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Showing posts with label Issues & Insights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Issues & Insights. Show all posts

Friday, September 2, 2022

Biden’s "House of Horrors" speech


Image via Conservative Treehouse:  Albert Speer would have been proud.

"Biden's malodorous speech on Thursday, bathed in communist red light, was bloodcurdling in its ramifications.  His contempt for at least seventy-five million Americans was disgraceful.  The man is suffering from cognitive decline and is striking out at his political opponents in furious anger.  All of his accusations about "MAGA Republicans" are true of his party, of himself; the speech was a grand exercise in projection and gaslighting."   -- Patricia McCarthy at American Thinker

For President Trump’s reaction, click here

For Sundance on the optics: click here.

For Issues & Insights Board editorial: click here 

Most networks didn’t broadcast his speech.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Defining terms: “Stakeholder capitalism”


The Editorial Board at Issues & Insights weighed in on the recently concluded World Economic Forum in Davos.  The title of the editorial, “The Devils of Davos,” is not hyperbole.  Here’s Klaus Schwab’s shameless statement and a blogger response: 

  • “When it comes to business and economic activities, Davos is not a place for narrow self-interest,” WEF chairman and founder Klaus Schwab said. “It is instead a place for the implementation of the notion of stakeholder capitalism, a concept I’m fighting for since 50 years.”

“‘Stakeholder capitalism’ is an oxymoron, and it is a synonym for fascism,” writes ‘Streetwise Professor’. 

“‘Stakeholder capitalism’ has no limiting principle. It can be used to claim control over anything anywhere anytime … It is a synonym for fascism because it is a variant on corporatism, which is the essence of the fascist economic model.”

More interesting quotes and comments at Issues & Insights are here. And “Streetwise Professor” further elaborates:

'Stakeholder capitalism’ is an oxymoron, because capitalism means that the owners of capital make the decisions on how it is used. Marxists have never liked the way that capitalists used it, which is why they wanted to expropriate it. At least they were honest, and didn’t say they were advocating “socialized capitalism.” “Stakeholder capitalism” means that those who don’t own something can nonetheless dictate how to use it, because they have some self-asserted “stake” in it. Using the word “capitalism” is a clever trick to seduce non-Marxists into believing that what Schwab et al are advocating is just a kinder, gentler version of a free market economy, when in fact their agenda is profoundly anti-capitalism and anti-freedom.

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Thursday, January 20, 2022

“Saving Democracy” -- by Murdering Free Speech


Earlier this week, the Editorial Board at Issues & Insights published “The Murdering Of Free Speech In America”.  Below is their conclusion:

. . . We believe that private companies have the right to determine who may and may not participate in their forums, and our free press is at liberty to publish – or not publish – whatever it wishes. As others have said, it’s just business. It can also be personal. That’s just the messiness of freedom.

But when social media and the press are censoring at the behest of the government, when they become agents of the state, the threat to the First Amendment is real.

Tyrants have always feared and suppressed speech, and the Democratic Party is lousy with authoritarians who want not to govern but to rule as a single party. We see this in not only their pressure on the private sector to rid them of meddlesome characters who express ideas and make statements they don’t like but in their legislative agenda. They have an insatiable lust for permanent, unfettered control of government at all levels.

That’s the “democracy” the Democrats keep talking about saving in the next election. They crave it so intensely they’re willing to kill freedom of speech in exchange for a throne.

Read the full editorial here.

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