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Showing posts with label American Thinker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Thinker. Show all posts

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Biden Takes On the Soul of the Nation ~ UPDATED


A F Branco cartoon

So pResident Biden will be delivering his “Soul of the Nation” speech Thursday, Sept 1 in primetime - 8pm. I found J. Robert Smith’s preview of this evening’s speech at American Thinker here.  But I have not yet found the speech itself scheduled in the TV listings. 

I would put this speech in my Must Miss category, but if I find that Mr Vodkapundit is going to Drunkblog it live, I’ll add a link later today.  Otherwise, I’ll look for commentary online to share after the speech.

UPDATE:  It’s being broadcast on C-Span.  As of 7:40pm, no sign of Drunkblogging at PJ Media.  ... As of 8pm, still no sign of Drunkblogging at PJ Media.  Apparently, no vodka is strong enough.

UPDATE 2 as of 7:45pm:  Sundance has posted livestream links here.  

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Thursday, August 18, 2022

On Due Process


J6 protestors have been incarcerated for 20 months - and counting - without due process protection.  Donald Trump is having difficulty finding attorneys who will represent him.  At American Thinker, Andrea Widburg provides some important background and history on the Bill of Rights:

Leftists seem pleased that no lawyers will represent Trump. This is a terrible thing that, as much as anything else, represents the downfall of America under the left’s aegis. The aggressive leftist purge of conservative or just brave attorneys is destroying one of America’s greatest institutions: Every person’s right to have an attorney at his side.

In 1770, Redcoats fired on a crowd that had surrounded them, taunting them and pelting them with dangerous projectiles. Five colonists died. The British soldiers claimed self-defense, but the patriots in Boston called it murder. We remember it as the Boston Massacre.

What too few Americans know is that the soldiers, despite a trial in hostile territory, got a stellar defense. Their attorney was John Adams. He knew that representing the soldiers was a risk that could destroy his law practice and impoverish his family, but he also understood something very important about the law in a free country: No one should have to stand alone against the awesome majesty of the state, which has the power of the police, the prosecution, the judge, and the executioner.

. . .

What’s happening here is troubling. As John Adams knew, every person, even a guilty person, needs a friend in the court who will help him when the all-mighty government comes calling. A good lawyer may find himself defending unpopular people or causes, but that comes with the territory in a free country.

Leftists want to destroy this important right. When they’re done, we will all be at the mercy of a government that can abandon due process entirely because hapless defendants will be helpless to assert it. The same government can also do anything it damn well pleases because no lawyers will be there to challenge its illegalities and excesses.

Lots more here.  When the government can abrogate our Bill of Rights, we’re on our own.

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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Monkeypox: is it a real threat?


Mark A. Hewitt summarizes what is known about the dreaded monkeypox scare:

We live in a time of disinformation conceived and issued by the Democrat party and the media.  The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) now want to leverage their latest midterm virus into another round of pandemic fear porn.  Since you cannot trust the FDA or the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) or their spokespeople today, it might be a good time to review what the official research conducted for the military indicated before today’s liars at the CDC and the FDA get crazy again and mandate unwarranted and ineffective masks and lockdowns for monkeypox.

Mr. Hewitt then presents some tables and charts, before concluding:

If today’s reporting is accurate, monkeypox appears to be limited to gay men and those in close contact with gay men.  It is rarely fatal.  It is treatable with monkeypox and smallpox vaccines.  Regardless, Democrats, the media, and blue states will shift into fear porn overdrive.  The rest of America will ignore them.

You can look over the tables and charts here.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2022

American citizenship: what does it mean


American citizenship is Steve McCann’s concern at American Thinker:

From 1860 to 2000, in the largest legal migration in human history, over 61 million immigrants arrived in the United States.  They were not only escaping poverty and oppression, but they were eager to assimilate and attain the most sought-after national status in the world: American citizenship. Today in the 21st century, American citizenship and its one-of-a-kind written contract with the central government, the Constitution with its Bill of Rights, is under relentless assault by the nation’s governing establishment and teetering on the edge of meaninglessness. 

Mr. McCann concludes:

The most meaningful day in my life occurred in 1956 when as a boy of eleven or twelve I became a citizen of the United States.  Little did I know that in my lifetime I would see the descent of American citizenship into near meaninglessness.  A collapse that came about internally and was not directly precipitated by the nation’s foreign adversaries. 

Unfortunately, the bulk of Americans obliviously believe that American citizenship remains what it has always been; in reality, it is rapidly disappearing.

The column is here.   

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Friday, July 22, 2022

Climate change hysteria


At American Thinker, Andrea Widburg puts climate change hysteria -- i.e., the probable next global "emergency" -- in a historical perspective.  Here’s an extract:

Democrats hope Biden uses the climate
to take over and destroy the economy

We've already seen how Biden's initial attacks on our energy industry, through the executive orders he signed on his first days in office, have created a rolling economic disaster.  When energy prices skyrocket, all prices skyrocket.

. . .

the only thing separating our modern era from the pre-modern era is fossil fuel.

When we watch period pieces on TV or in movie theaters (anything about Jane Austen or the tawdry Bridgerton series, for example), the pre-modern world looks lovely: it's all pastoral vistas; politely curtseying maids; abundant food; and brilliantly colored, gorgeous clothes.

In fact, the past was nothing like that.  The 1% experienced those benefits.  The rest of the people lived horrible, short lives.

Everything that needed to be done had only four energy sources to make it happen: human energy, animal energy, limited water energy, and equally limited wind energy.  The reason for slavery was that human energy was the easiest to obtain and exploit, which is why slavery has been a dominant factor in human history for all but the last 200 years.

. . .

It was only by the mid-19th century, as fossil fuel began shaping a new middle class, that an increasing number of people began to have abundant food and clothes, even if they weren't as pretty as those seen in a Hollywood movie.  And it was only after WWII, in an era of abundant fossil fuel, that we finally had a world of plenty that saw more people than at any other time in history live long, comfortable lives.

This is what Biden plans to end with a stroke of a pen. . . .

Read the full column here.

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Thursday, June 30, 2022

Pilot shortages and the vaxx


If you plan to travel by air over the Fourth of July weekend, you may want to have back-up plans.  Air travel these days has been unreliable, with flight cancellations and endless delays.  There is a pilot shortage, and Terry Paulding at American Thinker blames COVID and the jabs:

What’s going on? We’ve never had a pilot shortage before. We may currently have more air travelers needing flights than a year ago, but not more than before COVID—and yet, here we are, facing an entirely new problem. It’s so bad that American Airlines is offering pilots on its regional carriers double and triple pay for the month of July if they’ll take extra flights.

   . . .

Let’s put the blame for this shortage squarely where it belongs: On COVID “vaccination” policy. Many pilots who got the jabs are suffering injuries and have been unable to pass their required 6-month comprehensive physicals. None of us want a pilot who has a heart attack mid-flight. If you search the net, you come up with reports like this one from last week that pretty much says it all but they’re not from mainstream sources, of course. Such reports are forbidden fruit for widely heard reporters.

There’s also the flip side—if pilots refuse to get the jab, they can no longer fly due to mandates. We have a perfect storm: If pilots are vaccinated, many can’t fly because of vaccine injury—a state far, far more common than our government would lead you to believe. They are desperate to keep that fact hidden.

If you’re not vaccinated, you can’t fly either. If you’re in the military (many pilots go commercial after their service years), you have the same problem, so the routine feed of qualified military pilots who transition to commercial piloting is effectively halted as well.  . . .

Full column is here.  More deliberate destruction . . . 

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Friday, June 10, 2022

The dystopian state of our nation


Patricia McCarthy sums up the “Dystopian State of Our Nation” at American Thinker:

"If you want to know who controls you, look at whom you are not allowed to criticize."


The signs of decline are everywhere: violent crimes, corruption, riots, all with little or no consequences for the perpetrators, election fraud, and medical mandates for vaccines that do not work.

. . .

All of this is part of the left's grand plan to "transform" American society from the free nation of our founding into something resembling communist China.  The one thing they did not plan on was the presidency of Donald Trump.  His four-year term in the White House was unexpected because the Democrats were certain that they had that election in the bag.  Hillary was on board with their globalist/Marxist plan, and they just knew that all their plans were a go.  But they underestimated the America First movement and were gobsmacked by Trump's thoroughly unpredictable victory.  That is how blinkered they are. 

. . .

The leftists "know" that if they are doing it, it is the right thing to do.  Convince people that there are multiple genders, that men can get pregnant, that it is fair for men to compete against women as women, and that small children can be "trans."  Anyone who publicly notes their destructive bent will be called a racist or homophobic or transphobic.  That is how they roll, our left.

And whom do they blame for all the chaos they incite?  The deplorables of course: Trump supporters, patriots, constitutionalists, conservatives of every stripe.

. . .

This is their overall strategy.  It is right out of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

So, we now are confronted with the result of at least fifty years of the left's official campaign against all things traditionally American: family, biology, freedom of religion, reverence for the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, equality under the law, and respect for civil society.  They have succeeded wildly. . . .

Much more at the link here.  Reader comments below the article are thoughtful, if distressing.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2022

2000 Mules: “pulling the ripcord”


Andrea Widburg at American Thinker has the follow-up to Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary 2000 Mules:

In his smash-hit move, 2000 Mules, Dinesh D'Souza carefully, and entertainingly, demonstrated how True the Vote, a voter integrity organization, was able to prove incontrovertibly that left-wing non-profits used mules to stuff ballots, bringing in, at a minimum, hundreds of thousands of Biden votes in swing states.  The movie, however, describes the data without releasing them and does not identify the non-profits.  Now, though, True the Vote is planning to publish everything.  That's an information bomb that should blow apart any claims that Biden's victory wasn't the result of massive fraud.

The genius of True the Vote was that it figured out how to use commercially available cell phone location data, along with videos of drop boxes, to prove that, in the five critical swing states that gave the election to Joe Biden, leftist non-profits used mules to deliver dozens of ballots to drop boxes.  The numbers are staggering: at a minimum, 400,000 illegal ballots in the states that turned the election in Biden's favor.

In the review I wrote about the movie, I explained in somewhat more detail how the program worked, but I urge you to see the film for yourself.  The only thing I found a bit disappointing was the fact that the movie did not name the non-profits involved.

Well, that disappointment is over. True the Vote has announced that, in a few weeks, it will make available to the public every single bit of information it has regarding the drop-box fraud.  Or, as Catherine Engelbrecht, who founded True the Vote, calls it, pulling the ripcord . . .

Read the rest of Ms. Widburg’s column here.  The evidence is in, and the “fact-checkers” she quotes are just blowing smoke.  My usual question remains: will anyone be indicted?

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Friday, April 29, 2022

Unintended consequences or deliberate destruction?


At American Thinker, Patricia McCarthy published an excellent summary of the damage inflicted on America to date by the Biden administration.  Here’s some of it:

. . . The damage this progressive cult has done has crippled America in nearly every way possible.  As Steve Feinstein has written, "[t]hese Democrat policies have tangibly and dramatically degraded the quality of life in America[.]"

Inheriting a nation that was energy independent under Trump, Biden put an end to that on day one.  To say his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan was catastrophic is a gross understatement.  He left billions of dollars of state-of-the-art military equipment there and effectively handed Bagram AFB to the Chinese.  Thirteen young Americans were killed needlessly, and thousands of Americans were left stranded to the Taliban.

We do not know as yet, but Biden's folly with Putin and Ukraine could lead to nuclear war.  Biden's devastatingly poor judgment has knocked the dollar off its hundred-year run as the global currency while Putin's ruble has rebounded.  None of the above would have happened or would be happening if Trump were still in office — and everyone knows this.  In short, this administration is the most destructive in American history by any measure.  Biden's Cabinet is the most incompetent in history.  The nation may never recover and the criminal cabal that put him in office is responsible.

Thanks to investigative journalists Peter Schweizer and Miranda Devine, we know that Biden and his son Hunter are congenitally corrupt and virtually owned by the Communist Party of China.  They also used Ukraine as a financial playground, as did the Clintons.  Under the circumstances, it is not outside the realm of possibility that COVID was part of a plan to see Trump ousted from office, to make mail-in ballots seem necessary and to destroy the Trump economy in one fell swoop.  We know that Fauci and his evil pals obsessed with making viruses more dangerous have long-term ties to China, as does Biden, and as do numerous other NeverTrumps in Congress.

. . .

When Obama came to office, he liked to think he was elected to manage our decline.  It was Obama who weaponized the FBI, the CIA and the DOJ.  Obama hated America; he set back race relations at least fifty years.  With the advent of Black Lives Matter, the Democrat party lurched farther to the left; they've now gone so far left that they are aligned with the CCP.  It is as though they have adopted Orwell's dystopian novel 1984 as a handbook for the running of the United States.  Can all this damage done be chalked up to stupidity and incompetence, or is it by design?  . . .

Click here for the rest. 

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Thursday, March 17, 2022

Legal recourse for "vaccines"?


Whether you have gotten the jab or not, Paul S. Gardiner at American Thinker is not the first to point out that the mRNA experimental gene therapy is not a “vaccine.”  That is a distinction that was made early on in the “plandemic.”  But Mr. Gardiner is proposing a potential legal remedy that citizens might demand.  While IMHO it is a long shot, I am sharing it anyway:

. . . Why call an experimental gene therapy product a "vaccine"?  Dr. [David] Martin believes that there are two basic reasons: 1) to circumvent liability for damages, and 2) if the products were called gene therapy or a similar label, most people would wisely refuse to use them.

Regarding avoiding liability for damages, as long as the U.S. is under a state of emergency, things like COVID-19 "vaccines" are allowed under emergency use authorization.  As long as the emergency use authorization is in effect, the makers of these "vaccines" are not financially liable for any damages that comes from their use.  However, Dr Martin states that "there is no liability shield for a medical emergency countermeasure that is gene therapy."  In fact, if the documentation Pfizer and Moderna provided the Federal Drug Administration for emergency use authorization can be proven fraudulent, then there is no legal protection.

Given the above, a multitude of multi-million-dollar lawsuits are possible, if not probable, against the two pharmaceutical companies by parties who have been "injured" in one way or another by Moderna and Pfizer inoculations.  Depending on the evidence produced, criminal indictments may also be a possibility.

What needs to happen next?  Dr. Martin urges citizens to contact their state attorney, governor, representatives, and anyone else who might be in a position to take action to address and correct what he calls a tremendous fraud on the American people. . . .

Full column is here.  Obviously, legal recourse is not the same as a medical remedy, but for what it is worth, calling governors, state reps, et al might get some media attention. 

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Saturday, March 5, 2022

Andrea Widburg: Russia, Ukraine, & Nazis


At American Thinker, Andrea Widburg brings some historical clarity to the word “Nazi” as it is being bandied about in the reporting on Russia and Ukraine:

The word “Nazi” is suddenly everywhere. This isn’t the modern habit of calling everyone we don’t like a “Nazi.” Instead, because of events in Ukraine, the word is showing up in the news, where it has real-world ramifications. . . .

. . . Communism and fascism are the two bastard children of the socialist ideology. Communism calls for the destruction of private property, with the government owning and controlling the means of production, ostensibly for the people’s benefit. Fascism allows private property to exist, provided that the property owners understand that they have no rights separate from the state. Both are totalitarian systems that call themselves “democracies” because people are required to vote for pre-approved chosen candidates. These governments are inevitably repressive.

Most of the world’s governments today are fascist. All power rests in the government, which allows private property to exist but subordinates that property to government control. In China, the control is militaristic and obvious. In Europe, through the EU, it’s bureaucratic and someone more subtle. The current American system—a dominant political party disdainful of the Constitution working hand-in-glove with massive corporate, technocratic interests—is increasingly fascist.

Not all fascists, though, are Nazis. The National Socialist Party in Germany added a few twists to baseline fascist totalitarianism: A quest for world domination and racial obsessions. These two factors led Nazis to believe it was their right to enslave all inferior races except for the Jews, whom they intended to exterminate entirely.

. . .

In the fight for control in Ukraine, both governments are European-style right wing (i.e., totalitarian) governments and both are nationalists. Putin is showing an unnerving yen for regional domination. However, neither the governments nor their troops are Nazis, although each has the potential to be.

Full column is here (includes her chart of forms of government measured by individual freedoms)

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Sunday, February 20, 2022

Fighting fascism


J.B. Shurk at American Thinker offers a glimmer of hope:

Surely the victors over communism, fascism, and Nazism cannot then fall victim to the madness of those same philosophies collapsing their systems from within.  This "Us/Them" self-delusion has kept the citizenry from recognizing tyranny inside its gates.

. . .

The growing tyranny in the West has not happened overnight.  It did not suddenly arrive at our doorsteps with the Chinese Flu.  It has been a nightmare decades in the making.  The difference today is that previously slumbering citizens once sublimely content in the normal humdrum of their lives are waking up to realize that the enemies from our past have returned with a vengeance.  Free speech is treated as dangerous.  Western governments, corporations, and social media platforms engage in rampant censorship.  Race and sexual identity are used as the defining attributes of a person to the exclusion of talent, character, and achievement.  Teachers' unions openly demand the right to indoctrinate children according to the interests of the State.  Parents are threatened for believing that their children belong to them.  The criminal justice system is used as a place to punish political opponents and to protect political friends.  Religious expression is outlawed.  Leftists' "secularized religion" is imposed.  Freedom is disparaged as "right-wing."  Coercion has replaced consent.  Victimhood has replaced virtue.  Conformity has replaced individuality.  "Correct" thinking has replaced freethinking.  "Social justice" has replaced real justice.  And the protection of government has become more important than the protection of human rights.

For the newly awakened, there is a tendency to see all this carnage for the first time with fresh eyes and become overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the rot.  The corruption, criminality, and chaos have infiltrated everything once held dear, and the future seems hopelessly lost.  That hopelessness, however, is not based in reality but rather the "Us/Them" self-delusion that tyranny could not happen here.  It's not easy to accept that the great sacrifices of the past made in the struggle for human freedom have once again been squandered by a new generation of despots.  It is a necessary first step, though, before the righteous can throw themselves into the fight and get back to work.  And once people come to terms with the fact that tyranny not only could happen here but that it is happening here, then they will realize that the struggle has only really begun in earnest.

. . .

Now consider all of the slogans we daily encounter from government and corporate mouthpieces alike: Black Lives Matter!; Build Back Better!; Trans Rights Are Human Rights!; The Science Is Settled!; Save the Earth!; Stop Global Warming!; The War on Women Is Real!; We're All in This Together!; Abortion Is Health Care!; My Body, My Choice!  It doesn't matter how vapid, factually incorrect, or contradictory the political slogan.  What matters is that all of us repeat them obediently to prove our allegiance to and faith in the system.  And therein lies the key to our salvation.  

Lots more here.

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Monday, February 14, 2022

Our Founding Fathers Would All Be Driving Trucks Today


JB Shurk at American Thinker takes a longer look at COVID tyranny and the trucker’s Freedom Convoy.  His article, “Our Founding Fathers Would All Be Driving Trucks Today,” will put a smile on your face.  He begins:

For two years, Western governments have embraced COVID-1984 totalitarianism, and now a group of minutemen truckers is having its say.  It is a recurring theme throughout history that the fight for freedom doesn't really begin until the light of its flame is nearly extinguished.  Then something almost magical happens: the human need for liberty ignites and starts spreading out of control.  Everywhere around us today, Big Tech and Big Government are building monuments to a future of technocratic authoritarianism they envision as inevitable, yet whispers calling for freedom are turning into shouts.

Is freedom on the march?  Freedom is always on the march when it looks almost licked.  What started as gross government overreach may well end up as an army of truckers bulldozing over a police state that once seemed certain.

Go here for the rest of his article.

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Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Vaccine Passports: Coming to a neighborhood near you?


Terry Paulding at American Thinker describes what life is like now in San Francisco, but it’s not just Californians who are miserable; the tyranny of elite politicians and bureaucrats can spread anywhere:

After two solid years of COVID restrictions, many of us have reached a breaking point.  Witness the mass exodus to other states from sunny California.  Who wouldn't want to get out of here, away from this strangling, prison-like "reality"?

Malaise is now spreading throughout the country, as a direct result of Biden's mass migration.  How do you know that your chosen destination hasn't been set upon by a horde of unknown, unemployed migrants?  This makes moving elsewhere less attractive.  You can't know what you'll find when you get there, but it might be just as bad — or if clandestine flights continue, will be soon.  Moving to the south of Texas or Arizona is certainly no longer attractive.  You must pity the people stuck dealing with the relentless and dangerous influx.

Locally, as of yesterday, I've become an Untouchable.  I can no longer eat in a restaurant in any of the communities surrounding my home, or legally enter my gym, attend a concert, go to a museum, or do anything that enriches life beyond the bare bones of going shopping for food or goods or taking a walk outdoors.  Why?  Because I refuse to carry or show a "vaccine passport" or share my "status."

. . .

They have ways to keep us in line.  Why else the twisted J6 narrative and the prisoners' plight?  It's a blatant warning to all of us, in this über-political atmosphere, that unconstitutional imprisonment, without bail or trial, could be anyone's fate.  Watch what you do or say!  You could be next!

We are heading precipitously toward becoming a society that is as repressive and over-controlled as any communist regime.  Force everyone to have a digital vaccine card, and they have won control.  They'll be able to identify — and eventually weed out — those of us who are "non-compliant."  The gamble, that they can get it done before the midterms...we shall see!  Hopefully, although we seem to be losing the battle right now, we can still grind slowly toward winning the war.

The full column is here

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Thursday, January 27, 2022

Blockchain Republics: good news?


 image credit: takeneo.com

I would not have been able to define the word “blockchain” before reading J B Shurk’s column at American Thinker.  Here’s how he describes it -- and why it makes him optimistic:

. . . blockchain is a decentralized database of transactions, and the rate of its adoption around the world is occurring twice as fast as the internet's during its genesis.  It is transforming the world of finance by introducing the existence of digital cryptocurrencies and other financial instruments that cannot be controlled or manipulated by central banks or government spendthrifts.  It will not stop there.  It represents a revolutionary redesign in the ways information, wealth, and governance function by undercutting centralized authority and empowering everyone else.  It is the ultimate tool for slicing and dicing international authoritarianism into parts too dispersed for search engine and social media censors, corporate news propagandists, central bank thieves, or one-world government oligarchs to control.

If you have wondered why totalitarianism has come back into fashion and why Western leaders have spurned freedom for talk of wobbly notions of "democracy," it is because the decentralizing benefits of blockchain technology have the potential to flip the hierarchy of power on its head.  Imagine a future where banks become unnecessary, central banks become obsolete, trade of goods and services no longer requires third-party lawyers or brokers, and personal wealth is secure from the snooping eyes of State agents.  Imagine if Google's search engine, Twitter's and Facebook's fake "free speech" platforms, and breaking news websites could not be manipulated by corporate intermediaries working to stifle certain points of view and push others.  Imagine if services once traditionally left to the government sphere could be contracted among private towns and citizens without any space for regulators or lawmakers to intervene.  Imagine a world in which free speech and free trade are truly free, private property is secure from government taxation, Election Day votes are all easily verifiable through a public ledger, and people can choose to share information and ideas without the cultural Marxism of political correctness turning rights into liabilities.  Moving away from transactions controlled and monitored by "elites," corporations, and governments and toward blockchain transactions that are "housed" nowhere, cannot be altered, and remain secured from bad actors means a system where censorship, coercion, and government monopoly fade away.  

In other words, blockchain technology is the mother of all nuclear warheads against the Davos crowd's dreams of global empire and domination.  No wonder we've had to go into medical lockdown for two years while the super-secret 1% of the 1% figure out how to "Great Reset" the world before the world figures out how to great reset them.

I remain convinced that we are on the threshold of a renaissance for freedom that cannot be terminated early by the collection of corporate, banking, and government powers working so hard today to maintain total control over their populations.  . . .

Read the full column here.

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Thursday, December 16, 2021

Commodities become more valuable than cash


Monica Showalter at American Thinker has a piece on the inflation we are all experiencing.  Here’s a key extract:

. . .[T]oday's inflation is far from done, according to the Fed, which expects to initiate three rate hikes in 2022 to fight it.  As the prices soar, it's likely that that 80% might just go higher.

Fed chairman Jerome Powell says consumer spending is strong, as a sort of point of optimism, but that's weird stuff coming from him.  If he's read anything about past inflationary surges, or maybe looked at the history of Argentina, he knows that consumer spending gets very strong in response to the value of the dollar falling (an inflation byproduct) as well as in response to anticipated price hikes.  Commodities become more valuable than cash, and everyone wants to get his own before the prices go up.  Of course people are buying; that's Your Inflation at Work.

Full article is here.  Stock up!

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Monday, December 13, 2021

The Medical Profession Implodes


At American Thinker, Steve Karp, MD has this to say about his own profession:

In “normal” times, the practice of medicine has many challenges, some from within and some from outside the profession.  If you let it, much of your daily practice follows specialty guidelines, insurance company criteria, hospital formularies, and other annoyances.  None of those entities have any liability when it comes to our patients.  For the most part, liability lies with the treating physician.

Each specialty plays a particular role in a patient’s care and specialists often view issues from different angles while wearing their tunnel-vision glasses.  For instance, some physicians view elevated cholesterol as an indicator to assess other potential underlying medical issues, while a cardiologist will just write a prescription for a statin drug, just as a cat reflexively chases a mouse.

What changed overnight and across the board, was an anti-science attitude across all specialties to everything related to COVID.  A viral infection is not something requiring government management, rather, its encounter is part of a physician’s daily medical practice.  The government has seemingly accomplished what medical insurers, medical boards, and hospitals tried, but had not yet succeeded at: complete mind control of physicians.  And with that, the last vestige of respect I had for my profession died. 

. . .

Read the rest here.  It does seem as though it’s every man for himself when it comes to how any of us make choices about the “vaccine” or ivermectin / quercetin / zinc, etc.

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Monday, December 6, 2021

Weak Men Make Hard Times


At American Thinker, Christian Chensvold brings some clarity to the topsy-turvy world we’re living in ("Weak Men Make Hard TImes"):

There's a popular meme you've probably seen that was floating around even before the endemic pandemic.  The images vary, but the text delineates four stages running thusly:

    1. Hard times make strong men
    2. Strong men make good times
    3. Good times make weak men
    4. Weak men make hard times

This takes us back to step one, after which the cycle repeats itself.

. . .

Key to understanding this so-called "doctrine of the yugas" is that in each of the four stages, one group or form of social organization is the dominant one and the holder of all the culture's moral legitimacy.  Currently, things are so upside-down that in the view of most of the establishment — government, media, education, the entertainment industry, and the business world — an illegal alien who crossed the border this morning, with neither money nor education and thus entirely dependent upon American largesse, has higher "moral value" than a legacy American whose family has been living and paying taxes here for 150 years.  And suppose this simple citizen of the merchant caste criticizes his rulers' importation of the fourth caste from others' lands and demands that they be deported.  In that case, he is branded with the scarlet letter R because — just to chill you to the core and leave no doubt that you're in a cosmic soap opera — per ancient teachings, caste and race overlap.

The ancient doctrine of the four ages is key to understanding where we are now, how we got here, and the correct course of action.  It should be clear that winter has fallen upon us, that we are no longer the land of the free and home of the brave but are on an inescapable path to becoming its very opposite.  In winter, the trees are barren, the antithesis of what they were in that verdant springtime.  You cannot plant seeds because the soil won't sustain them.  You can only bunker down, ride it out, and fight off the wolf at the door.  And you can reflect upon what you learned over the year, where things went wrong, and how to do things differently when spring finally comes.

Full article is here.

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Friday, November 12, 2021

The Destruction is Deliberate


At American Thinker, the pseudonymous columnist Ed Sherdlu makes the case that the destruction of America is the goal of the Biden administration.  And he considers the nomination of Saule Omarova as evidence.  He starts off:

The comptroller of the currency is not another one of those do-nothing Washington jobs.  The person filling this critical role controls all federally licensed banks, credit unions, and foreign banks operating in the United States and similar institutions.  Normally, you would think receiving your postgraduate education at the University of Moscow (in the USSR) and writing your doctoral dissertation on the advantages of Marxism over free economy capitalism might be a disqualifier for this all-powerful position.  But not in the Biden administration.

To Biden and his cronies, the fact that their nominee for comptroller is a lifelong Marxist is not disqualifying.  In fact, to the radical Democrats pulling Biden's strings, Russian-born Saule Omarova's dedication to hardcore communism is one of her strongest qualifications.  Ms. Omarova makes no attempt to hide her radical leftist political and economic feelings other than to try to prevent the Senate committee considering her confirmation from accessing her other "academic" works.

As noted yesterday, some conservatives digging into Omarova's recent past may have found the wooden stake to drive through the heart of her nomination.  In a newly unearthed video clip, this woman who Biden wants to control all our nation's finances told her audience, "In order to prevent climate change, we have to bankrupt all the coal, oil, and gas companies."

Under other circumstances, we might consider this utter foolishness to be little more than the drunken utterance of some Ivy League sophomore.   Unfortunately, in this case, the threat and intent to completely bankrupt American energy producers came directly from the mouth of a person who might be given the power to do just that!

And Mr. Sherdlu concludes:

In looking at Omarova's nomination and everything else this administration has done, from the border to Kabul to the supported terrorists, including Iranians, receiving de facto permission to build their atomic bomb, I believe we are forced into one inescapable conclusion: the Biden/Harris administration's actions are not the result of ineptitude.  They are a carefully thought out, well-planned, and almost flawlessly executed plan to ensure the destruction of the United States as we know her.  It is being viciously implemented by Obama acolytes such as Susan Rice and hundreds of others who are the people really running our country under the Biden administration.

. . . Omarova's nomination leaves little doubt as to their intentions.

The full column is here.  I would like to think that Mr. Sherdlu is wrong, but it's hard to argue with his points. 

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Sunday, October 24, 2021

America in The Twilight Zone?


Patricia McCarthy is a frequent contributor to American Thinker, and I would describe her as level-headed, certainly not prone to wild and crazy conspiracy theories.  So I was interested to see her article “Vaccines: We Are Living in The Twilight Zone” late last week.  She references that famous Twilight Zone episode where earthlings are racing to get on the spaceship to travel to a distant planet, not realizing the alien “book” they’ve been translating is a cookbook, and the earthlings are the food.  Are there comparisons to today’s societal collapse?  You decide.  This extract is close to the end of her article:

Biden’s participation in the Great Reset looks real. He ceased the building of the border wall on day one of his presidency.  He stopped the Keystone pipeline and ended oil drilling on all federal lands.  He purposefully upended the energy independence Trump had achieved.  Gasoline in California is now around $5 a gallon.  Who does this hurt?  The working poor among us.  And with each passing day, it becomes clearer that Biden will not do anything to protect American interests, in Afghanistan for example,  if it might anger China.  He is without a doubt the worst president in US history.  He has, from day one, capitulated to all of America’s enemies,  angered our allies, and put the US, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan in grave danger.  The ever-so-complicit Fauci who had a hand in developing covid in Wuhan is as pro-China as Biden.   

In the meantime, breakthrough infections are killing people as surely as if they were sustenance for the ruling class.   Lives are most likely being cut short, vaccinated teens are being diagnosed with myocarditis.   Moderna has delayed vaxxing teens because of myocarditis.  The entire population of vaccinated people is vulnerable to blood clotting (VITT). 

Despite the volumes of information available about the dangers of the vaccines, such information is avoided or suppressed by the mainstream media.  One has to go searching for it.  So as the jabs keep injuring and killing, they have proven not to protect from Covid and yet the administration and its handmaidens in the media pretend this isn’t so and keep demanding every single person be vaxxed.  Those that submit do not realize they are just pawns in a very nasty global reset plan to… what?  Depopulation?  Shorten lifespans?  Cause infertility?  Massively increasing the wealth of the already wealthy?  All of the above?  . . .

Food . . . for thought.  Read the rest of the article here.

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