Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Super Bowl Sunday: to watch or not to watch


P.F. Whalen at GenZConservative has some thoughts about Super Bowl Sunday.  He concludes:

This Sunday, there will undoubtedly be millions of fans who tune-in to watch the Super Bowl. They will check the printouts of their office pools every time a team scores, hoping that the current score will pay off with a nice chunk of change and bragging rights. They’ll pay closer attention than normal during breaks in the broadcast for fear of missing a clever Budweiser or Doritos commercial. And at halftime, some will enjoy the show more than the game while others take a moment to socialize.

But there will be less of such folks; much less. Ratings for the NFL have been plummeting since 2017, including Super Bowls. The Thursday Night game during week four of this past season saw ratings drop a whopping 70% compared to last year, and ratings for both the divisional and wildcard rounds of playoffs were down double-digits for every game. Compare those numbers to 2017, and the drops are even more significant.

Less Americans are tuning in to the NFL, and that trend is sure to continue. And you should consider being one of those viewers who change the channel this year. The NFL doesn’t care about you, and they don’t care about our nation. They’ve got an agenda that aligns with the most radical leftists in our country, and that is their top priority. There are plenty of other shows to watch or things to do this Sunday that won’t result in you rewarding leftist radicals with your loyalty and financial support. It might seem impossible to imagine watching anything but the Super Bowl, but it’s not that difficult; and it’s the right thing to do.

Mr. Whalen’s full article is here.  At our house, we’ll be grilling gala burgers, with or without football.

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Thursday, February 4, 2021

Dwindling conservative TV news


Most of us thought that NewsMax and One America News (OAN) were viable alternatives to the mainstream media, including, sadly, Fox.  Now NewsMax has gone to the dark side.  The clip of My Pillow guy Mike Lindell attempting to discuss Dominion voter fraud prompted the host, Bob Sellers, to walk off the set;  you can watch the video on OAN here.

Even One America News can present conflicting reports.  Yesterday, Dan Ball on Real America reported that DC Officer Brian Sicknick’s death was caused by having been struck in the head during the DC riot on January 6 by someone wielding a fire extinguisher.  But we also read that the officer in fact died of some other cause, perhaps related to interaction with a chemical irritant;  see John Nolte’s report at Breitbart here. Kara McKinney reported on TIpping Point that the Officer's cause of death was uncertain. 

It is getting more and more difficult to distinguish between media lies and reliable reporting on television or cable news.  Now NewsMax is crossed off of our list.  Our household relies more and more on online sources and aggregators.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2021

A Tsunami of Hate


David Horowitz is always worth reading or listening to.  Yesterday, he had a piece at FrontpageMag addressing the wide political divide in America.  Here’s part of what he has to say:

The problem is not that we disagree. We are not suffering as a nation from healthy disagreement. We are suffering from a Tsunami of Hate emanating from the Democrat Party that seeks to demonize, criminalize and extinguish dissent from the 75 million supporters of Donald Trump. It is now official Washington dogma that to question an election result – something the congressional Democrats have done in the face of every Republican presidential victory since 2000 - is now “insurrection” and “domestic terrorism,” or the incitement thereto, and needs to be prosecuted and suppressed.

You can’t have a democracy if this is the attitude of a party that controls all three branches of government, is enabled by a corrupt and compliant media, and is determined not just to defeat, but to humiliate, destroy and expunge from the record an ex-president who is supported by a greater segment of the American electorate than any American leader before him.

There is Democrat-sponsored legislation pending that would prevent any public building or artifact, even a “bench” from being named after the 45th president of the United States. There is a farcical witch-trial to impeach the same villain even though he has left office and is now a private citizen. There is even Democrat talk of stripping Trump of his pension, despite the fact that he gave his entire $1.6 million salary as president to the American people - something no president before him has done. If ever there was a public lynching, short of stringing the victim from the nearest tree – and there are no lack of leftwing calls for that – the Democrats’ unrelentingly vindictive assault on the defeated Donald Trump down to the last petty detail is it.

But what is in effect a total war is not merely a war to cancel Donald Trump. If it were, it would be reprehensible enough, but not a threat to the nation itself. This demonic hate directed by the Democrat Party towards Trump is also hate for the 75 million Americans who voted for him. And there is no shortage of reminders of that. Ordinary Americans in all walks of life who happen to think that Trump’s presidency – which included record employment and record economic growth, delivered benefits for all Americans, particularly American minorities, secured America’s borders, defeated America’s terrorist enemies and led to an unprecedented reconciliation between Arab nations and the State of Israel – was a worthy achievement are treated as social pariahs, have their careers destroyed and (shades of the Kremlin) are regarded as mentally unfit and in need of deprogramming.

In a March 2020 interview with Axios, James Clyburn – the third ranking Democrat in the House and the political figure most responsible for Biden’s primary victory - raised the specter of Hitler when speaking about Trump, calling the president a racist and likening modern-day America to Germany during the Nazi Party’s rise to power. “I used to wonder how could the people of Germany allow Hitler to exist,” said Clyburn. “But with each passing day, I’m beginning to understand how. And that’s why I’m trying to sound the alarm.”

A Tsunami of Hate – not “divisiveness” – is the root cause of our political crisis and the most existential threat we have faced since the war to end slavery.

Read the rest here.

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Monday, February 1, 2021

Consumer Watchdog Website

Most conservatives have modified their social media preferences and buying habits to reduce support of Marxist and Never-Trump businesses. Our household makes every effort to NOT buy through Amazon and is no longer on Facebook, Watt’s App, etc.  Below is a link to a list of products and services that conservatives might want to avoid.  It’s a long list, and some of the company names will undoubtedly surprise you.  Some sure surprised this household.  We use Bing or other search engines to avoid using Google, and yet both Bing and DuckDuckGo are on the list – just not in the “WORST” category.  Anyway, you might want to bookmark the list for reference.

Consumer Watchdog Website: click here.

Link: https://investingadvicewatchdog.com/Liberal-Companies-Boycott.html

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`America First PAC: the alternative to CPAC


Evan James at Big League Politics reports:

The second annual America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC) took place Friday night in Orlando, Florida, the same city where CPAC has been holding its own conference.

The speakers at AFPAC included political commentator Vincent James, reporter Jon Miller, bestselling author and columnist Michelle Malkin, former congressman Steve King, sitting congressman Rep. Paul Gosar, and political commentator and activist Nick Fuentes.

AFPAC is a conference specifically for the dissident wing of conservative politics known as the America First movement. The movement held its first political action conference last year in Washington DC as an invitation only event, but this year’s event opened to the public and sold tickets on a first-come, first-served basis.

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The evening’s third speaker was Michelle Malkin. Continuing the tradition of building her major political speeches on a work of poetry, Malkin on this occasion chose William Ernest Henley’s poem “Invictus.” Per usual she delivered a fiery speech that pulled no punches. She tore into globalist “conservatives” like Matt and Mercedes Schlapp, lobbyists and organizers of CPAC, and she ridiculed the recent attempts by the GOP establishment to coopt the term “America First.”

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All of the speeches from AFPAC II can be watched in their entirety below [at the link above]:

Full report is here.

President Trump made it clear in his CPAC speech that he does not intend to launch a third party;  he is trying to drag the GOP back to the right.  CPAC vs. America First PAC is the debate of the day:  many conservatives are not optimistic that the GOPe can be reformed from within.  I have bookmarked Vincent James’ website TheRed Elephants.

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America First PAC: the alternative to CPAC


Evan James at Big League Politics reports:

The second annual America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC) took place Friday night in Orlando, Florida, the same city where CPAC has been holding its own conference.

The speakers at AFPAC included political commentator Vincent James, reporter Jon Miller, bestselling author and columnist Michelle Malkin, former congressman Steve King, sitting congressman Rep. Paul Gosar, and political commentator and activist Nick Fuentes.

AFPAC is a conference specifically for the dissident wing of conservative politics known as the America First movement. The movement held its first political action conference last year in Washington DC as an invitation only event, but this year’s event opened to the public and sold tickets on a first-come, first-served basis.

. . .

The evening’s third speaker was Michelle Malkin. Continuing the tradition of building her major political speeches on a work of poetry, Malkin on this occasion chose William Ernest Henley’s poem “Invictus.” Per usual she delivered a fiery speech that pulled no punches. She tore into globalist “conservatives” like Matt and Mercedes Schlapp, lobbyists and organizers of CPAC, and she ridiculed the recent attempts by the GOP establishment to coopt the term “America First.”

. . .

All of the speeches from AFPAC II can be watched in their entirety below [at the link here]:

Full Report is here.

President Trump made it clear in his CPAC speech that he does not intend to launch a third party;  he is trying to drag the GOP back to the right.  CPAC vs. America First PAC is the debate of the day:  many conservatives are not optimistic that the GOPe can be reformed from within. Meanwhile, I have bookmarked Vincent James’ website The Red Elephants.

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America First PAC: the alternative to CPAC


Evan James at Big League Politics reports:

The second annual America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC) took place Friday night in Orlando, Florida, the same city where CPAC has been holding its own conference.

The speakers at AFPAC included political commentator Vincent James, reporter Jon Miller, bestselling author and columnist Michelle Malkin, former congressman Steve King, sitting congressman Rep. Paul Gosar, and political commentator and activist Nick Fuentes.

AFPAC is a conference specifically for the dissident wing of conservative politics known as the America First movement. The movement held its first political action conference last year in Washington DC as an invitation only event, but this year’s event opened to the public and sold tickets on a first-come, first-served basis.

. . .

The evening’s third speaker was Michelle Malkin. Continuing the tradition of building her major political speeches on a work of poetry, Malkin on this occasion chose William Ernest Henley’s poem “Invictus.” Per usual she delivered a fiery speech that pulled no punches. She tore into globalist “conservatives” like Matt and Mercedes Schlapp, lobbyists and organizers of CPAC, and she ridiculed the recent attempts by the GOP establishment to coopt the term “America First.”

. . .

All of the speeches from AFPAC II can be watched in their entirety below [at the link here]:

Full report is here.

President Trump made it clear in his CPAC speech that he does not intend to launch a third party;  he is trying to drag the GOP back to the right.  CPAC vs. America First PAC is the debate of the day:  some conservatives are not optimistic that the GOPe can be reformed from within.  Meanwhile, I have bookmarked Vincent James’ website The Red Elephants.

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