Cleveland Tea Party Patriot's
For Immediate Release
April 29, 2009
Contact: Cleveland Tea Party Patriots
Turnin' Up The Heat
Declare Independence From Tax & Spend Politicians
In conjuction with the Nationwide Tea Party Movement the Cleveland Tea Party Patriots are hosting a Freedomfest to celebrate our country's independence and declare our freedom from the tax & spend politicians of today.
When: July 3, 2009
Where: TBA
Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Please help us "Turn Up The Heat" and join us in downtown Cleveland on July 3rd at 4:00pm to kick-off a weekend of celebrations. After the event, join fellow your Tea Party Patriots in attending the Cleveland Indians game and the after game fireworks.
Be sure to check the Cleveland Tea Party Patriot website where you can register for the event, sign up for our future newsletter, get Tea Party gear, volunteer for the event, show your financial support or share your ideas.
Stay tuned for more details!
Cleveland Tea Party Patriots
A non-partisan grass roots movement
A non-partisan grass roots movement