Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Another misnomer: “Civics Secures Democracy Act”

More A F Branco cartoons at Creators.com

John Fonte at American Mind reports on yet more initiatives to erase America’s past history and culture with progressive ideology.  Here’s his closing:

Legislation currently before Congress would implement this woke revolution in history-civics education. It would implement the teaching of Critical Race Theory and de-legitimize America’s Founders, our principles, and our stories. The legislation is the Civics Secures Democracy Act introduced by Democrat Senator Chris Coons of Delaware and Republican Senator John Cornyn of Texas.

The bill provides six billion dollars over six years in competitive grants to states, local school districts; nonprofits; and to university schools of education for teacher training. It requires a national test on history-civic knowledge that would be developed by educators chosen by the Biden Administration.

. . .

Across our nation, in promoting civic education, many in the Republican and conservative establishment seek “consensus” and “common ground” with the woke progressives. But what common ground is there with those who defame the founders as “enslavers”; portray America’s story as one of “systemic racism”; and reject the principle of human equality exemplified in the Declaration of Independence in favor of “equity” as manifested in the ubiquitous dogma of DEI?

Instead of playing a subordinate role in phony “consensus” projects dominated overwhelmingly by the progressive Left, conservatives should develop solid, accurate, patriotic curricular materials as a distinct alternative to the progressive narrative. This is already happening with Governor DeSantis’s reforms in Florida and the work of National Association of Scholars.

 At the end of the day, we must realize that this is not a simply an academic argument, or merely a policy dispute over history and civics education, but a life and death regime struggle over the American Way of Life.

Read the entire column here. This legislation, the Civics Secures Democracy Act, may be vulnerable to phone calls to Congress from outraged voters.  Go here to find your representative and here for your Senators.

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Thursday, October 13, 2022

Ramirez : Hunter’s laptop

At Patriot Post, Michael P Ramirez has a rather brilliant cartoon on Hunter Biden and his laptop: 

René Magritte is smiling.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Dennis Prager on conservative values


American Greatness published Dennis Prager’s column about conservative values, the first of several, and in this one, Mr Prager zeroes in on the loss of our First Amendment right to free speech:

. . . Liberty is a liberal value as well as a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. Liberty cannot be a left-wing value because the more liberty individuals have, the less power the government has. Conversely, the weaker the state, the weaker the Left.

This especially holds true for the greatest of all liberties—free speech.

Free speech is a fundamental conservative value, and it has been a fundamental liberal value. But it has never been a left-wing value. For that reason, everywhere the Left is dominant—government, media, universities—it stifles dissent. The reason is simple: No left-wing movement can survive an open exchange of ideas. Leftist ideologies are emotion- and power-based, not reason- or morality-based. So, leftists cannot allow honest debate. They do not argue with opponents; they suppress them.

For the first time in American history, freedom of speech is seriously threatened—indeed it has already been seriously curtailed. With the ascent of the Left, the inevitable suppression of free speech is taking place. . . .

Mr Prager’s full column is here.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Joe’s Dementia Song


And now for something completely different. Thomas Lifson is the founder of American Thinker and he posted a short video (2:13) compilation of Biden’s gaffes and memory lapses, all set to music.  Here’s his introduction:

Were the fate of the free world not in the hands of this man, the setting of Joe Biden’s many dementia moments to a catchy tune would be hilarious. Actually, it still is hilarious despite the awful reality underlying it. This is a brilliant satire that is also self-evidently accurate. . . .

Click here, scroll down to the video, and then laugh or cry.

All we need now is another compilation video, set to goofy dance music, of Joe wandering around, looking lost, shaking hands with invisible people, sniffing hair, and sucking Jill’s fingers.

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2022 Election cycle notes


Ohio Voter registration deadline is today Oct. 11. 

The part of any ballot that finds me generally unprepared is the judicial section, particularly the down ballot candidates.  So I consult the website Judge4yourself for candidate ratings.  The ratings also include endorsements by cleveland.com, which is my rule-of-thumb for choosing the other candidate -- in most cases.  This year, there are a couple of judicial candidates who either wouldn't respond to any questions or who got such negatives from the other resources that I would make an exception and vote for the cleveland.com-endorsed candidate (i.e., J Synenberg and Wanda Jones).  Speaking for myself, I either print out the lists or jot the preferred names down on a notepad, as I don't otherwise remember most of their names when I go to vote. 

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Monday, October 10, 2022

Why Doctors Are Lying to You


Like many others in the medical profession who have been censored, vilified, ostracized, and persecuted – because they dared to question the official COVID vaccine narrative, Dr. Joseph Mercola has moved his blogging over to Substack at Take Control.  Here’s the bullet point summary of his posting the other day:

If the COVID shots are as bad as they appear, why isn't your doctor warning you about all their potential side effects, and instead, is encouraging you to get more shots?


  • Doctors are afraid to speak out about COVID treatment and the dangers of the COVID shots because they can lose their ability to practice medicine if they challenge the mainstream narrative
  • Remdesivir is the only “standard of care” drug approved for the treatment of COVID, even though it was found to be ineffective against the infection and had life-threatening side effects, including kidney failure and liver damage
  • Hospitals have an enormous financial incentive to use this toxic treatment, which frequently kills the patient, as the U.S. government pays a 20% upcharge on the entire hospital bill when remdesivir is used. Hospitals are also paid for the use of ventilation and for COVID deaths. Every COVID patient has what amounts to a $400,000 to $500,000 bounty on their head
  • The persecution doctors have suffered under COVID is now about to be cemented into law in California. California Assembly Bill 2098 designates “dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation related to … COVID-19 as unprofessional conduct” warranting disciplinary action that could result in the loss of their medical license. The bill was approved by the California Legislature September 26, 2022, and Gov. Gavin Newsom signed it October 1, 2022
  • By preventing doctors from sharing information and knowledge as they see fit with their patients, California bureaucrats are not only violating the U.S. Constitution and destroying the medical profession as we know it, they’re also pushing medical science back into the Dark Ages, as science can only move forward when there’s free exchange of ideas

Dr Mercola continues:

If you’ve become disillusioned with the medical profession over the past three years, you’re not alone. Many have come to distrust doctors, largely thanks to widespread mistreatment of COVID in hospitals, and doctors’ failure to provide sufficient information about the COVID jabs to make informed consent. Doctors’ enforcing the use of masks, even though they ought to know they don’t work against respiratory viruses, hasn’t helped either.

In a recent interview with Steve Kirsch, Dr. Paul Marik, a pulmonary and critical care specialist and founding member of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), discussed why doctors have been so reluctant to speak out against the clearly dangerous COVID shots. . . .

Read the full posting here.

RELATED: In his book, The War on Ivermectin: The Medicine That Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the COVID Pandemic, Dr. Pierre Kory details the history of ivermectin and the how and why behind Big Pharma’s suppression of this drug when it was found to work against COVID-19.

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Happy Columbus Day

(Reprinted from this blog)

The Daily Signal reported (2019):

On Tuesday, the Washington D.C. City Council approved a measure to abolish the celebration of “Columbus Day,” set to take place on Oct. 14. The holiday will be replaced by “Indigenous People’s Day.” The legislation was fast-tracked by the calling of an emergency session.

The District of Columbia was named after Christopher Columbus and bears numerous monuments and tributes to his legacy, including a large statue in front of Union Station, a famous train hub in the heart of the city. 

The report quotes an article by Jarrett Stepman, author of the new book “The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past.” Some highlights:

It is unfortunate to see what was once a uniting figure—who represented American courage, optimism, and even immigrants—is suddenly in the crosshairs for destruction. We owe it to Columbus and ourselves to be more respectful of the man who made the existence of our country possible.

A few historians and activists began to attack Columbus’ legacy in the late 20th century. They concocted a new narrative of Columbus as a rapacious pillager and a genocidal maniac.

Far-left historian Howard Zinn, in particular, had a huge impact on changing the minds of a generation of Americans about the Columbus legacy. Zinn not only maligned Columbus, but attacked the larger migration from the Old World to the new that he ushered in.

It wasn’t just Columbus who was a monster, according to Zinn, it was the driving ethos of the civilization that ultimately developed in the wake of his discovery: the United States.

“Behind the English invasion of North America,” Zinn wrote, “behind their massacre of Indians, their deception, their brutality, was that special powerful drive born in civilizations based on private profit.”

So many errors in that sentence. Among them: The Virginia Declaration of Rights of 1776 influenced the Declaration of Independence, specified the right to life, liberty, and “the means of acquiring and possessing [private] property” – not private profit.

The truth is that Columbus set out for the New World thinking he would spread Christianity to regions where it didn’t exist. While Columbus, and certainly his Spanish benefactors, had an interest in the goods and gold he could return from what they thought would be Asia, the explorer’s primary motivation was religious.

Read the rest here. And Happy Columbus Day!

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