Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

My Kind Of Pushback

Brett T at Twitchy:

‘I won’t be pathologized for being White’: Man resigns from school district over ‘white privilege’ training

This is quite a letter to the Manchester School District, aka “The Temple of Equity,” from Daniel Concannon, who addresses his resignation letter to “Human Wedgie McGee,” the program director of something called the 21CCLC Program.  . . .
And here it is:

Click to embiggen or go here to read on the Twitchy link.  Wow.  Posted here for inspirational purposes.
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On the Pledge of Allegiance


At American Thinker, Charlotte Cushman explains why students should have the opportunity to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in the classroom:

. . .

Should the Pledge be recited?  And should children be taught the Pledge of Allegiance?  Here is what I wrote to a group of teachers who were discussing whether or not a child should learn the Pledge of Allegiance:

There are a lot of lies being told about the United States and its history right now.  The goal is to get people to hate our country, divide us, and make our country and Western civilization fall.  (I have literally heard people say this.)  Our country was the first country on Earth that was created that recognized individual rights — that each individual had a right to pursue his/her own happiness as long as the rights of others were respected.  Before the creation of this country, people had to live their lives for a king or some other authority.  Slavery was common at that time in history, and while it took time for change to happen (as it always does), it was the idea in the Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal that led to the Civil War and ended slavery in this country.

I understand that some people think that teaching children the Pledge is a form of indoctrination.  Indoctrination is repeating an idea or belief to someone until they believe it.  As this idea or belief is repeated, no proof is given for it, and no questions or discussions are allowed.  The Pledge is not indoctrination if children are taught the accurate history of our country and understand the meaning of the pledge to our flag.  The United States flag is a symbol for freedom, and freedom is essential to life.  It stands for individual rights, and individual rights are essential in order to pursue happiness.  When I pledge to the flag, in my mind I know that I am pledging to the original ideals put forth by the founding fathers: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Therefore, it is logical to say that you're teaching children about the fidelity that the Pledge represents — the fidelity of the concept of individual rights.

By reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, Americans promise to be true to these ideals, not to take freedom for granted, and to remember the countless men, women, and children who have given their lives through the centuries so Americans can live peacefully today.  When children recite the Pledge, they are given the opportunity to think about their roles as citizens, the founding principles of their country, and may be incentivized to think more about the meaning and significance of the Pledge.  The Pledge can stir up curiosity regarding their country and the desire to learn more about early American history.

Only when a person understands the significance and profound meaning of freedom that America has provided can one feel a stab of pride and patriotism.  However, patriotism cannot be forced upon anyone.  Therefore, the recitation should not be compulsory, which means no punitive action should be taken against children who do not recite the Pledge.

. . .

She makes good points.  Full article is here.

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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Gov. DeWine: low marks


Bonchie at Red State:

Ohio's Governor Perfectly Illustrates
What Republican Impotence Looks Like

Ohio GOP Gov. Mike DeWine has been the perfect encapsulation of everything wrong with the Republican Party for a while now. His handling of COVID has been marked by an inconsistent, overly cowardly approach whereby he was behind the curve on everything from lockdowns to mask mandates.

Unlike Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, who has fought oppressive mandates at every level, DeWine didn’t take an objective look at what was working and what wasn’t. Rather, he sought to protect himself, putting in place oppressive mandates and restrictions that appear to have amounted to nothing at all. In fact, Ohio and Florida ended up with nearly identical COVID death rates despite their wildly different policy decisions in regards to the pandemic.

DeWine has been so bad that he didn’t even lift his state’s mask mandate until June 2nd, months and months after it became clear masks weren’t anywhere close to a silver bullet. Worse, he actually encouraged schools to keep masking children up –something that lacks any scientific justification, at this point, with teachers largely being vaccinated.

But it’s not just COVID where DeWine has curled up into the fetal position, looking for CNN approval more than doing what’s right. On the transgender sports issue, he’s already promised to veto any legislation sent to him by Ohio’s GOP legislature that deals with the issue.

There’s more here.  And with Jim Renacci running for Gov., well, that’d just be more of the same.

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Monday, June 28, 2021

President Trump’s statement about former AG William Barr


Sundance at Conservative Treehouse published President Trump’s statement about Deep State RINO AG William Barr. He introduces the statement:

After being duped, played and ultimately conned, by the duplicitous and Machiavellian deep state apparatchik known as former AG Bill Barr {Go Deep Here} it is no surprise to CTH why President Trump would be a level of angry that’s almost unfathomable.

Here’s some of Mr. Trump’s statement:

“RINO former Attorney General Bill Barr failed to investigate election fraud, and really let down the American people. Even the scam that took place in Georgia of ballot stuffing on camera, he couldn’t see what was wrong with it.

Just like he failed to understand the Horowitz report and let everyone down with respect to getting a timely investigation (where’s Durham?) on all of the corruption of the Obama-Biden Administration.

It’s people in authority like Bill Barr that allow the crazed Radical Left to succeed.

. . .

If there was no fraud, why are Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and other States spending so much time and effort on exposing the fraud? We already know that:

•101,789 “obsolete” voters on the rolls in Georgia, including 18,486 dead people

•Ballot batches off by up to 17.5 percent in Maricopa County, Arizona

•“Massive” chain of custody problems with drop boxes in Georgia, missing hundreds of thousands of records for months after the election

•Thousands of ballots “wheeled in through the back door” in Fulton County days after the election

•“Double feeding” ballots in Fulton County, Georgia

•Nearly 200,000 illegal “indefinitely confined” votes in Wisconsin that violated Voter ID law

•“Cash for votes” scheme in Nevada

•Illegal alien votes

•Election law changes were not authorized by the State Legislatures, which is mandated by the U.S. Constitution

There’s more here.  It was always going to be an uphill battle against the Deep State, especially getting a conservative and principled nominee for AG – one that was not already compromised by Deep State membership.  Such a nominee would probably never have gotten confirmed by the Senate.  Still, it is frustrating to see how much effort it takes just to pull back the curtain.

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Sunday, June 27, 2021

“I agree” to being spied on


Carissa Veliz has an unsettling report published on The Daily Mail:

Read this and you won't click 'I agree' ever again:
We're being spied on by phones, computers, TVs, cars –
even the doorbells. Worse, argues Oxford professor
CARISSA VELIZ,we're doing it to ourselves
by giving away our data

Most of us know that our personal data is being collected, stored and analysed thanks to our relationship with our mobile phones, computers and the internet. But are we really aware of the full extent of the privacy invasions into our daily lives?

Let's start at dawn. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? You probably check your phone.

By doing that, you are informing a whole host of busybodies – your smartphone manufacturer, app developers and your mobile company, as well as intelligence agencies (if they happen to be watching you) – what time you wake up, where you've been sleeping and who you share a bed with, providing they keep their phone with them too.

If you wear a smart watch it will have recorded your every movement in bed – including, of course, any sexual activity. Share a picture or record your thoughts on Facebook, or type a search into Google, and that information is tracked and stored.

Perhaps you've run out of sugar and you decide to ask your neighbour if she has some spare. Standing outside her door, you notice there's a new smart doorbell, which records images of those who come near. It's anybody's guess where the footage is going to end up and what it will be used for.

You turn on your smart TV. It is probably identifying everything you watch and sending the data to the manufacturer, third parties, or both.

If you had time to read the privacy policies of the objects you buy, you would also have noticed that your TV picks up and records your spoken words and reserves the right to transmit them to other organisations.

. . .

Read the rest here.

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Saturday, June 26, 2021

Trump rally June 26: livestream link

Right Side Broadcasting Network is live-streaming the Trump rally Saturday, June 26.  President Trump is scheduled for 7pm, but as of this posting at 5:15pm, the livestream is already underway.  So if you are unable to attend the rally at the Lorain County Fairgrounds in Wellington, OH, you can click below to watch.

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Friday, June 25, 2021

Reminder: Trump rally / Sat. June 26 at 7 pm

UPDATE  TODAY:  Saturday, June 26

President Trump’s northern Ohio rally on Saturday, June 26 at 7pm will be at the

Lorain County Fairgrounds Rally in Wellington, OH

in support of Max Miller's Campaign to unseat Anthony Gonzales. Mr. Gonzales voted for Trump's Impeachment.

Here’s the map – it’s south of Oberlin.  

Reserve tickets here.  They are free.

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