College shouldn’t be abolished. Our elections need protection!

This blog posted earlier on why President Trump’s controversial endorsement of Dr. Oz makes some sense; click here.  However, I do hope he does not endorse Vance.

Bad news.  According to the American Greatness blog, President Trump is considering doing just that.

BTW, click here for Mr. Gibbons’s recent column in the Washington Examiner on the subject of China.

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Inflation and shipping

Our household orders wine online, often from a California-based company.  The other day, the company e-mailed all their customers to give a heads-up on price increases.  Below are the costs associated with the price hikes experienced since 2020, and thus far, it's not showing increases to the costs of growing or processing the actual grapes.  

Warehousing       á 18% 

Staffing                á 15%

Shipping and Materials     á 20%

Trucking                á 25%

Delivery Carriers    á 20%

If vineyards are further impacted by increases in, say, fertilizer or irrigation, the prices will go up some more.   

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Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Trump’s endorsement of Dr Mehmet Oz


Last weekend, when President Trump announced his endorsement of Dr. Mehmet Oz’s campaign in the Pennsylvania race for Senator, the conservative world gasped in shock.  Had Trump made a really bad call?  On Townhall, John and Andy Schlafly (sons of the late great Phyllis Schlafly), explain why Trump’s endorsement is sheer “wizardry” -- and one does have to dive into the local politics to understand:

Pro-China Dave McCormick currently holds a narrow lead in the polls for the open U.S. Senate seat in Pennsylvania. . . . As Philadelphia just became the first major city to reinstate a mask-wearing requirement indoors, McCormick’s deep ties to the communist country that brought us Covid are unhelpful. 

. . .

His rival, Dr. Mehmet Oz, spoke out strongly against mask and vaccine mandates last year, and two years ago Oz helped save lives by promoting hydroxychloroquine. Dr. Oz received a backlash from liberal public health authorities but courageously spoke the truth they suppressed.

. . .

Dr. Oz is almost alone among physician politicians opposing Fauci’s fake science. Last December, Dr. Oz stated that “Dr. Anthony Fauci has lost the faith and confidence of the American people.”

The column closes with:

Trump further overcame his critics [at the recent North Carolina rally] by inviting 26-year-old Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) onto the stage after the Republican Establishment shunned and tried to defeat him for his blunt criticisms. Rep. Cawthorn nearly stole the show with his inspiring words that concluded with his standing up from his wheelchair.

“We have so many in the national party who believe that the key to saving our nation is cheapening our platform and going after these non-existent middle-ground voters,” Cawthorn declared. “My friend, there is no middle ground with Marxists.”

The full column is here.  And especially for those who were not happy with President Trump's reliance on Faux Fauci and the the Scarf Lady Deborah Birx, the Oz endorsement provides a counterweight. 

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