Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Bad news from the UK: Brexit is dead

image credit: kapustafinancial.com

Over the weekend, while the media and chattering classes have been hyperventilating over President Trump’s scheduled announcement this evening of his Supreme Court nominee, there was an ominous development in the UK. It’s bad news for those who share the core Tea Party values of fiscal responsibility, limited government, and free [and fair] markets. 

Brexit is dead –  strangled at the weekend by Prime Minister Theresa May and her cabal of Remainer cronies.

It was a brilliant coup, masterfully conducted with a sadist’s attention to detail.

All the ministers in the Cabinet were hauled up to Chequers, the Prime Minister’s country residence, where their phones were confiscated, as though they were naughty children. Then the stubbornly pro-Brexit ones who were rightly disgusted by the shaming sell-out deal May had cobbled together with her virulently Remainer civil servants were given the same choice Rommel was in 1944: cyanide pill or slow career death.
. . .
In June 2016, 17.4 million people — more than had ever voted for anything in British history — voted Brexit to free themselves from the clutches of that Remainer establishment. Now the Remainer establishment has responded as only it knows how: by ignoring the democratic will and shoring up its power base by whatever means necessary.
. . .

Delingpole’s full report is here

President Trump is scheduled to visit the UK at the end of this week, despite planned protests (but at least the anti-Trump balloon over Parliament will now have to share the spotlight with the anti-Mayor Khan balloon).

Exit question: will President Trump be meeting with Nigel Farage this Friday?
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