Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Basics of the New World Order


Antonio Graceffo at The Epoch Times reports on some of the basics of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and why this blog continues to follow the developments:

. . . The WEF effectively recommends policies on everything, from creating digital identity systems and restructuring the global political system to the cessation of fossil fuel use, individual car ownership, and the banning of eating meat.

Even though it’s a private organization with no global or political authority, the event was attended by a long and distinguished list of elected officials and political appointees. This year, 51 heads of state, including Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz, presidents of Spain, South Korea, Poland, and the Philippines, and China’s Vice-Premier Liu He, in addition to 56 finance ministers, 19 central bank governors, 30 trade ministers, and 35 foreign ministers, were at the forum.

Also present were the heads of global organizations, such as IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva, European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

U.S. congressional delegation was also there, including Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Chris Coons (D-Del.), Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), and Gov. Brian Kemp (R-Ga.). On the industry side, there were more than 600 CEOs like JP Morgan’s Jamie Dimon, Goldman Sachs’ David Solomon, and Morgan Stanley’s James Gorman. . . .

. . . The WEF is a globalist organization that wants to compromise the sovereignty of nations, rewrite the world order, and dictate how we live, eat, and think. And for some reason, our leaders and media support them.

As powerful as the WEF participants may be, there are more of us little people than there are of them, and this blog is trying to stay on top of developments.  At the end of the day, I like Neil Oliver’s attitude:

They think they’ve got us scared enough to accept the whole damned lot of it.  Here’s the thing: I am not afraid of them.  I don’t even take them seriously.

Read the rest of Mr Graceffo's column here

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Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Air travel in decline in America


John Nolte has a column at Breitbart that will be of interest to anyone who is still flying the unfriendly skies for business, family, etc.:

After a terrible, dreadful 2022 for airline travel, passengers should expect things to get even worse this year. So says the CEO of United Airlines . . .

Labor shortages?

Maybe firing people who refused to get vaccinated was not such a good idea, especially when the unvaccinated pose no threat to anyone else.

Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to force airline personnel to wear those useless masks for hours and hours on end. Who wants to work under those conditions?

The airlines’ problems are a labor shortage, regulations (like retiring pilots too young at 65), outdated technology, and lousy infrastructure.

Airlines are too beholden to the government. That’s the problem. They are regulated within an inch of their life. When bureaucracies and politics strangle you, you can’t make the necessary moves fast enough when the market shifts.

. . .

Because the federal government is no longer focused on the basics. Today, it’s focused on utopian nonsense like appeasing the transsexual loons, arming Ukraine, and apologizing for colonialism and slavery.

. . .

Where does all the money our government takes in go? Why do our airports look third-world? Why are there not enough hubs? Why can’t we create enough expansion so the metal detector lines don’t look like the lines at Space Mountain? Why is technology so outdated? Why is the labor pool not large enough?

None of this should be happening in a country as wealthy and dynamic as ours. . . .

But it is.  And of course it’s not just air travel that’s deteriorating.  Read the full report here. 

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Monday, January 23, 2023

Neil Oliver: they are coming for your [fill in the blank]


Neil Oliver’s latest monologue/meditation was posted over the weekend at Conservative Treehouse.  And as usual, Mr Oliver knocks it out of the park.  His subject is the imposition of the New World Order, following the gala Davos World Economic Forum conference last week.  Here’s his opening:

Nothing less than our way of life is under threat now. A population distracted by propaganda about one existential threat after another – pandemics, nuclear war, climate crisis – is being herded into an unrecognizable future.

What was done in the name of Covid was grotesque – a violation of the rights of billions of people. Having seen what they can get away with, our so-called leaders have moved on, broadening their scope, as greedy for more as kids left unsupervised in a sweetie shop.

What is happening now, all around us, is the relentless erosion not just of our rights and liberties, but of our lives. It is so blatant – what’s happening – it’s hard to see it for what it is, which is bare-faced daylight robbery.

After Covid, the C-word that’s supposed to be on everyone’s lips … drummed into us night and day by the same complicit media that drives everything else … is climate – Climate crisis, in fact. Two c-words for the price of one.

From all sides, we are bombarded with predictions of the end of the world. Predictions, remember? Computer modelling … the crystal-ball-gazing of the scientific world. . . .

Mr Oliver’s upbeat conclusion:

The race is on. Our so-called leaders, all pumped up on the adrenaline of lockdowns and mandates, have sprinted out of the blocks for the ultimate round of Supermarket Sweep. Into their trolleys, they plan to heap every last aspect of the lives we have had.

They think they’ve got us scared enough to accept the whole damned lot of it.

Here’s the thing: I am not afraid of them.

I don’t even take them seriously.

For the video or the rest of the transcript, click here.

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EGGS: The New Contraband

Eric Lendrum at American Greatness has the headline:

Smuggling of Eggs Across Border Skyrockets Amid Rising Prices

PowerLine’s “The Week in Pictures” has the meme:

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Sunday, January 22, 2023

Is the New World Order DOA?


Today, the link is to Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge. He’s at the point of laughing at the Davos World Economic Forum participants.  I hope he’s on to something.  And it is good to think that our would-be masters are delaying the imposition of their New World Order in which they think they can force us to eat bugs.  Here’s part of Mr. Durden’s column:

Davos 2023: Whistling Past
The Great Reset's Graveyard

, , , So here we are as Davos 2023 winds down and it’s pretty obvious, watching the proceedings, that their entire edifice built on a crude admixture of psychopathy and hubris is tumbling down.

And it’s not only because more of us can see them for what they are, cheap communists in expensive suits, but because there are stark divisions forming within their own ranks.

The problem, however, for most of the committed Davosians is that they still live in the wine-and-cheese-filled amniotic sack of this Swiss Alps version of Oz. They don’t see the gathering storm barreling down the yellow brick road as anything more threatening than a single mosquito is to a cow.

As anyone who has lived in central Florida or studied its cattle industry knows, a few million mosquitos can exsanguinate a cow in a matter of days.

So, watching the proceedings at this year’s Davos was fascinating because, for the first time, the sheen was gone. Too many people were seeing the walls of the echo chamber for what they were; old, shabby, and drafty rather than having the veneer of wisdom that comes with age.

Davos had come out from behind the curtain willingly to declare themselves the saviors of humanity through their Fuhrer’s nutty ideas about transhumanism, 15-minute cities, eating bugs, and renting your life from a central authority.

And it was easy to build a counter-narrative to this insanity that permeated into the zeitgeist by just pointing your finger and laughing at them. . . .

There’s more (click here), including a sampling of headlines during Davos week that struck Mr. Durden as reinforcing his guess that the WEF has jumped the shark. 

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Divide and Rule: The Plan to Make You Disposable

Dr Joseph Mercola reports via Discern Report:


  • Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., details how the global cabal intend to “divide and rule” in order to achieve their exploitative goals
  • The world’s top 1% — the ultra-wealthy — and the modern empires they control — Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Ag — are responsible for destroying the planet and sending most of humanity into financial and health crises
  • It’s an illusion that technology companies are “creating” these systems that will supposedly make our world a better place — they’re largely extracting, using data mining, including mining your mind
  • Divide and rule is a necessity for the 1% to continue to hold on to power as protests and unrest increase
  • Pay attention to the economic policies being pushed while people are divided — that’s really the agenda

The full report is here. And it relates to all the updates from the World Economic Forum this past week in Davis.  So many people I know deplore the “divisiveness” in America today.  It is difficult to convince them that the Progressive left (communists) are dividing us on purpose. 

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Saturday, January 21, 2023

What a 'New World Order' means for you


Paul Joseph Watson has a thread at Summit News on what is happening at the World Economic Forum in Davos.  The postings tell us exactly what our betters have in mind for us.  Here’s a sampling:

A Davos speaker explicitly outlined the World Economic Forum’s agenda when he stated that the goal was to create a “new world order.”

Among the features and goals of the New World Order:

  • So-called 5-minute cities which look like prisons.
  • The end of all car travel.
  • Implanted brain chips.
  • A digital database to monitor who has been vaccinated and who hasn’t.
  • A new “COVID-scale” pandemic.
  • A crackdown on “disinformation” that is preventing people from taking vaccines. [And ex-CNN’s Brian Stelter hosted the WEF’s “The Clear and Present Danger of Disinformation Panel.” You cannot make this stuff up. –D]
  • The end of free speech.
  • LGBT subversion of all culture.
  • A one world religion based on environmentalism.
  • The acceleration of environmental hysteria to seize more power and reduce living standards.

But here’s a smidgen of good news via Drew Hernandez, who is covering the conference:

DAVOS WATCH: The WEF declares they must establish a NEW WORLD ORDER They also openly acknowledge they may not be successful establishing a NWO right now due to times being “hyper partisan and polarized” but are hopeful to establish it in the near future

If all the polarization we are witnessing today serves as a drag chain on the New World Order, well, that’s a good thing. And a few participants are bringing up obvious conflicts between globalism and national sovereignty.  Read the thread here;  it includes Twitter links.

RELATED: Kurt Zindulka quotes from the WEF conference, via Breitbart"If a billion people stop eating meat. . .”  Get ready for the cricket powder in your chips.

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