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Showing posts with label Derek Hunter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Derek Hunter. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The NFL is destroying itself


Derek Hunter at Townhall has thoughts:

The NFL is a private business and they’re free to commit economic suicide any time and any way they so choose, I couldn’t care less from that standpoint. But the idea that any organization that wants my support, and more to the point my money and time, would embrace the idea that there is such a thing as a “black national anthem” and expect me to be cool with it, shows I’ve probably waited too long to walk away. 

. . .

Now the league that prided itself on integrating years before baseball is embracing the segregation it rejected in the past. They’ll now play the national anthem and the “black national anthem” before each game, as well as badger fans with left-wing political messages of victimhood and division. I don’t think there’s a big audience for pampered athletes lecturing their audience about how awful the country, and by extension they are, while those athletes make more for 3 hours of work on a Sunday than the people watching on TV do in a year. Maybe I’m wrong, but last year’s ratings collapse suggests otherwise. 

The NFL doesn’t care all that much because a large percentage of their revenue is through corporate sponsorship. 

The full article is here.  We all know die-hard football fans; heck, some conservatives are die-hard football fans.  But if you are passionate about the sport, how do you reconcile that with a passion for the American National Anthem?

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